Top 9 best strips for teeth whitening: description, prices, operating principle and instructions for use

A whitening strip is a flexible plate that is impregnated with a special gel. The composition includes a mixture of urea and hydrogen peroxide. These substances effectively fight even the most severe stains (coffee or nicotine stains).

Such plates are also capable of removing various pigment marks. They can form from prolonged wearing of retainers and braces.

The active action of the gel is blocked by a special protective film. After its removal, this solution is immediately activated. After placing the strip on the teeth, the production of oxygen ions begins. These elements have oxidizing properties. Oxygen enters the deepest layers and at this level the decomposition of organic molecules begins. This is the main effect of the whitening gel.

What are the strips and what is included in the kit?

The strips have sticky sides that are covered with a protective film

Whitening strips are innovative flexible overlays on teeth that provide a quick and effective return to the natural whiteness of tooth enamel.

They are coated with a multicomponent gel, which includes the active ingredient.

Most often, this component is hydrogen peroxide, which, when activated with oxygen, provides a whitening effect.

Regardless of the manufacturer, each set of these products consists of two strips. The strips have sticky sides that are covered with a protective film.

Due to the presence of carbomer in their composition, the strips are securely fixed to the surface of the teeth. The wider strip is intended for the upper, and the narrow strip for the lower row of teeth.

Important! The special gel affects exclusively the enamel; the structure of fillings, implants and dentures remains unchanged. It contains no aggressive chemical compounds, so these strips are harmless to dental health.

Who might need them?

Whitening strips can cope with plaque and unsightly yellow discoloration that appears as a result of long-term smoking. They also remove dark spots caused by regular consumption of coffee and red wine. If a person has such bad habits, he should turn his attention to Bright Light.

Stickers can be used by those people who have increased enamel sensitivity. Unlike other whitening methods, Bright Light does not make teeth more susceptible to external irritation.

What are they?

Today there are many manufacturers of enamel lightening strips. Each of them is trying to expand the range of its products, producing different types.

On the dental market, plates are presented in the form of products for the following whitening:

  • Sparing. Recommended for sensitive enamel. Such strips contain a safe concentration of the active component, which ensures a gentle effect on the enamel.
  • Standard. They are used in the absence of carious lesions and periodontal diseases as a systemic oral care product.
  • Powerful. Used in the presence of strong pigmentation and multiple mineralized deposits. Designed for emergency whitening.
  • Fixing. Designed to maintain the achieved effect. Prevents the development of pigmentation as a result of exposure to food dyes from products.

Lightening strips are also classified depending on the exposure time: fast-acting and long-acting.

The Best Do-It-Yourself Teeth Whitening Strips

The most popular strips are:

  1. White Intensive. A good product designed for intensive enamel whitening by 3 to 4 tones. The low percentage of peroxide provides a gentle effect on enamel and periodontium. The resulting shade lasts for a year. The price for one set is 2150 rubles.
  2. Bright Light Night Effects. The system is intended for night use. Effectively removes pigmentation and plaque that form as a result of systemic smoking and consumption of coloring drinks and food. The average cost is 1490 rubles.
  3. Crest 3D White Supreme FlexFit. Contains the most concentrated composition with hydrogen peroxide. This provides results that are in no way inferior to professional dental cleaning. Not recommended if you have sensitive enamel and for initial use. The price is within 4500 rubles.
  4. Crestal Bright White. An ideal solution for people with dental hyperesthesia. Gentle whitening is carried out for 2 weeks. Reliable fixation on the teeth ensures uniform exposure of the gel to the entire surface of the dentition. Price 1150 rubles.
  5. Rembrandt Intense Dissolving Strips. In addition to bleaching agents, the structure of the multicomponent gel includes antibacterial ingredients. Prevents the formation of pigmentation, plaque and the appearance of unpleasant odor from the oral cavity. Self-dissolving strips cost 2,680 rubles.
  6. Celebrity Smile. The low concentration of the main active ingredient ensures gentle whitening. Ideally follows the anatomical shape of the teeth without contacting the periodontium. This does not cause irritation to soft tissues. The price for a package of 14 pieces is 1890 rubles.
  7. Listerine Whitening Quick Dissolving Strips. They have the property of self-dissolution under the influence of saliva. Recommended for use in the presence of sensitive enamel. The cost per package is 2300 rubles.
  8. Blend-a-med 3DWhite Luxe. One of the most effective products in this category, brightening enamel up to 7 tones. Intensive whitening of strong and complex pigments is carried out. The peroxide content of 5% allows the strips to be used on sensitive enamel. Cost 3640 rubles.
  9. MeiTan. Living enamel provides teeth lightening by 1 to 4 shades. When using it, you should not allow the strips to come into contact with the gums, as periodontal irritation may develop. Price 1980 rubles.

Blend-a-med 3DWhite Luxe

Bright Light Night Effects

Crest 3D White Supreme FlexFit

Crestal Bright White

Listerine Whitening Quick Dissolving Strips


Rembrandt Intense Dissolving Strips

Celebrity Smile




Many people who want healthy teeth and a white smile believe that dental procedures such as whitening are an expensive and dangerous step towards confidence and independence. The terrible myth about whitening was dispelled by the American company Dental Oral Health, which released the most affordable and convenient professional kit for home whitening, Bright Light. Today Bright Light is the most modern and popular self-whitening system in the USA and Europe. The safety and effectiveness of this procedure has been confirmed by numerous studies and extensive successful clinical experience of dentists around the world.

Bright Light Night Effects are thin, elastic strips coated with whitening gel. Such strips adhere tightly to the surface of the teeth, repeating their unique shape, which ensures tight contact of the gel with the tooth enamel.

The main active component of the Bright Light Night Effects gel strips is hydrogen peroxide, the concentration of which is much lower than in systems used for in-office whitening. Thus, the use of Bright Light strips does not have a detrimental effect on either the tooth surface or delicate gums if the whitening process occurs in accordance with the instructions. Yellow plaque is removed carefully and delicately, and the natural whiteness of the tooth surface gradually returns.

For sensitive teeth, dentists recommend using special strengthening toothpastes that reduce sensitivity.

The whitening gel of Bright Light Night Effects strips can only affect the color of living teeth - the surface of crowns and dentures will remain unchanged.

The whitening system based on the use of whitening strips is easy to use. The Bright Light Night Effects set consists of 28 strips, and is designed for 6-8 hours of daily use for 2 weeks. The gel easily and gently penetrates tooth enamel and restores natural whiteness without disturbing tooth sensitivity. Before using whitening strips at home, there is no need to clean the tooth surface to prevent irritation of delicate gums. In the morning, after removing the strips, you need to rinse your mouth with water to remove any remaining gel.

The effect after whitening is noticeable after the first procedure and lasts from 6 to 12 months, which depends on the individual characteristics and frequency of use of coloring products. Lightening of the tooth surface occurs by 3-4 tones.

In addition to the Bright Light Night Effects night strips, the company also offers a Professional Effects daytime whitening kit, which includes hydrogen peroxide.


  • 14 strips for upper teeth
  • 14 strips for lower teeth
  • instructions for use


Bright Light whitening strips are not recommended for children under 16 years of age, pregnant women, people allergic to hydrogen peroxide or other components of this product, or those with braces due to uneven lightening of the tooth surface.


Hydrogen peroxide, sorbitol, peppermint oil, hydroxyethylcellulose, povidone, carbomer, acrylate copolymer, alcohol, water.

The manufacturer, at its discretion and without additional notice, may change the contents, appearance of the packaging, country of production and product characteristics. Check at the time of receiving the goods.

How to choose the best whitening plates?

When choosing whitening strips, you should first undergo a consultation with your dentist. Depending on the condition of the teeth, the specialist will recommend the most suitable remedy in each case individually.

Important! If you select strips independently and incorrectly, there is a high probability of chemical damage to tooth enamel, which leads to the development of dental hyperesthesia.

When choosing strips you need to consider:

  • The percentage of active substance content in the gel.
  • Operating principle.
  • Whitening intensity.
  • Duration of the course and exposure time.
  • The degree of sensitivity of tooth enamel.
  • Sealing of packaging.
  • Documentary confirmation of product quality.
  • Manufacturing company.
  • Best before date.
  • Price category.

At-home teeth whitening strips are one of the easiest, fastest and most painless ways to get a snow-white smile like a celebrity. Teeth whitening strips are considered gentle means, but they are quite effective, and the results last for 6 to 12 months.

Of course, health should be in the foreground and you need to visit the dentist once every 6 months to prevent diseases of the gums and teeth themselves. But you don’t have to make an appointment with the dentist to whiten your teeth. You can use teeth whitening strips at home.

We have selected the best strips for home teeth whitening, which are presented in Ukraine.

Bright Light Teeth Whitening Strips

  • Price - from 700 UAH

Bright Light strips are popular online as a home remedy for brightening teeth. Judging by the reviews, they are quite effective. There are 28 strips in the set and they need to be used for 7 days. It turns out 3 times a day. This is not particularly convenient for those who are constantly at work. Therefore, many girls on the forums write that they used them not for 7, but for 10-12 days, 2 times a day. During the first 2 hours after use, sensitivity may occur, which then goes away. The strips whiten the enamel by 4-5 tones and allow you to keep your teeth free of plaque for another 2 weeks after the first course. After application, the whiteness remains for approximately 3 months.

Whitening strips Blend-a-med 3DWhite Luxe

  • Price — 1230 UAH per package

According to the manufacturer and bloggers who have used the product, these strips can remove old stains on teeth that are difficult to whiten. The plates contain hydrogen peroxide at a concentration of 5%, which is not so traumatic for the enamel and allows the product to be used even on sensitive teeth. The result of whitening should be visible after the first procedure. the maximum level of whitening of 5 tones is achieved during the entire course, which consists of 10 procedures. You can whiten your teeth not every day, but every other day, to minimize damage to the enamel.

Whiter than white: top 5 effective procedures for teeth whitening

Listerine Whitening Strips

  • Price — 820 UAH per package

Reviews on the forums say that these strips whiten tooth enamel up to 4-5 tones. The product is easy to use: after brushing your teeth, fix the strip on the upper and lower row of teeth, press lightly so that it does not fall off. The strip material should dissolve within 5-10 minutes. After complete dissolution, you need to rinse your mouth to completely remove the substance. The manufacturer promises that in addition to getting a snow-white smile, you can freshen your breath and get rid of harmful bacteria and germs in the oral cavity. To achieve maximum effect, use the strips 1-2 times a day for 10-14 days. The instructions say that after a course of whitening, the effect lasts for a period of 6 months, but it all depends on lifestyle. Wine, coffee, tea and cigarettes leave a noticeable plaque on the teeth.

Whitening strips Crest 3D White

  • Price - 1125 per package senior editor Maria Simak tested Crest 3D White home teeth whitening strips and shares her experience.

Maria Simak - senior editor of

I’ll tell you a secret right away: I worked in dentistry for several years. After listening to the specialist for whom I worked, I gave preference to 3D White dental strips from the American brand Crest for home use. They have several different systems designed for certain purposes. Unlike stationary whitening, these are cheaper and cause much less discomfort in the end. I took one of the most powerful ones - designed for 12 days. The instructions say to use them every day for 12 days to whiten your teeth by 2 shades. I didn't need more. They also have very gentle ones in stock, designed for 3-4 months. During this time, you can whiten your teeth several shades, but this is for very sensitive teeth. I decided that it was not worth putting peroxide on my teeth every day (after all, the active substance in such strips is peroxide) and I will glue them every other day. After 28 days, 14 of which I glued strips to my teeth, my teeth became perfectly white. But I can’t say that they were more like the color of the refrigerator; in fact, everything was quite natural.

There are many other at-home teeth whitening strips that work about the same. The main advice that can be given is to use products from trusted brands with a worldwide reputation; they value their consumers more than fly-by-night brands. In addition, do not forget to read the composition of the strips, as you may have an individual intolerance to some components of the product.

How to use whitening strips at home?

Each set of strips has instructions for use. The abstract clearly demonstrates all the stages and conditions for using this product.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Read the information on the package insert and especially the contraindications for use. If they are absent, you can safely proceed to home whitening.
  2. Blot your teeth with a dry cloth.
  3. Remove strips from individual packaging.
  4. Remove the protective film from them.
  5. Use the sticky side to fix the strip on the outer surface of the entire dentition, avoiding its contact with the gums.
  6. Wrap the excess strip on the inside of the teeth and press it tightly.
  7. Leave for the specified time on the package. After removing the strip, rinse the oral cavity thoroughly with warm water.

How to use whitening strips

You should know that strip whitening should not be used more than twice a day. In this case, the time interval between applications should be the same. Used strips cannot be reused .
The gel applied to them loses its properties after the first use. You need to decide in advance which row of teeth the strip will be applied to. This is necessary in order to choose the correct length . For the top row of teeth, the whitening strip should be longer than for the bottom row.

The duration of the whitening procedure using a home whitening system varies from 5 to 30 minutes . The duration of exposure depends on the type and brand of product. The exact time of the procedure can be easily found out from the instructions, which should be applied to the package with the bleaching agent.

While whitening with strips, you should not drink, eat or smoke . After removing them, be sure to brush your teeth using toothpaste. During the entire whitening course, which lasts from several weeks to a month, it is not recommended to eat foods that can stain your teeth.

Universal instructions for use:

  1. Open the package and take out the strips.
  2. Remove the protective layer.
  3. While looking in the mirror, apply the strips to your teeth. The long one is for the upper row of teeth, the short one is for the lower row. The side with the gel should be adjacent to the teeth.
  4. Align the strips along the gums. Tuck their free part to the inside of the teeth.
  5. With force, run your nail over the teeth covered with a strip. This will ensure even distribution of the gel.
  6. Remove the strip after the recommended period.
  7. Carry out hygiene procedures.

Restrictions on use

Manufacturers of tooth whitening strips do not recommend using their products:

  • pregnant and lactating women;
  • persons under 16 years of age;
  • people undergoing orthodontic treatment;
  • people with a severe allergic reaction to hydrogen peroxide and urea;
  • persons with diseased gums and periodontium;
  • patients with serious diseases of internal organs, hypertension and asthma.

Operating principle

The process of whitening tooth enamel is based on the interaction of the main components of the strips. They contain pyroxide gels, which, after opening the sealed packaging, begin to produce active oxygen ions, characterized by powerful oxidizing properties.

The active components of the gel begin to work on the surface of the tooth, followed by penetration into the deep layers of its bone tissue, including the mineral matrix of the teeth.

In the structure of dental tissue, the gel destroys pigments of organic origin to carbon dioxide and water. This leads to direct lightening.

Basic precautions when using records

There are precautions that can be taken to prevent the development of negative consequences after this type of home whitening:

  • Mandatory preliminary visit to the dentist

    Mandatory preliminary visit to the dentist.

  • Selecting and purchasing strips as prescribed by your doctor.
  • Strict adherence to medical recommendations and the procedure for using strips.
  • Immediately before the procedure, brushing your teeth is prohibited.
  • Refusal to eat, coffee, tea and smoking immediately during their use.
  • For the entire duration of the course, it is recommended to limit the consumption of colored foods, drinks and cigarettes.
  • Avoid contact of the active gel with mucous membranes.
  • Avoid swallowing strips and saliva that is released during manipulation.
  • Strictly observe the strip holding time.
  • If there are contraindications, stop using them.

Advantages and disadvantages

Using do-it-yourself teeth whitening strips has a number of advantages:

  • Possibility of performing the procedure at home.
  • Ease of use.
  • Lightening intensity up to 5 – 7 tones.
  • Does not require additional time expenditure.
  • Safety of the composition of the gel used.
  • Sustainability of the result.
  • The procedure does not cause pain.
  • Free sale.
  • Affordable price category.

Despite the presence of positive characteristics, these dental care products have a number of disadvantages:

  • In the first days of use, tooth sensitivity increases.
  • Failure to apply the strip properly may result in uneven whitening.
  • High risk of developing an allergic reaction.
  • The level of whitening depends on the intensity of the original pigmentation.
  • A large list of contraindications for use.
  • Aesthetic enamel restorations do not whiten.

The best inexpensive teeth whitening strips: up to 2000 rubles

Effective home teeth whitening products are not always expensive. By spending less than 2 thousand rubles, you can purchase high-quality strips to carefully restore the color of the enamel. But you should remember that in the first few days after using them, your teeth will be very sensitive, and you will have to brush them with a special paste. An analysis of user reviews showed that 5 whitening strips are considered the best in this category:



RIGEL whitening strips are made in the UK using the European patented formula Eureco HC® with active oxygen, which gently whitens your teeth, removes plaque and freshens your breath all day long. The strips do not contain hydrogen peroxide or urea, the use of which negatively affects tooth enamel. Therefore, RIGEL is suitable for the most sensitive teeth.

The strips can be used at any time and anywhere, as they dissolve themselves with saliva within 15 minutes after application. The result is visible even after the first use!

Amount in a package28 pcs.
Duration of use2 times a day for 14 days


  • Does not contain hydrogen peroxide
  • Instant effect
  • Ease of use
  • Kill bacteria
  • Freshen your breath


  • A complete whitening course consists of two packages

Global White Charcoal

Global White Charcoal

The main feature of these strips is that they contain charcoal. It not only perfectly brightens the enamel, but also removes small dirt from the space between the teeth, which cannot be cleaned with a brush. The set includes 7 strips. This amount is enough to complete a full whitening course within a week. The strips are made of soft flexible material that completely follows the shape of the teeth and does not cause any discomfort when worn.

Amount in a package7 pcs.
Additional componentsWood bamboo charcoal


  • affordable price;
  • visible result after 7 days of use;
  • do not thin out the enamel and do not harm the gums;
  • do not cause discomfort when wearing;
  • can always be found on sale.


  • the strips are difficult to remove from the teeth;
  • You may experience an unpleasant taste in your mouth while wearing it.

Shomi Time White Express

Shomi Time White Express

The cost of these strips is about a thousand rubles. This is higher than many analogues, but such whitening will still cost less than in the dentist’s office. The manufacturer recommends using the strips daily for 7 days to achieve a visible effect. Each of them is individually packaged in foil. Before application, the strip is separated from the protective layer and applied with the sticky side to the teeth, left for 1 hour, and then carefully removed.

Amount in a package14 pcs.
Duration of use1 hour for 7 days


  • lightening occurs after the first application;
  • each strip is individually packaged;
  • high-quality sticky layer ensures reliable fixation;
  • do not damage tooth enamel;
  • can be easily removed without discomfort or pain.


  • relatively high cost;
  • The strips must be applied precisely along the line of the teeth.

ON WHITE Strips Kit

ON WHITE Strips Kit

These whitening strips will help restore the whiteness of your enamel at home, and the effect will be the same as after visiting the dentist. Already after 2-3 procedures, visible lightening of the surface of the teeth is noticeable, but the maximum effect is achieved after 10 days of use. The manufacturer took into account the anatomical features of the structure of the oral cavity, so the kit includes strips for the upper and lower teeth, each in individual packaging. The whitening composition does not contain hydrogen peroxide, so the procedure does not harm the enamel or thin it. The effect of using the strips lasts for 3 months.

Amount in a package10 pieces.
Duration of use30 minutes for 10 days


  • visible effect after the second use;
  • eliminates yellowness from drinking coffee, red wine and tobacco;
  • easy to use;
  • the strips are easy to glue and adhere securely to the teeth;
  • There are no substances harmful to enamel in the composition.


  • difficult to remove;
  • An unpleasant taste may appear in the mouth.

Bright Light 3D Bright Professional Effects

Bright Light 3D Bright Professional Effects

Using these strips for a week, you can completely restore the whiteness of your enamel in the comfort of your home. The special composition of the strips not only whitens teeth, but also allows you to remove yellowness and plaque from smoking and frequent coffee drinking. The whitening composition contains hydrogen peroxide, so after the first use there may be a slight increase in tooth sensitivity. It also contains menthol and mint, which guarantee fresh breath after use.

Amount in a package28 pcs.
Duration of use30 minutes for 7 days


  • visible effect after the first use;
  • menthol and mint in the composition perfectly freshen breath;
  • each strip is individually packaged;
  • the soft material of the strips makes application easy;
  • easy to remove.


  • high cost in comparison with analogues;
  • After the first use, tooth sensitivity increases.

Megami White Xtreme 3D PRO

Megami White Xtreme 3D PRO

If you need to quickly restore the whiteness of your enamel, but don’t want to waste time at the dentist, you should buy whitening strips from this brand. The effect of use is comparable to professional whitening, but the difference is that you can use the strips in the comfort of your own home. The material is very thin and flexible, so the strips will not interfere with everyday activities. The results from a full course of whitening last for 12 months. In addition to lightening the enamel, the strips strengthen it and serve to prevent caries, since their composition is enriched with vitamins A and E.

Amount in a package28pcs.
Duration of use30 minutes for 7 days


  • mint and menthol in the composition are pleasant to the taste and freshen the breath;
  • visible lightening is noticeable after the first use;
  • reliable Japanese manufacturer;
  • simple and convenient application;
  • prevents the development of caries and the formation of tartar.


  • Hydrogen peroxide increases tooth sensitivity;
  • The standard strip size is not suitable for all teeth.

Can they harm enamel?

Violations of the conditions and frequency of use can lead to the development of negative consequences and pathological changes in the oral cavity.

First of all, they appear in the form of:

  • Thinning of the top layer of enamel.
  • Formation of microcracks in the enamel, which provoke the development of caries.
  • Changes in the structure of the enamel, which leads to the destruction of bone tissue.
  • Increased porosity, which subsequently ensures significant darkening of the teeth.


The effectiveness of using whitening strips depends on the composition of the product and the concentration of active components in it. Also, the effectiveness of whitening is influenced by the degree of pigmentation of tooth enamel and the individual physiological characteristics of a person.

In most cases, after the first manipulations, the tone of the tooth enamel is lightened by a couple of tones. To achieve the desired result, it is recommended to complete the full course.

Strips with a low concentration of hydrogen peroxide gradually lighten the enamel, on average by 1 to 4 tones. Strips with a high content of the active component are more intense and have a quick and powerful effect on tooth enamel, brightening it up to 5 - 7 tones.

Important! If all recommendations are strictly followed, the effect of this type of home whitening can last from a year to a year and a half. Giving up bad habits and eating dyed foods will help you maintain a snow-white smile for a long time.

Bright Light Professional Effects teeth whitening strips - reviews


Teeth whitening strips are not recommended for use by children under 16 years of age, pregnant women, or people who have an allergic reaction to hydrogen peroxide and other substances used.

Please note that Bright Light strips only whiten living teeth and do not whiten crowns, fillings or dentures.

You should not use whitening strips if you have braces, as this will lead to uneven whitening.


To achieve the best result, you need to complete the full course of teeth whitening according to the instructions - 7 days.

Before you begin teeth whitening at home, you do not need to brush your teeth to avoid gum irritation.

Don't be too zealous: keep the strips on your teeth no longer than the time specified in the instructions. This can lead to increased tooth sensitivity. A slight increase in enamel sensitivity or slight irritation of the gums during the whitening process is possible, but this effect is temporary and harmless.

If you have sensitive tooth enamel, the strips can be used once a day or every other day. Also, if you have sensitivity, be sure to use a toothpaste designed for sensitive teeth.

Before using teeth whitening strips, please consult your dentist! It is better to first get rid of caries, oral diseases or periodontal disease, and then do whitening.


The main whitening component of Bright Light strips is hydrogen peroxide. In addition, the composition includes glycerol, menthol, carbomer 980 and flavoring (mint).

  • Model: 3D White
  • Weight: 55 g
  • Country of origin: China
  • Brand: Bright Light
  • Category: Bright Light Teeth Whitening Products

Benefits of Bright Light Professional Effects:

Bright Light strips are safe: the whitening gel acts on tooth enamel very carefully and delicately, removing yellow plaque and restoring the natural whiteness of teeth.

The percentage of hydrogen peroxide in the gel applied to the strips is several times lower than in the products used by dentists.

Millions of people around the world use Bright Light strips. Research has proven the product is safe as long as consumers follow the instructions.

The Bright Light company is the winner of numerous international awards in the category “Best Safe Teeth Whitening Product” and is a current member of the Association of Oral Hygiene Products Manufacturers.

Bright Light products are certified in Russia, which confirms their compliance with established requirements, hygiene standards and sanitary rules, as well as their safety for human health.

The effect is noticeable after the first (!) application. Using the strips for 30 minutes 2 times a day (day and evening) in just a week will make your smile snow-white: yellowness, gray plaque, stains will disappear without a trace, your teeth will become healthy white.

You can also use 1 strip once a day, in which case the maximum whitening effect will be achieved after two weeks. It will last from six months to a year depending on how often you drink coffee, tea, red wine and other coloring drinks, and whether you smoke or not.

  • Research shows that those with healthy teeth and a snow-white smile feel confident and independent and look younger than their age.
  • You want to show off your white teeth, which means you want to smile! A smile means that you are healthy, friendly, sociable and positive!
  • Teeth whitening strips became the top sellers in American and European pharmacies and supermarkets in 2010-2011.


Vladislav, 28 years old: Before an important event, I decided to urgently lighten my teeth using Extrime White Crestal strips. After keeping them on my teeth for 5 minutes, I noticed that the enamel became 3 shades lighter. I was pleased with the result, but at the same time the sensitivity of my teeth increased slightly for a couple of days.

Antonina, 24 years old: The intense pace of life does not allow for clinical whitening. Therefore, I decided to do it at home using Bright Light Night Effects strips. The ability to use them at night allowed me to create a snow-white smile without additional time investment.

Svetlana, 43 years old: Used Rembrandt Intense Dissolving Strips. Among their main advantages, I would like to note the high efficiency of whitening, ease of use, ability to dissolve independently, as well as their additional antibacterial effect.

Consumer Opinion

Reviews from people who have tried Bright Light whitening strips on their own enamel.

I used Bright Light strips and was completely satisfied. My teeth actually became several shades lighter. Now coffee can no longer ruin the color of my smile, since I have such amazing stickers at home. I'll be using them again in a while.

Ekaterina, Moscow

Good afternoon I always dreamed of a beautiful, Hollywood smile. But, unfortunately, the color of my teeth was far from ideal. And going to the clinic and having professional whitening done there was expensive for me.

I accidentally saw a description of Bright Light whitening strips on the Internet. I liked their safe composition and the effect that the manufacturer promised. That's why I ordered them, and I don't regret it one bit. Now my teeth are like pearls.

Anastasia, 31 years old

I really liked the Bright Light enamel brightening stickers. They were easy and even pleasant to use. And the effect became noticeable after the second application. I didn’t expect that you could get such a result without visiting a clinic.

Arkady, 27 years old

( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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