Brushing teeth using the Air Flow method: what are the advantages and disadvantages

If you open the cabin filter compartment for replacement for the first time since purchasing a car, you will see that the original filter is installed with an upward arrow.

Let's go further: When purchasing non-original filters or other manufacturers, you will most likely find an inscription on the filter of a slightly different nature, namely:

And this means that the arrangement as in the next photo is NOT correct

It turns out that the original filter indicates UP, meaning that this side should be up, and on non-native filters the arrow indicates the direction of the air, but for us it is down. It’s strange... Why it’s strange, we’ll soon find out.

What’s interesting is that the filter looks exactly the same on one side and on the other. I have a strong feeling that the air flow will be purple, which side of the filter enters and which comes out. From the point of view of mounting the filter, it’s the same: the filter is symmetrical, that is, exactly the same on both sides, and from the point of view of installation, it’s also unclear how to install it. But we do everything according to the rules and wisely, as prescribed by Japanese designers and engineers. And Maybe there really is a point in the position of this element, the cost of which is 2 kopecks and which we bought for 10-15 USD?

So we figured out how to install this or that filter with symbols on it and we could put an end to this issue, but then we come across a photo with a description from the original manual, look and carefully read the explanations:

PS For example, the air filter is asymmetrical and there is no other way to install it. And in the modern world, almost all installation things that can be installed in several options but must be installed in exactly one way are usually artificially limited by form so that they cannot be installed otherwise. So I had an assumption - the cabin air filter doesn’t care how it stands. For myself, I decided it would stand as it should. How is it supposed to be? Refute...

What will be the opinions - what is the secret meaning of indicating the side of the filter installation?

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