Thai toothpaste: reviews, types, composition, instructions for use

Thai cosmetics and medicine are widely known outside the country, so many tourists bring products from these industries as gifts to loved ones. And the most enterprising travelers even set up their own business reselling Thai products. And one of the popular gifts/products is toothpaste from Thailand, which has healing properties and a whitening effect. But the range of these products is so wide that it’s difficult to make a choice right away. Therefore, we are devoting a separate article to this topic. In this article we will tell you what Thai toothpaste is and what the features of the product’s composition are, and we will also make a short review of popular and highly established brands. So let's get started!

Product Features

The main feature of all toothpastes produced in Thailand is their high efficiency. Compared to domestic analogues, they have the following advantages:

  1. The toothpaste contains exclusively natural ingredients. The pronounced anti-inflammatory effect declared by the manufacturer is achieved through the use of oils and plant extracts with a bactericidal effect. As a rule, these are mint and cloves. Exotic plants are also used: guava, miswaka, clinacanthus and others.
  2. Good abrasive force. The toothpaste contains abrasive substances that promote high-quality removal of plaque of natural origin (aluminum oxide, bamboo charcoal, soda).
  3. Use of aromatic additives. Almost every product has an exotic taste and smell.
  4. Wide variety of species. There are many similar products on the market, each of which is positioned to solve specific oral problems. Therefore, any consumer can choose a paste that meets their individual needs.
  5. Low cost. Due to their low price, the popularity of Thai toothpastes is increasing every year.

Oral care products from Thailand are fundamentally different from domestic products. They have a specific consistency, smell and special taste characteristics.


In Thailand, there is no mandatory certification of products, therefore, the manufacturer can write only natural ingredients that are profitable for sale and remain silent about harmful chemicals.

Manufacturers often do not indicate the presence of preservatives (which simply cannot not be there, otherwise the paste would spoil very quickly).

In addition, the famous foaming effect that makes the product so economical and the whitening power would not be possible without surfactants. They are also often not indicated in the composition, but some of them can cause stomatitis (for example, sodium lauryl sulfate).

Sellers repeat information from manufacturers, which can only be verified in practice.

Thai cosmetics for dental care

  1. Whitening toothpaste.
  2. Herbal soft paste for sensitive teeth. Among them you can find anesthetics that relieve minor toothaches, and restoratives that help fight harmful bacteria and viral diseases.
  3. Tooth powder for fresh breath, against enamel plaque and infections.

Rules of application

To achieve a positive result and avoid health problems, it is important to know how to use Thai toothpaste correctly.

As noted above, the foreign product differs significantly from the domestic one. First of all, its concentration. In order not to harm your oral health, you should follow the dosage recommended by the manufacturer. To carry out an effective procedure, you will need a small amount of product, equal in size to a match head.

When using whitening pastes, it is better to use a brush with soft bristles. The procedure itself can be repeated no more than 10 times every 30 days, so as not to harm the enamel. For ease of use, some manufacturers offer additional accessories, for example, special spatulas. With their help, it is easy to apply the paste to the brush in the required volume.

According to the instructions for Thai toothpaste, you need to store it in a place inaccessible to moisture and make sure that no water gets into the jar. It is also recommended to apply the cleaning composition to a dry brush.

Whitening quality

Despite the variety of toothpastes from Thailand, they are mainly attractive for their whitening effect. But before you start using it, you should consult your dentist.

Whitening is actually observed , and within just a few days from the start of use. It occurs due to the mechanical cleaning of hard and soft plaque from staining food and smoking.

In this regard, many are satisfied and compare the result with the effectiveness of medical whitening. Although the maximum effectiveness of a whitening agent is the return of teeth to their genetic color. They will not become whiter than nature intended.

In addition, whitening with Thai products has a side effect in the form of gum irritation and increased sensitivity due to the fact that in addition to plaque, it wears away the enamel layer and weakens the teeth.

Therefore, it cannot be used by people initially suffering from hyperesthesia . With caution, alternating with regular toothpastes, this product can be used by those whose teeth tolerate hot, cold, sour and rough foods well, but have heavy plaque or tartar.

Rules for using toothpaste from Thailand

The product can be used for health benefits subject to the following rules:

  • Do not use if you have increased tooth sensitivity, individual intolerance or allergies to components.
  • To avoid damage to the enamel, do not use the whitening paste and the product in a jar more than once every 3 days. The rest of the time it is better to use the usual gel paste.
  • Use the paste in tubes in a volume about the size of a pea; in jars, scoop up a minimal amount with a spatula (the size of a match head), and until it foams, clean very gently.
  • Apply to a dry brush and the paste should only come into contact with water during brushing. Keep the container closed and protected from moisture to avoid delamination.
  • Use a soft toothbrush.

Whitening pastes

Whitening Thai toothpastes are famous for their ability to remove tartar well. After using them, less plaque is formed, and your breath remains fresh for the whole day. The desired effect is achieved thanks to the composition of the product (plants of the lavender and asteraceae families, patchouli oil, camphor tree bark, etc.). It can be packaged either in jars with a solid composition of brown or gray color, or in tubes. In the first case, the consistency of the paste resembles a cream, and in the second, it resembles a gel.

Let's consider the most popular options for whitening Thai toothpastes:

  1. Punchalee. It has a pronounced whitening effect, strengthens enamel and nourishes soft gum tissue. This product has a Russian quality certificate, so it is freely sold in our country. In addition to plant components, the composition contains soda and calcium. Among the disadvantages, consumers note a specific taste and a pungent smell, which they have to get used to. The consumption is very economical: one package lasts for several months.
  2. Herbal Clove Toothpaste. Thai toothpaste under this trade name fights well against darkening of the enamel, prevents the active growth of bacteria in the oral cavity and freshens breath. According to reviews, within just two weeks of use, teeth lighten and acquire their natural shade.

You can use whitening compounds on a regular basis twice a day. To avoid overly aggressive effects on the enamel, it is better to repeat the procedure several times a week.

Popular brands of Thai toothpaste

Since the tourist request “toothpaste, Thailand” has already become a kind of brand, the competition in the cleaning products market is quite strong. As an example, here are some of the most popular product samples.

Twin Lotus Active Charcoal

The product is based on bamboo charcoal, which is what determines the rich black color of the paste (no dyes are added!). The consistency of the mixture is gel, the packaging is a standard tube. Flavoring additives and aromas are not included in the composition of the product, so the paste is neutral in taste and smell. But in terms of the strength of the effect, Twin Lotus Active Charcoal has few equals. The tool easily copes with several functions at once, including:

  • Cleaning the oral cavity;
  • Long-lasting fresh breath;
  • Enamel whitening;
  • Preventing the formation of tartar;
  • Fighting inflammatory processes;
  • Strengthening oral tissues.

It is not surprising that this Thai paste is recognized as a real bestseller.

Twin Lotus Fresh Cool

Another representative of whitening pastes is black. It differs from previous options in its gentle effect, so this paste can be used without fear by people with sensitive enamel and gums. Eliminates dark plaque and tartar, prevents bleeding gums, quickly heals open wounds and provides the oral cavity with fresh breath for a long time. The paste is packaged in standard tubes, which simplifies the use and proper storage of the product.


Paste from Thailand Punchalee Herbal Toothpaste, according to the instructions for use, is officially certified in Russia. The product contains mangosteen bark, so the mixture acquired a characteristic blackish tint, as well as a very unusual taste and aroma. But despite the specific features, Punchalee toothpaste has gained great popularity, because the product has an anti-inflammatory effect and quickly copes with traces of plaque.

Herbal Clove

A jar of toothpaste from Thailand, whitening, but with an unusual black color, which is given to the mixture by the presence of mangosteen bark in the composition. The recipe also uses clove oil, menthol, bay leaf extract and other herbs. The product has a salty taste and a rather specific smell, so it is not recommended to give such a paste as a gift.

Although Herbal Clove has a very strong whitening effect. Therefore, by the way, there is a warning on the packaging about extremely careful use of the whitening paste in case of increased tooth sensitivity.


Thai toothpaste with herbal extracts. The product helps eliminate tissue bleeding, has an antiseptic effect, and also easily copes with plaque from coffee and tobacco. In addition, consumers are guaranteed fresh breath and healthy microflora.

Abhai Herbe

Herbal paste from Thailand with a bactericidal effect: eliminates microbes, restores soft tissues, prevents the development of inflammatory processes. The composition includes extracts of clove, betel, mint, orange and guava, as well as aluminum sulfate and mangosteen bark. The product is packaged in tubes, the color of the mixture is brownish, the smell is herbal.


Another herbal toothpaste from Thailand. It has an antibacterial effect, whitens tooth enamel, removes tartar, enriches tissue with vitamins and restores healthy microflora. The product has a rich herbal taste and smell.

Herbal pastes

Thailand is home to many unique medicinal plants that have a therapeutic effect on gum tissue. These include yuva tree powder, guava, and mangosteen peel. The Thais have learned to use them in the production of toothpastes.

Such compositions effectively relieve inflammation in the oral cavity, fight the active proliferation of pathogenic flora, stop bleeding, and have strengthening and nutritional properties. The components included in the composition have a gentle effect on tooth enamel. However, you should not expect whitening properties from such products.

The following herbal Thai toothpastes are most popular among consumers:

  1. Abhai herb. The product has an unusual dark color due to the presence of plant components. The specific taste pays off with disinfecting properties. The paste also copes well with most gum diseases.
  2. Baan Somjeed. This remedy can be used not only to treat and prevent gum disease, but also as a local anesthetic. The components included in the composition help relieve toothache.
  3. Twin Lotus Herbal Toothpaste original. The paste passed the relevant laboratory tests successfully and received a quality certificate in our country. It can be used for the treatment and prevention of periodontal disease and bleeding gums.

Characteristics of pastes from Thailand

When appearing on sale in Moscow, Thai products demonstrate a fairly high price, while in their native market they are very cheap - translated into Russian currency, the price of one jar rarely exceeds 10–15 rubles . Therefore, the price is attractive only for those who purchase products in Thailand in person.

In addition to the initial low price, Thai pastes have the following advantages:

  • base made from herbal ingredients;
  • pleasant taste and smell of Thai fruits, herbs, plants;
  • economical consumption;
  • variety of products;
  • visible and tangible effect: brightening, refreshing, getting rid of plaque.

The natural composition is dictated by the use of a variety of natural ingredients, the introduction of each component is provided for a specific purpose:

  • To remove hard deposits, Thai toothpaste contains soda. It is also added to products to relieve swelling of the gums and oral mucosa.
  • The ingredients included bamboo charcoal, titanium dioxide and ground cuttlefish are responsible for polishing tooth enamel.
  • Extracts and tinctures of mint, cloves, guava, and clinacanthus fight inflammation.

Some toothpastes contain borneol. It is used as a powerful antiseptic that has no toxic effect on the human body.

This is what a brightening toothpaste from Thailand looks like in the photo:

The main effect that buyers expect from toothpaste from Thailand is fast and clearly visible whitening. And some formulations can actually whiten teeth in a few days. But practice shows that after cleaning with such pastes, many users are forced to seek urgent dental care. Pain, intolerance to cold and hot foods, discomfort and burning in the gums are just part of a long list of complaints. Therefore, you should try a new product with caution, listening to your own feelings.

You should stop using the product at the first symptoms of intolerance: pain in the teeth, increased sensitivity of the enamel, tingling, burning in the mouth.

Black pastes

Black toothpastes from Thailand are not uncommon. They owe their color to bamboo charcoal. This natural component copes well with enamel stains by absorbing food particles. In addition to coal, the composition may include camphor, clove oil, and guava extract. They have a pronounced bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect.

Special mention should be made of black paste, which is made from mangosteen bark. It comes in the usual tubes and has a pleasant smell and taste. At the same time, the product copes well with its stated functions: cleanses enamel from tartar and plaque, reduces the number of bacteria, and freshens breath. It is considered an excellent prevention of inflammation in the oral cavity.

Advantages of pasta

It is worth noting! Puck-shaped jars quickly found their buyer in Russia and not just like that, but because they have a number of advantages:

  • bleaching. We have all encountered situations where a product purchased at the supermarket labeled “whitening” did not help. In the case of a product from Thailand, the effect will be noticeable. You shouldn’t expect a dazzling smile after the first cleaning, but after about two weeks you will see results;
  • long lasting freshness . After using the product, the cleansing of the oral cavity becomes noticeable and long-lasting, so much so that even sinful drivers are sometimes saved by brushing their teeth with Thai paste;
  • quick result . Pleasant and fresh breath appears immediately after several cleanings, the whitening effect occurs a little later. Such short terms are guaranteed only by a product from Thailand;
  • recovery. The cleanser saturates teeth with minerals and trace elements;
  • naturalness. Unlike conventional products, the product from Thailand does not have a chemically aggressive effect on the oral cavity;
  • price. In Russia you can purchase goods in the range from 100 to 500 rubles;
  • efficiency. A very small amount of cleaning agent is required for single use. In this case, the foam and aroma will be abundant immediately after the start of hygiene. And one jar will last for at least six months;
  • disinfection . Most whitening products from Thailand contain cloves. It has a powerful antimicrobial effect;
  • range . Thailand is famous for many things, including the abundance of fruits and plants that are exotic to us, the flavors of which can be tasted in a wide variety of pastes from a considerable number of manufacturers. There are also herbal and black varieties.

Fans of tooth powders will also appreciate this whitening product from Thailand.

approximate cost

To purchase toothpaste from Thailand, you do not have to go to this exotic country. Today, such products can be bought in pharmacies or specialized retail chains, online stores.

The cost of the product will be slightly higher when compared with Thai prices. For example, Punchalee whitening paste will cost 250 rubles, and for the herbal composition Abhai herb you will have to pay a little more than 100 rubles. The final price may vary depending on the region. As a rule, it is much more profitable to buy Thai toothpastes in online stores, according to people’s reviews.

List of popular means

Among the large list of Thai pastes, the following are distinguished:

  1. 5 star . Available in puck-shaped packaging. Created on the basis of essential oils of cloves, camphor, menthol and borneol. Whitens teeth well, removes plaque and stains. It has a concentrated composition, so it must be used in accordance with the point described above. Available in various flavors.
  2. ISME Rasyan Herbal Clove. Manufactured in round packaging. The composition contains borneol, cloves, charcoal and salt. And it is also a concentrate that whitens well when used in small quantities.
  3. SRITHANA Herbal. It has a herbal composition, with the addition of fruits, depending on the variety. Sold in puck packaging. When brushing your teeth, you only need a small amount.
  4. Punchalee. One of the few pastes that have received a certificate of conformity in the Russian Federation. Contains cloves, camphor, menthol, calcium and soda. Available in both tubes and round jars. Not only brightens teeth, but also nourishes gums. You only need a little bit when using.
  5. Herbal Clove Toothpaste. Another clove-based product that has a whitening and disinfectant effect. It has many flavor varieties. Sold in round packaging. Used as a concentrate.
  6. Prime Perfect. Bleach in a puck-shaped jar. Like most Thai analogues, the composition contains calcium, essential oils and borneol. The method of application is the same as the previous ones.
  7. Thipniyom. A natural Thai remedy that brightens teeth, removes stone, pigments from coffee and other coloring products. Created on the basis of calcium, essential oils, sorbitol and borneol. Releasing in the usual tube. A pea-sized portion is needed to brush your teeth.

Consumer Opinions

Most consumers who have once tried black, herbal or pink Thai toothpaste do not want to return to traditional hygiene products. However, there are also conflicting opinions. Here are just a few of them:

  1. The product has a specific taste and smell. Some consumers quickly get used to them, others simply refuse to use them. The taste will definitely be appreciated by those who are still nostalgic for Soviet tooth powder.
  2. The manufacturer claims that the enamel paste is soft and non-traumatic. However, they are contraindicated for people with severe caries. It is better to try products with chamomile or guava extract. Thai toothpaste with cloves or borneol is suitable if there are no inflammatory problems.
  3. All products in round packaging have a whitening effect. However, it is not recommended to brush your teeth with them in the morning and evening; it is better to alternate with regular toothpastes. Also, do not rely on an instant whitening effect. Such products are really good at removing plaque, but they are not able to restore naturally yellowish enamel.
  4. Round packaging is only convenient if you take it on a trip. It is difficult to get paste onto a dry brush. If you wet it, water gets into the product, making it gooey and creamy. A special spatula often comes with the jar. However, reviews about it are very contradictory. Some consumers find it inconvenient, while others find it extremely useful.
  5. The cost of Thai paste is comparable to the usual mid-price products. Therefore, it is not worth purchasing a foreign product solely to save the budget.

Of course, you cannot be guided solely by consumer reviews when choosing a paste. Today, everyone can purchase a Thai product, evaluate its advantages and disadvantages, and only after that make their choice.

User reviews

My mother-in-law brought me toothpaste from Thailand. I was very impressed with how economical it was. I tried it, but I didn’t find anything positive or negative in it - neither any special whitening effect, nor bleeding gums.

Pasta is just like paste in a jar. My husband and I used it together for about 3 months. When it ended, we switched to the usual Splat. If they bring more, we’ll use it, but we won’t specifically ask for it.

Marina, 25 years old. Moscow city.

I bought a Thai whitening paste while I was on vacation. I was impressed by the white teeth of the inhabitants of sunny Thailand. I cleaned it regularly and within a week I noticed a whitening effect.

I was so glad! Exactly until my teeth suddenly began to hurt from the bite of a banal apple. I went online and read about the aggressiveness of such pastes. Now I don't know what to do. On the one hand, you really want to shine with a dazzling smile, on the other hand, you don’t want to sacrifice your enamel. You'll probably have to use it less often

Elena, 37 years old. Saint Petersburg.

But, despite conflicting reviews, Thai toothpaste is often brought from Thailand as a gift to friends and relatives.

Dentist review

There are no official reviews from dentists, but all of them, one way or another, indicate a lack of reliable information about the quality of the products. Below is one such opinion.

As a doctor with 15 years of experience, I would not advise overusing products from Thailand. Yes, their cosmetics have a healing, whitening, refreshing and anti-inflammatory effect, but you must follow the instructions for use and do not forget about the lack of certification of most of these pastes, and, therefore, the possible omission of some components in the composition.

Valery Nikolaevich T., dentist.

Thus, you should not switch entirely to using only Thai toothpastes and powders. The effectiveness and low cost of such products can result in costs for the treatment of damaged teeth, which is confirmed by reviews from users and dentists. But with moderation and caution, they can be successfully used for effective whitening.

Dentist reviews

Reviews of Thai toothpaste from dentists are in most cases negative.

First of all, doctors warn that many products have only a foreign quality certificate. In addition, they are adapted to the so-called Asian type of teeth. For Europeans, regular use of herbal formulations or whitening pastes is undesirable. If there is still a need to use them, it is better to alternate with traditional means.

Also, do not forget about precautions regarding the dosage of the product. Thai toothpastes in jars with a whitening effect are based on alumina with unprocessed granules. Therefore, they are a strong abrasive and can damage the enamel. Over time, teeth may become overly sensitive to cold/hot foods, and the enamel may even become dull.

Where to buy toothpaste in Thailand

And to conclude the material, we’ll tell you where to buy miraculous Thai pastes. In addition to special stores with cosmetics and hygiene products, you can stock up on Thai powders and pastes in tubes or jars at any mini-market (Seven Eleven, Family Mart, etc.). In addition, toothpastes in Thailand are sold in pharmacy chains: a prime example is Boots and Watson's, known to every tourist. So there will be no problems with purchasing toothpastes and powders in the country. But you can only get Thai products from Russia with the help of intermediaries: either contact traveling friends, or buy Thai pastes in online stores. But in the latter case, we recommend that you carefully study the reviews about the seller.

Good health and happy shopping!

special instructions

There are several points that are important to consider when purchasing Thai toothpaste.

First of all, this is the quality of abrasive materials. They are responsible for removing plaque. Silicon dioxide, titanium dioxide, and aluminum oxide are usually used as abrasives. They are contained in clay, which is found everywhere. However, this is not a reason to use it instead of pasta. Before entering the finished product, the crystals undergo so-called cutting. Such a complex process must be performed on high-quality equipment.

The composition of Thai pastes includes ordinary alumina, saturated with a large number of raw crystals. For this reason, during hygiene procedures it is recommended to use soft brushes and brush your teeth with little force. It is not surprising that the plaque disappears, and the teeth themselves become smooth. Along with food debris, the enamel is also erased. As a result, teeth become sensitive to external irritants.

The presence of exclusively plant components in the paste requires the use of preservatives, thickeners and stabilizers. Therefore, it is not a 100% natural product. The use of natural ingredients is impossible without chemistry.

Sellers are trying to misinform consumers by talking about the super-effectiveness of the paste and its natural composition. At the same time, they are silent about possible side effects. Such products usually contain aromatic oils that can cause allergies.

On the other hand, sellers can scare consumers by talking about the unsafety of traditional hygiene products, citing a large number of chemical components. However, they cannot be absorbed into the blood through the oral mucosa. Few people know about this. Traditional pastes “work” only superficially, without having a negative impact on human health.

Do they really bleach?

Thai toothpastes actually whiten enamel, and in some cases the effect becomes noticeable within a few days after the start of use. We are talking about mechanical bleaching (lightening) of the surface of teeth by removing pigmented plaque from the enamel.


“Toothpaste from Thailand is simply super! No other paste provides such whitening. At the clinic, they whitened my teeth with some special compounds, then covered the enamel with gel, and after that everything literally began to stick to my teeth. I drank coffee and my teeth darkened; I just ate and my teeth became even yellower. I was really scared. On the advice of a friend, I bought Thai toothpaste in a small jar, brushed my teeth with it for a week, and they became even cleaner than after the clinic. I really didn't expect it. True, this paste has a specific taste, but it’s worth being patient with.”

Olga, Moscow

However, such powerful whitening when using Thai toothpastes has its own negative properties - along with pigmented plaque, you can simply erase a layer of tooth enamel, exposing dentin. This, in turn, will lead to increased tooth sensitivity and a number of other problems.

Imagine the situation: a person’s teeth initially have increased sensitivity (hyperesthesia), there are wedge-shaped defects in the cervical area, and he frantically brushes his teeth twice a day with a hard toothbrush using whitening Thai toothpaste. In general, to put it mildly, nothing good will come of this and, most likely, such a person will soon end up in the dentist’s chair.

Many toothpastes from Thailand contain alumina as an abrasive substance. Even if it is not explicitly indicated in the composition, in the list of components you can often find titanium dioxide, aluminum oxide and silicon dioxide - the components of clay. Sometimes they simply write: “white clay.” Moreover, not a single paste indicates that during its preparation the abrasive component underwent a special treatment to round the corners of the crystals, which would ensure less damage to the enamel when brushing teeth.

It is also useful to read: Asepta toothpastes: composition features and reviews of their use

Obviously, after brushing your teeth with such a “clay-containing” composition, the layer of plaque along with a certain amount of enamel will be literally torn off by abrasive components. The visual effect is obvious - the teeth will really become white. And at the same time, they will begin to get sick and react sharply to cold, hot, sour, and even to simple chewing of rough food.

However, if your tooth enamel is naturally healthy, if you don’t know what tooth sensitivity is, and you don’t have wedge-shaped defects, but there is a layer of so-called “smoker’s plaque” and tartar, then careful and rare use of whitening Thai teeth pastes can be considered quite safe.


“In the wake of all this hype with Thai pastes, I bought myself a jar. How beautifully they write about natural ingredients and herbs! But in fact, when I dug deeper, I found out that it contains sodium lauryl sulfate. The same one that is used in cleaning products, which foams and from which stomatitis develops. So much for the natural composition. I started to understand further. In reviews, people write that the paste really cleanses, but after it the teeth become sensitive. This is already a complete hello. That is, it’s not a paste, but just some kind of liquid sandpaper. What can I say about my experience? There is no experience. I took a little on my finger, soaked it, saw how it lathered and foamed, so I immediately threw the whole jar away, I didn’t take any risks.”

Tatyana, Moscow

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