Popular models of Kez obturator
Kez obturator and other devices to eliminate the consequences of nonunion of the palate
500 Cleft palate is considered one of the most serious malformations of the jaw and face. According to
When is oral scaling performed?
Scaling the root and subgingival surfaces is the key to healthy and beautiful teeth
The essence of the term “scaling” Many patients are interested in what oral scaling is. This is a professional procedure
White plaque on gums
White plaque on the gums - causes, symptoms, complications, treatment
White plaque on the gums can be a symptom of candidiasis, a disease caused by a fungus of the genus Candida. Under
Cysts, polyps of the paranasal sinuses. Odontogenic sinusitis: symptoms, causes, treatment
Polyps in the maxillary sinus appear as a result of chronic inflammatory processes. When it grows, it makes it difficult to breathe,
Toothpaste for periodontal disease and bleeding gums
From this article you will learn: the best toothpaste for bleeding gums, selection of toothpastes
CT diagnostics to identify complications of dental treatment in the maxillary sinuses
Removing filling material from the maxillary sinus
Treatment of the upper chewing teeth is associated with the risk of damage to the maxillary sinuses due to their close anatomical proximity.
Gastroenterology Incorrect diagnosis
Treatment of inferior turbinate pathology: review and critical evaluation of various techniques
Constant nasal congestion, persistent runny nose... We all know how unpleasant and debilitating it can be.
Nastya Ivleeva spoke about her plastic surgery
Anastasia Ivleeva before and after plastic surgery: how to make it look both funny and beautiful?
The host of the program “Heads and Tails” Nastya Ivleeva often appears on the list of the sexiest celebrities
A lump appeared on the child’s gum. What to do?
From this article you will learn: what to do if a child has an abscess on his gum, you need
Why did my gums turn white after wisdom tooth removal?
Many people have difficulty erupting their wisdom teeth because they do not have enough space.
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