Heartburn and indigestion during pregnancy

Heartburn affects 30-50% of pregnant women.1 The frequency and intensity of symptoms depend on the stage of pregnancy, but they usually disappear completely after childbirth. Heartburn begins to bother pregnant women from about 20-22 weeks, occurring periodically. From the 30th week, about 1/3 of all pregnant women complain of frequent heartburn, and by the 38th week their number increases, according to various authors, to 99%.2

However, you should make sure that the causes of discomfort will not affect your baby's health. Make sure that, in addition to pain and discomfort, your illness does not in any way affect your overall health.

So, in this article we will look at the causes of heartburn and indigestion during pregnancy. We will also try to highlight ways to avoid these ailments and help you choose the appropriate treatment method that will alleviate the symptoms of heartburn and indigestion.

Why do expectant mothers so often complain of heartburn and indigestion?

There are two main causes of heartburn and indigestion during pregnancy:

  1. Hormonal changes in the body of the expectant mother

    During pregnancy, the amount of progesterone produced increases, causing muscle relaxation. Accordingly, increased production of progesterone provokes relaxation of the muscles of the lower esophageal sphincter. The sphincter is a ring of muscle that prevents stomach contents from entering the esophagus. As a result, when the sphincter muscles relax, the contents of the stomach (including gastric juice) can freely pass into the esophagus, causing irritation of its mucous membrane. The esophageal mucosa is not designed to accept large amounts of gastric acid for a long time. This is why we feel pain.

  2. Child's height

    As your baby grows, it begins to put more and more pressure on the organs of your digestive tract, stomach and intestines. This pressure can cause stomach acid to flow into the esophagus.

    Most often, problems with the digestive system during pregnancy are faced by those who had similar problems before pregnancy, as well as those for whom this is not their first baby.

    Heartburn and indigestion can also be caused by other reasons. For example, some foods and drinks also cause excessive stomach acid production, which can destroy the protective lining of the stomach. The protective layer is the mucous membrane, which is in direct contact with the contents of the stomach, including gastric juice. If its destruction occurs, it can lead to discomfort and unpleasant sensations.

Difficult first trimester

The female body adapts to new conditions. Fatigue, drowsiness, and unstable mood are typical for a pregnant woman. There are problems with urination and bowel movements, acute reactions to tastes and smells. And at this time, the foundation of the baby’s health is laid. His nervous and circulatory systems are formed, and his heart begins to work intensively. Proper nutrition in the first trimester is a way to stabilize the mother’s condition and mitigate the risks of intrauterine anomalies.

Principles for creating a diet in the 1st trimester:

• Don't be greedy. Overeating increases the symptoms of toxicosis and provokes digestive failure. You need to eat in modest portions at intervals of 3-3.5 hours. • Take care of “building materials”. The basis for the formation of fetal cells is protein. From it the body receives 20 essential amino acids that it cannot produce on its own. The menu should include lean meat - turkey, chicken, veal. Twice a week you need to eat fish, alternating low-fat varieties (pollock, cod) with fatty ones (salmon, pink salmon, salmon). • “Agree” with the intestines. The problem for many women at the beginning of pregnancy is constipation. Fiber, which is found in raw vegetables, hard fruits, and bran, helps to cope with them. • Replenish supplies. During the formation of the nervous system, the baby squeezes iodine and B vitamins from the mother’s body. To prevent vitamin and mineral deficiency, shrimp, squid, seaweed and cauliflower, buckwheat porridge, eggs, and nuts should be introduced into the diet. • Do not experiment with drinks. It is recommended to drink water - still bottled or filtered. Adding freshly squeezed lemon juice will help calm nausea.

Daily caloric intake is 2500-2700. Nutrient distribution: proteins - 110 g, carbohydrates - 350 g, fats (vegetable + animal) - 75 g.

What are the symptoms of heartburn and indigestion?

Broadly speaking, symptoms of reflux may include:

  • Sour taste in the mouth, sometimes accompanied by nausea;

Hoarseness and a bitter taste in the mouth – this condition is also called “silent reflux” or reflux esophagitis.

If we talk about heartburn, it is characterized by the following sensations:

  • Burning pain in the chest area, most often behind the sternum;
  • Sensations of compression in the chest area.

Heartburn may last for a few minutes or several hours, especially if you suffer from severe heartburn.

Indigestion usually manifests itself in the form of:

  • Pain in the lower chest, abdomen and stomach (usually occurs after eating, although this is not a necessary condition);
  • Feelings of fullness; in this case, you feel bloating in the stomach area;
  • Belching;
  • Nausea and even vomiting.

Features of treatment

Before eliminating an unpleasant taste in the mouth, it is imperative to find out the cause of its appearance. To do this, you first need to consult with a therapist, who, after an initial examination and interview, will refer you to a gastroenterologist. Depending on the disease, treatment may involve taking medications or adjusting your diet.

Diet food

If an unpleasant taste appears, especially if it is a symptom of a digestive tract disease, the pregnant woman needs to change her diet. A few recommendations for creating a diet menu:

  • exclude smoked, fatty, fried foods from the menu;
  • include fresh vegetables and fruits in your diet, but do not get carried away with cabbage and legumes;
  • eat more iron-containing foods - buckwheat, apples, pomegranates, seaweed and liver;
  • The basis of the dishes should be lean meat and fish, which can be boiled, baked in the oven or steamed.

Equally important is the frequency and regularity of food intake. If you have gastrointestinal diseases, you need to eat often, but the portions should be small. Under no circumstances should you overeat, but you shouldn’t starve either.

Drug therapy

What medications can help with bitterness or sourness in the mouth? Medicines for pregnant women are prescribed only by a doctor, taking into account medical indications. The treatment regimen directly depends on the cause of the unpleasant taste in the mouth. The following groups of medications are most often prescribed:

  • prokinetics - affect the motor function of the stomach (Domperidone, Cerucal, Motilium, Itoprid, Fractal, Osetron);
  • antisecretory drugs - Rennie, Almagel, Maalox, Phosphalugel;
  • preparations containing iron - Maltofer, Aktiferrin, Sorbifer, Ferlatum, Venofer;
  • enzymes to improve digestion - Pancreatin, Creon, Mezim, Festal, Somilase;
  • multivitamin complexes - Elevit, Vitrum, Complivit Mama, Pregnakea, Materna, Femibion.

Traditional medicine

How to get rid of acid or bitterness in the mouth using traditional methods? The most effective decoctions of medicinal herbs and vegetable juices are:

  • To eliminate bitterness, it is recommended to regularly drink vegetable juices, especially carrot juice;
  • Potato juice is suitable for rinsing;
  • if the unpleasant taste in the mouth is associated with dental problems and inflammation of the gums, rinsing with chamomile decoction will help;
  • To disinfect the oral cavity, it is recommended to rinse your mouth with a solution of soda and salt.

How to cope with heartburn and indigestion during pregnancy?

  1. Independent methods of treatment

    As already mentioned, most pregnant women experience heartburn and indigestion, but there are simple and useful tips that will help you experience these unpleasant sensations less often:

    Try to give up bad habits

    • Stop smoking and drinking alcohol - both of these can only contribute to the appearance of heartburn and stomach discomfort, not to mention the fact that this is simply contraindicated during pregnancy.

    Eat right

      Proper nutrition is an integral part of pregnancy. It is very important to maintain a balance of proteins, high-starch foods, vegetables and fruits. However, the best way to relieve heartburn is to avoid trigger foods. Spicy and fatty foods, caffeine, chocolate and tomatoes are the most common foods that most often cause heartburn.
  2. Change your eating habits

  • It is recommended to divide your daily diet into small portions and eat more often throughout the day. This way of eating will bring more benefits than three large meals. This will prevent overfilling and can ultimately prevent stomach acid from getting into your esophagus.
  • If you experience heartburn and indigestion at night, you may be a late-night eater. If this is true, then gastric juice will continue to be produced even after you go to bed. To avoid this, it is better to eat 2-3 hours before bed: this time is just enough to digest the food.

Pregnancy doesn't mean you have to eat for two. Excess weight can cause you discomfort in the later stages. For women whose weight was normal before pregnancy, it is recommended to gain no more than 10-14 kg.3

Get plenty of rest

  • Pregnancy is a blessing for expectant parents and the whole family, but sometimes you have to be nervous. Since stress can also cause heartburn and indigestion, try to regularly set aside time for yourself to relax. This way you can reduce the likelihood of the negative effects of stress.

Think about the body position you are in

  • After eating, try to stand or sit for a while, do not lie down immediately after eating. Also try to avoid strenuous activity after eating, especially if it involves bending.
  • Try to avoid putting additional pressure on the waist and abdominal area. In particular, do not wear compression belts. Don't forget about this when children or pets ask to sit on your lap.
  • Get used to the correct sleeping position, which will allow you to avoid unpleasant sensations while you sleep. When you lie on your back, stomach acid is more likely to enter your esophagus. Some people find that raising the head of the bed can also help. Always pay attention to the position of your body - this is important both during pregnancy and in any other condition!

Treatment with medications

During pregnancy, expectant mothers are wary of taking medications. This is completely justified; no one wants to harm their unborn baby. However, there are medications that you can take during pregnancy without worrying about the baby's health. Despite this, always read the instructions before using a new drug and pay attention to special advice and side effects of drugs.


Such drugs usually contain calcium carbonate, magnesium carbonate or aluminum hydroxide; they neutralize stomach acidity. They are used to treat mild attacks of heartburn and indigestion and are available in several forms, including liquid and chewable tablets.


"Gaviscon® Double Action" is a well-known drug related to alginates and has a neutralizing effect on excess gastric acid. Sodium alginate in its composition forms a protective barrier that prevents the contents of the stomach (including gastric juice) from entering the esophagus, due to which discomfort and pain disappear.

In addition, Gaviscon® Double Action contains calcium carbonate, which quickly neutralizes excess stomach acid. The result will be a reduction in discomfort in the stomach area. Gaviscon® provides long-term relief from heartburn and indigestion4 and has a longer-lasting effect on acid reflux than simple antacids.5,6

Gaviscon® Double Action can be used during pregnancy. The possibility of its use is explained by the fact that the drug is not absorbed into the blood.

If you are taking antacids or alginates (eg Gaviscon® Double Action), remember not to exceed the recommended dose. Follow the instructions carefully.

What should be the diet for stomatitis?

As the disease develops, a pregnant woman must adjust her diet. It is best to take liquid food in the midst of illness. Various porridges and low-fat soups are suitable. It is strictly forbidden to consume sour berries and fruits, which not only corrode the affected mucous membrane, but can also provoke the formation of new ulcers. Tangerines, oranges, strawberries, etc. Fruits should be excluded for a while. They can be replaced with apples and bananas.

It is better to eat meat only in the form of minced meat, since hard pieces can injure the already inflamed mucous membrane. It is better to exclude too salty and spicy foods. You should avoid coffee and carbonated drinks.

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