Teeth whitening strips Crest 3D White Whitestrips: varieties, prices, reviews


Not so long ago, a beautiful white-toothed smile was just a dream for many. Only a few could afford the expensive whitening procedure.

Modern whitening methods not only save money, but also allow you to get effective results without leaving your home. One of these products is Crest brand whitening strips.


Crest, with its extensive experience in selling whitening products, has developed innovative enamel whitening strips. They are made from the finest synthetic fiber

, which is easily placed on the crowns without causing discomfort during speech.

The polyethylene base ensures easy removal of the plate during use. This allows the product to be used in any conditions by people of different ages. The fabric has a gel impregnation based on natural ingredients.

How it works?

When glued to the teeth, the strip begins to release active substances that are able to penetrate into the deep layers of enamel, quickly brightening the darkened surface

. The composition is approved by leading US dentists.

Peroxides contained in the gel plates cause oxidation reactions due to the release of oxygen ions. Organic substances are destroyed and split into carbon dioxide and water. As a result, the enamel becomes lighter.

During a professional procedure in dentistry, the same technologies are used; activation occurs due to radiation during laser teeth whitening.

Working principle of brightening plates

Using 3D-White teeth whitening strips is quite simple. Even a child can understand the instructions. In order for the plates to produce the expected effect, you need to properly attach them to the teeth of the upper or lower jaw and wear them for some time. Enamel lightening occurs due to the action of hydrogen peroxide. This chemical component is present in the solution in which the bleaching strips are soaked. While wearing the plates, hydrogen peroxide is constantly in contact with the surface, due to which stains are eliminated, not only from the outside, but also from the inside of the teeth.

During the use of Crest 3D-White whitening strips, the solution penetrates into the enamel structure and is partially absorbed into it, which allows you to prolong the effect obtained, but only if the teeth are protected from exposure to strong reagents. Plates that lighten the surface of teeth contain special synthetic substances that aggressively remove even old plaque, but at the same time these substances do not cause any harm. The main thing is not to deviate from the manufacturer’s instructions.

Unlike toothpaste, 3D-White strips are in contact with the enamel for a longer period, so achieving the desired effect and visually assessing the result will be much faster. At the same time, it is undesirable to overuse brightening plates. If you use them too often, tooth sensitivity will increase, causing a painful reaction to hot and cold.


Crest Whitestrips 3D White are made in the form of gel-impregnated polyester strips applied to a polyethylene base. Effective enamel lightening in a short amount of time is achieved by well-selected components that are included in the gel used:

  • hydrogen peroxide
    . This is the main component responsible for whitening. Depending on the percentage of its content, it will be more or less intense;
  • sodium hydroxide
    . Provides a neutral effect of the acidic environment, thereby increasing the efficiency of the brightening agent;
  • salts of pyrophosphoric acid
    . They soften old dental plaque, which can then be easily removed. Actively prevent the formation of new plaque;
  • carbomer
    _ Substance that creates high adhesion;
  • glycerin
    . Used to increase the density of the composition so that it is better applied to the enamel. Also actively promotes moisture retention;
  • water
    . Replenishes dehydration caused by carbomer;
  • sodium saccharin
    . Improves the taste characteristics of the gel.

With Light

In professional dental clinics, teeth whitening is performed using light. The purpose of the light flux in this case is to have a more powerful effect on hydrogen peroxide. Under the influence of light, this substance breaks down much faster, and its free radicals penetrate the structure of tooth enamel. Moreover, the light must be used not during the procedure, but after it.

The Crest 3D-White With Light kit includes a special portable lamp that is used to activate the brightening components. This device itself does not have whitening properties, but is only a source of blue light waves in the ultraviolet range. Some dental professionals believe that the use of light along with strips is nothing more than a marketing ploy by the manufacturer, used to make the procedure as similar as possible to an in-office whitening procedure. For this reason, the cost of the Crest 3D White With Light kit is considered by many to be unreasonable, since it exceeds 5,500 rubles.


Crest systems are represented by strips, which, according to the degree of sensitivity, are divided into two groups: gentle and intensive whitening.

Gentle enamel lightening system

This system includes products intended for conservative enamel lightening with a high degree of sensitivity:

Stain Shield

Products are more designed to maintain whiteness

than for visible whitening on its own. But with regular use, you can lighten the enamel by 2 tones. They are easy to use: to maintain whiteness, it is enough to apply strips every other day for 5 minutes.

With daily application, slight lightening will occur in just a week. The package contains 28 pairs of polyethylene tapes, which are used as needed. The price of one course varies from 2500 to 3000 rubles


Gentle Routine

The system is designed to lighten by 3 tones

teeth with the most sensitive enamel and is designed for four weeks of regular use. Thanks to the safe active ingredients, all dental deposits are easily removed without damaging the enamel.

For effective results, daily use of polyester strips is required for no more than 5 minutes per day. Whitening with this product will cost approximately 2800 rubles.



Series designed for basic teeth whitening with normal sensitivity by 3 tones

. The set is designed for use for 12 days, so the strips are suitable for those who for the first time decided to lighten tooth enamel without leaving home.

To ensure guaranteed whitening, it is necessary to stick the product daily for half an hour

. The visible result will be in 5 days. After the course, the enamel will remain white for about six months.

The only drawback of this type of strip is the possibility of slipping when talking or smoking. You can buy Vivid strips for about 2,600 rubles


How to whiten teeth with hydrogen peroxide at home - study the recipes.

Well, here we read about lightening enamel with tea tree oil.

Here: https://www.vash-dentist.ru/krasota-i-uxod/otbelivanie/kak-provoditsya-zubov-aktivirovannyim-uglem.html - methods of teeth whitening with activated carbon at home.

Intensive enamel lightening system

This system includes products intended for use in people with normal and reduced enamel sensitivity:

Glamorous White

System for rapid whitening of the external surface of crowns, with normal sensitivity. Requires regular application for half an hour over a couple of weeks. After this, your teeth enamel will be at least 3 shades whiter.

The effect of use is visible after 4 days, and after completing the course it lasts for almost a year. The strips have good adhesion, and therefore slipping from the surface is excluded. For the improved characteristics of these strips you will have to pay at least 3,000 rubles


Professional Effects

This product is best tolerated by enamel with normal sensitivity. When used for half an hour, it makes teeth whiter by more than 4 shades. This effect becomes noticeable after three applications. After a full course of 20 days, the tone is fixed and lasts up to six months.

Polyester fiber adheres well to the teeth without damaging the enamel. The bands for the lower teeth are wider than those listed above. The price of using such bleaching is 3600 rubles


Supreme FlexFit

The most intense whitening system from Crest White products. The composition of the components is selected in such a way that lightening occurs instantly. After the first application, the enamel becomes much lighter.

After completing the entire course in two weeks, the enamel whitens by 6 tones. Wearing such strips lasts at least 1 hour every day. It is worth considering that this greatly affects the crown, making it sensitive.

The effect lasts for 18 months. Polyester tapes for lower and upper teeth have the same length and increased adhesion. An express whitening course costs about 4,000 rubles


The long-term effect promised by the manufacturer will only occur if the person infrequently drinks coloring drinks and does not have bad habits.

Answers to popular questions

Is Crest 3D Whitestripes safe?

This product is completely safe because it includes only proven components that are widely used by dentists to clean the teeth of their patients. More detailed information on the safe use of the product is provided in the 3D White Crest Whitestrips instructions.

Is it possible to whiten teeth for longer than the time specified by the manufacturer?

No you can not. Increasing the time of use of the strips can lead to a serious increase in the sensitivity of tooth enamel, which can cause some discomfort. Therefore, compliance with the course duration specified in the instructions for each model is mandatory.

How do they work?

This product consists of thin strips made to fit the size of the teeth, coated on one side with a special gel containing the active ingredient hydrogen peroxide, which is widely used during professional whitening procedures in dental clinics. After applying the strips to the teeth, hydrogen peroxide reacts chemically with a small amount of saliva, causing the teeth to become white and restore their natural state.

How quickly does the effect occur?

A change in the shade of tooth enamel occurs after 3-4 days of using the plates. The final result is achieved after completing a full course of whitening, the timing of which depends on the specific type of strips.

How long does the final cleansing effect last?

If you maintain daily oral hygiene, the whitening results can last for a year. A decrease in the period of preservation of the effect can be a consequence of smoking, as well as frequent consumption of coloring drinks.

What is the significant difference between teeth whitening with White Strips and a similar procedure at the dentist?

The main difference between these two methods of professional teeth cleaning is the price and speed of the desired result. In this case, the same substance acts as a bleaching component - hydrogen peroxide. Thus, a procedure performed in a clinic usually lasts 1-2 hours, but its price runs into hundreds of dollars. In the case of using Crest Whitestrips 3D Professional Effects strips or their other types, achieving an identical cleaning result is achieved gradually, but the price of the product does not exceed $45-80.

Are Crest 3D Whitestrips suitable for whitening fillings, braces, bridges and crowns?

Because the cleansing strips require full contact of the gel with the enamel and are intended only for natural teeth, performing a whitening procedure while wearing braces may result in an uneven shade after the system is removed. If there is no bracket system, but there are crowns, fillings or bridges, then the final result will not be spoiled, provided that none of the listed elements is located within the front surface of the teeth.

Is it dangerous to accidentally swallow a strip or gel?

The swallowed strip is absolutely harmless and will exit the body naturally. In the case of the gel, health will also not be affected, since a small amount of hydrogen peroxide is completely harmless to humans and is dangerous only in too large an amount.

What to do if teeth sensitivity increases after the whitening procedure?

First of all, you should remain calm, since increased sensitivity is temporary. It is also possible to interrupt the course for a day or two and then resume it. If teeth initially have increased sensitivity, then the use of special Crest 3D Whitestrips Gentle Routine plates is recommended.

Is the product reusable?

Repeated use of whitening strips is not possible and will not bring any effect. This is due to the fact that their main element, hydrogen peroxide, completely evaporates after a single use.

Will there be negative consequences from missing one cleansing session?

No, breaks in the whitening course will not affect the final result. Moreover, skipping even several sessions is allowed.

Is it okay to brush your teeth immediately before using Crest Whitestrips?

It is not recommended to brush your teeth before using the strips. Otherwise, the risk of gum irritation due to contact with the gel increases. If brushing your teeth is necessary, you should refrain from whitening your teeth for an hour or two after it.

How to get rid of gel residues on teeth after the procedure?

To completely remove the gel, you can use one of the recommended methods:

  1. Rinse your mouth with water;
  2. Gently brush your teeth with a damp brush;
  3. Wipe off the remaining gel with a napkin;
  4. Do nothing until the gel dissolves.

Can I drink, eat or smoke while using Crest Whitestrips?

All of the above is unacceptable during the whitening procedure. This is due to the special properties of the gel on the strips, which helps open the pores on the tooth enamel and makes it temporarily more sensitive to various dyes. In addition, such actions may lead to displacement of the strip, and as a result, a negative result of the procedure. The manufacturer also recommends refraining from smoking and drinking coloring drinks for 2 hours after the end of bleaching.

Can Crest plates prevent yellowing of teeth due to smoking?

Yes, they are capable. This product does an excellent job of removing stains caused by cigarettes, but the effect comes gradually, since the yellowness from smoking is considered quite persistent.

Can Crest 3D Whitestrips be used while sleeping?

No. This approach is absolutely not suitable for use, since during sleep there is no way to control the time of enamel cleaning.

What are the restrictions on using whitening strips?

They are not intended for use by children under 16 years of age, nursing mothers, or pregnant women.

What additional whitening products can be used in conjunction with Crest strips?

The manufacturer recommends the following products for joint use:

  1. Crestal teeth whitening pencil is a unique invention that allows you to quickly clean enamel even outside the home. Thanks to its special composition, the pencil can become an effective tool for increasing the overall whitening effect of the use of plates and other Crest products.
  2. Crestal Whitening Gel is the same substance used in the strips and allows you to top them up or replace them to finish the course after they run out.
  3. Whitening paste Crest . Along with other additional means, it can significantly speed up the overall effect of using cleansing strips.



Crest brand strips with a whitening effect, although not directly, still have an effect on the body. Therefore, like many similar methods, they have their contraindications:

  • pregnancy;
  • allergic reactions to components;
  • breastfeeding period;
  • caries;
  • age up to 16 years;
  • periodontal diseases;
  • presence of seals. In this case, you should consult your dentist prematurely;
  • carrying out professional-type whitening in a dental clinic;
  • use of orthodontic devices and systems.

Detailed instructions for use

The key to excellent whitening results is the correct use of strips.


  • Position yourself comfortably in front of a mirror to ensure even and accurate application of the strip. Separate the polyester tape from the polyethylene covering;
  • Apply the impregnated side of the tape evenly to the outer surface of the teeth and, pressing, distribute it over the crowns. Apply the long one to the upper row of teeth, the short one to the lower row;
  • the edge of the strip protruding above the cutting part of the dentition should be folded inward;
  • withstand the necessary minutes allotted for the procedure;
  • remove the strip and gel. Remove gel by gentle brushing or rinsing with water. If the enamel sensitivity is low, it is quite acceptable to leave the gel on the teeth.

After using the whitening strip, it is recommended to use a rinse for teeth with increased sensitivity.


The popularity of Crest brand stripes is due to a number of advantages:

  • low cost. Whitening of this type in dental clinics will cost many times more;
  • damage to the enamel is excluded, which cannot be said about professional methods of procedure from a specialist;
  • rarely increases the sensitivity of tooth enamel;
  • balanced concentration of the main active ingredient;
  • the ability to independently regulate the time of use;
  • safety of constituent components;
  • in case of normal sensitivity to the strips, the application time may be increased;
  • skipping procedures does not affect the final result;
  • They even get rid of smoking stains.


Based on data obtained from patient reviews, we can conclude that the whitening method using strips has a number of disadvantages:

  • the uniformity of whitening depends on the correct fastening of the strip, so people who use them for the first time have difficulties. To obtain an ideal result, experience is required.
  • In some cases, the enamel cannot be whitened, because due to its characteristics, it requires more aggressive methods of exposure, which are available only in dentistry.
  • plates, like any other method of whitening, cause increased tooth sensitivity;
  • allergic reactions are possible.

Tips for use

Using Crest Whitestrips for quality whitening will be more effective if you follow some tips:

  • during a whitening course , to enhance the effect, the manufacturer recommends using Crest toothpaste;
  • Before use, you need to make sure that at least 1 hour has passed since brushing your teeth
    . Otherwise, severe irritation of the gum tissue and increased enamel reaction are possible;
  • Always open a new strip for the procedure
    . The remaining gel on the old fabric no longer contains the main bleaching component;
  • For each dentition, you should use only your own strips
    , since they have a different anatomical shape. When using the bottom strip on the upper dentition, the entire surface of the crowns will not be covered;
  • avoid getting the gel on the gums
    , as this causes severe irritation;
  • keep sanitary napkins nearby
    , as during the release of active substances, salivation slightly increases and a small amount of foam appears;
  • Sometimes spots form on the surface, indicating slight dehydration. Normally they disappear after a few hours;
  • strips cannot be used while sleeping
    because they slip into the oral cavity. This can lead to their entry into the respiratory tract;
  • try to avoid getting the substance into the stomach
    . Sometimes this causes irritation.

Is Luxury White Pro a good teeth whitening pencil? Read reviews about it.

In this article we will tell you how to lighten enamel with soda at home.

Here: https://www.vash-dentist.ru/krasota-i-uxod/otbelivanie/lazernoe/zubov-otzyivyi-tsenyi-i-opisanie-protseduryi.html - you will find prices and read reviews about laser teeth whitening.

Popular product line

Today, several types of Crest strips are in demand. They have no fundamental differences from each other, since they contain almost the same substances. The variety of products allows the consumer to find the most suitable product for themselves. Reviews of 3D-White teeth whitening strips often mention products for sensitive teeth and enamel affected by fluorosis. Next, let's get acquainted with the main products of the series and their differences.

Consumer Opinions

What do consumers say in their video reviews about using Crest Whitestrips 3D White?

The effectiveness of using Crest whitening strips has been proven by a lot of positive reviews. There are complaints due to an incorrectly selected product, which gives the promised effect, but at the same time affects the sensitivity of the teeth.

If you would like to share your opinion, you can leave feedback in the comments to this article.

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Gentle Routine

This is another product for those with hypersensitive teeth. The purpose of creating these strips was to offer a unique whitening system for patients suffering from a painful reaction to cold or hot foods. If not so long ago people with tooth sensitivity did not even dream of a whitening procedure, today this remedy is one of the most effective for this problem.

The composition of the Crest 3D-White Gentle Routine plates is developed using a new formula that has a gentle effect on plaque and tartar deposits. Whitening strips effectively eliminate local darkening of the enamel, evening out the color of the entire dentition. Among the components contained in the gel are only natural substances and a safe amount of hydrogen peroxide, which do not harm the enamel and lighten teeth by 2-3 tones. The duration of one whitening course is 28 days, and each session of wearing the plates should not last more than 5-10 minutes. Many people see positive changes after just a week of use. Judging by the responses, the effect lasts about a year. The average cost of Crest 3D-White Gentle Routine strips does not exceed 3,000 rubles.

Write a comment

  • Olga

    November 30, 2015 at 10:42 pm

    I've been eyeing these stripes for a long time. The price doesn't bother you, you have to pay for quality. On the contrary, if they were too cheap, I would doubt that this is a good product. Of the presented ones, I like the kind of strips that need to be kept on the teeth for only 5 minutes. I can’t stand it for an hour, even though the result lasts a long time, it’s still not for me.

  • Anna

    December 2, 2015 at 1:56 am

    Pretty good strips, I was very pleased with the results and ease of use. For me, the price is more or less acceptable; for whitening at the dentist, much more money would be spent. And you will spend much more nerves in a dental office than at home. After use, the teeth are of course not as snow-white as we would like. The main thing is not to overuse coffee, otherwise the yellowness of your teeth will return in a couple of days.

  • Ira

    November 30, 2016 at 3:39 am

    They recently sent it to me by mail (I ordered it from an online store). For me this was not a cheap pleasure. But the main thing is the result. And the result did not take long to arrive; I can already see improvements in the appearance of my teeth. It’s very convenient that now you can do without going to the dentist, especially since it would cost more. The main thing is to carefully apply the gel to the teeth without touching the gums, otherwise irritation may begin. Take dental care seriously!

  • Vita

    April 18, 2022 at 07:18 pm

    Well, what can I say, it’s not a bad thing at all. I have been smoking for many years and the yellow discoloration does not come out of my teeth, I am somehow afraid of whitening, as it seems to spoil the enamel. Well, these whitening strips certainly helped, at least I’m no longer embarrassed to smile!! This is of course a godsend for me, I’ve read so many things and bought so many things, it’s just terrible. I’ll probably focus on them, it’s a really cool thing, I’m very glad I tried it, I don’t regret it.

  • Vika Dex

    December 11, 2022 at 21:05

    These strips helped me make my teeth white! Initially, I used the whitening paste together with an electric brush for about a month, once a day, the rest I cleaned with a regular brush and biocalcium paste. And yes, the remineralizing gel remarse is a must after the procedure. All the plaque has gone from the teeth, but still no, no boiling whiteness. I bought strips, did all the sessions and my teeth really became like those of Hollywood actors. Therefore, if you can’t do it, try removing the plaque first, otherwise it will prevent the penetration of the active substance into the tooth tissue.

  • Lera

    December 13, 2022 at 2:58 am

    I bought this advertised product, used everything strictly according to the instructions, did not violate anything. There was no effect, the teeth were still yellow. It turns out that this is just another advertising gimmick, and the stripes are not cheap. It would be better to add it and go to the dentist for normal whitening. And now the money has been wasted and in-office whitening, it seems, cannot be done after manual whitening, you have to wait several months.

  • Alena K.

    December 13, 2022 at 19:00

    We conducted an experiment, took a pack of identical strips for me and my husband. My teeth are naturally white, plus I always have them professionally cleaned every six months. My husband’s enamel color is really bad, but it’s impossible to drag him to go to the dentist for whitening. And he seemed to be loyal to the stripes. We stuck the strips on, walked around, and used everything from our own packaging. Conclusions: my teeth were still white. This means that those who expect a cosmic effect from the product need to accept the fact that it is impossible to make the result whiter than white; probably only artificial crowns can be like that. My husband's enamel became noticeably lighter, but did not become white. This means that if the case is advanced, you shouldn’t hope for complete whitening either.

( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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