Dentist's recommendations after cleaning teeth from tartar

Professional oral hygiene is comprehensive care aimed at preventing dental diseases. The technology allows you to get a “brilliant” result in one hour and achieve natural whiteness.

The procedure includes removing plaque using the Air Flow method and cleaning hard plaque with an ultrasonic scaler. At the final stage, fluoridation and remotherapy are performed to strengthen the enamel. In addition, the attending physician teaches the patient about home hygiene and selects care products. Professional care is highly effective, but maintaining the results is only possible if all the dentist’s instructions are followed.

What can you eat after cleansing?

After the procedure, dentists impose a number of restrictions on the patient’s eating behavior. In the first 2-3 days, foods that irritate tooth enamel are excluded from the diet: sour, hot, salty, sweet. The sensitivity of teeth after ultrasonic cleaning of stone is increased: bright tastes and temperature changes provoke pain.

Products containing dyes are prohibited. The list of what not to eat after brushing your teeth for tartar includes:

  • black tea and coffee;
  • colored carbonated drinks;
  • chocolate;
  • soy and balsamic vinegar;
  • mustard and curry spices;
  • red wine and grapes;
  • berries (blueberries, blueberries, currants);
  • red and orange vegetables;
  • sweets containing dyes.

A number of products are recommended for consumption. They strengthen tooth enamel and prevent the formation of plaque and caries. Dentists advise eating dairy products in any form. Fruits and vegetables, particularly apples, reduce the amount of tartar. It is useful to drink diluted apple juice, which dissolves plaque.

Enamel sensitivity

May increase in the first days after professional hygiene. At first, to avoid pain, it is better not to consume sour or very sweet foods and drinks. It is not recommended to consume cold and hot at the same time or too cold, hot drinks and foods. This is dangerous not only by increasing the sensitivity of the enamel, but also by weakening it and the appearance of microcracks on its surface.

To prevent enamel sensitivity from increasing after professional cleaning, it is better to complete the procedure with remineralization or fluoridation. This will strengthen the enamel and remove discomfort.

If the enamel is weakened, after cleaning, the doctor may additionally prescribe special products, toothpastes, to strengthen it.

If severe pain persists after the procedure or the pain does not decrease within several days, you should consult a dentist.

Additional care products

Dental floss, floss. Used to clean interdental spaces. After professional cleaning, use floss carefully so as not to injure the edges of the gums. Movements are directed from the gums to the cutting edge or to the chewing surface of the crown. Floss is used several times a day, as needed (after meals, after morning and evening brushing of teeth).

Irrigator. Using an irrigator helps to maintain the results of professional hygiene for a long time. The device cleans enamel with a thin stream of water under pressure. This type of cleaning removes soft plaque well and prevents the formation of tartar. The irrigator is used once a week or less. It is better if the frequency of such cleanings is determined by a doctor, taking into account the condition of the enamel.

Why do you need to brush your teeth?

Oral hygiene is not only a matter of aesthetics. It is due to medical reasons. A plaque constantly forms on the enamel, consisting of: • food particles; • saliva; • waste products of microorganisms inhabiting the oral cavity.

The process of plaque deposition does not depend on whether a person ate in the interval between brushings. If it is not removed, over time it turns to stone. Contamination not only creates a cosmetic defect. Deposits contribute to the violation of the integrity of the enamel. Pathogenic bacteria penetrate into the resulting cracks and actively multiply under conditions of poor hygiene. This is how caries begins with all the known consequences. These microorganisms also attack the gums. In people who neglect to brush their teeth, gingivitis becomes chronic. If the inflammation is not treated, complications in the form of periodontitis and periodontal disease are possible. As a result, the root no longer holds in the socket and the tooth falls out.

Ultrasonic teeth cleaning

This technique requires the presence of special equipment that produces ultrasonic waves. Under the influence of ultrasound, the stone crumbles and peels off from the enamel. The wave is directed and focused using a special hook (scaler). There is a negative side to the technique - ultrasound causes vibrations that heat not only the stone, but also the enamel.

To reduce this effect, preserve the enamel and avoid discomfort, water pressure is simultaneously transmitted. Thanks to the action of water, the tooth does not heat up, and microparticles are removed.

Modern ultrasonic devices even remove plaque concentrated on the gums, maintaining their health. Ultrasound cleaning in a normal oral cavity is painless and safe for an absolute number of patients.

For some patients with hypersensitivity and chronic dental diseases, ultrasound is contraindicated - it can cause pain and relapse of the disease.

Treatment and prevention measures

To reduce the risk of developing hyperesthesia, fluoridation is carried out after professional hygiene with the removal of tartar. Procedure:

  • saturates the enamel with useful substances that help strengthen it and restore its structure,
  • reduces the likelihood of developing caries.

To avoid enamel hypersensitivity after removing tartar, you must follow the following rules:

  • do not eat or drink for two hours after the procedure,
  • give up solid and rough foods for a day,
  • use a toothbrush with soft bristles,
  • Use mouth rinses regularly.

To maintain healthy teeth and gums, professional hygiene with the removal of soft bacterial plaque and tartar should be carried out twice a year.

Professional teeth cleaning for pregnant women

Pregnancy is an important stage in the fate of a woman and her baby. The expectant mother wants to look attractive, but does not agree to put the baby’s health at risk for this. It is not surprising that pregnant women are constantly wondering whether the event will harm the baby?

There is no danger to the fetus, this is a recommended measure for pregnant women, the gynecologist will approve it.

A pregnant woman's body undergoes a powerful restructuring, in which the teeth also participate - their condition changes dramatically. The enamel becomes thinner, the tooth becomes vulnerable to the slightest infection. The procedure, performed competently and professionally, will protect the teeth by reducing the number of bacteria in the mouth. It is safe for the fetus and the pregnant woman, does not affect the systems and organs. No medications are used during the procedure, which is fundamentally important for pregnant women.

Types of Tartar

Before you treat dental deposits, you need to understand what they are. The deposit can be soft or hard, with the former transitioning into the latter. Naturally, it is easier to treat the first option. Also, depending on the location, supragingival and subgingival deposits are distinguished. The first ones are easily identified, since they are not hidden by the gum. Identifying the latter is difficult, since they are covered by the gums.

When soft plaque accumulates and has not been removed for a long time, it hardens and thickens, resulting in the appearance of deposits on the teeth. These deposits can only be removed in a dental office using a special technique.

Preventive measures

To avoid inflammatory processes in the oral cavity and relieve mild pain in the teeth, which sometimes occurs after removing tartar, you can rinse your mouth with medicinal decoctions, for example, St. John's wort, sage or even chamomile tea, which can be purchased at any pharmacy. If your teeth or gums continue to bother and hurt for a long time after hygienic cleaning, you should consult your doctor to make sure everything is okay.

Professional teeth cleaning, as well as home care, is an important and necessary procedure. By following all the doctor’s recommendations, not forgetting about the rules of hygiene, as well as regular preventive visits to the dentist and timely treatment, this is the only way you can protect your teeth from various diseases and defects. The health and beauty of your teeth depends on you, so take care of them from an early age!

Cleaning teeth from stone: techniques and their effectiveness

Table of contents

  • Causes of tartar formation
  • Methods for removing tartar
  • Stone removal technique
  • Cost of teeth cleaning
  • Advantages of carrying out the procedure at MEDSI

We offer all patients of the MEDSI clinic a dental tartar cleaning
The procedure is carried out by dentists at least once every six months
and helps
prevent the development of caries and dangerous gum pathologies
, ensure fresh breath, relieve the patient of complexes and achieve overall oral health.

Teeth cleaning from tartar is carried out in MEDSI clinics using modern safe and highly effective methods to avoid tissue injury. During a fairly simple procedure, which usually lasts no more than 40-60 minutes, patients, even with a low pain threshold and high sensitivity, do not experience significant pain or discomfort. Thanks to this, cleaning can be carried out in almost all cases.

Causes of tartar formation

In the oral cavity of each of us, 200 billion different bacteria and other microorganisms are concentrated. At the same time, not all people devote enough time and effort to hygiene. Often it is not carried out very well and not as often as required. Few people use a toothbrush or even just rinse their mouth after breakfast, lunch and dinner to remove food debris. As a result, bacteria actively multiply and settle on soft and hard tissues, in gum pockets and in the spaces between elements of the dentition.

At first, the deposits remain soft, they can still be removed at home by regularly practicing hygiene. If soft deposits are not removed in a timely manner, they will harden and turn into dense stone. It is almost impossible to get rid of it


It is the stone (hard plaque) that causes:

  • Bad breath
  • Pigmentation of the enamel (its partial or complete darkening), worsening the appearance of the oral cavity and provoking a number of complexes in a person
  • Development of caries
  • The occurrence of pathological processes even in the gastrointestinal tract

Important! Tartar can appear even in those people who do not neglect hygiene, regularly brush their teeth and use special floss (dental floss) or irrigators. This is due to the fact that it is almost impossible to clean narrow spaces and gum pockets efficiently.

There are certain categories of foods and drinks that provoke a fairly rapid and intense formation of dense plaque, and then stone. These include coffee and wine, as well as sweets, pastries, and other delicacies. No one is protected from the occurrence of unpleasant plaque and tartar.

For this reason, we recommend regular teeth cleaning at MEDSI.


Methods for removing tartar

There are several popular methods that allow you to quickly and efficiently combat deposits.

You can remove tartar:

  • By mechanical cleaning.
    This technique is outdated and extremely rarely used these days; it has a number of disadvantages, the main of which is
    gum trauma
    . The procedure involves scraping off deposits using curettes (instruments with sharp edges), which can provoke not just discomfort, but pain and inflammatory processes. It is strictly forbidden to carry out such manipulations in case of inflammatory processes and pathological conditions of soft tissues
  • Sandblasting (AirFlow ).
    This technique is more modern.
    To remove tartar from teeth, use baking soda or sodium bicarbonate. The finished mixture is supplied under fairly high pressure, which allows you to literally knock down tartar. The liquid washes it away and at the same time allows you to cool your teeth. This technique is effective in the fight not only against stone, but also against soft plaque and pigmentation. Unfortunately, it cannot cope with large deposits. In addition, sandblasting is not carried out if there is inflammation of the gums
    , as it can provoke a worsening of the condition.
  • Ultrasound.
    This method is not only
    more effective, but also less traumatic
    than the previous two.
    This cleaning is carried out using a special scaler (tip), which oscillates at a speed of approximately 100,000,000 movements in 60 seconds and destroys the bonds between the teeth and the formations on them. Additionally, ordinary purified water or an antiseptic is used. They provide cooling to the teeth and the tip itself. In addition, water allows you to remove all particles of stone from the interdental spaces and in the periodontal pockets. Immediately after brushing your teeth, their surface loses its smoothness, so additional treatment is carried out. It consists of polishing with pastes and brushes that eliminate roughness. This additional treatment helps prevent re-formation of plaque. Ultrasonic cleaning of teeth from stone provides many opportunities to remove all soft and hard deposits. Its advantages include the ability to improve the overall health of the oral cavity.
  • Laser.
    This method is the most gentle.
    The laser acts in a targeted manner
    , affecting only unwanted formations, without damaging the surface of the teeth and gums, since the special attachment simply does not come into contact with them. All deposits are crushed into very small particles and washed away with water and air. The advantages of the method also include the fact that after brushing, teeth better absorb all the nutrients contained in food and toothpastes.

Stone removal technique

The stone removal technique involves several stages:

  • Injection of a local anesthetic (not in all cases, usually with increased sensitivity or large amounts of deposits). Most often, no anesthesia is required
  • Removing deposits
  • Cleaning with abrasive strips. They allow you to efficiently clean the spaces between your teeth. The need to use strips is due to the fact that even a thin tip cannot penetrate into tiny gaps
  • Removing all remaining deposits
  • Teeth polishing
  • Application of protective and strengthening varnish to the enamel
  • Treatment of gums with an anti-inflammatory agent (if necessary)
  • Teaching the patient proper hygiene

To maintain a long-term effect after the procedure, you must:

  • Refrain from consuming drinks and foods high in synthetic or natural colors (soda, red wine, tea, coffee, carrots, beets, etc.) for the next few days
  • Use a toothbrush of medium hardness, which ensures high-quality hygiene but does not allow tissue injury
  • Replace your toothbrush regularly (once every 3 months), regardless of the degree of contamination and condition.
  • Use the paste recommended by your doctor
  • Brush your teeth, use dental floss or an irrigator at least 2 times a day
  • Visit your dentist at least 2 times a year for re-cleaning

Only regular and good hygiene and adherence to the simplest recommendations will allow you to maintain the ideal condition of the oral cavity.

and save on the treatment of complex pathologies.

Important! The procedure should not be delayed.

Remember that harmful bacteria actively multiply in the oral cavity, and if a stone has already appeared, you will not be able to eliminate it yourself. Even the most expensive toothpastes won't cope with hard plaque, and the best brushes won't help remove it from gum pockets and spaces between teeth.

Cost of teeth cleaning

Are you planning to use a service such as teeth cleaning to remove tartar?

The cost depends on factors such as:

  • Selected method
  • Basic and additional services
  • Number of teeth requiring professional cleaning

You can check the exact cost with our specialists by calling +7 (495) 7-800-500.

We not only adhere to a loyal pricing policy, offering services on favorable terms, but also periodically hold various promotions and provide discounts, which allows our clients to reduce costs for an important hygiene procedure. You can check the cost of the service in advance, which will allow you to plan your expenses. Make an appointment so that your dentist can select a technique that suits the condition of your oral cavity and determine the exact price of the procedure.

Advantages of carrying out the procedure at MEDSI

Teeth cleaning from tartar in our clinics is carried out:

  • Experienced dentists
    with special skills and professional knowledge in the field of aesthetic dentistry, studying new technologies and improving professionalism within their specialization
  • Using modern and safe techniques
    that have already proven themselves
  • Quickly and painlessly
    , thanks to which our patients return to us again and again without fear or doubt
  • At an optimal cost, ensuring the availability of services
    for all categories of our patients
  • After determining all indications and contraindications and a thorough examination by a specialist
  • At a time convenient for the patient, without queues and unnecessary worries
    , in a comfortable environment. We understand the patient's need to participate in the treatment process. Therefore, the purpose and content of each procedure are explained to him in detail, not only the final, but also intermediate results of the work are demonstrated, photographic documentation is carried out
  • “In 4 hands”: each doctor is assisted by an assigned assistant, which allows him to perform medical procedures quickly and accurately

Contact us if you want your smile to always be dazzling! Call +7 (495) 7-800-500 to make an appointment for consultation and for the cleaning itself.

Teeth brushing “air flow”

This type of procedure requires a dental device that performs cleaning with a highly targeted, powerful air jet. Air under enormous pressure quickly blows away plaque, traces of nicotine and food.

Some patients experience teeth whitening by several shades after this medical procedure, but such a side effect does not always happen.

After removing the plaque, if a person returns to the old lifestyle, the color of the teeth returns to their original state, they again acquire their natural shade. For the procedure to be effective, an abrasive and water are used. The abrasive used is baking soda, which does not harm the body and enamel. The advantage of this option is that the results last for a long period.

A variation of the “air flow” technique is the “perio-flow” procedure, which focuses on crushing stone under the gums. For this procedure, instead of soda, another abrasive based on a medical substance is used. Contraindications to the use of “perio-flow” are gum diseases, because it provokes an inflammatory process.

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