Hematoma in the oral cavity: causes, symptoms and treatment methods

Why do people use a gag in intimate practices? Some people believe that the inability to speak allows them to focus on other sensations and make them more acute. For others, this is an easy form of dominance, giving a feeling of power over a partner and opening the way to other BDSM practices. And someone just watched “50 Shades of Gray” or some other, better quality movie from Pornhub. The reasons for choosing this form of erotic games are not so important; in this article we will talk not about theory, but about practice.

Causes of hematoma formation on the oral mucosa

The general scheme of hematoma formation is as follows: a rupture of a vessel causes the leakage of a certain amount of blood, followed by its compaction and the appearance of a blood clot. A bubble forms, noticeable on the smooth surface of the mucosa due to its dark coloring and relief. Often a similar picture can be observed during teething, when the gums bleed and become inflamed. The formation of multiple small hematomas, covering the entire surface of the mucous membrane in the mouth with unattractive dark spots, looks very unpleasant for the patient. But don’t panic if you suspect you have a serious illness. As practice shows, most of these phenomena occur due to mechanical trauma to the mucous membrane. But there are exceptions when the symptom indicates:

  • allergic reaction;
  • chronic injury;
  • consequences of stressful situations;
  • burns or cuts to the mucous membrane.

There have also been cases when multiple hematomas in the oral cavity are signs of:

  • diabetes mellitus;
  • hypertension;
  • renal failure;
  • complex types of stomatitis;
  • blood diseases;
  • vitamin deficiency, which causes fragility of blood vessels.

The exact cause and stage of formation of the pathology can only be determined after a thorough examination and diagnosis. For this reason, you should not self-medicate, so as not to further injure damaged tissues.

Inflammation of the tonsils in a child: nuances

Photo: white lumps on a child’s tonsils

A child's body is more susceptible to developing diseases of the throat and oral cavity than an adult. With tonsillitis, the baby often behaves restlessly, cries a lot and cannot sleep at night. In addition, the child’s body temperature periodically rises.

In children, white growths and stones in the throat area appear due to the development of diseases such as:

  • angina;
  • pharyngitis and laryngitis;
  • tonsillitis.

Parents whose children often suffer from sore throat are advised to always have a special medical device called a nebulizer on hand. It is used for inhalation at home. You should not hope that the unfortunate lumps will come out on their own.

Nebulizer inhaler

Symptoms of hematomas in the oral cavity

The most noticeable sign is the spread of vesicles with bloody contents throughout the mucosa. Often there are no other symptoms of pathology. Sometimes patients complain of itching and tingling in the area of ​​damaged tissue. Doctors say that this is a reaction to additional chemical and mechanical irritation of the inflamed mucous membrane under the influence of saliva, contact with teeth, etc. When hematomas form on the oral mucosa during tooth eruption, there are sensations of bursting and pressure from within the gum tissue. If inflammation has become a complication of a burn, pain is a logical consequence of mechanical irritation of the mucous membrane.

Signs of the appearance of blood balls on the cheeks in the mouth, requiring immediate examination and diagnosis, are included in a separate group. Among them:

  • relatively frequent appearance of a large number of points of inflammation;
  • the duration of wound healing, despite the measures taken to treat them;
  • hematomas that are too large, interfering with eating and full communication;
  • formation of bloody balls on the lips.

Each of these signs can be a symptom of serious disorders in the body. Therefore, the optimal solution would be to refuse self-medication and schedule a consultation with a qualified dentist.

How to gag, or What types of gags exist

Have you heard the joke that nothing makes a person better than a gag in the mouth? And there is some truth in this. Especially when it comes to BDSM games.

We have prepared a mini-guide for you, in which we will tell you about the main types of gags, their advantages and disadvantages. With its help, you can not only get an idea of ​​what a gag is and “what it is eaten with,” but also learn how to use this device in the best way.

Simple gag

He is very popular with TV villains who want to shut up grandma while they rob her house. It is essentially a rolled piece of cloth tied around the head. To create an ideal effect, the gag should be about 90 cm long and 30 cm wide. It is this size ratio that will allow you to make a full-fledged knot so that the ends remain to pull the head back.

Use silk, satin, and cotton—materials that can be washed, since all gags that hold the mouth open will become wet when drooling.

Bound gag

Very similar to a simple gag. The only difference is that it is tied into a large knot to hold the jaws open, which increases the feeling of vulnerability in the sub. You can increase the size of the knot as you wish, but make sure to leave enough room for breathing. The larger the knot, the less the sub will talk and control salivation.

Ball gag

This is the most popular type of gag as it creates the illusion of penetration into the mouth. A well-fitted one should sit behind the sub's front teeth and hold the tongue in place. Usually causes excessive salivation, as the jaws are held open and swallowing saliva is impossible. Although this is an important part of using a gag as it represents another level of loss of control, be extremely careful and attentive. For example, it is not recommended to put your sub on his back - he may choke. But some balls have holes to facilitate the flow of saliva. Ball gags are available in a variety of materials, from hard plastic to soft rubber. Long-term use can lead to jaw pain, keep this in mind, because most of the words spoken by the sub will sound the same, and it will become extremely difficult to understand whether he is complaining or not.

Ball gag on head harness

It's basically the same ball gag, but with a head harness and a chin strap to hold it in place. This gag has options with the phallus on the outside.

Gag ring

It is a ring on a strap that holds the mouth open for oral use. Typically made of steel to withstand jaw pressure. The disadvantages of this option include hardness, which causes discomfort to the teeth and can even damage them. But products wrapped in leather or rubber are available. Their disadvantage is that wrapping reduces the internal size of the ring. Although they cope with their main function - humiliation - excellently. A more complex design is the spider gag. This is the same ring, but decorated with steel “paws”.

Inflatable gag

By and large, this is a rubber bulb inserted inside a flat gag. The inflated part hangs forward and usually has a release valve. Despite the fact that these products look unsightly and bulky, in fact they are quite comfortable and are liked by many submissives. Slow pumping can not only be an additional source of stimulation, but also excellent training before using large gags. Sometimes they are attached to simple masks or gas masks (respirators) to provide full facial bondage.

Spreader gag

A device that fits around the face and holds the mouth open. More effective than a ring gag. In addition, it protects teeth better.

He does not close his mouth completely and does not block his voice. A distinctive feature is the clicking when expanding, which gives special pleasure: after all, the sub does not know how far you will go.

Soft gag

An excellent alternative to hard gags. A great option for beginners and couples who prefer softer games.

It is usually made of leather with soft filling. Doesn't completely block your jaw (though that of course depends on how tightly you zip it up). Can be used with subs who like to sink their teeth into something during punishment.

Gag snaffle

Made in the likeness of a snaffle or mouthpiece used for horses. The material is most often plastic covered with rubber or leather. Such a gag is convenient for a submissive to bite. Uncoated options are also very popular, but they make your mouth water. Although, since the jaws are not open very wide, the sub has the opportunity to swallow saliva and control himself. The snaffle gag is an important part of pony play. Speech is clearer with it, so it is considered the best option for punishment play.

Phallus gag

An aggressive version of the ball gag is a gag in the shape of a phallus, which is inserted into the mouth and causes strong erotic sensations. The main thing is not to overdo it with the length. Most products do not reach the back of the mouth, but some gentlemen sometimes go too far, resulting in choking and vomiting.

Gag tape

An excellent option for playing hostage. Although there is an opinion that duct tape is not very effective as a gag. In addition, an allergy to the glue may occur. Cosmetics also prevent sticking. But if you use tape that is too sticky, you can damage your skin.

Fishhook gag (or smile)

Such a gag does not give access to the sub's mouth, but makes him smile at his Master all the time, causing pain. It is usually made from metal hooks, which give it its name. Attached to the head using leather straps.

Additional measures to prevent hematomas

To reduce the risk of blood balloons swelling on the oral mucosa, patients are advised to follow a few simple rules:

  • avoid salty and spicy foods that irritate the mucous membranes;
  • adjust the design of prostheses and orthopedic systems for the jaw apparatus;
  • increase the amount of medium-temperature liquid and semi-liquid foods in the diet

We should also not forget about the need to regularly visit the dentist for the timely detection and elimination of diseases of the teeth and gums. This solution will help maintain oral health and avoid a number of serious pathologies with unpleasant symptoms.

When it's better not to

People who are far from BDSM culture do not always know that its main principle is safety. And even such a seemingly harmless thing as a gag can cause serious harm to health or even cause death in your sexual play. And this is no joke. The use of a gag has a number of contraindications: asthma, epilepsy, cardiovascular diseases, respiratory diseases and even old maxillofacial injuries. Don't take unnecessary risks if any of these points apply to you or your partner. There are quite a lot of other sexual practices in the world that will add spice to your relationship, try something different.

Also, do not forget about hygiene. A gag is an item for personal use, you don't share your toothbrush with other people? It's the same story with him. No matter what kind of trust you have, personal hygiene is paramount, and using a gag from a previous relationship with a new couple would be a bad idea. Just buy a new one.

Locked and gagged: in Perm, a tenant killed a pensioner

The Penza Regional Court sentenced a 37-year-old resident of Tver who killed and buried the owner of a rented apartment in the basement. This was reported on the website of the regional prosecutor's office.

According to investigators, in July 2022, Artur Tsybulsky, his wife and three young children rented an apartment in Penza from a 61-year-old local resident. At the end of the month, a woman came to them to discuss the issue of buying out the apartment, but the tenant suddenly attacked her, kicked her several times in the head and demanded that she give up her mobile phone and bank cards.

After the pensioner fulfilled all the requirements, he tied her hand and foot, and then lowered her into the cellar of the house, where he tied her to the stairs and inserted a gag into her mouth. The next day, the entire Tsybulsky family moved to another apartment.

However, the attacker did not stop there: he spent 389 thousand rubles from his victim’s accounts, and also entered her apartment and stole a laptop, TV, washing machine, and a set of cutlery worth more than 42 thousand rubles. Then Tsybulsky returned to the rented apartment to get rid of the pensioner.

“To do this, he made a second gag from cloth, forcibly inserted it deeply into the victim’s mouth and tied her head with the cloth. As a result, the woman died from mechanical asphyxia after a short period of time,” the prosecutor’s office reported. In addition, there were also traces of an electrical device on the deceased’s neck – as it turned out, the man initially tried to strangle her on his own. After making sure that the victim was dead, Tsybulsky decided to fill the basement with earth.

Her daughter, who lives in the United States, was the first to express concern about the woman’s disappearance. The woman got the police to go to her mother’s apartment - there on July 30 they dug up a cellar littered with earth and found the woman’s body.

In addition, investigators were also able to establish that Artur Tsybulsky had previously been repeatedly convicted of theft, robbery, robbery and theft. In particular, in December 2022, a man fraudulently took a car from a resident of Yaroslavl, promising that he would pay the money later.

“After the seller’s consent, the attacker drove off in a car in an unknown direction, causing significant damage in the amount of 82,700 rubles. Sold the car. It was discovered in February 2022 in a technically faulty condition and returned to the owner,” the prosecutor’s office explained.

As a result, the attacker was charged under five articles of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation - “Fraud”, “Robbery”, “Unlawful deprivation of a person’s freedom not related to his abduction”, “Theft with illegal entry into a home” and “Murder”. He never admitted his guilt and petitioned to have the criminal case considered by a jury.

Tsybulsky tried to explain to the investigation that he took from the pensioner only the money that he had previously transferred to her account for renting an apartment. He decided to deal with the woman after he learned about the financial fraud that she allegedly carried out with her tenants. However, he failed to get his sentence commuted.

“After the jury returned a guilty verdict, the court sentenced Tsybulsky to 22 years 3 months in prison, with restriction of freedom for a period of 1 year 6 months, to be served in a high-security correctional colony,” the department said in a statement.

The court also ordered the criminal to pay the relatives of the victims two million rubles and reimburse funeral expenses. The pensioner's previously stolen property was also returned to her relatives.

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