Types of tooth extension Restoration The photopolymer restoration method is suitable for a minor degree of destruction - carious
Let us pay attention to a problem that is relevant for almost 80% of Russians. Let's figure out how to correct a malocclusion
For prosthetics and restoration of teeth in modern dentistry, various materials can be used, and one
What is a papilloma on the tongue? It is not difficult to detect the presence of a growth on the surface of the tongue. This
Types of massage Finger massage Contraindications Gum massage will be useful for everyone. It improves blood circulation,
Home / Interpretation of Dreams / A tooth has broken off. A person on a subconscious level can hold how
Infectious and inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity are often diagnosed in children. Doctors explain it
Causes Types of prevention Hygiene Treatment in the stain stage How to avoid? Caries - damage to hard
It has been proven that using an electric toothbrush makes daily teeth brushing much more effective.
Algorithm for applying a sling-shaped bandage to the chin. Indications: wounds, burns, fixation of bandages after surgical interventions,