Determination of the therapeutic effect of aloe vera gel on recurrent aphthous stomatitis
Nutrition for periodontal disease should be healthy, varied and nutritious. With proper nutrition, the disease does not
What is APRF membrane?
Plasmolifting for bone tissue growth (platelet augmentation)
What is platelet fibrin? Platelets are flat, colorless blood cells that participate in clotting.
Cyst of the nasopalatine (incisive) canal
Removal of retention cyst of the lower lip, local anesthesia
Causes Cystic formation in the form of a capsule isolating the inflammatory focus develops against the background of the following diseases:
A child’s front milk tooth darkens after a blow
Tooth bruise is a common injury that can go almost unnoticed or lead to
Damage to the sensory nerve. Post-traumatic neuropathy
07/20/2018 The author of the article is Dakhno L.A. Candidate of Medical Sciences, dental surgeon, radiologist. Post-traumatic neuropathy
Classification of doctors. I've never read anything funnier in my life!
1. Synonyms with string. 2. . 3. “Doctor” sentences. 4. Meaning of the word. 5. Antonyms for “doctor”.
Why dream that the crown of a tooth has fallen out: interpretation from dream books
A lost tooth in a dream usually portends serious troubles and even death. Crowns are
Abscess on the gum of a child: treatment, photo
Quite often, parents may notice that their child’s gums appear soft when pressed.
Tooth root resorption - symptoms and treatment
Periarticular osteoporosis is a fairly “popular” pathology of the human skeleton. This disease is caused by degenerative processes
artificial gum
Why is artificial gum needed for implant prosthetics?
During implantation Gum plastic Artificial gum method Which is better to choose? Dental restoration solves
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