Megasonex ultrasonic toothbrush – an effective device or a fashionable device?

High-quality cleaning of the oral cavity is a necessary measure to maintain the health and integrity of the dentition.

Unfortunately, a simple toothbrush will not be able to carry out the cleaning procedure as efficiently as possible, since the force of pressure when manually pressed is arbitrary and not always sufficient to efficiently remove food fragments.

Because of this, plaque and rocky deposits begin to accumulate on the teeth, which provokes the development of a number of dental diseases and the appearance of inflammatory processes in the oral cavity.

An effective means of performing high-quality teeth cleaning are modern ultrasonic models, one of which will be discussed in this article.

General information

The Megasonex brush is a modern, electrically powered product. Has a personal battery. Qualitatively removes dirt using the precise action of ultrasonic vibrations on the enamel surface.

Its difference from standard brushes is not only in the processing method, but also in the quality of the procedure.

The design is not equipped with a rotation mechanism, but there is a motor inside. Inside the head (between the bristles) there is a piezoceramic bar. The engine uses the power of electricity to achieve its oscillatory movements equal to the frequency of ultrasound.

This is a value greater than 20 kHz. The bristles are set in motion and vibration processes are started. Thanks to such oscillatory manipulations, dirt and plaque are eliminated, which are almost 100% exfoliated from the surface of the teeth.


A large number of reviews show that Megasonex ultrasonic brushes actively prevent the formation of dental plaque and serve as an excellent means of preventing dental diseases and periodontal pathologies.

If you have positive or negative experience with this toothbrush, or you just want to share your opinion, you can leave a review in the comments to this article.

In conclusion, you will find a detailed video review of the Megasonex ultrasonic toothbrush:

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Ultrasound does not have any direct medical indications, since it is not considered a medical device. Moreover, the use of Megasonex may be justified in the following situations:

  • change in the color pigment of the enamel surface , provoked by coloring substances that are part of many drinks, as well as by the systematic use of coffee and nicotine;
  • with the large-scale appearance of plaque , soft and hard rocky deposits that are difficult to remove with standard hygienic manipulations;
  • as a comprehensive preventive measure after professional teeth whitening or dental cleaning.

Best lists

The TOP 8 ultrasonic brushes presented are the best in their category. But we don’t want to limit buyers’ choices, so we give the characteristics of several more devices that are considered the best in the categories:

  • price-quality ratio;
  • inexpensive toothbrush;
  • brush with additional attachments;
  • brush for children.

Price-quality ratio

ACleon F36 – price varies between 4,000 rubles. At the same time, the functionality of the brush can be envied. High pulsation frequency - 60,000 per minute, 4 cleaning modes, timer, 5 nozzles included, incl. 2 orthodontic - this is only a small part of what is in the device. The manufacturer took 100% care to create an affordable and multifunctional product for a wide range of consumers.


Kenwell RST2062 - the price of the brush barely reaches 1,500 rubles. A wonderful option for a budget, but useful and effective gift. The maximum speed is 31,000 pulsations per minute, and comes with three attachments to brush your teeth in different modes - massage, delicate brushing and standard mode, providing safe daily dental care.

Kenwell RST2062

With additional attachments

Donfeel HSD-008 K2 brush you get three additional attachments. The brush is considered a bestseller because it combines high quality and a great price. Suitable for daily oral care, prevents the development of infectious diseases and the growth of tartar.

Donfeel HSD-008 K2

For children

Children's teeth are like delicate material and require very delicate care and thorough cleaning. We offer a specialized series PHILIPS Sonicare For Kids HX6322/04. A small, convenient nozzle, several cleaning modes that are safe for the baby’s health. Cute designs will amuse your child and make brushing teeth fun. Price approximately 5370 rubles.

PHILIPS Sonicare For Kids HX6322/04


Experts do not recommend using the product:

  • if there is severe, regular bleeding of the gums;
  • there are old crowns that have “spent” their service life;
  • a person uses veneers or has fillings that were installed many years ago, but are well preserved;
  • dental pathologies of the oral cavity, which can cause destruction of hard organ tissue;
  • diabetes;
  • there is the presence of tumor formations of any nature of origin.

In addition, pregnant women should not use this product throughout their entire period.


Supplied kit:

  • brush body;
  • replaceable nozzles – 4 pieces;
  • scraper;
  • power unit;
  • charger;
  • carrying case;
  • instruction manual (in two languages ​​– English and Russian);
  • sales and cash receipt;
  • a warranty card giving the right to free repairs for the entire warranty period declared by the manufacturer, in our case 12 months.

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At this address all the most important things about children's dental prosthetics.

Ultrasonic toothbrush MEGASONEX - reviews

I have been using an ultrasonic toothbrush for over six years. And when my previous brush died, having exhausted its service life (it lasted more than 5 years), I bought a MEGASONEX ultrasonic brush. I’ll say right away that I’m happy with the purchase. First, about the advantages. Let me start with the fact that it was my dentist who recommended the ultrasonic brush to me as the best tool among the currently available options, although he warned me in advance that such a purchase would not be cheap. As a result, I felt the difference in cleaning almost immediately - although we can’t hear ultrasound, it gives quite a noticeable result.

– I gradually lost all the tartar that previously had to be periodically removed by a doctor. Yes, after brushing, I myself, passing my tongue over all my teeth, cannot feel where plaque could remain.

The second plus is that there is no rotating head.

, which is present in ordinary electric brushes (because of it, cervical caries often develops - tooth enamel is simply erased at the neck of the tooth). Here the principle of operation is somewhat different - the head of the brush simply vibrates, and you move it over your teeth. Since I already had a tendency to this type of caries, the dentist categorically prohibited electric brushes with round heads.

I also like that the brush turns itself off after 3 minutes of use.

, that is, you don’t have to count in your head and this is somewhat disciplined: even when you’re in a big hurry, you try to devote 3 minutes to your teeth (you can, of course, turn it off earlier). There is an indication of the battery charge and the operation of the ultrasound (you can turn it off, but I don’t use it), which, in general, is nice, but I can’t call it a strong advantage - when the charge runs out, it turns itself off, and there is no point in turning off the ultrasound ( Why then buy it?).

Another plus is long work without recharging.

I went on vacation for 2 weeks. Just in case, I also took a charger, but I didn’t have to use it - a fully charged brush can last for 2 weeks. By the way, the battery, judging by the reviews on other sites, is the weak point of this brush. Therefore, when purchasing, I called the service and clarified the issues of its warranty replacement (no more than 1.5 years from the date of purchase of the brush), where I found out how it can be checked. To do this, after purchase, you need to charge the brush for 18 hours, and then carry out 28 3-minute work cycles in a row. A high-quality battery should withstand this (mine did - it takes about 1.5 hours). Now I have been using the brush for more than six months, and there have been no problems with the battery or charging.

Now about the cons. The main one I think is the very high price of the brush itself.

– I couldn’t find this brush for less than 5 thousand – and no replacement attachments for it (about 500 rubles per pair).
That is, even if you do not take into account the cost of the brush itself, but based on the calculation of the attachments, then every 3 months, which is how often it is recommended to change attachments, it costs 250 rubles (equivalent to buying the most expensive of ordinary brushes). But that's not all! Nozzles can not be bought in any store
, but only in some pharmacies or online stores, where delivery costs are added to their cost (usually 200-300 rubles). And it is still unknown how much the attachments will cost in 2-3 years (after all, the brush should work for at least 5 years). Another disadvantage is the need for a helium layer between the nozzle and the brush itself, which ensures the passage of ultrasound to the bristles. But instead of a special gel, I use Vaseline, so we can solve this issue.

As a summary, I can recommend the brush

, especially if there is an opportunity to receive it as a gift (as in my case), when the main disadvantage of the brush is not so disturbing, and the advantages remain with you.


Since ultrasonic vibrations vary in their intensity and force of impact on the oral cavity, the manufacturer does not use tips with increased rigidity so as not to harm the enamel.

For optimal results, it is recommended to use the following types of attachments:

  • MB1 (soft) – soft, zigzag-shaped bristles. Ideal for sensitive organs and periodontal diagnostics. Can be used by children;
  • MB2 (medium) – medium hardness, also looks like a zigzag. The most popular attachment, according to user reviews, due to the high flexibility of the cleaning hair material. Provides high-quality cleaning not only of the coronal part protruding above the surface, but also of the gum pockets, penetrating deeply into the interdental spaces and the cervical area;
  • MB5 (soft) is the softest of all the attachments included in the kit. Specially designed for use in the postoperative dental period or in cases of severe bleeding gums. Recommended for repeated daily use when, for medical reasons, cleaning after each meal is necessary;
  • MB6 (medium) – medium hardness and single-level fiber arrangement. Suitable for treating chewing organs and smooth surfaces. Uniform hair length ensures complete safety of gums during the procedure.

Any of the described attachments is intended for use for 3 months. After this period they must be replaced.


Megasonex Ultrasonic Oral Cleansing Brush is designed for daily use using toothpaste at home.

. The main cleaning is carried out by exposure to an ultrasonic wave with a frequency of 1.6 MHz, so there is no need for increased movements during this procedure.

The effective removal of dental plaque by ultrasound is due to its properties: under the influence of frequencies, the chain and outer membrane of pathogenic bacteria are broken.
For this purpose, a special therapeutic frequency is used, which has long been recognized as safe.

. Moreover, the distance for exposure can be up to 5 mm from the tooth to the surface of the bristles.

A distinctive feature of ultrasound is that it not only destroys pathogenic flora on the surface, but also has the ability to fight it in the deep layers of the periodontium and tooth, penetrating 3–5 mm into the tissue.

This property ensures the removal of pathogenic bacteria from the most inaccessible places in the oral cavity.

: interdental space, gum pockets, filled areas.

When cleaning with this brush, exposure to operating frequencies slightly warms up the tissue, causing activation of biochemical processes and better absorption of the beneficial components of the paste.

In addition to the ultrasonic effect on the teeth, there is also an effect of sound frequency, which creates additional vibration that enhances the functionality of the device.


The Megasonex toothbrush is easy to use, as it runs on a built-in battery, which is charged from a standard voltage home network. A full battery charge lasts for 28 uses lasting up to three minutes.

Thanks to an environmentally friendly approach when choosing the type of battery, the brush can be disposed of as standard household waste.


Product Specifications:

  • ultrasonic frequency – 1.6 MHz;
  • sound frequency - about 9,000 movements per minute;
  • battery, power 4.8 v;
  • Battery type – nickel-metal hydride, capacity 150 mA. The propagation period of a single charge is about 28 applications of three minutes duration. This is enough for 12-14 days of full operation;
  • input voltage – 350 mA;
  • output voltage – 400mA;

The product operates at an absolutely safe treatment frequency, equal to the pulse force used in the treatment of fractures using ultrasound.

This is enough to maximally and completely neutralize microbes that provoke the appearance of plaque, and destroys their chains, interrupting the reproduction processes.


The Megasonex ultrasonic toothbrush has a higher cost than its analogues. This is due to its innovative frequency system, which allows for high-quality cleaning with minimal vibration movements.

On average, on the Russian market, this brush costs about 10,000 rubles

. When purchasing on the official website, this amount will be slightly less – 8,500 rubles. This price includes the cost of the main device with a charging system and two brush heads with soft and hard bristles.

A separate purchase of a set of attachments varies from 600 to 800 rubles per pair of attachments

. The rechargeable battery is built-in, so after it runs out of life, you will have to buy a completely new brush.

Operating modes

Operates in the following modes:

  • high speed of movement - 18,000 vibrations for 60 seconds. Optimal mode for high-quality cleaning;
  • minimum frequency – up to 9,000 vibrations. Suitable for people with sensitive teeth and gums;
  • without exposure to ultrasound - recommended for abnormally sensitive organs of the jaw row. In this mode, the villi oscillate at a given frequency level.


Before use, you should determine the operating mode of the device. They are switched when the device is completely turned off.

The mode number is set by the number of button presses. A blue indicator will appear next to the selected mode.

To ensure maximum efficiency from using the device, the following requirements must be met:

  • Pre-rinse the brush with running water;
  • apply a minimum amount of paste (no more than 5 mm in diameter);
  • visually distribute the dentition into several fragments, start processing from the most distant one;
  • the manipulation is carried out at an angle of 45º relative to the edge of the gum with the device turned on;
  • the procedure is performed in a circular motion from the bottom to the cutting part. Press gently, without pressure;
  • after processing the buccal area, they begin to clean the cutting area, and then the area in the area of ​​the lingual surface;
  • You need to spend at least 30 seconds on each fragment - for this purpose, the design is equipped with a timer, which itself will give a signal after half a minute. The total processing period is 3 minutes;
  • At the end of the procedure, turn off the device and rinse.

Important point! The product operates in absolutely silent mode and to understand whether ultrasonic pressure is occurring, an indicator is mounted on the working handle.

Thus, if the green light is on, the device is functioning normally and full cleaning is being performed.

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Follow the link if you are interested in treatment methods for osteomyelitis of the upper jaw.

Preparing the device for operation

Before turning on the ultrasonic brush, the battery should be fully charged. The uniqueness of the Megasonex device is that it can be constantly connected to the power grid around the clock. This is possible thanks to the built-in function of automatic shutdown and switching to standby mode after 18 hours of charging.


To determine the state of charge, the device is equipped with an indicator that displays red when the charge is 10% or less, and white when the battery is fully charged.

Immediately before cleaning, you must install one of the attachments. Installation is carried out in several steps:

  • place the brush with the narrow part facing up;
  • Using your index finger and thumb, slightly turn the clamping element of the nozzle to the right and install it on the tip;
  • On an already installed attachment, turn the clamp all the way to the left. This will fix its position on the device.

In case of replacing the nozzle, you just need to make a slight turn to the right, after which you can safely remove it.

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The design has the following significant advantages:

  • automatic control of the procedure time - upon completion, the device will notify the “owner” that the processing time is over;
  • after just a few days of use, the surface of the teeth becomes smoother, and the color of the enamel noticeably brightens - according to users, even minor pigmentation is eliminated;
  • excellent caries prevention due to a high degree of cleaning;
  • modern design, comfortable handle;
  • optimal configuration;
  • availability of purchasing components as they wear out;
  • massage of soft gum tissues during treatment.

For more information about this unique device, watch the video.

Precautionary measures

Since the device is directly connected to electricity, the following rules must be strictly followed:

  • do not start processing without reading the operating instructions;
  • supervise the use of the device by small children;
  • use the brush only for its intended purpose;
  • at the slightest malfunction, turn off the power to the device;
  • use only original attachments of this brand;
  • store the device in a special case;
  • clean the device only when it is turned off;
  • After use, dry all components.

Tips for choosing

In order not to make a mistake when choosing a toothbrush, consult a specialist. The dentist will clearly outline your problems and how they can be resolved. In addition to the consultation, pay attention to the following aspects:

  • toothbrush manufacturers, reviews of their products;
  • the presence of several modes and additional attachments;
  • presence of battery and timer.

When starting to use, listen to your feelings. If you experience discomfort, replace the nozzle or change the mode. If you still feel uncomfortable after this, we recommend that you return to standard brushes.


Compliance with the rules of care can extend the life of the product. The main body is regularly wiped, first with a damp sponge, then dry with a soft, fluffy cloth. Before doing this, all attachments should be disconnected.

To maintain the quality of ultrasonic vibrations, it is recommended to periodically treat the tip where the nozzle is attached with Vaseline.

The main rule is that everything must be dry, this is the only way to prevent the development of microbes on the surface of the product.

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