Tooth extension: features of the procedure, its advantages and disadvantages

  • Why and when is extension needed?
  • Main indications for extensions
  • Extension techniques
  • How to grow your front teeth?
  • Advantages and disadvantages of extensions
  • Contraindications
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Dental augmentation is an effective procedure that can eliminate a number of dental defects most simply and quickly, without resorting to implantation.
It is especially in demand when it comes to the front teeth, the appearance of which ensures the aesthetics of the entire smile area. It is important that if you follow the recommendations, the result obtained will be long-term and will allow you to solve the existing problem for many years. For one patient, the use of such a tooth will be 5, for another – 10 or 20 years. How long an extended tooth lasts depends on many factors, the technique and materials used, the skill of the dentist, and the products included in the diet. Care will also play an important role. Due to the consumption of coffee, red wine, or smoking, the color may change, which will require a repeat event.

At the same time, restoring a tooth without a pin will make it possible to guarantee a longer service life. However, in a number of cases, it will not be possible to do without the use of such a technique to strengthen the affected tooth.

What is extension

Tooth augmentation is a dental procedure that involves restoring the lost crown using special dental composite materials. This manipulation is used to solve therapeutic and aesthetic problems in both adult and pediatric dentistry. It is quite popular due to its relative speed and cost-effectiveness, especially in comparison with more complex and invasive procedures such as the installation of crowns or veneers [1].

What complications can there be?

If the chip is minor and does not cause discomfort, this does not mean that you can ignore it. Damage will lead to further destruction of hard tissues, and then dentin and pulp will be at risk. If the neurovascular bundle is damaged, the child will inevitably experience severe piercing pain, and further treatment may require removal of the nerve.

In addition, the presence of injured elements in the oral cavity creates favorable conditions for the proliferation of bacteria and infection of tissues. In addition to serious dental problems, this can lead to the development of diseases of the liver and kidneys, digestive and cardiovascular systems.

In what cases is extension applied?

Despite the fact that tooth tissues have high density and strength, they can be destroyed for various reasons.

Firstly, pulpless teeth are often subject to destruction. Once the nerves are removed, they are no longer supplied with nutrition, their tissues demineralize and become fragile. Fragments can break off from the edges or chewing surface, and subsequently the teeth can become significantly damaged.

Secondly, teeth can be severely damaged from sports or household trauma, from chewing or biting off very hard food. In such cases, small chips of the edges, chewing surfaces, and cracks are common [2]. Children's front teeth often suffer due to accidental injuries.

In these cases, tooth augmentation helps restore the lost part of a broken tooth, in which the missing fragments are molded by a specialist from a composite material [2]. Front teeth augmentation is also successfully used in pediatric dentistry, where, thanks to modern materials and methods, pediatric specialists are able to restore a damaged tooth, which reliably serves the little patient until it is replaced with a permanent one.

Some dental procedures may expose the root. In this case, extensions help cover the sensitive area.

In addition, the extension procedure is also used in aesthetic dentistry to eliminate certain defects. Among them [3].

  • difference due to anatomical and physiological characteristics of the shape, size, length of an individual tooth in a row;
  • difference in tooth color;
  • the presence of large interdental spaces;
  • defects in the closure of the dentition.

Dental bonding is the most appropriate way to restore chipped teeth
“The 8 Best Ways to Improve Your Smile” American Dental Association

Dental prosthetics for children

The procedure for dental prosthetics begins no earlier than a week after the teeth have been removed. Before installing the prosthesis, the doctor examines the child’s oral cavity and takes an impression of the jaw. Only after the prosthesis is ready is it tried on and installed. As a rule, in children's prosthetics, a removable denture is used for one tooth, which is secured using semicircular clasps. They cling to adjacent teeth and are white in color to be as invisible as possible on children's teeth. In some cases, inlays, pin teeth and crowns are installed, which can be either temporary or permanent. If a child is missing several teeth at once, it is best to install bridges.

In order for children's prosthetics to be carried out efficiently and painlessly, it is necessary to contact highly qualified and experienced specialists. At the Minsk Family Dentistry Center, all dental and oral cavity treatment procedures are carried out using drug sedation. It helps young patients cope with fears and stress, calm down and relax, and also increases the pain threshold and reduces salivation. All this contributes to high-quality and fast treatment. We know how to help your child achieve a perfect and healthy smile.

How does tooth growth occur?

Tooth augmentation is a professional dental procedure that is performed by a specialist exclusively in the clinic. The durability and effectiveness of eliminating a cosmetic defect depends on the quality of its implementation. Therefore, any manipulations must ensure high aesthetics, mechanical strength and reliable adhesion of the extension to its own tissues [4].

Before starting the procedure, a general examination of the oral cavity is necessary. If necessary, the dentist provides professional cleaning and treatment, such as removing cavities.

Building up chewing teeth has its own characteristics. If the coronal part is severely damaged, a pin made of inert metal is used. It is installed in the pulpless root canal and serves as a support for the filling, which becomes part of the restored tooth.

Composite materials that are used for tooth extension are photopolymers, special resins with various fillers that easily harden when exposed to light from special lamps. Materials for tooth augmentation are constantly being improved by specialists and manufacturers; the latest generations of photocomposites are especially durable [5].

Before applying the composite material, the specialist prepares the surface. He makes it slightly rough and coats it with a special binding liquid. This is done so that the composite material and the tooth’s own tissue are better connected to each other. In this case, the strength of the extended tooth will be higher. If the photopolymer is applied without errors, the restored part may become detached from the tooth over time, and microscopic gaps or cracks may appear at the edge of the buildup [6].

An important stage of the procedure is selecting the shade of the composite material to match the color enamel . After which the specialist applies photopolymer, forming the required fragment. The material is exposed to light from a special lamp and hardens. As a rule, in modern dentistry layer-by-layer application of the material is used [5]. This technique allows you to make the extension especially durable.

After the lost part has been restored and the material has completely hardened, it is ground to correct the shape and then polished. The dentist checks whether the teeth are closed correctly after the procedure. If the patient feels discomfort, the specialist must sand off any unevenness or roughness.

The service life of the extension depends on many factors, for example, the patient’s nutritional habits, the type of photocomposite, or the quality of the procedure performed. On average, a restored tooth can last from 3 to 10 years [3].

Should I save the piece that fell off?

If part of a tooth breaks off , if possible, you need to find it and take it with you to the appointment. If necessary, the doctor, using modern materials, can glue it back. By fixing a broken fragment, a tooth today can be restored not only to its natural appearance, but also to full functionality. This cannot always be achieved by creating an imitation, albeit an accurate one.

What if a baby tooth breaks off?

The fragment needs to be washed, put in milk, or, in extreme cases, just in water, and immediately go with the child to the clinic. You shouldn’t think that baby teeth will soon be replaced by permanent ones, so you can leave everything as is. If the child does not even complain of pain, an infection can penetrate into the exposed dentin. Sooner or later, inflammation will reach the pulp, and then the periodontium. This will cause a whole chain of further troubles.

In addition, the rudiments of permanent teeth form under the milk teeth, which can also be affected by injury. If the pediatric dentist determines that there is a direct threat to the bud, the baby tooth will most likely be removed.

Advantages and disadvantages of the tooth augmentation procedure

The advantages of extensions include the cost-effectiveness and simplicity of the procedure, and its low invasiveness. It does not require turning or depulping, which means that hard tissues are preserved as much as possible [5]. At the same time, extensions allow you to restore the aesthetically attractive appearance of your smile.

Typically, no anesthesia is used for the procedure, and the procedure itself takes 30-60 minutes [3] and can be performed in just one visit to the dentist.

The disadvantages of building up are associated with the lower density and strength of composite materials in comparison with dental tissues, and their relative porosity [5]. Therefore, the restored parts may become stained, chipped or damaged when eating hard foods such as crackers or nuts [1].

Tooth fracture exposing the pulp

This type of fracture is characterized by exposure of the pulp


An X-ray reveals not only the absence of hard tissue fragments, but also a transformation in the shape of the periodontal fissure.


The pulp tissues are prone to healing and the creation of dentinal barriers, provided that the specialist uses the correct coating material. Direct pulp capping is most effective, and it is advisable to carry it out in the first hours after injury.

Among the most effective coating materials, it is necessary to highlight calcium hydroxide or mineral trioxide aggregate. Previous studies have shown that with their use, a dentinal bridge is successfully formed in 90% of cases.


If a child's tooth breaks off and the pulp is exposed, it is possible to restore the hard tissue barrier only under certain conditions:

  • The pulp was in normal condition before the injury;
  • The blood supply to the pulp is not impaired;
  • Using the direct coating method;
  • No bacteria that can cause inflammation.

In conditions where the formation of the tooth root has not yet been completed, every possible effort must be made to preserve the pulp and the subsequent full development of the tooth root.

Caring for an extended tooth

Patients who have had to have a tooth augmented need to carefully follow the rules of oral care and also get rid of some bad habits [1].

First, you should avoid eating solid foods, such as nuts, hard cookies, crackers, and candies. In addition, you need to get rid of the habit of chewing a pencil or pen.

Secondly, do not forget that composite materials can be painted more easily than enamel, which means you should avoid brightly colored drinks such as coffee and tea, fruit and berry juices, and red wine. Smoking can also ruin the color of your extensions. It is especially important to follow this rule during the first days after the procedure [1].

Thirdly, it is necessary to follow the general rules of oral hygiene: brush your teeth at least 2 times a day, use a soft-bristled toothbrush, toothpaste and mouth rinse with fluoride, as well as dental floss to clean the interdental spaces.

Fourthly, it is important to visit the dentist at least once every six months, not forgetting the importance of regular professional cleaning procedures. You should know that restored teeth need especially careful polishing.

If you notice an unpleasant sensation in the mouth at the site of the restored tooth, for example, a scratching edge or a suspected chip of the composite material, you should immediately contact your dentist for an examination.

Let's understand the extent of damage to dental tissues

The proposed method of aesthetic restoration of a dental crown will depend on the degree of its damage.

  1. The appearance of a crack or chip in the enamel is considered minimal.
  2. They speak of average when not only the enamel breaks off, but also the dentin located underneath it.
  3. If the pulp chamber is opened and the nerve is exposed, we are talking about severe damage. It is clear that in this case, before dental prosthetics in Moscow, the pulp will have to be removed and the canals treated.

the tooth wall to break off during an injury , there must also be a certain internal reason. Such troubles occur much more often in people with low acidity in the mouth, with an incorrect bite, with teeth crowded and rotated around their axis, and with hormonal imbalance. Bad habits can also be the cause: from smoking and alcohol abuse to excessive indulgence in sweets and carbohydrate foods.

Symptoms of cracked teeth

Even if the crack is located on the child’s front tooth, it is not always noticeable. The defect is visible when it is of significant depth and extent, as well as when it gradually stains. Only a dentist can notice the problem in the early stages.

In some cases, additional symptoms appear, the presence and severity of which depend on the depth and location of the defect:

  • pain or discomfort at rest and/or when chewing food;
  • increased sensitivity to hot, cold, sour, etc.;
  • bad breath;
  • local change in enamel color;
  • inflammation of the gums in the area of ​​the defect, their bleeding.

Benefits of restoration

The most important advantage of restoration compared to prosthetics is the absence of pain and surgical intervention. There is no need to cut the gum, build up the bone tissue of the tooth, or wait a long time for the material to engraft. It is possible to restore a tooth even if the crown is completely lost. During one visit to an orthopedic dentist, several incisors can be restored.

The cost of the procedure is much lower than the cost of installing a prosthesis. The service life of composite materials is about seven years. In the future, you can update the extended tooth using the same method. An important advantage of restoration is the ability to restore teeth in hard-to-reach places.

Are there any disadvantages to this method? The main disadvantage is the operating time. If you treat new teeth with care, the composite can last a long time - up to ten years. If you are not careful, the accumulated mass can become deformed within a year. You can no longer eat solid food, and you should also get rid of some habits.

Rules of care

How to brush new teeth, with what toothpastes? In the first days after the procedure, you should refrain from foods and drinks that can stain the surface of the crown. In the future, oral care does not differ from usual. However, patients need to visit their doctor regularly for preventive examinations.


Is it possible to build up the missing part of a tooth yourself at home? Unfortunately, this is impossible, just as it is impossible to fill a tooth yourself. However, at home you can strengthen the enamel if it is partially lost or severely abraded. To do this, a remineralization procedure is carried out with special compounds prescribed by the dentist.

Compositions for remineralization:

  • special pastes;
  • application of aligners and wax matrices;
  • protection of enamel with dental varnishes.

Professional dental treatment is also carried out in clinics.

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