Ultracaine D-S, 100 pcs., 1.7 ml, 40 mg+5 μg/ml, solution for injection

Anesthesia “Ultracaine”

There are times when it is impossible to do without anesthesia. Until recently, dentists used arsenic, which has a detrimental effect on the nerves. A new approach to dental pain relief has become possible thanks to ultracaine.


Ultracaine is characterized by high efficiency and minimal side effects. It is twice as effective as lidocaine, and six times more effective than novocaine. Quickly passes into the tissue without affecting cardiovascular activity.

The active ingredients do not penetrate the placental barrier and do not enter breast milk, so the drug can be used during pregnancy and lactation.

Composition of the medicine

The active ingredients of the drug are hydrochlorides of artacaine and adrenaline (epinephrine).

Types of anesthetic

Ultracaine is available in three forms:

  • DS Forte - due to its increased duration of action, it is ideal for operations and dental depulpation. Contraindicated in asthma, thyroid pathologies, hypertension, pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  • DS - can be used during pregnancy, lactation, heart and vascular diseases. Contraindicated in asthma and thyroid pathologies.
  • D - does not contain epinephrine, the duration of action is short - no more than half an hour. The drug is recommended for diseases of the thyroid gland, allergies, hypertension, asthma, and heart pathologies.

Mechanism of action

Ultracaine is used for local and regional anesthesia. It has a vasoconstrictor effect, thereby reducing pain.

The anesthetic effect appears almost instantly (in half a minute) and lasts for 1-5 hours. The drug blocks the transmission of nerve impulses, causing the patient to temporarily lose sensation.

It is eliminated from the body naturally within 6-12 hours.

The doctor selects the dosage and form of the medicine individually for each patient, taking into account age, weight, type of manipulations performed, and degree of complexity.

Indications and contraindications

Anesthetic is recommended for:

  • filling, depulping and extraction of teeth;
  • preparing the tooth for prosthetics;
  • opening abscesses;
  • inflammation of the maxillofacial area;
  • surgical interventions.

Ultracaine is contraindicated for:

  • individual intolerance to ingredients;
  • anemia;
  • heart failure;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • alcohol intoxication;
  • less than 4 years of age.

Use with caution in case of bronchial asthma, arrhythmia, diabetes mellitus, hyperthyroidism.

Ultracaine should not be administered intravenously or injected into inflamed areas, or used simultaneously with inhibitors, beta-blockers and anticoagulants.

Ultracain D

Ultracaine D (active ingredient - articaine) is a drug for local anesthesia in dentistry. Inactivates voltage-gated sodium channels in neuronal membranes, which prevents the conduction of sensory nerve impulses in and around the injection site and causes local anesthesia. The drug does not contain adrenaline, which allows its use in cases where the latter is contraindicated. Ultracaine D begins to act 1-3 minutes after injection. The duration of action is about 20 minutes. The rapid hydrolytic breakdown of the active substance to a pharmacologically inactive metabolite prevents the development of systemic side effects and allows repeated injections at short intervals. Like other local anesthetics, articaine undergoes metabolic transformations by enzymes of the microsomal fraction. In addition to this, articaine is hydrolyzed in tissues and blood by nonspecific plasma esterases. Articainic acid, formed as a result of metabolic transformations, has no pharmacological activity or systemic toxicity. Elimination of the drug from the body is carried out mainly through urine. The dose of the drug is calculated based on the patient’s body weight. Before injection, it is recommended to perform an aspiration test to avoid the drug entering the blood vessel. Injections into inflamed gums should be avoided. Possible undesirable side reactions associated with the use of Ultracaine D: depressed mental state, manifested in lethargy, inactivity and silence (transitioning to loss of consciousness), breathing disorders, involuntary, rapid, rhythmic oscillatory movements of body parts caused by muscle contractions, vertigo, sensation of running goose bumps on the skin, decreased sensitivity to stimuli, transient visual impairment. These side effects are dose-dependent and, as a rule, go away on their own without any therapeutic intervention.

In some cases, if the injection technique is violated, the facial nerve is damaged. Among the nonspecific side effects of Ultracaine D are a painful sensation in the epigastric region, chest, oral cavity and pharynx, preceding vomiting (as well as vomiting itself), hypotension, decreased heart rate, increased blood flow to the skin, inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye, nose, Quincke's edema, swelling at the injection site. Ultracaine D is not prescribed for severe dysfunction of the sinoatrial node, severe bradycardia, 2-3 degree atrioventricular block, acute decompensated myocardial dysfunction, severe hypotension, anemia, increased (over 1%) amount of methemoglobin in the blood, oxygen starvation, individual intolerance to articaine and others local anesthetics of the amide series. In pediatric practice, the drug is used starting from the age of 4. The use of Ultracain D during pregnancy is possible only under strict indications in cases where the potential benefit outweighs the possible harm to the mother and fetus. Lactation is not a contraindication to the use of the drug. To avoid infection, it is not recommended to reuse needles and syringes for injection. When using the drug, it is recommended to monitor the functional state of the heart, blood vessels, respiratory organs, and central nervous system. Eating is allowed after the local anesthetic effect has ended. The combined use of Ultracain D with drugs that inhibit the activity of the monoamine oxidase enzyme increases the risk of developing arterial hypotension. Local anesthetics potentiate the effects of CNS depressants. When using Ultracain D in people taking heparin or aspirin, bleeding is possible at the injection sites. Ultracaine D increases the duration of action and potentiates the effects of muscle relaxants.

ultracaine in early pregnancy

Yesterday morning we got up early and had a healthy breakfast. We ran to the clinic. My beloved accompanied me. I was pleased. It turned out that the dentist did not see me, although I had an appointment. I think it's for the best. After all, I needed to put a conclusion on the workaround sheet, and I definitely have 2 - 3 caries. I don’t know, of course, but this is also an infection, could they be put under observation in the maternity hospital because of this? I decided that I needed to treat my teeth first... But I still haven’t figured out when it’s best to do this. I heard that only Ultracaine is available for anesthesia. They seem to use it more often. But I have been treating teeth all my life without anesthesia. Therefore, I would like to continue this way. After all, the problems are superficial. But the thing is also about my dentist - he is a miracle. I've been going to him since 9th grade. I know that only he can do it so well and not hurt at all, and even pleasantly (!). I once tried to go to another doctor, and once I even tried to get treatment in a government institution - it was terribly unpleasant and painful... I also took my husband to my dentist. He also likes him very much, now he doesn’t want to be with others. But there is a problem, our dentist is in Anapa. And we are in Krasnodar. And there is no time to go to him. This opportunity occurs in the summer during the holidays, on vacation, on a day off... But this is not enough. In general, my husband’s whole mouth needs to be done, despite the fact that a lot of things have already been healed. We dream of finding a good dentist in Krasnodar, I’ve been reading reviews for a long time, but I can’t find it...

I managed to get to a therapist. She is a wonderful woman, and her nurse is good, kind, and pleasant. I already found out that the doctor has 4 children... I always admire this in women, especially in doctors. She looked at me well. I was surprised at my blood pressure. yesterday it was 80/50 mmHg. But this is normal, I live like this, I even got used to it. They invited me to practice, but I refused because I had already completed it. They also invited me to work. With pleasure. Maybe this is strange, but I would love to go to the clinic to work. For me, this is a woman’s job, when there are no night shifts, all weekends and holidays are at home. And this clinic module is also not far from home. So let’s think about it after maternity leave...

Then my beloved and I went about his business. They took blood tests. Partially ready. Everything is fine, but something is wrong with his liver. All indicators are overestimated. This is despite the fact that he never drank or used any nasty stuff. We rarely eat fast food, but now we’ll eliminate it completely. We decided to impose some food restrictions.

Then he saw an ophthalmologist. The driver's commission rejected him and gave him a vision rating of 0.4. They said that it is necessary to check peripheral vision and more thorough visual acuity. They have a paid service for this. my husband wanted to pay, but they still sent me to be checked at the clinic for m/f. We went again to a private clinic, because at the clinic there was a long wait for an appointment, and we had to get everything done yesterday. As a result, the clinic diagnosed my vision as 0.6. They said that glasses are not necessary, but can be used for distance and in certain situations. When these results were taken back to the driver's commission, they were rejected, although they were accepted. They rechecked my vision again and already set it to 0.1. At the same time, of course, we again waited in a huge line. They told me to come back when we buy glasses and they will take a test wearing glasses. They also told me to bring a prescription for glasses. It's probably right. You see how responsible our ophthalmologists are. But here is our recipe for 0.6. And ophthalmologists in the commission put it at 0.1. My husband reads that he probably has 0.6, his vision is not that bad, not bad at all, only when his eyes get tired... and they often get tired, because he is at the computer around the clock. We decided to buy glasses for 0.6. The main thing is probably to pass the test?...

Yesterday we went to a mental health clinic together. There is an unreal queue, more precisely 2 and the third is small. First, several hours in line at the registration desk. Then they waited to be invited to see a doctor. Then there's a line at the cash register. They killed like that all day. Mostly, we sat on a bench on the streets so that I wouldn’t feel stuffy. Men constantly went out to smoke. The benches are opposite each other, about a meter apart. The men see that I’m pregnant, but they sit opposite me and smoke. Despite the fact that there is a sign with a smoking area nearby. They only went there when the staff came up and pointed them to this place. and a pregnant girl means nothing to them. Well, they might as well come up and exhale in your face. It's a shame. Of course, the husband didn’t say anything. It wasn’t enough to get involved with someone in a mental hospital. We just walked away. And what killed them was they smoked, then sat there spitting. I'm especially squeamish about this. It's all in the saliva!!! All bacteria and viruses that are transmitted by airborne droplets, tuberculosis bacillus...And we are obliged to inhale it. This made me nervous.

Between hospital visits there were city traffic jams and waiting for transport. Tired beyond belief. Both legs and tummy. My husband is tired. I was upset that I didn’t manage to pass the commission this week; my vacation was over.

In the evening I fell asleep at about nine o'clock. The beloved played = withdrew from the day and also fell asleep. The city itself is exhausting us. I often think about a small town or village. But there are too many “buts”. Here you need to weigh the stress of city life and the benefits that the city provides.

Today wake up to the sun outside the window. Loving and happy. Healthy breakfast again. We talked about interesting, sometimes even philosophical, topics. My beloved went to work. We are thinking about going to the cinema in the evening.

Ultracaine during pregnancy: reviews

Almost all pregnant and nursing mothers speak only positively about this anesthetic agent for dental treatment. The unpleasant dental treatment procedure is absolutely painless and without consequences.

Olga: “Although I’m not afraid of dentists and I know that no one now treats teeth without anesthesia, I was afraid to go to the doctor. I was more worried not about myself, but about the baby, since I was 15 weeks pregnant. The dentist managed to convince me of the safety of the drug, everything went very quickly and did not hurt at all. I was calm about the baby’s health.”

Victoria: “I heard the best recommendations about Ultracaine, so I went to the dentist confidently, without worrying about the negative effect of anesthesia on the fetus. I didn’t notice a single side effect.”

Rita: “I was afraid of tooth extraction during pregnancy like fire. Not only am I terrified of dentists, but I was also in a position where I didn’t want the baby to get hurt. I suffered toothache and delayed the visit - but in vain! It turned out that there is a local anesthesia that is safe during pregnancy - Ultracaine. The pain instantly subsided, the tooth was pulled out - I didn’t even notice. »

In dental practice, Ultracaine is the most popular drug for treating the oral cavity of pregnant women, children and nursing mothers. According to reviews from dentists, this is the optimal solution for dental treatment for expectant mothers, since this anesthetic is absolutely harmless to the woman and her baby. The expectant mother should not worry about the consequences of the anesthetic injection, but completely entrust the treatment of the oral cavity to the dentist. To completely avoid visits to the dental clinic and not expose yourself to unnecessary worries and worries, dentists advise undergoing a dental examination even before planning a baby.

Ultracaine: use during pregnancy

Toothache and painful dental procedures are unnecessary stress and worry for the expectant mother. For painless treatment of the oral cavity in pregnant women, such as treatment of a tooth area affected by caries, tooth extraction, dentists resort to the drug Ultracaine.

The safest and most effective form of anesthetic drug for pregnant women is Ultracaine DS (it contains 1:200,000 epinephrine). At this dose, the active substance of the drug does not pose a threat to either the mother or the fetus, since it does not penetrate the placenta. Another main advantage of a local anesthetic is the rapid rate at which the drug is eliminated from the body. It can also be used by nursing mothers without stopping breastfeeding during dental treatment.

Important! Ultracaine during early pregnancy is recommended to be used in case of emergency. A pregnant woman should postpone a visit to the dental clinic until the 2nd trimester, until the placenta is fully formed.

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