Aliexpress in Russian. Blog about products from aliexpress 2016

Place Name Characteristics in the rating
The best systems from AliExpress with whitening gel
1Pasa TB-MYY-16LEDConvenient lamp included, best quality teeth whitening
2Poseida 12Most concentrated
3Iwiyi Professional Teeth Whitening KitFull set
The best strips from AliExpress for teeth whitening
1LEKGAVD Q37Q131Quick effect
2Crest 3D White LUXE ProfessionalMost convenient use
3EGOGUYS Teeth D Whitening StripsBest price
The best whiteners from AliExpress in the form of powders, pastes and serums
1MOONBIFFY Bamboo Teeth WhiteningBest Bamboo Powder
2BREYLEE BY1066Powder for removing stains and plaque
3She'Vaen TW075Whitening powder with pearls
4LANBENA SC003Fast acting serum

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Teeth whitening is a procedure that causes heated discussion, both among patients and among dentists. Moreover, opinions about its harm and benefits are polar. But if there is demand, then there will be supply. The Chinese could not miss such a niche for earning money. On AliExpress there is a whole section dedicated to teeth whiteners. Mostly inexpensive whitening systems are presented there, consisting of gels, a lamp and caps. Chinese sellers also have express means. These are whitening strips, bamboo sticks, pastes, gels, powders and pencils. On the page of each product they write about unique technologies and innovative developments. But how do they work?

The color of teeth is affected by the pigmentation of enamel and dentin. If by nature the dentition is far from white, then even the most active polishing will not give the teeth pearly whiteness. But they can be lightened a couple of tones. It’s also really possible to remove darkening from tea and coffee.

The rating presents the best teeth whiteners. However, if used incorrectly, they can do more harm than good. Before using the product, consult your dentist.

The best systems from AliExpress with whitening gel

A teeth whitening system is a kit that consists of a gel or strips containing at least 10% carbamide or hydrogen peroxide, an LED or infrared lamp and a custom tray. Whitening occurs due to the release of active oxygen under the influence of light radiation from a lamp.

The bleach is applied using a tray, then the lamp is turned on. The enamel pores open, active oxygen penetrates inside and removes darkening. After the procedure, the dentinal tubules remain open, so some manufacturers complete kits with products containing minerals that strengthen the enamel (hydroxyapatite, calcium, potassium, magnesium).

Teeth whitening pencil – application features, effectiveness

Why do teeth darken? If we ignore a number of oral diseases (which need to be treated, not masked), the cause of teeth darkening is pieces of food caught in dental microcracks. The more chemically processed food a person consumes, the faster his teeth lose their natural appearance.

A whitening pencil is nothing more than a regular whitening gel containing hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide. Additional chemical ingredients are needed for the associated functions of the pencil: freshening breath, strengthening teeth, etc.

The advantages of the pencil are:

  • practicality. It can be used anywhere and at any time of the year. The pencil fits even in the smallest handbag.
  • indelibility. Once the gel is applied, there is no need to worry about washing it off before bed. Over time, it evaporates on its own.
  • fluorine content. Some pencils are equipped with this chemical element, which serves as complete protection of teeth against various types of bacteria.
  • soft impact. Improvement in the condition and appearance of teeth occurs gradually, therefore, teeth are not exposed to the aggressive effects of chemical elements contained in the gel.

The rules for using such a pencil are outrageously simple:

  1. Before use, rinse your mouth thoroughly and wipe your teeth with a napkin. This is necessary in order to remove excess food from the mouth.
  2. The gel is applied using the tip of a pencil. A few drops are enough to be distributed over the outside of the teeth.
  3. After application, the gel should remain on the surface of the teeth for several seconds (or minutes). The waiting time depends on the characteristics of the pencil, because manufacturers may be different. During the process of absorbing the gel, you cannot close your mouth and relax your facial muscles, as the substance must receive enough oxygen.
  4. Once absorption is complete, the teeth should be carefully wiped with a napkin (not wet). The application procedure itself takes no more than 15 minutes, so you can do whitening even twenty minutes before leaving the house.


  1. It is advisable to use the pencil after meals.
  2. To maintain the effect, regular use is unnecessary. A two-week course is enough, followed by a break.
  3. To prevent the effectiveness of using a pencil from decreasing, it is necessary to exclude coffee, bright drinks and desserts, concentrated juices from the diet, and also quit smoking.

Instructions for use

The whitening pencil must be used correctly; violation of the technique leads to unpredictability of the effect:

  • Perform normal oral hygiene procedures. It is important to clean your teeth, cheeks, tongue well, and use dental floss if necessary.
  • Remove the cap from the pencil, scroll until a small amount of gel appears.
  • Be sure to smile widely, your lips should not touch your teeth.
  • Gently apply the product to the teeth.
  • Hold for half a minute, then close your lips.
  • After applying the whitening gel, wait 5–10 minutes, do not swallow the resulting saliva, wait until the components penetrate deeply.
  • At the end of the procedure, spit out the resulting saliva; you can rinse your mouth with boiled water. Washing is not necessary and may not be carried out.

Use the pencil once a day, or twice a day for best results. The average duration of a whitening course is 14 days.

Recommendations after whitening

Take note:

  • use a whitening pencil half an hour after meals;
  • To get a good result, exclude coloring products (coffee, soda, etc.) during treatment. If this is not done, the effectiveness of the whitening gel will be reduced to zero. While using a pencil, teeth become more sensitive, any pigments are absorbed faster than usual;
  • The manufacturer recommends a two-week course. If necessary, use the bright white product for one more course; between procedures, be sure to take a break of one month.

Remember! A whitening pencil is not a panacea for the yellowing of teeth. Some people have this natural shade, and sometimes getting rid of it is not possible. It is important to observe the rules of personal hygiene and give up bad habits. Constant exposure to negative factors, even after perfect whitening, will return unnecessary yellowness to the teeth.

The cost of one whitening pencil starts from 700 rubles. It is best to buy from trusted online stores or pharmacies. Before purchasing, carefully study the packaging, pay attention to the presence of instructions; if there are none, you are holding a fake.

Advantages and disadvantages

It is necessary to give preference to the bright white tooth whitening pencil based on the large list of its advantages:

  • convenient to use. Available in the form of a thin bottle, weighing only 20 g. The small item will fit in any handbag or jacket of a respectable man; the applicator itself has the shape of a sponge, which simplifies its use many times over;
  • simplicity, application in any situation. The pencil is used for a short period of time, it is allowed before going outside. Even if there is half an hour left before an important meeting, your smile will have time to acquire a snow-white appearance;
  • additional beneficial properties. The gel contains not only whitening components, it also contains special substances that care for the oral cavity, teeth, and gums, giving minty freshness to your breath. An additional effect is the neutralization of pathogenic bacteria;
  • absolute safety of use. The gel does not contain aggressive components that can damage tooth enamel. The pencil only copes with the yellowness of the teeth, leaving them completely healthy;
  • no need to rinse off. After the whitening procedure, there is no need to rinse your mouth or carry out other manipulations. This aspect makes the use of the bright white device even easier;
  • relatively low price, especially when compared with professional teeth whitening in dental clinics;
  • a positive result in a fairly short period of time - two weeks. Tangible positive changes are noticeable after the first use. In advanced cases, up to 30 procedures are allowed;

Note! It is advisable to consult your dentist before use, he will give useful recommendations regarding the use of bright white.

There are no downsides to the whitening product; sometimes allergic reactions may occur due to intolerance to individual components of the gel. This process occurs infrequently, in most cases it is well tolerated. If unwanted effects occur after using a dental pencil, stop using it.

The best bleaches in powder and paste form

Whitening powders help remove plaque. But it is one of the reasons for the darkening of the enamel. And no matter how diligently we brush our teeth, plaque still accumulates on their surface. Sometimes the powder is mixed with caring ingredients, then it takes the form of a paste.

The composition of bleaching powders and pastes includes soda, chalk, and activated carbon. But the Chinese approached this issue creatively. AliExpress has bleaches with the most unexpected compositions. Check out the best options.

Useful addition

The manufacturer recommends using an additional product in its line - bright white whitening strips. The product helps to cope with advanced cases and enhances the effectiveness of the pencil.

The strips are small pieces of a special material impregnated with a bleaching agent. The viscous consistency helps create excellent adhesion between the tooth and the strip. The product quickly whitens tooth enamel without damaging it. The gel is transparent and absolutely invisible when used.

The product is glued to the teeth, left for half an hour, the procedure is carried out daily. The course of treatment is two weeks. It is also not recommended for use during dental diseases, pregnancy, or children.

The cost of a package of 28 packages is 3,600 rubles. The price varies depending on the pharmacy chain.

Operating principle and composition

They produce a bright white pencil in a special bottle, in the form of a 2.5 ml whitening gel. Each package contains:

  • 12% hydrogen peroxide;
  • glycerol;
  • propylene glycol;
  • peppermint oil;
  • D – limonene;
  • carbomer;
  • triethanolamine.

A positive result is achieved due to the presence of hydrogen peroxide in the product. Combining with oxygen, the substance disintegrates and penetrates into the tooth enamel and deeper layers, brightening the surface of the tooth. You cannot buy products that contain more than the specified concentration of hydrogen peroxide. If the dosage is exceeded, the substance corrodes tooth enamel and causes irreparable harm.

Price issue

The price of whitening pencils from different manufacturers can vary significantly depending on the suppliers, and today in the largest Russian retail chains you can buy a teeth whitening pencil:

  1. “Bliq” - from 1699 to 2000 rubles;
  2. “Bright White” - from 400 to 700 rubles;
  3. “Teeth whitening pen” - from 800 to 1000 rubles.

But if you order the product from the manufacturer itself (this applies to foreign brands), you can save a lot and get a non-counterfeit product.

Operating principle

The basic principle of whitening is achieved through exposure to oxygen and hydrogen peroxide (or urea), the concentration of which ranges from 5 to 12%. At the same time, when choosing a pencil, you must definitely pay attention to the percentage of this component, because in large quantities peroxide can completely dissolve the enamel.

When the gel hits the teeth, the hydrogen peroxide breaks down and oxygen penetrates first into the enamel and then into the deeper structures, accordingly causing the tooth to lighten.

Description, indications and contraindications

Healthy teeth are covered with enamel, which becomes damaged over time and microcracks form in it. These very damages contain food particles, which give the enamel dark shades. In order to discolor such pigmenting residues and restore whiteness to teeth, whitening pencils were invented.

In fact, a teeth whitening pencil is a compact form of a special gel that can be used at home without much effort and skill. The ideally balanced composition of ingredients allows you to whiten your teeth no worse than professional procedures at the dentist.

The main active substance is hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide, which plays a major role in the whitening process.

. All other additional ingredients are needed for fresh breath and care for teeth and gums.

Manufacturers usually produce it in the form of pens, lipsticks or mascara, so it can easily fit in both a lady’s handbag and a man’s jacket pocket. In addition, the applicator itself for application differs: it can be in the form of a brush, brush or sponge.

The use of such a bleaching agent has several advantages:

  • It can be used in any situation
    - at home, at work, before an important date or meeting: the procedure itself takes little time and is not at all complicated.
  • After use, it does not need to be washed off
    , because the product evaporates on its own from the surface of the teeth.
  • Many companies include fluorine-containing components in the pencil, so it provides an additional effect - protecting the enamel and neutralizing bacteria
  • The whitening process is gradual, improving the effect with each procedure, so there is no radical or aggressive effect on the teeth

For high-quality oral care, the Aquajet ld a7 irrigator is ideal. Find out what it is.

This article contains reviews about the teeth whitening service using Zoom technology.

Here: - you will find a photo with veneers before they were installed afterwards.

Before using any of these pencils, you need to understand that they will contain hydrogen peroxide. Why is it dangerous and “is the game worth the candle”? We’ll find out from the following video:

Despite significant advantages, whitening pencils have a number of contraindications. Therefore, it is not recommended to use them for the following categories of people:

  1. pregnant and lactating women;
  2. owners of piercings in the tongue and cheeks;
  3. people with teeth sensitive to temperature changes (since after use the discomfort from hot and cold food increases);
  4. people under the age of 18 (since there is a risk of destroying fragile children's enamel);
  5. people with diseases such as periodontitis and caries.

Therefore, ideally, before using any whitening pen, you should visit your dentist and get the okay from him.

What could be the consequences?

Along with its tempting advantages, this pencil, like many modern inventions, has a number of shortcomings. If you do not adhere to the basic rules of its use, you may encounter unpleasant consequences:

  1. Increased sensitivity. This consequence is inevitable, even if you obediently follow the instructions for use. The more often the pencil is used, the faster the sensitivity to temperature changes will increase. Therefore, you should not use this gel every day. Use it only in the most extreme situations.
  2. Temporary effect. Despite what the manufacturer promises, you should understand that advertising is just advertising. In fact, such a pencil whitens only for a short time. In order for the whitening effect to last for years, you need to lead a healthy lifestyle, stop smoking and drinking coffee, and also regularly brush your teeth.
  3. Destruction of enamel. This occurs if there was no consultation with a doctor before use. There may be large cracks in the enamel, and the use of gel with hydrogen peroxide only worsens their situation.

There are also a number of contraindications that need to be taken into account. The pencil is strictly prohibited from being used:

  • pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers;
  • those who have piercings in the tooth, tongue or cheeks;
  • those who have naturally very sensitive teeth (using a pencil will cause unbearable pain in the future);
  • small children (since children's enamel is still fragile and more vulnerable to chemical influences);
  • people suffering from dental diseases.
( 1 rating, average 5 out of 5 )
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