What does gum hyperplasia look like?
Why is the gum on the tooth receding, what should I do?
If the dental crown breaks almost at the very root, there is a risk of it becoming overgrown with gum tissue.
Is it possible to take dental x-rays during pregnancy? What do the doctor's say
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Oral hygiene is of great importance for health. From childhood, everyone is taught how
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Flat warts: features and treatment options
Benign growths that appear on the body as a result of exposure to the human papillomavirus (HPV) are called
For what purpose and how is the gum trimmed for a crown?
An “attractive smile” means not only straight and snow-white teeth, but also regular contours
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What to do if a pimple appears on your lip?
Suspect No. 1 - herpes Cause. When pimples appear on the lips, the cause may be
What to do if there are gaps between the crowns?
Dentist's fault and inflammatory processes in the oral cavity One of the most common causes of
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