Whitening strips and toothpastes Crest 3D White

“Cross 3D White” is a series of products that provide effective teeth whitening. Whitening strips, even at home, help ensure that your smile becomes dazzling, and you yourself will feel much more confident. Special care and effective whitening are necessary for smokers, coffee and tea drinkers, as these people most often develop unattractive plaque on their teeth. The strips remove it perfectly without damaging tooth enamel.

Contrary to popular belief, tooth enamel itself does not turn yellow. It’s just that particles that have a darker shade than the natural color of the teeth accumulate on its surface. And for effective whitening, it is enough to remove these particles from the surface of the tooth enamel using special strips. But in order to achieve a noticeable result and at the same time not damage the surface of the tooth enamel, you need to use only high-quality products for whitening. These include all types of Crest strips, which give teeth a lighter shade.

Crest WhiteStrips Made in the USA

The high level of quality of all products in the Crest 3D WhiteStrips series is ensured by compliance with modern technologies and high standards, so teeth can be whitened gently and professionally. The manufacturer of the series is a company from the USA, where it is simply impossible not to follow high requirements and standards. At the same time, the manufacturer’s assortment includes several 3D White subseries, each of which is designed for whitening teeth with plaque of varying degrees of complexity.

White Strips are manufactured using excellent quality components and their composition is safe. This provides whitening of 1-2 tones or even 6-7 tones. The manufacturer takes into account the needs of all categories of its customers, so people who have very heavy plaque on their enamel, and those with sensitive teeth, for whom pain does not allow them to use any means when performing whitening, will be able to choose suitable strips.

US dentists recommend any Crest brand strips. Their quality is guaranteed by the use of modern technologies during production. Each system is universal, since their shape is the result of modern developments and follows the shape of the teeth.

Product information

The expiration date of the toothpaste is indicated on the product packaging, as well as on the sealed seam of the toothpaste tube. The manufacturer does not indicate the date of manufacture of the product, but only the end date until which the product is allowed to be used. The expiration date is indicated in the form of a letter and a numeric value, where the first two Latin letters are the month, and two digits are the year until which the product can be used. The batch number of the product is indicated next to the expiration date. Using the batch number, it is possible to decipher the production date and expiration date of the product on one of the special analyzer sites.

The most popular whitening strips

Whitening procedures using special strips are the easiest way to achieve noticeable results at home. The most important thing is to choose the right series of products for yourself. The most popular types of 3D WhiteStrips include:

  1. Crest 3D White Vivid. This series allows you to whiten your teeth very carefully. Whitening procedures with these strips provide teeth whitening by 2 shades and last only 30 minutes. They can be used by people whose teeth are very sensitive. They are also suitable if the plaque on the enamel is slight. After just five days of use, the whitening results are obvious. It is preserved for a year.
  2. Crest 3D White Glamorous. This is a product that provides an innovative approach to teeth whitening. The result that this product provides exceeds the possible effect of using whitening toothpastes by 25 times. After the full course, the enamel brightens by 4 tones. Already on the third day, the results of using the system become noticeable.
  3. Crest 3D White Luxe Flexfit. These strips are suitable even with very heavy deposits on the enamel. Provides whitening of 6-7 tones. The procedures only need to be carried out for 2 weeks, 30 minutes daily. For maximum human comfort, Cross White strips are made using unique Flexfit technology, so they stretch and follow the shape of the teeth. The use of strips from this series is a guarantee of a result and effect that will not be inferior to professional whitening.
  4. Crest 3D White Professional. Provides noticeable teeth whitening results after the third use, since the composition of the product includes effective active ingredients (for example, hydrogen peroxide). A 20-day course leads to teeth brightening by 5 tones, that is, the system provides a professional whitening effect, but at home, and its price is reasonable. Repeated whitening after using the Professional series is not required for a long time - up to 18 months.

The effect of using strips of any type will be enhanced by the use of Crest 3D White teeth cleaning gel or paste. In cases where you urgently need to prepare for an important event or event, and there is no time to reap the effect after three or five whitening procedures, Crest 3D White 1 Hour Express strips are well suited. They make teeth whiter after the first procedure, which lasts 1 hour.

Chasing White Teeth with Crest 3D White Luxe Whitestrips Supreme FlexFit

There are exactly two weeks until Valentine's Day... Many do not celebrate this holiday, considering it “not ours,” but I am sure that this is another reason to become even more beautiful by putting on a new dress, enveloping yourself in the romantic aroma of your favorite perfume, curling your curls and dazzling those around you with your smile

, running out late for a date.
But in just 14 days, a dazzling smile can become your reality, thanks to Crest 3D White Luxe Whitestrips Supreme FlexFit
. Tested for yourself!

She smiled, and it seemed to me that the whole world became brighter .”
Erich Maria Remarque.
“Three Comrades” Probably only the lazy have never heard of these whitening strips. They made a splash with advertisements in popular public pages, on the pages of stars and models with incredible “before” and “after” photographs of white teeth; they made people smile more often and aroused the enthusiastic surprise of acquaintances and friends. Crest 3D White Luxe Whitestrips Supreme FlexFit

(USA) the latest, improved at-home teeth whitening system released in 2014.
Today’s post will be about her. Important! This is not propaganda and I am not a doctor, but I consider it my task to explain as clearly as possible the “pros” and “cons”, as well as “with caution,” of this product for whitening teeth.

in the first stages of the popularity of strips, I ignored them in every possible way and consoled myself with the fact that teeth whitening was harmful, painful, expensive and short-lived.
In fact, everything was quite pathetic - I had crooked teeth
. Very. I understood this and thought that I accepted myself as such, while in the photographs I hid behind sophisticated grimaces, so as not to show my teeth, or rather protruding fangs and “twos” standing across, it’s better not to even remember about the lower jaw. She told herself: “They may be crooked, but they are strong,” “happiness is not in the teeth,” “I’m already beautiful,” and other consolations.

Envious of those with straight teeth, I became more gloomy every year, afraid of smiles in unexpected photographs and regretted that I had not listened to my mother and agreed to correct my bite at school age, fearing the ridicule of my classmates.

Thinking about stripes, seeing them more and more often in advertising, I realized that snow-white crooked teeth do not look straighter, which means this product is not for me.

Now I remember all this like a bad dream. It even becomes funny. And how good it is that there are real friends who motivate and help us to be better, even if we resist because of fear of change and do not see the positive in what is obligatory. I sincerely wish you all such friends.

That’s exactly how my friend led me, practically by the hand, to the orthodontist’s office.

and also, she put on braces with me. All this time we were “iron ladies” with her, as we called ourselves then.

Advice: If someone still cannot decide to go to the orthodontist, is afraid of pain, is embarrassed to wear “hardware”, thinking that they are worn only in childhood, believes that crooked teeth are normal, etc.
Make up your mind! A correct bite means healthy teeth and gums. Aesthetics only come in second place.

You get used to braces, and those around you in braces, get used to it in a couple of weeks.
But what a result! I even scold myself a little for not deciding to take this step earlier and living for 29 years without improving myself, but trying to accept and find excuses. After about a year and a half, I began to understand the value of a beautiful smile, the importance of oral care, and was finally able to try those same Crest


I still remember the effect of the first package.
Due to daily monitoring of the shade of tooth enamel, it was impossible to observe the difference from each strip (the course was 14 days). The first thing that made me pay attention to the result was the numerous questions from my colleagues and the dentist. They all asked in one voice: “What do you use to brush your teeth?”, “Have you done whitening?”
. And this was on the 7th day of using the strips. After completing the course, my teeth literally exposed the film when filming. I was delighted with the stripes and the perfect whiteness of my teeth, but I was a little depressed, remembering their cost and realizing that the result would not last long... and so it turned out.

When drinking coffee, black tea and having a smoking habit, the effect lasted only three months.

I bought a pack of strips again, at that time it was the Glamorous White course. After a couple of days, my lower teeth began to ache, walking in stripes for an hour was painful, and I took them off 15 minutes earlier. At an appointment with the dentist, I received a comment that the transparent edge of some teeth had become thinner and had become sensitive. The use of strips was temporarily prohibited.

Realizing that it was impossible to partake in whitening, I stopped using it for a couple of years and put all my energy into fighting the habits that make my teeth darker than natural.

I’m writing about white teeth, but it turns out to be a post about willpower... But, as you already understand, the whiteness of teeth is closely related to our habits.

So, after a couple of years, having quit smoking and drinking coffee

, I went for another
ultrasonic cleaning
(I do it every six months), and a couple of weeks later I ordered the latest “new
Supreme Flexfit”

The package contains
28 whitening strips, 14 for the upper and 14 for the lower teeth, which must be worn for an hour a day. Each package contains a label with a description and instructions for use.

The main differences between Supreme FlexFit and previous courses of Crest strips:
Promise 1:

Visible result after 1 day
you will see a good result in the mirror on day 4-5 of daily use
Promise 2:

The whitening effect lasts for 12 months
without coffee, cigarettes and with regular visits to the dentist, yes, your teeth will be white for almost a year.
But not snow-white like immediately after a course of stripes. Promise 3:

The strips are longer, allowing more teeth to be whitened.
Yes. Compared to Glamorous White, the strips are indeed more comfortable, longer, but they do not cover all the teeth, only the “wide smile” area

My dentist's opinion:
negative. Arguments: the composition is harmful to enamel, because thins it out, frequent use is strictly not recommended.

It is forbidden to cover the periosteum with strips if it is open.
is a connective tissue film surrounding the outside of the bone.

Individual cases:

the natural tone of the teeth is dark
, the so-called “Vita scale”, then the stripes will not change it and the teeth will not become snow-white, but they will become lighter

if there is
a tooth with a removed nerve
, then the strips will not whiten it
3. if there are fillings
in the visible area of ​​the “wide smile”, the strips will have to be abandoned, because the fillings will stand out in tone

It is important to note that whitening strips are not suitable for sensitive teeth!

If you have just such teeth, take care of them, don’t waste money, you won’t be able to use them due to shooting pain and further sensitivity of the enamel to changes in air temperature and drinks. Now Procter & Gamble has a course for sensitive teeth, but it is not so effective, usually 2-4 tones.

Reducing tooth sensitivity:

When purchasing strips at a pharmacy, I was recommended to take
ROCS Medical Sensitive gel
, which “allows you to quickly relieve pain symptoms / prevent their occurrence and at the same time remineralize the hard tissues of teeth (enamel and dentin).”

I used it every other time, because... lazy. First, you keep the strips on for an hour, don’t drink or eat, then this gel for 20 minutes. I don't have enough patience. Therefore, I can’t say definitely about the effect. But it obviously won't get any worse.

I would recommend using the paste that dentists prescribe after whitening and cleaning – Sensodyne

, it relieves sensitivity and pain. Personally, she helped me after cleanings and removal of braces.


I use one strip on both the upper and lower teeth, cutting it in half with scissors. I have large teeth, so this advice is suitable not only for those with small teeth. The savings are very significant.

And also, I noticed that
if you do not cover the transparent edge of the tooth with a strip
, but glue it to the base, leaving the edge open, then
sensitivity and pain decrease
, or even do not appear at all.

Bottom line:
For me, these are lifesaver strips and always lie on the shelf in the bathroom, ready to come to the rescue before an important meeting or date. After a full course, several months later, to refresh the result, one or two uses are enough and your teeth will be snow-white again. It’s important not to overuse (black tea makes teeth very dark), so I started using one strip once a month, because... I can’t refuse tea.

are usually not included in the kit, this time they were given at the pharmacy, I am posting them for you, dear girls. It has recommendations and is quite useful.

I have one
“before” photo Photo “after”
about 10 days of using the first set of strips.

This photo is recent, taken 5 months after the Supreme FlexFit course

I recommend
(if your teeth are strong and not sensitive)
approximately 4,500 rubles.

Use your smile to change the world, but never let the latter change the former.

Yours, doch_montesumy


Why can real Crest 3D White only be purchased in trusted stores?

If you want to get truly original strips and get a high-quality whitening effect, then contact only a trusted and reliable seller. Crest 3D White brand products are becoming increasingly popular, so a large number of counterfeits are appearing on the market, which not only will not bring the desired teeth whitening effect, but can also harm the enamel, thinning it and causing minor mechanical damage to it.

It often seems that counterfeit stripes are sold at more attractive prices, since their price is usually lower. But such savings will not be a reasonable solution, since the result of using low-quality strips can be unpredictable. An attempt to save a small amount will lead to more significant expenses in the future, since a person will not only have to purchase the original Cross White strips again in order to still ensure the result, but also may require professional help from a dentist to restore the health of the teeth enamel. And the price for professional services will be quite high.

Crest strips and toothpastes with nationwide delivery

In our store, each customer can receive a free consultation to choose the course that is best suited for themselves, taking into account the composition and effect, to make their teeth whiter and their smile more attractive. We also always offer only original products and in a wide range, so that everyone can choose the strips that suit their teeth best. And also buy toothpaste to maintain the effect of the procedure.

For the convenience of each buyer, more than 10 payment options are provided. Delivery of selected strips is carried out as quickly as possible, its conditions are favorable and convenient for customers from any corner of the country. Also, our company always provides profitable offers with the opportunity to save: discounts and gifts with orders.

Instructions for use

  • Step 1: Apply toothpaste from kit #1 to your toothbrush and brush your teeth for one minute. After using the first paste, rinsing your mouth with water is not recommended.
  • Step 2: Apply finishing gel from kit #2 to your toothbrush and brush your teeth for one minute. After using the gel, rinse your mouth with warm water.
  • Adults and children over 12 years of age are advised to brush their teeth thoroughly after every meal, or at least twice a day, morning and evening.
  • Do not swallow toothpaste during hygiene procedures.
  • If you accidentally swallowed a large amount of toothpaste (more than what is intended for a one-time hygiene procedure), seek medical help immediately.
  • Children under 12 years of age should only use this toothpaste as directed by a dentist.
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