Cervical lymphadenitis - symptoms and treatment
July 30, 2020 To talk about local inflammation, you should first understand that in general
9 reasons not to ignore the symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux disease
Current Problem For most people, heartburn is simply an occasional discomfort. Approximately 20%
Teeth brushing methods: Pakhomova, Bassa, Charter and others - which is best for adults and children
How often do we think about whether we brush our teeth correctly? Of course not. Only
Piezosurgery - tooth extraction using the Piezotome ultrasonic device
Many patients associate tooth extraction with a terribly painful procedure, which is accompanied by a large number of
Children's dentist-orthodontist: who is he and what does he treat?
Orthodontics is one of the most complex dental specialties. A clear understanding of the importance of correcting the bite in
Tonsillitis: treatment with folk remedies for chronic and structural forms of the disease
Tonsillitis in children and adults is quite common. A person can suffer from chronic tonsillitis
CEREC - technology for artistic dental restoration
Typically, the prosthetic procedure takes quite a long time. Most of it is spent on making crowns,
What to do after tooth extraction | Dentistry As-Stom | St. Petersburg (SPb)
From this article you will learn: Temperature after tooth extraction Why does the temperature rise after extraction
Brushing a child's teeth
How to properly brush the teeth of children under one year of age and older, at what age should you start?
Not all parents know how to properly brush their children’s teeth, but the quality of care
What to do if the tongue in your throat is swollen
Uvulitis: symptoms and treatment. Inflammation of the tongue in the throat. Photo
Why do you need a uvula? The uvula in the throat is a palatal process that resembles a small bell. Main it
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