How much does it cost on average to get a filling for a tooth?

Take care of your health - get dental treatment at President Dentistry! The specialists of our dental complex guarantee the effectiveness and safety of procedures. Make an appointment by phone.

Dental treatment involves a number of different dental procedures. They are aimed at restoring damaged tissues and maintaining healthy ones. It is highly recommended to visit the dentist once every six months. If you want to undergo dental treatment in Moscow, a smart solution would be to use. Our dentists are highly qualified and have modern equipment. This allows you to effectively fight even the most serious diseases.

Are there people who have no dental problems at all?

In our time, most likely not: sooner or later, every person is faced with the need to treat gums, teeth or roots. Poor ecology, poor-quality water, a variety of tasty but harmful food for teeth lead to the development of dental diseases, and then people begin to look for ways to painlessly treat front and back teeth.

What affects dental health?

First of all, dental health depends on heredity. However, even the strongest teeth by nature can quickly be damaged by careless treatment, and then treatment of the roots of the teeth or restoration of the crowns will be required. A balanced diet rich in minerals promotes successful regeneration of dental tissue, and careful oral hygiene helps get rid of microorganisms that cause caries. Regular dental checkups will help you maintain your oral health, because if a problem is detected early, you won’t have to worry about the high cost of dental treatment.

What are the types of dental diseases?

The most common dental disease is caries. Most patients come for dental treatment for this reason. If it is not eliminated in time, even more serious diseases may develop, for example, pulpitis or periodontitis. There are also non-carious lesions (erosion, wedge-shaped defect, fluorosis, etc.), fraught with changes in the color and shape of the teeth. Such diseases usually require complex dental treatment.

How much does caries treatment cost?

The price for treating this disease in dental clinics depends not only on the level of service, but also on how badly caries has affected the tooth, that is, on the area of ​​destruction of the crown itself.

Treatment of moderate caries

The cost you will pay for treatment of moderate caries consists of the following factors:

  • Painkillers - approximately 250 rubles;
  • To isolate a tooth from saliva, a rubber dam overlay costs approximately 400 rubles;
  • Permanent light-polymer filling - approximately 1.4-1.7 thousand rubles.

The cost for a filling may differ slightly depending on the size of the tooth defect. As a rule, the size of the defect is calculated taking into account the volume of the surfaces of the tooth that is affected by caries. That is, for example, caries can form only on the chewing part.

In another option, not only the chewing part, but also any of the lateral parts of the tooth can become infected with caries, and in this case it will be necessary to restore the interdental contact point. This leads, for starters, to an increase in treatment time and, accordingly, labor costs, as well as an increase in the cost of correcting the defect (consumption of materials for filling, etc.), which, of course, affects the price of treatment.

The approximate cost of treating moderate caries will be about 2-2.6 thousand rubles .

Treatment of caries at a deep stage

The entire cost depends on the method of treatment and the choice of specific materials. Deep stage caries can be cured in one or two trips to the dentist. The choice of treatment method is made by the dentist taking into account the patient’s complaints and clinical picture.

If treatment occurs in one visit to the clinic:

  • Painkillers – approximately 250 rubles;
  • To isolate a tooth from saliva, a rubber dam overlay costs approximately 400 rubles;
  • Using a therapeutic pad with “Daykal” – about 350 rubles;
  • Permanent light-polymer filling - approximately 1.4-1.7 thousand rubles;

That is, the total cost of treatment for one trip will be 2.4-2.6 thousand rubles.

If caries treatment is carried out in two steps.

First visit to the doctor (approximately 1000 rubles):

  • Painkillers – approximately 250 rubles;
  • To isolate a tooth from saliva, a rubber dam overlay costs approximately 400 rubles;
  • Using a therapeutic pad with “Daykal” – about 350 rubles;
  • Temporary tooth filling – 120 rubles;
  • Second visit to the doctor (approximately 1.7-1.9 thousand rubles):
  • Using a rubber dam – approximately 400 rubles;
  • Permanent light-polymer filling - approximately 1.4-1.7 thousand rubles.

That is, the total cost of treatment for 2 trips is 2.6-2.9 thousand rubles .

Complete restoration of a damaged tooth

When the crown is completely destroyed, this treatment is already called aesthetic restoration. The cost of a complete restoration consists of the following items:

  • Painkillers – approximately 250 rubles;
  • To isolate a tooth from saliva, a rubber dam overlay costs approximately 400 rubles;
  • A set of sterile kit – about 120 rubles. The kit includes: a bib and shoe covers for the patient, gloves and a mask for the dentist, the cost of sterilizing the instrument;
  • Tooth restoration using light material – approximately 3.6-4.3 thousand rubles;
  • Fastening a fiberglass pin in the channel - about 1.5 thousand rubles.

This is quite an important stage ! The pin is required to prevent premature failure of the restored crown as a result of the fact that it experiences heavy loads during chewing. To restore the front teeth, it is necessary that the pin is only fiberglass and not metal - otherwise the metal will begin to show through the filling and the crown will take on a bluish tint.

Naturally, you can also install cheaper pins , for example:

  • a domestically made fiberglass pin (price about 60 rubles), but these pins also do not have the necessary light conductivity, are not securely attached to the root canal, and in addition, have poor adhesion to the filling materials.
  • a metal pin (price about 70 rubles), but in this case the tooth being restored does not have the same transparency as your own teeth. At least for teeth that are not in the smile line, this is not so fatal.

Thus, the cost of a complete tooth restoration is 5.5-6.6 thousand rubles.

Is it painful to treat teeth?

Today you can not be afraid to treat your teeth. In modern therapeutic dentistry, all manipulations are carried out using anesthesia, so the treatment of gums, teeth, and roots takes place without pain. The latest generation of anesthetics are non-toxic, safe for health and very effective. No need to worry: these drugs will provide painless treatment even for the front teeth, which are highly sensitive.

How is caries treated?

Treatment of caries consists of removing damaged tissue from the tooth and restoring its shape using filling materials. When caries is detected at the initial stage (at the spot stage), a remineralization procedure is performed to treat it - enriching the tooth enamel with minerals allows you to restore its density and eliminate small carious lesions. If the diseased tooth is not treated, caries will develop into pulpitis.

How are pulpitis and periodontitis treated?

Dental treatment for pulpitis begins with cleaning the carious cavity. Next, the roots are treated: the pulp and all nerve endings are removed, then antibacterial treatment and canal filling are carried out, and the anatomical shape of the tooth is restored. Periodontitis requires sanitation of the source of infection, root canal cleaning and anti-inflammatory therapy. These diseases are usually accompanied by intense pain and therefore require urgent dental treatment. Otherwise, there is a risk of the inflammatory process turning into a protracted chronic form, which can cause even greater harm to the body.

Types of services

Filling happens:

  • Planned (a person plans a visit to the dentist to install a filling).
  • Emergency (due to acute pain, a person goes to the dentist and a filling is urgently performed there).

The filling can be:

  • Temporary (it is installed for therapeutic and diagnostic purposes for 4-21 days).
  • Permanent (installed with the expectation of long-term service).

Depending on the severity of the damage, treatment with the installation of a filling is:

  • Fast (in one procedure).
  • Multi-stage (used when working with dental canals).

Depending on the material, fillings are made from:

  • Metal.
  • Cement.
  • Composite.
  • Photopolymer.
  • Ceramics.

According to the method of hardening, fillings are:

  1. Chemically cured.
  2. Light.

According to the place of application, fillings are divided into the following:

  • Which are installed when filling canals.
  • Which are created for the coronal part.

Depending on the place of provision, the service is:

  • In a government hospital.
  • In a private dental center.

Dental treatment in Moscow

The Doka-Dent network of clinics provides paid dental treatment using high-quality equipment and the latest generation dental materials. Patients often come to us at an advanced stage of the disease, when not only their chewing teeth are destroyed, but also their front teeth, which cannot be hidden when talking or smiling. Treatment of front teeth requires a special approach, because it is necessary not only to completely restore their functionality, but also to restore their aesthetic appearance. Our specialists cope brilliantly with such a complex and responsible process. Therefore, every patient who wants to have their teeth treated in our clinics can rest assured of an impeccable result.

Approximate prices

In Russian dental clinics, filling a tooth costs approximately 150-2000 rubles.

Approximate prices for temporary fillings depending on the material:

  • From zinc sulfate cement - from 150 rubles .
  • From dentin paste - from 200 rubles .
  • From Vinoxol - about 400 .
  • From zinc-eugenol cement - from 120 rubles .
  • From polycarboxylate cement - about 300 .

Estimated cost of permanent fillings depending on the material of manufacture:

  • Metal - from 500 rubles .
  • From a light-curing composite - from 700 to 1800 .
  • From glass ionomer cement - from 1000 to 1900 rubles .
  • From nanocomposite - about 2 5 00 rubles .

How much does it cost to cure a tooth?

Dental treatment in Moscow can cost different amounts. To the question “how much does it cost to cure a tooth?” It is not easy to answer in advance, since much depends on the type and stage of the disease, the complexity of the case, the amount of work to be done, the materials used and other factors. Therefore, the dentist will make an exact calculation after a consultation based on the results of the diagnosis. Before stating how much it costs to treat a tooth, the dentist must do the following:

  • conduct a consultation and examination; prescribe radiographic diagnostics;
  • plan the treatment process;
  • decide on the advisability of using anesthesia.

After a complete diagnosis, it will be clear how much regular or complex dental treatment will cost the patient in a particular situation.

If the disease is detected at an early stage, then, in principle, fairly inexpensive treatment is still possible; dental inflammation and other complications will require large expenses. You can find out how much dental treatment costs at Doka-Dent dentistry on this page of the website (prices are approximate). It should be borne in mind that in any case, even the most expensive treatment of complex teeth is the most profitable option compared to prosthetics in case of their loss.

Cost of pulpitis treatment

As a rule, pulpitis is treated in two visits . Permanent filling with light polymer is performed only on the third visit - this is explained by the fact that it is forbidden to fill the crown when the filling materials in the root canals have not yet hardened. In some cases, doctors break this rule to save time. At least 24 hours must pass from the time the canals are filled until the permanent filling is installed.

But when there is only one root canal in a tooth (single-rooted front teeth), then in this case it is possible to remove the pulp from the tooth, clean the canal and place a filling in one visit. Next, we will consider how much it costs to treat pulpitis with different numbers of canals in the teeth.

Pulpitis with 3 canals in teeth

On your first visit:

  • Anesthesia;
  • Drilling out all tissues with caries using a drill;
  • Removal of root canals and pulp from the crown;
  • Determining the size of the root canals using x-rays and an apex locator;
  • Mechanical drilling of channels;
  • Cleaning the canals with an antiseptic;
  • Afterwards, an antiseptic, for example, Crezofen, is placed in the canals;
  • A temporary filling is performed.

On the second visit:

  • Anesthesia;
  • Using a rubber dam, isolate the tooth from saliva;
  • Removal of antiseptic and temporary filling from the canals;
  • Washing and drying of channels;
  • Filling canals with sealer and gutta-percha;
  • X-ray control of the quality of sealed canals;
  • Temporary filling.

Thus, the cost of treating pulpitis of a 3-canal tooth without installing a filling is more than 4.6 thousand rubles .

At the third visit, the crown is restored. As a rule, teeth are filled using light-polymer filling materials. The price of a filling may vary significantly depending on the amount of work:

  • If it is necessary to restore no more than half of the crown, then about 2.5-3.6 thousand rubles must be added to the cost of filling;
  • Complete tooth restoration reaches 7-8 thousand rubles;
  • An alternative to restoration, when the crown is destroyed by more than half, is artificial crowns. Moreover, this is a more correct and reliable alternative. Moreover, when the crown is broken under the root, then first you need to install a stump tab made of metal, which is attached to the root canal. And then an artificial crown is put on it.
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