Composition, types and properties of Lacalut Aktiv toothpaste

Lakalut Active is an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory toothpaste produced in Germany by T heiss N aturwaren GMBH . All drugs of this brand are tested and approved by the German Dental Society and the Russian Dental Institute of the Ministry of Health.

Application benefits

The composition of Lakalut Active paste includes mainly plant components , due to which the drug has a very gentle effect on the enamel and is suitable even for cleaning sensitive teeth. Long-term use of the product reduces the risk of caries and other dental diseases.

Lakalut toothpaste tastes good and has a sweetish menthol smell. According to the results of numerous surveys, it is after its use that halitosis completely disappears and fresh breath lasts the longest.

The key feature of the Lakalut Active paste series is the fight against bleeding gums. They help cope with plaque on teeth, increased sensitivity of enamel, and carious stains. But most of all they are suitable for people who suffer from periodontal diseases.

Some information about the manufacturer

The first pastes of the Lakalut series were presented by Dr. Theiss Naturwaren Gmbh in the 20s of the last century. The company, in addition to producing oral care products, also specializes in mass production and distribution of drugs. The company has subsidiaries around the world. Lakalut toothpaste is supplied to 52 countries around the world. It has won numerous positive reviews from dentists and consumers. In Russia, the product went on sale in the 70s of the 20th century and today has not lost its popularity. You can buy the drug at any pharmacy in the country.

Composition of Lakalut toothpaste

The name Lakalut paste comes from the main active ingredient - aluminum lactate. Aluminum lactate is a lactic acid salt. The substance stops bleeding gums, fights inflammation and is guaranteed to reduce tooth sensitivity.

Why is aluminum lactate dangerous in dentistry?

Aluminum lactate is not as harmless as it seems. This substance:

  • well absorbed into tissue;
  • accumulates in the body;
  • promotes calcium excretion;
  • with prolonged use, it affects brain cells;
  • negatively affects hemoglobin synthesis;
  • penetrates the placenta and affects the fetus.

Lakalut Active toothpaste should not be used for too long, as this can lead to serious health problems. But periodic or course use of the product is quite acceptable. Children's toothpastes that contain aluminum lactate should be used with caution. They are completely contraindicated for children under 8 years of age.

What else does Lacalut Aktive toothpaste contain?

In addition to the aluminum salt of lactic acid described above, Lakalut toothpaste includes:

  • Fluoride compounds, including those with aluminum, which help mineralize tooth enamel, improve the condition of the gum mucosa, and protect teeth from exposure to acids.
  • Bisabolol is a natural substance synthesized in the laboratory from pharmaceutical chamomile and cotton or corn. Bisabolol has the following properties: anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, regenerating and protecting enamel.
  • Allantoin is a natural compound not produced by human cells. It has wound-healing, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and softening properties.
  • Chlorhexidine bigluconate is an effective antiseptic.

All components of Lakalut Active toothpaste are effective in the fight against caries and other dental diseases.

Features and Benefits

The Lakalut brand provides consumers with a wide selection of oral care products.
Among the effective remedies are a large assortment of toothpastes with therapeutic and preventive properties. Any of the Lakalut brand products has documentary evidence of quality and fully complies with the standards of international standardization of medicinal products. You can view the document on the main website of the corporate enterprise.

The Lakalut series gets its name due to the presence of a special component in the composition. Aluminum salt of lactic acid is considered an anti-inflammatory substance that reduces the reaction of teeth to irritants and eliminates bleeding gums.

They differ from analogues in a number of advantages:

  • the choice of products from this brand is quite extensive , which allows the consumer to choose a product based on individual characteristics;
  • the effect is softened due to the presence of extracts from medicinal herbs in the composition;
  • The line includes products for children , the composition of which complies with safety standards;
  • regular use eliminates the possibility of the formation of carious cavities and other diseases associated with the oral cavity;
  • All oral products and pastes from the Lakalut brand are approved by the Dental Association , have certificates and have been recognized by the Institute of Dentistry under the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

Indications for use

Lacalut Aktiv is a medicinal drug, so its use requires the presence of any indications. Sometimes this toothpaste is prescribed by a dentist, but due to its open sale, it can be purchased by absolutely anyone, regardless of whether they have any pathologies.

The key indications for the use of Lakalut paste are:

  • plaque;
  • increased bleeding of gums;
  • tartar;
  • caries;
  • gingivitis;
  • periodontitis;
  • other inflammatory processes in the mouth.

Lakalut can be used even in the absence of any dental pathologies, but it is better to practice course use of the product.

The maximum recommended period for brushing your teeth with Lacalut paste without breaks is 60 days, but it is better to use it for no more than 30 days. For the next 2-3 months, you should brush your teeth with a toothpaste that does not contain aluminum lactate. After this, you can again use Lacalut Aktiv or whitening paste from the same manufacturer.

For tartar

The manufacturer of Lakalut Active states that the drug should fight tartar. But in fact, it can only help with small deposits and yellow plaque. Therefore, it will not be possible to avoid periodic visits to the dentist for professional teeth cleaning, but this toothpaste may be suitable for preventing the formation of dental plaque.

When your gums bleed

Lakalut toothpaste helps combat increased gum bleeding after the first use. The components of the drug quickly relieve inflammation and catalyze the regeneration of the gum mucosa. They strengthen loose gum tissue and destroy pathogenic microflora in the oral cavity.

For caries

No toothpaste cures cavities, so if cavities occur, you should contact your dentist. But Lakalut helps reduce the rate of expansion of carious holes and prevents caries from penetrating the root system of the tooth.

Sometimes Lakalut Active is prescribed by dentists to treat dental caries. In this case, the course of therapy lasts from 1 to 2 months and is accompanied by regular dental check-ups.


All Lakalut pastes have a creamy structure, which allows for gentle cleansing of all areas of the oral cavity.

These products will help get rid of a number of problems associated with teeth and gums due to the active ingredients:

  • Aluminum lactate . The main component. The substance significantly strengthens the gum tissue and makes it denser, eliminates bleeding, and has a beneficial effect on tooth enamel, reducing its sensitivity.
  • Aluminum fluoride . This compound allows you to mineralize weakened tooth enamel and prevent the development of caries.
  • Chlorhexidine bigluconate . Antiseptic medicinal product. Successfully breaks down plaque of any consistency and prevents its formation.
  • Allantoin . Colorless crystals that are considered non-toxic and hypoallergenic. Ideally heals damaged tissues in the oral cavity, eliminates inflammation of any complexity.
  • Fluoride compounds . The fluoride-based system allows you to improve the condition of the mucous membranes of the gums and oral cavity, strengthen the enamel of the teeth and provide reliable protection against the harmful effects of various acids.

Pros and cons of the Waterpik WP 450 irrigator and its technical characteristics. Read reviews about Sensodyne toothpaste here.

At this address we will tell you about the principle of operation of an ionic toothbrush.


There are several varieties of Lakalut Active. Each toothpaste in this series is highly effective and has a long-lasting therapeutic effect.

Lacalut Active Herbal

Lakalut Herbal is distinguished by the greatest naturalness of its components, compared to other products in the product group line. It contains extracts of the following herbs:

  • chamomile;
  • eucalyptus;
  • fennel;
  • anise;
  • sage;
  • thyme;
  • myrrh.

The paste restores the microflora of the oral cavity and restores freshness to breath. Lacalut Aktiv Herbal fights well against periodontal diseases, stomatitis and bleeding gums. Thanks to its natural composition, this toothpaste can be used for a long time and even a little longer than the permissible 60 days.

Lacalut Aktiv "Intensive cleansing"

Lacalut Aktiv “Intensive Cleansing” paste is a strong dental treatment and prophylactic agent. It strengthens gums and copes with periodontal diseases. The components contained in it form a protective film over each tooth, ensuring their immunity to the action of various acids. This variety of Lacalut is indicated during an exacerbation of dangerous chronic dental diseases.

Lacalut Aktiv “Intense cleansing” reduces the sensitivity of enamel and gums to cold and hot. This product is indicated after the use of whitening preparations, since due to the components contained in the composition, it restores the protective dental layer, thereby ensuring easy mineralization.

Lakalut Activ “Intensive Cleansing” contains a large number of whitening granules and an increased amount of fluorides, which suggests its high effectiveness for various dental problems.

Types of adult pastes

The range of Lacalut pastes is presented in adult and children's series. There are about 20 types of Lakalut pastes intended for adults. They differ from each other in the level of abrasiveness, auxiliary components and purpose.

Lakalut asset

The product was created for preventive purposes. It helps strengthen the gums and reduce their bleeding during brushing teeth and eating food. The main indications for the use of Aktive paste: gingivitis in acute and chronic form, increased bleeding of gums, periodontopathy, prevention of carious processes, soft and hard plaque on enamel.

The instructions for use say that the product can be used in courses (up to 6 days in a row). Otherwise, resistance of the pathogenic flora to the components of the drug may occur; in other words, the effectiveness of the product will be reduced.

When treating dental diseases, it is advisable to alternate Lakalut active with other pastes in this series, for example, Fitoformula or White Alpin.

There are several therapeutic properties inherent in Lakalut Active paste:

  • homostatic;
  • antiseptic;
  • restorative;
  • anti-caries.

The paste contains chlorhexidine, which has a bactericidal effect and helps remove soft plaque on the surface of the teeth.

Which toothpaste is best for brushing your teeth?

A few words should be said about Lakalut Aktive Herbal paste, which additionally includes medicinal herbs:

  • star anise chamomile;
  • fennel;
  • fennel oil;
  • eucalyptus oil;
  • sage.

Laculut Aktive Herbal paste is intended for people with loose and weak gums. Negative changes in periodontal tissue occur as a result of constant exposure to external factors: fungal pathogens, lack of vitamins in the body, toxic effects of food or medications. Gum diseases are accompanied by the formation of abrasions and ulcers on them, and increased bleeding. Thanks to its natural composition and complex effects, Laculut Aktive Herbal suppresses inflammatory processes and reduces the risk of developing periodontal pathologies.

Lakalut Active paste has some restrictions in its use, which is due to the presence of antiseptic components in its composition. With prolonged use, the drug may change the pH of the oral cavity. The product is available in tubes of 30, 50, 75 and 100 mg. The price of pasta varies between 130–190 rubles.

Lakalut Phytoformula

The composition of the product in this series includes sodium bicarbonate, sodium fluoride, chlorhexidine, aluminum lactate and other components. The advantage of the drug is that it contains extracts of medicinal herbs: myrrh, sage, St. John's wort, green tea. Lakalut Phytoformula does not contain aggressive components that could cause irritation of the oral mucosa: antiseptics, large abrasive particles, antibiotics. For this reason, the drug is approved for daily use.

Dentists recommend using the drug Fitoformula for bleeding gums, for the prevention of caries and to combat plaque, which turns into stone over time. Plant extracts cope well with the signs of periodontal inflammation and normalize the pH balance of the oral cavity and inhibit the activity of pathogenic flora that causes caries.

Dentists advise using Fitoformula paste together with Lakalut Active between courses. For example, use Fitoformula in the morning, and Active in the evening, or vice versa.

The therapeutic effect of using Lakalut pastes can be enhanced if you use Fresh or Active mouth rinses in combination with them.

Lakalut Phytoformula is sold in plastic tubes of 50, 75 ml. The cost of one unit of goods varies from 180 to 200 rubles. Store the paste at a temperature of 2 to 20 degrees.


The BASIC product has a complex effect on the oral cavity: protective, tonic, antiseptic. After using the gel, fresh breath remains for 10–12 hours, which is due to the inhibition of the activity of pathogenic microorganisms.

In addition to the classic mint taste, the series also includes pastes with the aroma of citrus, black currant, and ginger. Lakalut Vasic pastes are considered one of the most effective in preventing tartar.


The drug is specially intended for people with sensitive periodontal tissues. Another indication for use of the product is cervical caries, therapy after whitening. The main component of the drug is amino fluoride, which is rarely used by other toothpaste manufacturers due to its high cost.

After using Lakalut Sensitive, there is a decrease in the susceptibility of tooth enamel and gums to cold and hot foods. The drug is also used for course therapy for up to 60 days.


The gel contains a large number of abrasive components that carefully and delicately clean the enamel from food debris and plaque, whitening it several tones. An additional advantage of the product is that it contains substances that increase the resistance of oral tissues to pathogenic bacteria.

The main difference between Lakalut White paste and other oral care products is the absence of hydrogen peroxide in the composition, which can cause irritation of the mucous membranes.

New – White and repair paste. It helps whiten enamel, strengthen it and prevent caries.


A distinctive feature of the series is the increased fluoride content in a dosage that is harmless to adults. This gel should be used only after consultation with a dentist. Among the properties of the drug, one can note an increase in the resistance of enamel to acids and other external irritants. In combination with Lakalut Fluor pastes, it is recommended to use a remineralizing gel.

How not to buy a fake Lacalut Active

Lacalut is one of the most frequently counterfeited toothpastes. You can buy a counterfeit in a pharmacy, in a chain store, or on the market, so you should carefully examine the product packaging and focus on other criteria that indicate its authenticity.

Promotion as the first sign of fake

Sometimes chain stores hold various product sales. Many people are used to weekly supermarket promotions, but purchasing branded goods with deep discounts is dangerous. Even in large retail chains, Lakalut with promotions like markdown (discount of more than 30–40%) may be counterfeit and not original from a German manufacturer. It is better to purchase this toothpaste in professional pharmacies, without focusing on promotions.

Characteristic signs of a fake

The appearance of a fake toothpaste may be no different from the original. But most often, tubes of fake Lakalut are painted in not too bright and rich colors, and the packaging of the fake has dull letters printed on it. Moreover, sometimes it seems that the paint was smeared during application, which simply cannot be the case if we are talking about the original.

The release series of Lakalut Active is always indicated on the front of the tube; variations are possible on fakes. On the original, the numbers are always machine-stamped; on the fake, they are applied with paint. Moreover, the size of these numbers differs from the signs on the packaging of the original drug.

Another difference between the original Lacalut paste and the fake one is the different barcode application. The barcode of the original toothpaste starts with the numbers 400–440. But some counterfeit manufacturers may place the correct barcode on the packaging.

Combination of Lakalut Active with Lakalut White

If you have been diagnosed with bleeding gums, but really want to whiten your teeth, you can use Lacalut White toothpaste. But only if the White product is combined with the Aktiv series. The protocol for using these drugs should be checked with your doctor.

Lakalut White does not contain hydrogen peroxide. The abrasive particles included in its composition are presented in a concentration that is safe for the health of the enamel. Thanks to this, White paste effectively and gently copes with plaque and age spots, restoring the natural whiteness of teeth.

The combination of White and Aktiv products will help avoid thinning of the enamel and enhance the effectiveness of the whitening product. To achieve an even greater brightening and healing effect, you can use Extra Sensitive paste once a week.

Lacalut Aktiv toothpaste is suitable for the prevention of caries and other dangerous diseases of the oral cavity. But before using it, you should consult your dentist.

Children's series

Let's look at several oral care gels from Dr. Theiss Naturwaren Gmbh, which are designed to care for children's teeth:

Baby. Can be used by children under 4 years old and has a pleasant raspberry taste. The drug is suitable for daily use by children and is safe if accidentally swallowed. Instead of fluoride, the drug contains amino fluorides - substances that have a gentle and gentle effect on the mucous membranes of the mouth. The approximate cost of the product is 165 rubles.

Kidz is a paste for children aged 4–8 years. The product takes into account all the features of a milk bite, which is gradually replaced by a permanent one. It contains high-quality abrasive (silicon dioxide), which does not react chemically with fluorine. The cost of a 50 ml tube of paste varies from 140 to 170 rubles. To increase the effect of hygiene procedures, the manufacturer has additionally developed a mouth rinse, which is similar in composition to Lakalut Kidz paste.

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