Inflammation of bone tissue: symptoms and causes of the disease
Causes of necrosis Symptoms Classification Treatment Prevention Necrosis of the jaw is a severe inflammatory disease, with
the neck of the tooth is exposed, what to do
What to do if the necks of the teeth are exposed, how to treat it?
Tooth roots inevitably begin to become exposed in old age - this process is completely natural and
bone mass building
Healthy foods and other factors for strengthening bones
Bone health is extremely important for full functioning. Together with joints and muscles, bones give
Oral cancer: symptoms, diagnostic methods and prognosis
Malignant tumors can form in almost all anatomical areas. So, oral cancer symptoms
Diarotokan-Plus tincture for external use. approx. in fl. 50ml per pack. No. 1
Instructions for medications Dialek Scientific and Production Unitary Enterprise Dialek, Republic of Belarus INSTRUCTIONS (information for specialists)
Oral bacteria
The gum moves away from the tooth: reasons and what to do
Why do ulcers appear on the gums, and is it always dangerous? There are many possible reasons.
Gum injury Chelyabinsk
Traumatic tooth damage: how to save a broken tooth
Like any part of our body, our gums can also become injured. On the volume and nature of the received
From this article you will learn: the causes of gum inflammation, how gums are strengthened at the dentist,
How to get rid of epulis on the gum?
An abnormality such as bone spurs is often ignored until it actively progresses. Patients are often late
Best Candidate for Dental Bone Implantation
Everything You Need to Know About Dental Bone Graft
Dental implants are one of the most widely used methods to replace missing teeth. For this
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