Installation of a dental implant
How long does dental implantation take - duration of installation and healing
All patients strive to spend as little time as possible in the dentist's chair, regardless of
head massage for headaches
Headache (cephalgia): causes, diagnosis and treatment
Headache is one of the most common symptoms. It can be localized in the frontal, occipital,
positive aspiration test
Aspiration test: types, purpose and features of implementation
Physics and medicine Without air, a person cannot live for even a few seconds. This natural
Signs about wisdom teeth
What does the presence or absence of wisdom teeth mean according to signs?
» Signs » Signs about wisdom teeth 0 3148 Article rating Folk signs –
Where to look for lost freshness, or why does bad breath appear?
Tooth extraction: swelling Tooth extraction is a difficult operation that traumatizes the tissue surrounding the tooth. Therefore it is not surprising
Additional personal oral hygiene products
What is proper oral hygiene? The goal of proper personal oral hygiene is to
Milk teeth in adults: why and what to do
What to do if an adult still has baby teeth?
Author: Brodsky Sergey Evgenievich Deputy Chief Physician, Candidate of Medical Sciences in the specialties: dentistry and
Which teeth cleaning is better - Air Flow or ultrasound?
Professional teeth cleaning includes a whole range of measures aimed at completely cleaning the surface.
Manufacturing of metal-ceramic crowns
Metal-ceramic crown: aesthetic budget dental prosthetics
The use of metal-ceramic crowns in the prosthetic procedure allows you to restore the natural anatomical configuration of the damaged tooth, its
The effect of tobacco smoke on the oral organs, or another reason to quit smoking
Most people are not even aware that they have bad breath. IN
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