What is a nylon prosthesis? – pros and cons, prices

Removable dentures are represented by structures that are fixed on the gums not with glue, but with the help of special clasps. Such dentures are made when the patient has lost one tooth unit or, most often, several. Most of the current designs are made from modern acrylic plastic. This material is durable and retains both color and shape for a long time.

Do I need to remove dentures at night?

Why it may be necessary to remove a prosthesis

If we discuss modern prostheses, then it is not at all necessary to take them off every night. Orthopedists recommend removing them if you feel a burning sensation on the mucous membranes or dryness in the oral cavity. It also happens that a rash appears on the body. But these cases are rare and allergic in nature. If it occurs, you need to go to the doctor to eliminate the causes of this pathological situation.

You don't have to take your dentures off every night

Another point why a patient may need to remove dentures at night is his own fears. A certain percentage of people are quite suspicious of their own health and the manipulations that doctors perform with it. Removable dentures are an innovation in their lifestyle, they need to get used to them, realize that they now replace missing teeth. A person may be afraid that the prosthesis will fall out of place in a dream, that it could be injured. Some prosthetic owners even worry that they will be able to swallow a small prosthesis (although this is very problematic).

The orthopedist will explain to the patient how to care for the prosthesis and how to store it.

Of course, a doctor can dispel such fears. If the patient trusts his orthopedist, and he, in turn, explained to the person everything about the use of prostheses, worries will disappear on their own. But if the person himself decides that it is safer for him to remove the prosthesis at night, then he may well do so.

Prosthetics for complete loss of teeth

Nylon dentures are used mainly in cases of partial loss of teeth (for example, when 1-2 teeth are missing on one or both sides). Nylon dentures are rarely placed on a completely toothless jaw, since the denture may turn out to be too bulky and lose its main feature - flexibility. In some cases, if the patient is allergic to metal or plastic, installation of a full nylon prosthesis is acceptable.

Prosthetics with nylon dentures in case of complete loss of teeth is postponed or not done at all if the patient has the following contraindications:

  • Heart attack.
  • Inflamed wounds, ulcers, abscesses of soft tissues of the oral cavity.
  • Atrophied bone tissue (for example, due to a long period of time between tooth loss and prosthetics).
  • Oncology.

How to store dentures at night

Previous rubber prostheses, which were used before modern acrylic structures, had to be removed every night. And they left them overnight in a regular glass of water. Today, with prosthetics, things are a little different. Only at the initial stage of construction a humid environment is required, no more than one and a half months. Acrylic plastic takes on its best appearance when exposed to air, which is explained by the passage of monomers.

The logic is simple: the human mouth already has a humid environment, which means that dentures can be worn in the mouth, removing them only occasionally. And they need to be stored not in glasses, but in convenient containers. In some cases, dentures may be wrapped in cotton cloth.

Container for dentures

If you are going to take out your dentures before going to bed, you need to follow simple instructions.

  • Acrylic dentures

How to properly remove dentures at night:

  • the structures are removed and washed thoroughly with boiled water (but not running!);
  • The prosthesis can be cleaned with a special liquid with an antiseptic effect, as well as with a brush;
  • place the structure in a special solution: this composition destroys bacteria that have accumulated during the day, and also removes the remnants of the fixing cream.

Korega tablets for cleaning dentures

About once a year, dentures should be professionally cleaned at a dental clinic. Immediately after installing the structure, ask the doctor how to properly clean them, where to get the composition and storage container, and how often to come for preventive appointments. The doctor is obliged to provide you with comprehensive information.

Video: Should I take my dentures off at night?

Pros and cons of nylon dental prosthetics

When considering the technology and capabilities, a number of advantages stand out for installing a nylon prosthesis:

  • restoration of the aesthetic attractiveness of the dentition;
  • surfaces imitate the color of enamel with high precision;
  • during wearing there are no discomfort sensations due to elasticity and softness;
  • We have affordable prices for nylon dentures in Moscow;
  • high strength indicators provide protection from increased loads;
  • polymer materials do not cause allergic reactions in the patient;
  • there are no metal parts in the design, due to which there is no unpleasant aftertaste;
  • complete restoration of chewing function and uniform load distribution.

Consequences of insufficient denture care

Dental removable structures require constant care. If you neglect it, you can face a whole list of problems. Therefore, from the very first day of using dentures, you need to follow the rules of care.

Possible consequences of insufficient denture care:

  • repulsive odor emanating from dentures;
  • carious destruction of native teeth;
  • ulcers and erosions on the mucous membrane;
  • inflammatory process on the gums;
  • change in taste sensations for the worse;
  • aesthetic defects of removable structures.

Dentures require mandatory cleaning and care

You should definitely seek help from specialists so that they can return your dentures to their previous appearance with professional cleaning. This will extend the life of the dentures. As a rule, all modern clinics carry out such cleaning.

Cleaning the prosthesis

What to do after removing the structure

If the doctor finds an inflammatory process at the site of the removed crown or bridge, therapy will be required in accordance with the cause that caused it (caries, pulpitis, gingivitis, periodontitis, etc.). Accordingly, treatment is first carried out, after which the shape of the tooth is restored, impressions are taken again and a new prosthesis is created (or the old one is returned to its place - if possible).

But it happens that after dismantling the structure, the patient experiences discomfort or even pain. To establish the cause, the doctor needs to carefully examine the tooth and surrounding tissues and assess their condition - this requires an x-ray. It will show the quality of the filled canals and the condition of the structures surrounding the tooth. It happens that the tissues under the crown have changed irreversibly and can no longer be restored. Then repeated prosthetics becomes impossible, the tooth will need to be removed. And you can think about alternatives to prosthetics: installing a bridge or an implant.

  1. The influence of stress on the condition of the tissues of the maxillofacial area. / Korenevskaya N. A., Gorodetskaya I. V. Journal “Bulletin of Vitebsk State Medical University”. 2009
  2. Study of the process of removing dentures by destroying the fixing cement under ultrasonic influence. / Kiselev M. G. Vertinskaya A. P. Journal “Science and Technology”. 2007

Author: Chernov A. R. (Thank you for your help in writing the article and the information provided)

How to get used to dentures faster

The problem of leaving the denture overnight or removing it usually occurs among those who are not fully accustomed to such teeth. At the same time, the person himself must show some effort; addiction requires the involvement of the owner of the prosthesis in this adaptation period.

How to get used to removable dentures

Adaptation measuresHow often to doNotes
Reading aloudAt least three to four times a day for at least five minutes.At the same time, you need to read expressively and measuredly so that the articulatory apparatus gets used to the new teeth.
Wear the design constantlyThe dentures do not need to be removed at all for at least 4-5 days.This is a mandatory measure - the key to successful addiction.
Optimal chewing loadAn ordinary apple will help: cut it into pieces, chew gradually. Eat one or two apples a day this way. Listen to your feelings; if the discomfort is severe, you should go to the doctor.
Regular cleaningYou need to clean your denture twice a day, morning and evening.After every meal, rinse your mouth.
  • Clasp dentures

Although not often, it happens that at first a new design can cause vomiting. There is no need to panic and remove the prosthesis: breathe deeply, drink plenty of fluids. Sucking mints will help relieve the urge.


But there are situations when you have to remove a damaged tooth, then your chewing function loses its properties. Don’t worry, because developed innovations and advanced technologies make it possible to restore all lost teeth and their functions through prosthetics. Prosthodontics is a dental procedure for replacing teeth.

A denture is an aesthetic replacement for a natural tooth. A denture design allows you to completely or partially replace your missing teeth. It rehabilitates the anatomy and physiology of the jaw as accurately as possible.

The entire process of installing an artificial jaw takes place in several stages:

  1. Preparation of the oral cavity,
  2. Treatment of denticles if necessary,
  3. Grinding of teeth,
  4. Making tabs,
  5. Taking impressions,
  6. Production of prosthetics according to individual sizes,
  7. Fitting,
  8. Fixation.

Installation of the prosthesis in the oral cavity is carried out using specialized structures. There are the following types of prosthetics:

  • Removable (the ability to remove the structure for hygiene procedures),
  • Constant,
  • Conditionally removable model (this type of bioprosthesis can only be removed by a dentist),
  • Combined option (when several types of bioprostheses are used simultaneously).

And so let’s look at the removable type of prosthesis in more detail. Removable models come in several types, depending on the type of fastening:

  1. Hook-clasps,
  2. Lock fastening,
  3. Clasp model.

How common is denture intolerance?

There is a small percentage of patients who still cannot get used to removable structures. If the person himself follows all the instructions for successful adaptation, but the discomfort does not go away, this indicates intolerance to the prostheses. Usually, in this case, the prosthesis gets in the way, is perceived as a hindrance in the mouth, rubs the gums, spoils pronunciation, and makes it impossible to eat without feeling uncomfortable.

Sometimes intolerance to dentures occurs

Oddly enough, the dentist is a bad helper in such a situation. In most such cases, we are talking about psychological intolerance. Some internal attitudes prevent a person from accepting a prosthesis. It is logical to assume that you need to see a psychologist. This practice exists, and it is quite successful.

Methods for cleaning clasp dentures

As mentioned above, one cleaning method is to wash the product with soap and water. This must be done after each meal using boiled or soapy water that does not contain harmful microorganisms. It should be noted that this cleaning method is intermediate, so it must be used in combination with other methods.

Once a day, the prosthesis must be treated in a disinfectant solution, which is prepared from special tablets and plain water. The processing principle is quite simple: the product is placed in the prepared solution and, after 5-10 minutes of soaking, is removed. This time is enough to remove barely noticeable food debris and bacterial plaque from the surface of the walls.

Experts also recommend treating the denture once a week in a special bio-solution, which can remove old stains and stubborn food residues. After the procedure, the product must be rinsed with clean water.

Stuck food particles and bacterial plaque can also be removed using a toothbrush and dental floss. Cleaning can be done with either regular or specialized toothpaste. Upon completion, the prosthesis is washed with clean water.

How to reduce pain symptoms when wearing a prosthesis

At first, a person may feel some pain while chewing. This is explained by the unusual load; over time, such sensations should go away. The gums, a certain area of ​​which was without teeth for some time, “forgot” this condition with a full row of teeth, so it can be uncomfortable. Some patients say that they feel as if the denture is pressing on their gums.

Some patients claim that the denture puts pressure on the gums

To remove these negative feelings, give up solid food for the first month - food should be as soft and comfortable as possible. Solid foods are allowed only as you get used to the dentures.

You will have to give up solid food for a while

It is necessary to monitor the condition of the mucous membrane: any damage, even the slightest, should be prevented. They are fraught with an inflammatory process that will interfere with the use of prostheses. Prolonged pain during the use of prostheses is explained by only two reasons: hypersensitivity of the patient’s mucous membrane or an incorrectly made prosthesis, the size of which did not suit the patient.

It is important to observe the mucous membrane, noting the appearance of discomfort, pain

To ease the condition of your gums in the first days of adaptation, you can do self-massage. Using fingers treated with an antiseptic, you need to stroke the gum itself in a circular motion. There is only one movement - from the healthy gum area to the inflamed side. When the stroking becomes as comfortable as possible, the pressure can be increased.

Gum massage

Adaptation to prostheses is the work of the patient, his own efforts. Follow all instructions, do not remove the prosthesis too often, remember that you can sleep in it without any precautions. Read about rinsing after tooth extraction for gum healing on our website.

Indications for installation of a full or partial nylon prosthesis

Prosthetics are appropriate in the following cases:

  • in the absence of 1-2 teeth;
  • if the dentition is completely missing;
  • if you are allergic to materials of other prostheses;
  • for periodontal diseases.

The cost of a nylon denture depends on the number of teeth lost. If after examination of the oral cavity the following defects are found, then prosthetics are prohibited.

  • with an overhanging alveolar ridge;
  • with severely atrophied bone tissue;
  • in the absence of supporting teeth and implants.

Storage of removable dentures

The design of the products provides that they can and even need to be removed periodically. Consider a number of rules on how to do everything and where to store orthodontic structures:

  • removal of contaminants. Before storing dentures, they must be cleaned of food debris, plaque, and microbes. To do this, use toothpaste, a brush and running water for rinsing;
  • rubdown Speaking about how to properly store dentures, it should be noted that this is done if the structures are dry. Modern products are made from materials that cannot be left in a liquid environment for a long time;
  • ensuring optimal humidity levels. It should be no more than 40–70%;
  • protection from exposure to sunlight;
  • protection from chemicals and vibrating devices. They can cause harm to structures (change their color, reduce their ability to securely fix, cause deformation).

Proper storage of dentures requires that a safe place be chosen. It is undesirable if children and pets have access to it, as they can harm themselves with the products or break them. Handling the orthodontic structure must be careful and careful. It should not be allowed to fall or have any object fall on it. It is necessary to provide protection from any mechanical impacts and shaking.

Currently, special containers are produced for storage. They are worth using because it is convenient and safe.

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