Subtotal darkening of the maxillary sinuses. What is it, how to treat with and without liquid, horizontal, vertical level
Odontogenic maxillary sinusitis - symptoms and treatment
What is maxillary sinusitis? Symptoms Complications Types and types of maxillary sinusitis How to diagnose
why do teeth crumble
Why teeth crumble in adults: reasons and what to do to prevent them from collapsing and falling off
Symptoms Causes Diagnosis During pregnancy Treatment methods Help with severe pain Help with severe
How to close the gap between your front teeth: 10 ways
Diastema is an empty space between teeth, ranging in size from one to five to six millimeters. Characteristic
Sage decoction
A tooth hurts under a crown - how to relieve the pain without harming yourself
From this article you will learn: why the tooth under the crown hurts, what causes inflammation
Swollen lip: causes, treatment of swelling of the lower and upper lips
What does a swollen lip look like? The reasons why the lip is swollen What measures to take when it is swollen
What to do if the dental nerve is bothering you - remove it or treat it?
The dental nerve is one of the components of the soft tissues of the tooth, its central part (pulp). Pulp
Dental treatment during early and late pregnancy
According to statistics, about 70% of pregnant women do not visit the dentist. Neglect of treatment is justified by the opinion that
Dream interpretation of brushing your teeth
Why dream of brushing your teeth with a brush or finger - 59 interpretations from different dream books
Quick transition to interpretations Dream details What famous dream books will tell Miller's Dream Interpretation Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation
installation of the Herbst apparatus
Herbst apparatus: design and use features
Many patients, when they come to the orthodontist, are determined to receive treatment with braces. But sometimes additional influence is required.
what do gutta-percha points look like?
Gutta-percha points – high-quality root filling
An option for careful restoration of a tooth if the crown has collapsed to the base. Modern dentistry allows you to save
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