Why do you dream of gumboil on your cheek or tooth - 36 interpretations from different dream books

A dream about gumboil can force you to take decisive and urgent measures in reality. According to another dream interpreter, such a dream can be a harbinger of health problems. According to the Russian dream book, gumboil indicates a possible change in the usual social circle in reality. When you dream of dental flux repeatedly, it foretells reconciliation with bosom enemies. Still, most interpretations tend to have a negative meaning, meaning that the sleeper may be dissatisfied with the current state of affairs or receive undeserved punishment.

Unexpected discoveries in Miller's dream book

A famous psychologist says that even asymmetrical shapes can be both positive and negative symbols. For example, seeing a tumor or gumboil in another person means giving up a prestigious job and good earnings in favor of a best friend or relative.

Gustav Miller thoroughly approached the little things that determine what gumboil means in dreams:

  • on the cheek - to useful acquisitions;
  • on the gum - to undeserved insults;
  • on the tooth - to clarify the relationship with a sexual partner;
  • several abscesses at the same time - to the ability to make a profit from any business.

How sleep will affect different aspects of life

Dreams are images and events that arise in a person’s subconscious. Determining their meaning allows you to learn about personal experiences and problems that bother you while you are awake.

Interpretation helps to decipher the information that came in a dream and find out how it will affect future events in life. This unpleasant disease can promise success in business and family happiness in reality.



Often dreams convey information about what may be happening in personal relationships. If you dreamed of flux suddenly appearing in people with whom you are doing the same thing, a pleasant event awaits you in the family. Seeing yourself with a swollen cheek and canceling a meeting with your loved one because of this - perhaps love has faded. Check your feelings, maybe you don't know about something. If in a dream you feel doubts, you don’t want to make decisions or go to a meeting with a friend - take note of this information. Usually this dream warns of insincere relationships.


If you dream of climbing the career ladder and saw in a dream a gumboil that goes away on its own without pain, good luck and success in business await you. If you had to resort to surgery to remove it, you will need the help of colleagues, otherwise you risk being left without money and work. Edema has changed your appearance and your face has become asymmetrical - a promotion awaits you.

Relationships with friends and colleagues

If you had an unpleasant dream and you felt discomfort, be more careful in your communication. You may be insulted, you may have a quarrel at work or with an old friend. The appearance of gumboil in a dream should alert you - a conflict at work is possible. This could be gossip and insults that can cause a break in relationships with friends. For young women, a dream could mean an affair with a work colleague.

Go shopping

Seeing a tumor or gumboil on your cheek, even in a dream, is not exactly fun. However, there is no need to despair. Eastern dream books promise that shopping will bring an unforgettable experience. All purchases made in reality will turn out to be profitable, and investments will be profitable.

If you dreamed of a large number of pustules, you also don’t need to be upset. Most likely, you will receive several job offers at once, and at the same time there will be time for reflection. Nostradamus, explaining what gumboil means in dreams, guarantees success in the creative field. Therefore, choose invitations that are somehow related to art.

Personal relationships

If a girl in a dream cannot go on a date because of gumboil, then her relationship with the guy is not so honest. Even if it comes to making serious decisions in the form of a wedding or living together, then very soon life will show you the other side

If you see your family, loved ones or friends with a swollen cheek, then you will have a pleasant time and fun.

If you dream that you have problems with your gums, but in reality there is no such problem, you should pay attention to your overall health. It is recommended to undergo a medical examination

If the dream is ignored and not taken advantage of in a timely manner, then most likely the consequences will be very sad.

If you dream that flux disappears and then appears again, great luck awaits you, but you should not relax. To dream of a dentist who “defeats” inflammation - someone from whom you do not expect help will help you.

There is a modern dream book that says that if the cheek is swollen and gumboil appears on it, this is a warning of an unexpected insult. But for men and women the meaning is completely different. For women, such a dream portends joy from new acquisitions.

Learn to fight back

Sometimes a dream is a hint that you are about to encounter a real boor if the pain from the flux spreads throughout your head. Try not to take insults and insults personally, and not to traumatize your nervous system with quarrels with unworthy people, if you dreamed that an abscess broke out at the most inopportune moment.

Flux on the gum in a dream means the dreamer’s strong resentment towards loved ones. The interpretation of sleep in the dream book has a peculiar connotation. It turns out that you like to play the role of a victim in reality, so you try in every possible way to blame strangers for your own failures.

Swelling of the gums

Most interpreters view this symbol very negatively. Predictions can be completely different, from the dreamer’s general dissatisfaction with the state of affairs to receiving undeserved punishment.

What will the dream books say?

I dreamed about dental disease

Almost any symbol can have both negative and positive interpretations, depending on the chosen source.

Interpreter Morozova

This dream book approaches such a symbol positively. It is believed that if you dreamed of gumboil that it swollen one of your cheeks, causing your face to take on an asymmetrical shape, then in reality additional income awaits you. You can make a profitable deal, get a higher-paying position, win a prize, repay a long-forgotten debt. The main thing is that the extra money will be unexpected and quite noticeable for you.

According to this dream book, gumboil that appears in another person’s night vision promises the dreamer a refusal to earn additional income. You will be forced to do this, because otherwise the interests of your family will suffer.

Longo's Dream Interpretation

Seeing an infectious oral disease in a dream

Did you have a dream about gumboil, but in reality you have no problems with your oral cavity? Not everything is in order with your health; you should urgently undergo a medical examination. The sooner you identify the disease, the fewer losses you will suffer.

The interpreter believes that if you ignore this message, the consequences can be very sad, even death.

The dream book also provides a number of interesting predictions:

  • in a dream you got rid of gumboil thanks to the help of a dentist - the dreamer begins to have a bright streak, all his ideas and deeds will begin to succeed, luck will literally follow him on his heels;
  • during sleep, the flux disappears by itself - a wonderful dream, which says that to achieve the goal and find happiness the dreamer will not have to make any efforts, higher powers have decided to reward you in full, all that remains is to gratefully accept their gifts;
  • flux appears and disappears - luck will be on your side, but you should not completely rely on it, since at one point everything may change.

Modern interpretation of sleep

What does flux mean in dreams according to the Modern Interpreter of Dreams? Soon you may be unfairly insulted

Someone will offend you not out of malice, but simply out of carelessness.

Treat oral problems in a dream

The vision of flux, which radically changes one’s appearance, is viewed differently for women and men:

  • after such a dream, a man realizes that his current situation is far from ideal, and the situation is not at all pleasing;
  • For women, this dream promises making useful acquisitions.

If the flux had to be removed by a plastic surgeon in a dream, then you will not be able to cope with the troubles that have befallen you on your own. You will need help from outsiders.

It's time to be wary

Freud’s dream book interprets why you dream of gumboil on a tooth based on the dreamer’s marital status. Married couples may begin to rapidly sort things out among themselves. Sexual dissatisfaction will manifest itself in those who happen to visit the dentist.

Lonely girls will have to face a rude and arrogant admirer if flux in a dream caused a feeling of discomfort. Young guys risk finding themselves at the mercy of a very eccentric and scandalous person. In order not to be disappointed in a new acquaintance, interpreters recommend giving preference to spiritual qualities and intelligence when choosing a partner. And only then evaluate his external data.

If you dreamed of gumboil

Dream Interpretation of Yuri Longo

If you have no idea about gumboil in real life, whereas in a dream it regularly appears and hurts you, then you need to take urgent and decisive measures. the dream foreshadows serious health complications, and if you do not immediately see a doctor, the consequences of the illness can be catastrophic. Prevention is always better than treatment, but if prevention can’t fix the problem, then you need to start treatment. You dreamed that a dental specialist saved you from flux - in reality the most wonderful period of your life will soon come: you will succeed in everything, you will not have any problems, including with health, so live and enjoy life. If the flux disappears by itself, rejoice all the more - the higher powers are for you, and you do not need to make the slightest effort to achieve anything. However, despite the favor of higher powers, do not relax, since their Love is changeable and can end as suddenly as it appeared. Always be prepared for such a turn of events.

Look at the interpretation of the image in other dream books:

Modern dream book

If you dreamed that you had a gumboil, it means that you may be insulted, you may be offended. If in a dream, due to gumboil, the appearance has changed beyond recognition, then the man will feel dissatisfaction with the current state of affairs, and the Woman will make successful purchases. If you dream that you developed gumboil and had to undergo plastic surgery, then you will not be able to cope with your problems on your own. You will have to ask for help from someone who is well versed in your affairs and to whom you can entrust your most intimate things. If you come to work and all your colleagues have developed gumboils, this portends a happy family vacation, good news, and a happy turn in your personal life. If in a dream you cannot meet with your loved one because he has a gumboil, in reality there is not enough trust and sincerity in your relationship with your loved one, you are tormented by doubts about the authenticity and depth of feelings between you.

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