Indications and benefits of professional teeth cleaning

Many dental diseases are associated with the appearance and spread of pathogenic bacteria in the human oral cavity. Most of them cannot be removed on your own, even with careful and proper brushing of your teeth. People with a strong immune system may not be bothered by bacteria for a long time, but the risk of developing caries, stomatitis and other unpleasant diseases is still high. Therefore, professional oral hygiene is a necessary procedure for everyone who cares about dental health. At the InWhite Medical clinic, it is performed carefully, carefully and at an affordable cost; in addition, we often hold promotions for oral hygiene.

Hygiene = whitening?!

So much has already been said about the importance of maintaining oral hygiene.
However, patients are still wary of this procedure. Is it really that important?! Professional cleaning is one of the most important oral care procedures! Its colossal role is in the prevention of many diseases not only of teeth, but also of gums!

How often do you need to have your teeth cleaned by the dentist?

As a rule, subject to good home hygiene, professional cleaning is recommended for adults at least once every 6 months.

For those who smoke, drink a lot of coffee or are not very active in caring for their teeth at home - at least once every 3 months.

If you are undergoing orthodontic treatment - once every 3 months.

If you have inflammatory diseases of periodontal tissues, then after basic treatment by a periodontist, you need to carry out special (maintenance) hygiene once every 3 months. It additionally includes air-abrasive polishing of the root surface.

Teeth cleaning and whitening

Many people think that after brushing their teeth will become several shades lighter, but this is not true. Cleaning and whitening are completely different procedures.

The first is aimed at removing plaque, including pigmented plaque, cleaning all surfaces of teeth, and polishing them. After this manipulation, the teeth do look lighter, but only by 1-2 shades. But whitening can dramatically change the color of your smile due to various types of effects on tooth enamel. Thus, it becomes 8 or even 10 shades lighter, and this is a very noticeable difference.

What kind of plaque is there and why is regular teeth brushing not enough?

Soft plaque on teeth is divided into two main types - colorless and colored.

Colorless plaque appears, as a rule, when the oral apparatus is at rest, that is, at night during sleep or in between meals. It is quite easy to clean off with a regular toothbrush; it does not deposit in the spaces between the teeth, but if it is not removed in a timely manner, it can create an unpleasant putrid odor and taste.

Colored plaque is much more dangerous; it is from this that tartar subsequently appears. This is an ordinary plaque that has not been removed for a long time and is gradually stained by food, tobacco smoke and much more. This is what gives teeth an unpleasant yellow-brown color, and then causes various diseases.

Not everyone can understand that a toothbrush cannot cope with plaque. The fact is that the tooth is only partially located on the surface of the gum, a significant part of it is invisible to the eye, but the health of the teeth depends on it.

There is always a small cavity between the tooth and the gum in which bacteria accumulate and live, and accordingly, plaque can also form there. It also causes the formation of tartar, but this entire process is not noticeable because the inflammation occurs under the gum. Therefore, even snow-white teeth do not mean that you do not have problems. A toothbrush cannot penetrate this cavity; only a professional can clean it.

The accumulation of tartar under the gums causes inflammation, the first symptoms of which will be bleeding and slight soreness. But few people attach importance to them and solve the problem by using mouthwash; as a result, the symptoms decrease, but the problem itself only gets worse.

Gradually, the inflammation turns into periodontitis, and if you do not consult a dentist in a timely manner, it can lead to tooth loss. All this can be avoided if you resort to professional teeth cleaning at least once every six months.

How is professional hygiene performed?

Carrying out professional oral hygiene occurs in several stages.

  • To begin with, the patient, doctor and assistant are prepared. Then the oral cavity is cleaned of hard dental deposits - these are stones. An ultrasonic scaler helps get rid of them. This device creates vibration that easily breaks all the stones.

ATTENTION! If you have a pacemaker, the use of ultrasound machines is not recommended! This may adversely affect the performance of the heart pacemaker.

  • The next step is to clean the teeth from soft plaque using the AirFlow device. It works like a sandblaster. It delivers a mixture of cleaning powder and water under pressure. Abrasive particles of this composition remove soft and pigmented plaque from the enamel. Most often, the main active ingredient is soda; it cleans teeth very effectively and is completely safe. Glycine can also be used; it is more often taken for cleaning by children and people with an increased risk of allergies.

Thus, professional hygiene methods are: ultrasonic cleaning and cleaning with an AirFlow device.

After the manipulations, the doctor examines the oral cavity and cleans the interdental spaces, if necessary. After cleaning, carious cavities and other damage to the enamel are clearly visible, so the specialist can immediately tell which teeth exactly need therapeutic treatment.

  • The next step is to polish all surfaces of the teeth. This is a very important part of the procedure! On a smooth polished surface, plaque settles much more slowly. This reduces the risk of caries.

  • After cleaning, the enamel is remineralized. This is the saturation of the tooth with useful minerals, which strengthen the structure of hard tissues and also reduce increased sensitivity.

A full range of professional oral cleaning includes:

  • Removing all types of plaque
  • Teeth polishing
  • Remineralizing therapy

Features of the procedure

Procedures are carried out using special tools and devices. These are professional toothbrushes of varying hardness, abrasives, ultrasound and combined equipment, irrigators, therapeutic ointments. After professional oral hygiene, the doctor gives recommendations for cleaning your teeth and gums at home.

Professional oral hygiene in a clinical setting has a number of advantages:

  • the ability to remove all deposits, including in hard-to-reach places;
  • the ability to restore the natural shade of enamel without special bleaching;
  • absolute safety;
  • absence of discomfort and pain during professional hygiene.

Professional hygiene is an excellent prevention of periodontal diseases, since during the procedures, tooth enamel is enriched with the necessary mineral components. It is also worth noting that after removing deposits, carious lesions become clearly visible, which allows them to be healed in a timely manner. Grinding and polishing, used during professional manipulations, makes it possible to restore the shade of the enamel, which is especially important for prosthetics.

Sometimes after medical procedures in professional hygiene, tooth sensitivity may increase. Special remedies prescribed by the dentist help get rid of discomfort. These can be toothpastes, rinses, gels.

Oral hygiene has its contraindications:

  • viral and infectious diseases (hepatitis, HIV);
  • respiratory diseases;
  • bleeding disorders and circulatory system diseases;
  • dental diseases in the acute stage;
  • injuries and wounds in the oral cavity.

Contraindications to oral hygiene are: exacerbation of certain chronic diseases, the presence of a pacemaker in the patient, childhood (up to 14 years).

Cleaning for gum disease

Professional oral hygiene eliminates the main cause of inflammatory processes in the gum tissue - plaque. Thus, this procedure heals soft tissues. In the absence of stones and plaque, the gums restore their shape and function. Often, in cases of acute periodontitis or gingivitis, simple professional cleaning is sufficient to eliminate bleeding, pain and inflammation. Therefore, if you have acute or chronic gum disease, it is very important to visit your dentist regularly and maintain a good level of oral hygiene yourself.

Ultraviolet teeth whitening

At the Ilatan dental clinic, you also have the opportunity to replace the ultrasound procedure with an ultraviolet one. The big advantage of the latter is that it does not cause any discomfort, is safe and easy. The disadvantage is that it is not available to everyone, because it is quite expensive, but high quality and reliability are guaranteed.

Teeth whiteness can be maintained with proper care for up to five years, that is, it is enough to replace the ultrasonic procedure with an ultraviolet one every few years and your teeth will be in perfect condition. Professional whitening is carried out using the Zoom 3 system, which makes the procedure completely safe and even enjoyable. It involves applying a special gel to the surface of the teeth, which, under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, begins to act and discolor the teeth. It is completely safe for the gums and oral mucosa.

It is worth remembering that even snow-white teeth are susceptible to the formation of plaque and tartar, which means that procedures should not be completely ruled out. Cleaning the surface of teeth with ultraviolet light is professional teeth whitening.

The price is, of course, high, but the Ilatan dental clinic offers a variety of discounts and much more. A huge advantage of ultraviolet cleaning is that it greatly brightens teeth in a short period of time and has no contraindications. But you should only go to a qualified specialist for such a procedure, so a dental clinic is an ideal option.

What is the difference between individual and professional oral hygiene?

Individual hygiene includes all home methods for caring for the oral cavity. This is daily brushing with a manual, electric, sonic or any other brush, using brushes, rinses, irrigator or dental floss. Daily care determines the level of oral hygiene.

Professional hygiene helps to cope with the problem of accelerated plaque formation and removes stones that cannot be removed at home. Therefore, visiting a dentist prevents the occurrence of many oral diseases.

Stages of occupational hygiene according to the Swiss GBT protocol

Stage 1.

Examination and assessment of the condition of the oral cavity.

Stage 2.

Plaque staining, biofilm detection. Using this stage, we can demonstrate problem areas on the teeth that the patient does not clean at home.

Stage 3.

We evaluate individual risk factors for caries and periodontal disease, and select individual home hygiene products. We carry out supervised teeth cleaning together with the patient. We practice cleaning techniques and possible mistakes. We give recommendations on the use of electric toothbrushes and brushes for cleaning interdental spaces.

Stage 4.

Removal of biofilm and dental plaque using AIRFLOW technology. We carry out professional hygiene in our clinic using the innovative AIRFLOW Prophylaxis Master device, a device from the Swiss EMS brand.

Only in such a device we have the opportunity to use fine powder AIRFLOW Plus, based on erythritol. The size of erythritol granules is only 14 microns (micrometer), which is 7 times smaller than the thickness of a human hair! Microscopic particles penetrate into the most inaccessible places and remove biofilm.

The method provides 100% access around orthodontic braces - there is no need to remove arches and elastic bands before professional hygiene.

Stage 5.

PERIOFLOW removal of subgingival biofilm. PERIOFLOW technology cleans deep periodontal pockets, gently and thoroughly. Cleans the surface around the implant, extending its service life.

Stage 6.

According to indications - removing tartar using the PIEZON PS attachment. We carry out targeted, painless and gentle removal of tartar using the new PIEZON® PS attachment. We treat the surfaces of implants and composite restorations.

Stage 7.

Quality control of the procedure and saturation of tooth enamel with minerals. It is important to ensure that plaque is completely removed. Next is a thorough diagnosis of caries, because on perfectly clean teeth it cannot hide even in the initial stage, the stain stage. We also saturate teeth with fluoride-containing preparations.

Stage 8.

Planning the schedule for next visits.

Have you had professional oral hygiene done?
What to pay attention to after the procedure? Follow the recommendations of our dentists!
Professional oral hygiene: reviews

NatalyaJanuary 07, 2021

Thank you Olga Valentinovna for the excellent work! In addition to professionalism, every movement and word conveys sincere care, which is especially valuable in our time. The procedure was comfortable, taking into account the fact that I have increased sensitivity of some teeth. I liked the detailed consultation and extensive recommendations regarding home care. I will be happy to come again and recommend to friends. Special thanks to assistant Nadezhda, administrators and coordinator Ekaterina for the competent and clear organization. BELGRAVIA DENTAL STUDIO TEAM:

Natalya, thank you for your kind words addressed to the doctor and our entire team! Yes, we give detailed recommendations because we believe proper home care is very important! We are always happy to help you and thank you for your willingness to recommend us!

Ekaterina MaksimovaJanuary 05, 2021

I thank Konstantin Sklyarov for the brilliant professional hygiene!:) Konstantin is a professional magician! Very friendly, attentive, neat and calm doctor. He performed the work efficiently, without fuss, spoke in detail about the initial condition of the teeth, the procedures performed, and showed additional techniques for caring for the oral cavity. Konstantin, thank you for the excellent result, useful information and caring attitude! Good luck to you and further development in your profession! Always be the same great specialist! BELGRAVIA DENTAL STUDIO TEAM:

Ekaterina, thank you for your kind words! We are very glad that you liked the professional hygiene. Come again, we are always ready to help you!

EvgeniyDecember 23, 2020

I was very afraid to go for cleaning, my teeth were sensitive, I thought it would be very painful, but no, everything turned out to be completely painless. Valeria Vladimirovna explained in great detail how to brush your teeth, where in my case you should pay special attention, etc. And of course, when you feel a kind, respectful attitude from a doctor, this in itself is like anesthesia :)

Radmila December 07, 2020

I would like to express my deep gratitude to the doctor Konstantin Aleksandrovich and his assistant for my shiny, clean teeth. I had a cleaning procedure, and the effect was as if it had also been whitened, I’m very pleased!! In a very pleasant, cheerful atmosphere, quickly and with full consultation, without questions, the highest level! Thanks to the doctors of this clinic, I stopped being afraid of dentists, now any procedure is a joy!) Thank you!!! BELGRAVIA DENTAL STUDIO TEAM:

We are glad that you have such a great result! We do a lot for this, purchase new equipment for professional hygiene, use the most modern materials, special powders that do not spoil the enamel, but at the same time clean perfectly. Thank you very much for your feedback! Come again!

SarahDecember 03, 2020

I express my gratitude to the hygienist Ekaterina Vladimirovna Grechukhina for the pearly beauty and freshness of my teeth! Hygiene was as painless and even pleasant as possible, thanks to the latest equipment, the light hands of Ekaterina Vladimirovna and assistant Daria, attentive and very neat! Recommendations and training were given on home care, choosing a toothbrush and toothpaste. THANKS A LOT! Highly recommend! BELGRAVIA DENTAL STUDIO TEAM:

Thank you very much for your review and willingness to recommend us! Yes, we work hard to make every procedure in our clinic stress-free. This applies to both hygiene and treatment. Thanks for appreciating this!

VladislavNovember 13, 2020

The second time I visited Dr. O.V. Kogotko. and the second time I am very pleased with the result. The doctor did everything very carefully and thoroughly, not a single hint of pain, real “light hands.” During and after the procedure I received complete instructions on dental care. I strongly recommend the doctor to my friends! BELGRAVIA DENTAL STUDIO TEAM:

thank you very much for your feedback! Olga Valentinovna has really light and gentle hands, I agree with you! Good health, always happy to help!

Ekaterina November 04, 2020

Olenina Ekaterina Valentinovna you are now my tooth fairy! Thank you so much for an extraordinary 1.5 hours! I watched the film while brushing, without any unpleasant sensations and with the extraordinary care of the tooth fairy Catherine. I didn’t even expect that it was possible to achieve such a result of beautiful and clean teeth. So much useful information and gifts not only for me, but also for my daughter. What a pity that I didn’t know about such a wonderful clinic and extraordinary specialists before. BELGRAVIA DENTAL STUDIO TEAM:

It’s so good that you are with us now! Yes, we take professional hygiene as seriously as we take treatment. At the same time, we do everything carefully and gently. Thank you very much for noticing all this! We are always happy to help you!

KaterinaSeptember 26, 2020

I turned to Ekaterina Vladimirovna with bleeding gums. The doctor did a very good job of cleaning. After cleaning, she competently pointed out mistakes made during independent oral hygiene and advised how to avoid them in the future. Two days after visiting the doctor, the bleeding completely disappeared! Thank you very much for your professional help! And Ekaterina Vladimirovna also has very gentle hands! BELGRAVIA DENTAL STUDIO TEAM:

Thank you for your feedback!:) We are very glad that we helped you cope with the problem! Gentle hands are extremely important for a dentist Good health, we will always be happy to help you!

Ekaterina September 22, 2020

I express my deep gratitude to the hygienist Valeria Vladimirovna Goncharova, for her gentle hands, for her kind attitude towards patients, for her skill and qualified approach! I recommend this wonderful specialist, a master of his craft! BELGRAVIA DENTAL STUDIO TEAM:

thank you very much for such kind words! We will definitely pass them on to Valeria Vladimirovna! And good health to you!

Olga31 July 2020

“It would be happiness, but misfortune would help”... I lost a tooth, a crown on a pin, and decided to go to the clinic that I had dreamed of, but had put off visiting for a very long time. The road to treatment and recovery will be long. And I am very happy that my first appointment was with Olga Valentinovna Kogotko. Since she, no one has ever performed hygiene on me before, anywhere! In addition to the amazing result (my family and work colleagues immediately noticed brighter teeth, and this without bleaching), I want to note the affectionate, calm, non-critical attitude towards me. Having some practice of treatment in “fashionable” dentistry behind me, I realized how behind the times the technology in them is... My story in your clinic began with Olga Valentinovna and I was incredibly surprised by the high professionalism and ability to psychologically manage and calm the patient. And strangely enough, she taught me to just breathe during the no longer tiring procedure)) And I’m already waiting for the time to lie down in Olga Valentinovna’s chair again)) Bravo! And thanks to the sweet angel assistant! BELGRAVIA DENTAL STUDIO TEAM:

thank you very much for your feedback! We are very happy to work with you and are always ready to help!

Victoria07 July 2020

I would like to express my deep gratitude to Dr. Ekaterina Vladimirovna Grechukhina for her professional approach and careful treatment! The professional cleaning procedure was painless and of high quality. Very neat and attentive doctor! The results are amazing, you don't even need to bleach! The clinic has a very pleasant atmosphere and excellent service! I will only recommend you to everyone! BELGRAVIA DENTAL STUDIO TEAM

: Victoria, thank you for your feedback and for your willingness to recommend us! We are very glad that we helped you, we are always glad to see you in our clinic!

Anna20 June 2020

I express my deep gratitude to V.V. Goncharova. The doctor performed hygienic cleaning of very sensitive teeth completely painlessly! I am very glad that I came to you. Previously, I had a very difficult time undergoing this procedure in another clinic. Now only go to her for cleaning) . Everything went very comfortably, without discomfort. Valeria Vladimirovna told me about important recommendations for dental care, for which she is very grateful!!! BELGRAVIA DENTAL STUDIO TEAM:

thank you very much! We are very glad that we helped you! Yes, indeed, we know how to turn professional hygiene into a pleasant spa procedure for teeth. You are always welcome!

NatalyaJanuary 07, 2021

Thank you Olga Valentinovna for the excellent work! In addition to professionalism, every movement and word conveys sincere care, which is especially valuable in our time. The procedure was comfortable, taking into account the fact that I have increased sensitivity of some teeth. I liked the detailed consultation and extensive recommendations regarding home care. I will be happy to come again and recommend to friends. Special thanks to assistant Nadezhda, administrators and coordinator Ekaterina for the competent and clear organization. BELGRAVIA DENTAL STUDIO TEAM:

Natalya, thank you for your kind words addressed to the doctor and our entire team! Yes, we give detailed recommendations because we believe proper home care is very important! We are always happy to help you and thank you for your willingness to recommend us!

Ekaterina MaksimovaJanuary 05, 2021

I thank Konstantin Sklyarov for the brilliant professional hygiene!:) Konstantin is a professional magician! Very friendly, attentive, neat and calm doctor. He performed the work efficiently, without fuss, spoke in detail about the initial condition of the teeth, the procedures performed, and showed additional techniques for caring for the oral cavity. Konstantin, thank you for the excellent result, useful information and caring attitude! Good luck to you and further development in your profession! Always be the same great specialist! BELGRAVIA DENTAL STUDIO TEAM:

Ekaterina, thank you for your kind words! We are very glad that you liked the professional hygiene. Come again, we are always ready to help you!

EvgeniyDecember 23, 2020

I was very afraid to go for cleaning, my teeth were sensitive, I thought it would be very painful, but no, everything turned out to be completely painless. Valeria Vladimirovna explained in great detail how to brush your teeth, where in my case you should pay special attention, etc. And of course, when you feel a kind, respectful attitude from a doctor, this in itself is like anesthesia :)


It's nice to hear such feedback! Thank you! We are always glad to see you as a guest at the clinic! :-)

Belgravia Dental Studio Team

Radmila December 07, 2020

I would like to express my deep gratitude to the doctor Konstantin Aleksandrovich and his assistant for my shiny, clean teeth. I had a cleaning procedure, and the effect was as if it had also been whitened, I’m very pleased!! In a very pleasant, cheerful atmosphere, quickly and with full consultation, without questions, the highest level! Thanks to the doctors of this clinic, I stopped being afraid of dentists, now any procedure is a joy!) Thank you!!! BELGRAVIA DENTAL STUDIO TEAM:

We are glad that you have such a great result! We do a lot for this, purchase new equipment for professional hygiene, use the most modern materials, special powders that do not spoil the enamel, but at the same time clean perfectly. Thank you very much for your feedback! Come again!

SarahDecember 03, 2020

I express my gratitude to the hygienist Ekaterina Vladimirovna Grechukhina for the pearly beauty and freshness of my teeth! Hygiene was as painless and even pleasant as possible, thanks to the latest equipment, the light hands of Ekaterina Vladimirovna and assistant Daria, attentive and very neat! Recommendations and training were given on home care, choosing a toothbrush and toothpaste. THANKS A LOT! Highly recommend! BELGRAVIA DENTAL STUDIO TEAM:

Thank you very much for your review and willingness to recommend us! Yes, we work hard to make every procedure in our clinic stress-free. This applies to both hygiene and treatment. Thanks for appreciating this!

VladislavNovember 13, 2020

The second time I visited Dr. O.V. Kogotko. and the second time I am very pleased with the result. The doctor did everything very carefully and thoroughly, not a single hint of pain, real “light hands.” During and after the procedure I received complete instructions on dental care. I strongly recommend the doctor to my friends! BELGRAVIA DENTAL STUDIO TEAM:

thank you very much for your feedback! Olga Valentinovna has really light and gentle hands, I agree with you! Good health, always happy to help!

Ekaterina November 04, 2020

Olenina Ekaterina Valentinovna you are now my tooth fairy! Thank you so much for an extraordinary 1.5 hours! I watched the film while brushing, without any unpleasant sensations and with the extraordinary care of the tooth fairy Catherine. I didn’t even expect that it was possible to achieve such a result of beautiful and clean teeth. So much useful information and gifts not only for me, but also for my daughter. What a pity that I didn’t know about such a wonderful clinic and extraordinary specialists before. BELGRAVIA DENTAL STUDIO TEAM:

It’s so good that you are with us now! Yes, we take professional hygiene as seriously as we take treatment. At the same time, we do everything carefully and gently. Thank you very much for noticing all this! We are always happy to help you!

KaterinaSeptember 26, 2020

I turned to Ekaterina Vladimirovna with bleeding gums. The doctor did a very good job of cleaning. After cleaning, she competently pointed out mistakes made during independent oral hygiene and advised how to avoid them in the future. Two days after visiting the doctor, the bleeding completely disappeared! Thank you very much for your professional help! And Ekaterina Vladimirovna also has very gentle hands! BELGRAVIA DENTAL STUDIO TEAM:

Thank you for your feedback!:) We are very glad that we helped you cope with the problem! Gentle hands are extremely important for a dentist Good health, we will always be happy to help you!

Ekaterina September 22, 2020

I express my deep gratitude to the hygienist Valeria Vladimirovna Goncharova, for her gentle hands, for her kind attitude towards patients, for her skill and qualified approach! I recommend this wonderful specialist, a master of his craft! BELGRAVIA DENTAL STUDIO TEAM:

thank you very much for such kind words! We will definitely pass them on to Valeria Vladimirovna! And good health to you!

Olga31 July 2020

“It would be happiness, but misfortune would help”... I lost a tooth, a crown on a pin, and decided to go to the clinic that I had dreamed of, but had put off visiting for a very long time. The road to treatment and recovery will be long. And I am very happy that my first appointment was with Olga Valentinovna Kogotko. Since she, no one has ever performed hygiene on me before, anywhere! In addition to the amazing result (my family and work colleagues immediately noticed brighter teeth, and this without bleaching), I want to note the affectionate, calm, non-critical attitude towards me. Having some practice of treatment in “fashionable” dentistry behind me, I realized how behind the times the technology in them is... My story in your clinic began with Olga Valentinovna and I was incredibly surprised by the high professionalism and ability to psychologically manage and calm the patient. And strangely enough, she taught me to just breathe during the no longer tiring procedure)) And I’m already waiting for the time to lie down in Olga Valentinovna’s chair again)) Bravo! And thanks to the sweet angel assistant! BELGRAVIA DENTAL STUDIO TEAM:

thank you very much for your feedback! We are very happy to work with you and are always ready to help!

Victoria07 July 2020

I would like to express my deep gratitude to Dr. Ekaterina Vladimirovna Grechukhina for her professional approach and careful treatment! The professional cleaning procedure was painless and of high quality. Very neat and attentive doctor! The results are amazing, you don't even need to bleach! The clinic has a very pleasant atmosphere and excellent service! I will only recommend you to everyone! BELGRAVIA DENTAL STUDIO TEAM

: Victoria, thank you for your feedback and for your willingness to recommend us! We are very glad that we helped you, we are always glad to see you in our clinic!

Anna20 June 2020

I express my deep gratitude to V.V. Goncharova. The doctor performed hygienic cleaning of very sensitive teeth completely painlessly! I am very glad that I came to you. Previously, I had a very difficult time undergoing this procedure in another clinic. Now only go to her for cleaning) . Everything went very comfortably, without discomfort. Valeria Vladimirovna told me about important recommendations for dental care, for which she is very grateful!!! BELGRAVIA DENTAL STUDIO TEAM:

thank you very much! We are very glad that we helped you! Yes, indeed, we know how to turn professional hygiene into a pleasant spa procedure for teeth. You are always welcome!

Next review

Recommendations after hygiene

After professional hygiene, it is recommended to adhere to several rules:

  • Quit smoking for 1-2 days. Nicotine penetrates very deeply into the enamel, thereby giving an unpleasant yellow tint to the teeth. In the first two days after cleaning, the enamel is very susceptible to various pigments, so in order to maintain excellent results, bad habits must be abandoned.
  • Limit the consumption of coloring products. White diet. Eating foods such as beets, carrots, tea, and coffee can lead to excessive pigment accumulation in the first days after visiting the dentist.
  • Avoid eating aggressive foods. This category includes spicy, salty, hot and cold foods. Such irritating factors can provoke manifestations of increased sensitivity of teeth.

If you follow the recommendations, the result will last longer and there will be no side effects.

Oral Care Tips

We have collected the top 5 tips from dentists that must be followed to keep your teeth beautiful and healthy.

  1. Don't go to bed with unclean teeth. Otherwise, the microbes will secrete lactic acid, which causes caries.
  2. Learn proper teeth brushing techniques. For example, clean them with smooth circular movements without strong pressure, hold the brush at an angle of 45 degrees, treat not only the outer, but also the inner and chewing surfaces of the teeth.
  3. Clean your tongue at the end of each brushing of your teeth, as plaque, consisting of dead mucous cells, food particles and microorganisms, is regularly deposited on it.
  4. Eat more fruits and vegetables. Plant foods contain dietary fiber that helps remove plaque from your teeth and tongue. In addition, fruits are excellent sources of vitamins to maintain oral health.
  5. Limit your consumption of starchy and sweet foods. The fast carbohydrates they contain stimulate the growth of cariogenic bacteria.

How much does the procedure cost?

The price of professional hygiene starts from 10,000 rubles. for a full range of hygiene procedures for both jaws. You can be confident in the quality and safety of the materials used at Dr. Lemberg's Dental Clinic. All manipulations are performed only by qualified specialists.

Oral hygiene is the most important aspect of oral care! Taking care of the cleanliness of your teeth means taking care of their health. A good level of hygiene and regular visits to the dentist can prevent many diseases at the earliest stages. The specialists at Dr. Lemberg Dental Clinic will take care of your smile and help you maintain healthy teeth!

How does the procedure work?

It is carried out in four stages; this separation allows you to most thoroughly and safely destroy all deposits.

  • First stage

Its main task is to remove hard plaque and tartar. The Ilatan Dental Clinic uses an ultrasound machine for this purpose.

Water and ultrasonic vibrations are supplied to a conveniently shaped nozzle, and when it comes into contact with hard deposits, they break off from the tooth surface. With increased sensitivity of the teeth, this can cause quite unpleasant sensations, so anesthesia can be performed at this stage.

This part of the procedure is completely safe for teeth and enamel. It is also possible to replace the ultrasonic device with an ultraviolet one.

  • Second phase

This is the cleaning of the surface of the teeth from soft plaque, attention is paid to hard-to-reach spaces.

For this purpose, AirFlow technology is used; it consists in applying a mixture of water and a special powder to the surface of the teeth under pressure.

Solid particles hit the tooth and gradually remove all dirt. This procedure has a slight whitening effect; as a rule, the enamel becomes its natural color. It is usually pleasant, as the powder comes in a variety of flavors - mint, lemon and others, but can sometimes cause a slight tingling sensation in the gums.

But after this stage, the surface of the tooth becomes smooth and pleasant to the touch.

  • Third stage

To prevent subsequent contamination, the oral cavity must be treated. This is exactly what the specialist does during the third stage. Polishing is done using special brushes and abrasive paste.

After this procedure, the teeth acquire a healthy appearance; all that remains is to maintain it for the next six months.

  • Fourth stage

It is optional and is mainly produced only for people with hypersensitive teeth. Its essence lies in the mineralization of teeth. The surface is coated with special varnishes containing various minerals and trace elements. This coating makes the tooth less sensitive to temperature changes and strengthens it. Quite often, such varnishes contain fluorine, which is why this procedure is called fluoridation.

In general, all stages take about 1-1.5 hours, depending on the degree of contamination of the oral cavity. For healthy teeth, it is recommended to undergo this procedure twice a year, but for certain diseases, when plaque forms in larger quantities, for example, with periodontal disease, professional teeth cleaning and whitening should be performed as the oral cavity becomes dirty.

But even after the procedure, you should not forget about daily self-cleaning of your teeth. In this case, toothpaste should be selected in accordance with the characteristics of the teeth, and the use of rinses and dental floss should not be neglected. Also, after undergoing professional oral hygiene procedures, you should not eat salty or sour foods.

( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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