Skyces have gone from being a dental decoration for adults to becoming a common hobby for young people.

Skyes are decorations in the form of rhinestones and other small objects that are attached directly to the surface of the tooth, are removable and do not require surgical intervention for installation. Such jewelry can be made from a wide variety of materials: metals (including precious ones), glass, precious stones, plastic, etc. The average size of such jewelry varies from 2.5 to 3 mm in diameter. Skyes can have almost any shape: diamond-shaped, square and oval.

It is important to understand that such decorations are installed for a long period of time, so they must be certified. Skyces are installed for a short or long period of time, therefore they are made from 100% biocompatible materials, the most common of which is zirconium crystal .

Skyes - dental jewelry


  1. Types of decorations
  2. How to stick it
  3. Feelings after gluing
  4. Contraindications for smile decor
  5. How to care
  6. If the skyce fell off
  7. Life time

For most modern people, a snow-white, healthy smile is enough to feel beautiful.
But some people don’t want to be like everyone else and decide to decorate their fangs or incisors with rhinestones. It is believed that the origins of this unusual fashion are the famous singer Madonna. It was she who decided to be the first to go out into the world with a smile decorated with expensive stones. Today, to transform the front units, twinkles, grills, various stickers, etc. are used. But the most popular are still special rhinestones. They are also called skyes. The cost of these elements is quite high, but this in no way reduces the high demand for them among patients in dental clinics.

It should be noted that rhinestones are not always glued to teeth just like that. They are often used to disguise existing enamel defects and turn unsightly flaws into advantages.

Skyces do not interfere with aligner treatment

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The difference between ordinary rhinestones and skyes made specifically for teeth

On sale you can find a huge number of rhinestones made from different materials, differing in color, shape, and cost. But only special rhinestones are suitable for use in dentistry. And you shouldn’t risk your health and put something in your mouth yourself.

Special dental rhinestones have a longer service life, are protected from accidental peeling and are made so that they can remain in the humid environment of the oral cavity for a long time without destruction. Ordinary rhinestones do not have such properties. And even when going to the dentist, be sure to clarify what kind of rhinestones they offer you for decoration.

Types of decorations

To decorate teeth with rhinestones, doctors use beautiful stones made from:

  • precious and semi-precious metals (silver, gold);

  • precious and non-precious stones (sapphires, rubies, diamonds, porcelain, composite material).

The easiest and most affordable way to change the appearance of your smile is to apply a sticker made of iridescent crystal glass. But due to its low cost, such an element does not last long.

The size and thickness of the decorative component may vary. Most often, skyces are round, but there are also models in the form of stars, crosses, hearts, and crescents. Part parameters may vary depending on the individual preferences of the patient and his financial capabilities.


The main goal pursued by fans of rhinestones is to improve the appearance of their teeth.

Most often, such decoration is preferred by teenagers who want to express themselves, public figures and people who, due to their occupation, have to communicate a lot.

In addition to the desire to attract attention, rhinestones, skyces and other dental products are often used to hide visible enamel defects in the smile area - cracks, chips, pigment spots.

What is an open bite and methods of its treatment. This article is all about teeth whitening using activated carbon.

Follow the link if you are interested in reviews from dentists about Lakalyut toothpaste.

How to stick it

Before moving on to the decorating stage, the dentist carefully examines the patient’s oral cavity and determines whether there are any diseases. If caries, pulpitis, gingivitis or any other pathology is diagnosed, its preliminary treatment is carried out. It is important that there is no stone or soft plaque. If you need to carry out bleaching, then this procedure is also done in advance.

When the preparation is left behind, the customer is offered to choose the decoration. The part is degreased with alcohol. The tooth surface is treated with a special compound and polishing paste. Each layer is dried separately. Then the dental crown is coated with a finishing gel. It is held for about twenty seconds and washed off, and the surface is dried again.

The next step is applying dental adhesive. The skye is fixed onto the liquid composite. The decoration is carefully smoothed with an applicator and dried with a photopolymer lamp. Excess composite layer is removed.

Thus, decorating teeth with rhinestones is not associated with damage to the enamel, preparation, or the formation of an in-depth bed with a drill. The procedure does not affect the health of the tooth.

Skyce lasts for several years. Then it usually falls off on its own. It can be glued to crowns, fillings, and veneers. It does not change the characteristics of the “working surface”. At the same time, it perfectly masks stains, cracks, chips and other types of dental defects.

Tribute to fashion

Is it necessary to install skyces on your teeth, following the fashion trend? The desire to look modern prompted some fashionistas to install inlays of precious stones deep into the enamel layer. However, fashion is a transitory phenomenon, and after a few years, dental decoration may already look outdated.

It should be noted that decorative elements will emphasize uniqueness only in the case of natural whiteness and beauty of the dentition. Applique on yellow teeth will emphasize not the beauty of the smile, but the unkemptness. Therefore, rhinestones are not installed in patients with crooked teeth or accentuated yellow bones.

Skyce dentistry will not determine if the patient has bleeding gums or chronic inflammatory processes in the oral cavity.

Is it worth installing a skyce on a child’s tooth? Children often strive to pay tribute to fashion without thinking about the consequences. The solution to this problem is simple: offer a sticker instead of Skyce. Stickers can be changed constantly, they do no harm. It is better to refuse tattoos on a child’s enamel.

Tattoos are also done in dental offices using special equipment. Such compositions last on enamel from a day to six months. After applying the design to the enamel, you should limit yourself to the consumption of fruits, solid foods and hot drinks - otherwise the design will be erased.

An excellent alternative to a tattoo on a living tooth is a design on a removable crown - it can always be removed.

Contraindications for smile decor

It is important to understand that skyces are glued only to healthy teeth. If the unit hurts, wobbles, is affected by caries, then there can be no talk of any decorative decoration. First you need to cure the tooth, and only after that you can think about improving its appearance.

Gluing is not allowed if the enamel is very thin and sensitive to temperature changes. Also, decoration is not suitable for people who have been diagnosed with malocclusion - the curvature of individual units may worsen. With bruxism - involuntary grinding at night - there is no point in fixing the skyes, since they will fall off very quickly.

Jewelry can be placed on both baby and molar teeth. They hold up worse on crowns than on natural incisors and canines.

What to choose?

If the issue of decorating teeth with appliqué is urgent, you need to calculate the degree of risk. The safest way to decorate is a sticker - it is not expensive, is completely safe for enamel and is easy to remove.

Rhinestones with skys are also relatively safe, however, to fix these decorative ornaments, an adhesive base is used, which affects the enamel. Jewelry in the form of rhinestones and skyes requires certain dietary restrictions - not everything can be eaten and drunk. You must be prepared for this.

Jewelry in the form of twinkles is undesirable: to hold the metal element on the enamel, substances are used that have a destructive effect on its structure. It is better to install Twinkles on “dead teeth” or on crowns.

Inlaying involving drilling through healthy tooth tissue under a precious stone is considered dangerous to dental health. It is better to immediately abandon this procedure or enlay the tooth without a nerve. An alternative is a crown with inlay.

It should be remembered that skyces are incubators of bacterial plaque due to poor quality care of the decorative element. Owners of a shining accessory take care of their jewelry and try to touch it as carefully as possible. As a result, plaque settles on the enamel, which contributes to the development of caries over time.

The pursuit of fashion and beauty always has a downside. If you decide to follow the fashion trend, be prepared to devote enough time to your teeth and give up many of your usual products.

Sources used:

  • “Aesthetic dentistry and ceramic restorations (Tuati B.)
  • Proffitt U.R., Modern orthodontics (3rd edition), MEDpress-inform, 2015, 560 p.
  • Nanodentistry / V.A. Rumyantsev. — M.: Medical Information Agency

How to care

There is virtually no difference in oral care before and after skyce installation. The patient should use a toothbrush and toothpaste twice a day, and do not forget about floss, irrigators, and rinses. The only thing is that the sticker area should not be rubbed too hard with a brush, as this can speed up the peeling off of the decorative pebble.

The service life of the skyce can be extended by reducing the chewing load on it. There is no need to chew hard foods or foreign objects. The sticker will last much longer if you treat it with care.

Tips for parents

The desire to stand out among the crowd and emphasize individuality is inherent not only in adults, but also in children.

Parents should not dissuade their children from the new dental trend. Installing rhinestones in a good clinic will not only not cause harm, but will also bring several positive aspects:

  • Before installing the decorative stone, the dentist will sanitize the child’s oral cavity, which makes it possible to identify and treat existing diseases.
  • To maintain shine for a long time, the child will have to more carefully monitor the condition of the dentition and regularly perform hygiene procedures.

If the skyce fell off

There is no need to despair. You can make an appointment with the dentist on the same day and have it re-installed. The doctor will offer new options for stones, from which the patient will choose the one that suits his smile.

If, after peeling off the rhinestone, the client no longer wants to decorate his teeth, he should still visit a doctor. The doctor will grind the area where the element was located. Due to this, the surface of the crown will regain its former smoothness and lighten a little.

Gemstone inlay

In the recent past, there was a fashion for inlaid teeth with precious stones, however, such a procedure is traumatic for the enamel - it is necessary to drill a hole for the stone.

Therefore, you should immediately abandon the implantation of precious crystals into the enamel structure. This causes irreparable damage to the tooth - the enamel layer does not grow after removal. Instead of inlay, you can try the appliqué method - applying a decorative element to the surface of the enamel without puncture.

The application can be removed at any time, while the surface of the crown remains intact and healthy. After removing the built-in element, you will need to put a seal.

If the desire to be encrusted with precious stones is irresistible, then you should decorate the tooth with the nerves removed. A common problem with inlaid living teeth is pain when eating hot food: the stone expands under the influence of high temperatures. The same applies to visiting steam rooms. A tooth without a nerve will not respond with a painful signal to the brain.

Veneers and overlay crowns can be encrusted with precious stones - the best way to decorate your smile with precious radiance.

Life time

Decorating your smile is a temporary measure. According to statistics, such stones last from one to four years. After removing the element, you need to make sure that no caries has formed under it.

It is also advisable to undergo professional oral hygiene. After all, while wearing a rhinestone, you have to very carefully clean the decorated unit and its neighbors, which means that tartar forms faster at their bases.


In addition to the undoubted advantages, there is also a serious disadvantage that arises when using precious stones.

When a diamond or other stone is inlaid into the tooth surface, the integrity of the enamel is damaged, which can subsequently lead to increased sensitivity of the incisors, especially when eating cold and hot foods.

In addition, after removing the jewelry from the tooth, a hole will remain in its place, which will have to be covered with a composite material in order to avoid the development of caries and restore its aesthetic appearance.

Recommendations and tips on how to properly care for teeth for adults and children. Read here about the diagnosis and treatment methods of pericoronitis.

At this address you will find real reviews about laser dental treatment.


The cost of dental jewelry can vary greatly. It depends on the type and shape of the stone used:

  1. Glass rhinestones will cost 1000-1500 rubles.
  2. The cost of a sticker on teeth is 500-1000 rubles.
  3. When using rhinestones from Swarovski, the price rises to 3000-5000 rubles.
  4. Skyes with precious stones and metals can cost up to 10,000 rubles.

The video goes into more detail about installing and wearing dental jewelry.

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