Fluoride-free toothpaste: list of products for children and adults

From this article you will learn all the toothpastes without fluoride. And make a choice which one to buy for brushing your teeth by reading the lists of the best products.

Fluorine is a gaseous substance. Initially, the fact that fluoride paste was harmful to the body was considered true. Doctors and scientists even tried to prove its authenticity. However, in the mid-20th century, fluoride was discovered to help treat many oral diseases. It was from this moment that pastes with fluoride began to gain popularity. Now almost every company involved in the production of toothpastes has at least one sample of toothpaste with fluoride in its arsenal. To make a decision, let’s consider how this element affects the human body.

General information about this chemical element

One of the traditional components included in dental hygiene products is fluoride.
More precisely, its various compounds that can be absorbed by our body. However, there are situations when such pastes are used in regions that are known for high levels of this element in water - 1.1 mg/l or higher . Then dentists recommend using toothpastes without fluoride for daily hygiene procedures.

In nature, this element is found in the form of various compounds, such as
fluorosilicate and sodium fluoride, fluorosilicic acid , and quite rarely.
Most of it enters the human body with drinking water - about 60–80%. In many regions where natural water contains too little of this component, it can even be fluoridated for preventive purposes.

In fact, it is not in vain that fluoride is added to hygiene products, as it has a beneficial effect on dental health . However, everything is good only in moderation. An excess of this element can, on the contrary, have a bad effect not only on the condition of tooth enamel, but also cause harm to the entire body.

Moreover, if household osmotic (as well as carbon) filters for drinking water are widely used in the area where you live, you should not worry too much. After all, most of the fluorides – up to 84% – are removed during the filtration process.

How does fluoride affect the body?

Fluoride is necessary during the period of strengthening tooth enamel: during the growth of baby teeth, after the appearance of the first molars. The value of the compound lies in its ability to retain calcium, so teeth and bones with a lack of fluoride may lose hardness and strength.

The element is also important for oral health. Scientists have long confirmed the negative impact of fluoride ions on pathogenic bacteria. Fluoridated paste strengthens enamel, neutralizes microbes, and dissolves plaque residues.

Benefits for the body

The adult body's need for this element ranges from 1.5 to almost 3 mg per day .
Fluorine affects fat and carbohydrate metabolism, and also takes an active part in the formation of hard structures - bones and teeth (in particular, enamel - the most durable and hard layer that covers the tooth). This element is a kind of cement for enamel, helping to retain calcium in it. This makes the tissue stronger, thereby reducing the risk of tooth decay.

It is also believed that compounds of this element contained in hygiene products have an antibacterial effect . Reducing the number of pathogens in your mouth also means you are less likely to develop tooth decay or other dental problems.

During the cleaning process, some of the fluoride compounds fall on the enamel, “patching” various microdamages that reduce its strength. These same compounds begin to react – “bind” – with molecular calcium in free form from saliva.

By connecting, these two elements form a special compound - fluorapatite , which provides incredible strength and serves as excellent protection for teeth.

Who is fluoride contraindicated for?

Photo: advanced dental fluorosis

Despite the proven benefits of the element, the list of fluoride-free toothpastes is expanding every day. Their range is expanding for many reasons, but primarily due to the high fluoride content in publicly available drinking water. In some regions of Russia, the saturation of water with this element is so high that local residents develop fluorosis.

An excess of fluoride compounds causes a malfunction of the thyroid gland, which ceases to produce hormones “programmed” by nature, diabetes mellitus, and chronic intoxication.

Children living in regions with high levels of fluoride in water are at risk of developing abnormalities such as:

  • early memory impairment;
  • problems related to intellectual activity;
  • weakened immunity;
  • arthritis.

An excess of the element is harmful not only for children, but also for adults - women suffer from infertility, and testosterone production slows down in men. Doctors note an increase in the number of cancer patients in those regions of Russia where the water is oversaturated with fluoride.

Note! The only water that poses a health hazard is water whose fluoride content is several times higher than the norm. Small deviations in the composition of drinking water do not affect human health.

What does excess fluoride lead to?

If you overuse fluoride-containing toothpastes, especially in regions with an increased amount of the substance in running water, you can get an excess of this element in the body. This can cause serious complications with the body, namely:

  • The appearance of fluorosis, the appearance of white spots on the enamel that darken over time.
  • Disruption of metabolic processes in the oral cavity.
  • Large deformation of bone tissue.
  • The mineralization of teeth and bones is impaired.
  • Memory deteriorates, the functioning of the nervous system is disrupted.
  • The functioning of the thyroid gland worsens.
  • Regular ingestion of fluoride can cause cancer.


Features of using fluoride-free toothpaste

In the absence of fluorine-containing components, the acidic environment has an increased destructive effect. Therefore, additional measures need to be taken to mitigate their impact. Let's give some recommendations.

The main rule is oral hygiene every time after eating. After eating food, microorganisms begin to multiply in the mouth. This means they need to be removed. In this case, it is better to choose pastes with the presence of xylitol or xylitol in the recipe. This reduces the risk of caries.

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Products containing sugar are the most aggressive on teeth. They take on calcium and make the enamel thinner. Therefore, eating sweets should be kept to a minimum.

Oral care for at least three minutes is considered effective. When it comes to children, this rule is observed extremely rarely. To ensure that no germs remain on the surface of the teeth, you need to carefully remove all food particles and plaque. At the same time, ensure that children maintain hygiene.

Advantages and disadvantages

Pastes that do not contain fluoride are recommended to prevent fluorosis if there is a threat of its occurrence. To recognize such a paste, you need to study the composition in detail. Compounds such as sodium fluoride, monofluorophosphate, aluminum and tin fluoride, and amino fluoride should be avoided.

Among the advantages of fluoride-free toothpastes are the following:

  • Such pastes do not pose a threat to the body if swallowed, which is especially important in childhood.
  • Prevents the occurrence of fluorosis, characterized by the appearance of white spots on the teeth that darken over time.
  • Fluorides create a protective layer on the teeth in the form of a thin film, protecting the enamel from the effects of negative external factors.
  • Such pastes are relevant for areas and regions where the amount of fluoride in drinking water is more than 1.0 mg per liter.

Are there any disadvantages to this type of paste? The disadvantages include the following points:

  • In the absence of fluoride, according to studies, the risk of caries increases by 40%.
  • With a lack of fluoride, plaque and tartar deposits form faster, and the enamel darkens faster.
  • When using toothpastes without fluoride, the growth and spread of pathogenic bacteria in the oral cavity may accelerate.

Composition of products without its content

Fortunately, after a series of studies and awareness of the harm of fluoride-containing pastes, the manufacturer began to create products without this element. Let's look at their composition.

Every fluoride-free toothpaste uses calcium, or more precisely, its compounds. Calcium compounds help demineralize teeth when there is excess fluoride, and also help eliminate it . Most often, such toothpastes are needed by children, since baby teeth are very sensitive and are easily exposed to fluoride compounds.

How do you know if you need fluoride toothpaste or not?

If drinking water is fluoridated, then for most adults and children with healthy teeth and a low risk of tooth decay, regular brushing with fluoride toothpaste is considered sufficient.

If your local drinking water is not fluoridated and does not contain enough natural fluoride (about 1 mg/L), your dentist or pediatrician may prescribe daily fluoride drops or tablets, especially for children.

Your dentist or pediatrician will advise you on the optimal levels of fluoride for your health.

You can find out if your water is fluoridated by calling your local water utility. If it comes from a private well or well, order its chemical analysis from a special independent laboratory.

Having carried out the above measures, you can make a unanimous decision about whether you need to additionally enrich your teeth with fluoride using a toothpaste to clean them.

If you find out that the content of this element in water fluctuates within normal limits, then fluoride-free toothpaste will be perfect for you. Excessive presence of this element in water can negatively affect not only the condition of your teeth, but the entire body.

In this case, it is best to install special filters that can purify your water from fluoride compounds by 90%.


According to surveys conducted on various forums, fluoride-free pastes after ultrasonic cleaning procedures and for those patients who have increased sensitivity and bleeding. Many fluoride-free toothpastes from popular manufacturers helped get rid of a number of problems with the oral cavity, and also cleaned well and strengthened tooth enamel with natural and herbal ingredients.

However, many users believe that toothpastes without fluoride are just a cunning advertising ploy from the manufacturer and a small ingestion of the substance is negligible and will not lead to any consequences.

To maintain a beautiful smile in adults and children, it is important to choose a good teeth cleaning paste. Recently, there has been an opinion that fluoride has a negative effect on the body, so many people buy toothpastes without this element in the composition. This is especially true when choosing children's products.

How to choose toothpaste

When choosing therapeutic and prophylactic pastes, you need to pay attention to their purpose and composition. For example, these funds may include:

  1. For the prevention of caries: calcium components.
  2. For teeth whitening: carbamide (urea), hydrogen peroxide, powerful abrasives (more gentle based on silicon, rougher based on calcium carbonate or chalk).
  3. For increased tooth sensitivity: components of potassium compounds, hydroxyapatite, aminofluoride, strontium.
  4. For increased bleeding and gum inflammation: antiseptics (triclosan, chlorhexidine), plant extracts (green tea, chamomile, calendula, oak bark, etc.), plant oils, enzymes (lactoferrin, lysozyme, lactoperoxidase), vitamins (A, B, C , E).
  5. To refresh the oral cavity, soothe the mucous membranes, prevent inflammation in the mouth: essential oils or natural supplements. It is important to clarify the abrasiveness (cleaning ability) of this product. In case of increased tooth sensitivity, pastes with an abrasiveness of no more than 25 units are usually used.

The best abrasive (with gentle plaque removal) is silicon dioxide. The size of the cleaning particles is important. The smaller they are, the more gentle the cleaning will be.

If whitening is necessary and there are no problems with the enamel, you can use products with an abrasiveness of 90 c.u. or higher.

Fluoride-free toothpastes for adults

Let's take a closer look at the line of the most popular fluoride-free pastes, taking into account their advantages and disadvantages.

President Unique

Topping the list on most dental websites is fluoride-free toothpastes. President Unique contains: calcium compounds (glycerophosphate, lactate, pantothenate), potassium salts, xylitol, papain. Produced by an Italian company.

President Unique is designed for areas where the amount of fluoride in the water is high.

The “advantage” of the product is papain in its composition, which is able to dissolve plaque and prevent its new deposits, reducing high acidity. Papain is able to dissolve the plaque matrix, facilitating its removal.

The “minus” of President Unique can be called potassium salts in the composition of the product.

Although this component reduces tooth sensitivity, its daily use is not advisable. Otherwise, dulling of sensitivity can “lull vigilance” and help to miss early caries.

Therefore, President Unique is more suitable for temporary use, but less suitable for permanent use. The cost of this hygiene product is about 200 rubles.

SPLAT Biocalcium

This is a Russian dental product. Toothpaste without fluoride. This product contains components in the form of calcium lactate, hydroxyapatite, papain, and potassium salts.

The components of this paste help remove plaque and counteract its formation, strengthen tooth enamel. Contains fine particles of hydroxyapatite, which easily penetrates tooth enamel (less than 50 nanometers).

The SPLAT line contains several different products. The most popular of these representatives is Maximum toothpaste. It contains papain, hydroxyapatite, licorice extract, zinc extract, and an enzyme complex.

The “advantages” of this product are its affordable cost - about 130 rubles with high quality. The paste contains cleansing components that “block” unpleasant odors (zinc citrate) and components to protect the enamel from layers and colored deposits (polydon, papain).

This product is not inferior to imported toothpastes in terms of quality in use.

Silver Care Normal, fluoride-free, Silver

Claimed effects (confirmed by users): antiseptic, antibacterial, whitening, protection against periodontal disease and caries. A unique product containing colloidal silver. Other useful components: extracts of St. John's wort, chamomile, xylitol.

  • Country of origin: Russia.
  • Category – 14+.
  • Tube volume – 75 ml.
  • Estimated price – 150-180 rubles.

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Dentists recommend that those who are looking for a toothpaste without fluoride should choose this option. With prolonged use, this paste allows you to gently remove plaque and eliminate bleeding gums. Package cost – 183 rubles, volume – 100 ml.


  • Helps with periodontal disease;
  • Does not contain the harmful component SLS;
  • Suitable for long-term use;
  • Contains no parabens.


  • Ineffective in the fight against caries;
  • The composition contains soda as an abrasive substance;
  • Has a specific taste.

Aashadent, Cardamom and Ginger

Contains, in addition to the elements mentioned in the title, an extract from clove buds and cinnamon, as well as calcium, silicon, and sodium salts. Not everyone likes the specific Indian aroma, but many are willing to put up with it because of the effectiveness of the oriental mixture for bleeding gums.

  • Country of origin: India.
  • Category – for adults.
  • Tube volume – 100 ml.
  • Approximate price – 200 rubles.

Grandmother Agafya's recipes, Lingonberry

An excellent domestic product containing eight plant components, calcium carbonate, xylitol and other beneficial substances. It has an anti-caries effect, qualitatively whitens and polishes enamel, and helps with oral dysbacteriosis.

  • Country of origin: Russia.
  • Category – for adults.
  • Tube volume – 75 ml.
  • Estimated price – 135-150 rubles.

Malavit Dent Sage

An interesting version, which contains a unique combination of plant and mineral natural components. Malavit is famous for its antibacterial, decongestant, antiseptic, and refreshing effects. True, representatives of classical medicine are somewhat skeptical about it.

  • Country of origin: Russia.
  • Category – for adults.
  • Tube volume – 75 ml.
  • Estimated price – 150-170 rubles.

Biocon, Forest freshness

Consumers fall for the low price and the coveted mark, so we couldn’t help but mention this product. But please note that the composition contains bronopol, a preservative that many consider unsafe for health.

  • Country of origin: Ukraine-Russia-France.
  • Category – for adults.
  • Tube volume – 130 ml.
  • Estimated price – 50-60 rubles.

Siberian Health, Siberian propolis

The manufacturer focuses on the environmental friendliness of this product, but offers little information. We draw the readers' attention to the active ingredients, namely: geranium ether, bee propolis emulsion, bergenia, sea buckthorn, chamomile and sage extracts.

  • Country of origin: Russia.
  • Category – for adults.
  • Tube volume – 75 ml.
  • Estimated price – 190-200 rubles.

Asepta Sensitive

This is a product made in Russia (from the Svoboda factory), inexpensive - about 130 rubles. This product contains potassium citrate, papain, and hydroxyapatite.

This dental product, when used regularly, helps strengthen teeth, eliminate plaque and counteract its rapid accumulation.

The “disadvantage” of Asept Sensitive is the potassium citrate included in its composition, which reduces tooth sensitivity and allows caries to remain asymptomatically among the teeth.

New pearls with calcium

The main “advantage” of this product is its budget cost - about 30 rubles. In many respects, this product is no different from more expensive products.

“New Pearl” contains calcium citrate (previously contained glycerophosphate), which strengthens teeth. However, this product does not have any other useful components. But the cost of this paste is more than acceptable.

Rating of the best pastes

On sale you can find many fluoride-free teeth cleaning products made by various domestic and foreign manufacturers.

Important! High-quality pastes without fluoride must contain any of the calcium compounds: lactate, citrate, pantothenate or glycerophosphate.

Among the numerous pastes, there are several of the most popular and effective ones, the description of which is read below.


This Italian-made paste tops the rating of this type of product. Does not contain any fluoride compounds, therefore ideal for calcium deficiency, hypersensitivity or fluoride intolerance. It has an abrasiveness of RDA 75, so it easily removes dirt from the surface.

The active components of PRESIDENT Unique paste are easily digestible calcium pantetonate, glycephosphate, lactate, as well as papain, which facilitates the removal of plaque, and xylitol, which reduces the rate of plaque formation. The paste is suitable for daily dental care, perfectly removes bacterial plaque, returns natural shine to enamel, and reduces bleeding gums .

SPLAT – Biocalcium

This complex paste contains bioactive Calcis, produced from eggshells. Thanks to this, enamel is actively restored, tooth sensitivity is reduced, and areas damaged by caries are saturated with calcium. The natural enzyme papain in the composition prevents the formation of tartar. Sodium bicarbonate normalizes gum health. Plant enzymes promote easy and fresh breath.

SPLAT – Maximum

Bioactive toothpaste is designed to preserve long-lasting fresh breath, strengthen enamel and prevent caries. It contains zinc ions, which block the development of various microbes, as well as hydroxyapatite and plant extracts. A special whitening component is contained in high concentration, allowing you to restore whiteness to your teeth after drinking coffee and tobacco.

SPLAT Lavandasept

This product is designed specifically to reliably protect the oral cavity from bacteria, as well as to normalize gum health. The paste contains essential oils such as lavender, thyme, rosemary. They have an anti-inflammatory effect and stop bleeding. The enzyme papain has a whitening effect , and calcium phosphate reduces tooth sensitivity.

"ROCS" for adults

Provides enamel restoration and gentle whitening by 1.5 tones on average according to statistics. Especially suitable for those who have sensitive enamel and want to get rid of yellowness. Does not contain fluorides, parabens or aggressive abrasives. The composition contains calcium hydroxyapatite, which penetrates and restores the structure of the enamel, creating a protective layer on its surface. A paste with natural lemon balm flavor refreshes the oral cavity well and is suitable for daily use.

ASEPTA Sensitive

A professional remedy used for the prevention of gum inflammation and increased sensitivity of teeth. ASEPTA Sensitive paste is unique in its composition, as it includes a combination of enzymes, herbs calendula and calamus and thermal mud. Hydroxyapatite and potassium citrate help remineralize and protect enamel . It is necessary to brush your teeth with toothpaste 2 times a day for 3 minutes.

New pearls with calcium

The paste is made in Russia, is affordable, and contains an active substance - calcium citrate, which saturates hard dental tissues with calcium. The product no longer contains virtually any useful ingredients, so it justifies its price.

"Paradontax" without fluoride

This paste is not intended for frequent use, as it can be addictive. It has a salty taste, which many may find unpleasant. The composition contains a large percentage of components of plant origin, namely echinacea, myrrh, chamomile, ratania, mint and sage. The complex of components strengthens gums, relieves inflammation, improves immunity in the oral cavity and freshens breath .

Toothpaste and age

Toothpastes must be chosen depending on the age of the child, since the characteristics of the baby’s body change every year.

Now you can buy toothpaste for children in pharmacies and retail chains:

  1. from 3 to 6 years;
  2. from 7 to 14 years;
  3. a teenager can already use adult products.

Ingredients of toothpastes that are beneficial for children's bodies:

  1. lactic enzymes;
  2. glucose oxide;
  3. casein;
  4. papain;
  5. organic calcium.

The modern consumer has a wide choice of products of this type, so you can easily do without fluoride oral products.

Criteria for choosing toothpaste for children

The composition of the paste for children should have a reduced amount of active substances compared to the paste for adults. It is classified according to the age of children, since each age has its own characteristics. There are pastes from three to six years, and from seven to fourteen. Then the teenager switches to adult pastes. The main requirement for children's toothpastes is the lowest fluoride content , since children swallow a certain amount of saliva during brushing, and the toothpaste will enter the body with it. Over time, the child may experience an overdose of fluoride compounds.

Children's toothpaste should contain useful substances - these are lactic enzymes, glucose oxide, casein, papain, and organic calcium. Such substances have a beneficial effect on the condition of children's teeth and protect against bacteria that cause diseases.

Which pasta should a child choose?

Fluoride can be hazardous if ingested. And since children, especially when teething or under the age of 5 years, can involuntarily swallow the product, toothpastes with fluoride are not recommended by specialists in order to avoid the appearance of fluorosis. It is better to give preference to toothpastes with a high concentration of easily digestible calcium, which makes teeth and tooth enamel stronger and prevents various diseases.

Important! Baby toothpastes should not contain such a dangerous substance as sodium lauryl sulfate, as well as chemical preservatives and harmful dyes.

The best fluoride-free toothpastes for children

The choice is not just great, it is huge. There are about 2,000 offers on Yandex.Market alone. We analyzed as many options as possible, forming the TOP 10 most popular fluoride-free toothpastes for children.

ROCS, Fragrant Chamomile

The composition for the little ones smells delicious and is absolutely safe because it does not contain harmful chemicals. Main components: xylitol, chamomile extract, natural alginate. The spectrum of action is also pleasing: gentle cleansing, anti-caries and anti-inflammatory effect, normalization of the microecology of the oral cavity (stop thrush). The only negative is the limited shelf life (a month after removing the protective membrane).

  • Country of origin: Russia.
  • Age category – 0 to 3 years.
  • Tube volume – 45 g.
  • Approximate price – 175-200 rubles.

We also focus on the fact that this manufacturer’s product line includes 8 more versions of fluoride-free toothpastes with different flavors for children over three years old.


Japanese manufacturers are sensitive to the health of children and offer them objectively safe products. The secret ingredient of this composition is nanoparticles of medical hydroxyapatite, enriched with calcium and phosphorus. Claimed effects: destruction of caries at the initial stage, ensuring smoothness and strength of enamel, regeneration of microscopic defects in bone tissue, removal of plaque. A small “drop of ointment” is a price indicator that, alas, frankly scares many.

  • Country of origin: Japan.
  • Age category: from birth.
  • Tube volume – 60 g.
  • Approximate price – 1000-1100 rubles.

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Weleda, Children's paste-gel with calendula

Natural, safe and high-quality German product. The basis is organic components. A mix of essential oils, alginate and silicic acid provides gentle but reliable cleaning, balance of oral microflora, and gum care. This gel is the leader in terms of the number of laudatory reviews from users.

  • Country of origin: Germany.
  • Age category – 3-6 years.
  • Tube volume – 50 ml.
  • Approximate price – 265-400 rubles.

President Kids, Fruit Jelly (marmalade flavor)

Little whims rarely brush their teeth when they want, but with this miracle remedy everything is different. The magical taste of sweets turns the procedure into pleasure. Parents are delighted: the children are not harmful, and the composition works (protects against caries, strengthens enamel, remineralizes).

  • Country of origin: Russia.
  • Age category – 3-6 years.
  • Tube volume – 50 ml.
  • Approximate price – 120-150 rubles.

Natura Siberica (LITTLE), with organic raspberry extract and sea buckthorn oil

Three main advantages of the product: availability, effect, naturalness. The base is natural ingredients; in addition to the plants mentioned in the name, it contains extracts of soap root, rowan, yarrow, and dwarf cedar. The downside is that not all kids like the specific bite.

  • Country of origin: Russia.
  • Age category – from 3 years.
  • Tube volume – 50 ml.
  • Approximate price – 240-270 rubles.

Lapikka, with calcium and microelements Junior, Strawberry mousse

Specifics: focused on the period of replacement of milk teeth with molars. The product, enriched with phosphorus and calcium, strengthens enamel, protects gums from the influence of harmful microorganisms, and has an anti-caries effect.

  • Country of origin: Russia.
  • Age category – from 7 years.
  • Tube volume – 74 g.
  • Approximate price – 95-120 rubles.

SPLAT, Juicy ICE CREAM (intensive strengthening)

A domestic analogue of the Japanese APADENT Kids, which is 12 times cheaper. Supplement calcium and phosphorus with aloe vera gel. This paste not only gently cleanses, protects against caries, restores microdamage, but also moisturizes and evens out the enamel. A very good option.

  • Country of origin: Russia.
  • Age category - no information.
  • Tube volume – 35 and 50 ml.
  • Approximate price – from 70 rubles. and higher.

Siberian Health, Zhivinka

Almost a natural product. We place special emphasis on the content of propolis and the natural sweetener stevia. In addition to these ingredients, there are also sorbitol, xylitol, cosmetic clay, cranberry, sea buckthorn, and hawthorn extracts. When used, it perfectly removes plaque, protects against cariogenic bacteria, and freshens breath. Minus - potentially allergenic components (phenoxyethanol, sodium monofluorophosphate, calcium glycerophosphate).

  • Country of origin: Russia.
  • Age category – 3-8 years.
  • Tube volume – 50 ml.
  • Approximate price – 125-140 rubles.

Twin Lotus, Kids, Strawberry and Chamomile

The product is popular among lovers of Thai skin care products. There really is no fluorine in the composition, as well as organic components. It copes with the stated functions (cleaning, strengthening enamel, antibacterial effect). True, the reviews are mixed. There are some who are exceptionally enthusiastic and some who are angry. Users complain about the chemical taste and demand stronger quality control.

  • Country of origin: Thailand.
  • Age category – 3 to 10 years.
  • Tube volume – 50 g.
  • Approximate price – 220-260 rubles.

Longa Vita, Angry Birds Banana Split

Russian products manufactured using German technology. Main advantages: gentle abrasiveness, absence of frankly harmful components. Designed for sensitive teeth.

  • Country of origin: Russia.
  • Age category – from 2 years.
  • Tube volume – 75 g.
  • Approximate price – 110-140 rubles.
( 2 ratings, average 5 out of 5 )
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