The development of inflammatory pathologies of the palatine tonsils is often accompanied by the formation of purulent-caseous plugs in the recesses of lymphoid accumulations
From this article you will learn: how much you should not eat after tooth extraction, what antibiotics to use
Complete removable dentures in Moscow Indications for use Types of removable dentures for complete
When teeth start cutting There is no exact answer as to what time a child’s teeth start cutting -
Pain in the jaw when opening the mouth, localized anterior to the ear canal (in front of the ear)
The most common service in dentistry is prosthetics. If the dentist performs it correctly, the person’s dentition
Periostitis of the jaw (flux) refers to dental diseases. The localization of the source of inflammation occurs in the periosteum. Formed
The period when a baby's baby teeth erupt is both exciting and difficult for both
4003 There are now many effective techniques for correcting orthodontic abnormalities. But sometimes serious
Endodontic treatment: methods and indications Endodontic treatment in dentistry is a whole area that studies