Technique for predictable removal of cemented implant-supported dentures
Fixed dentures - features and benefits Fixed dentures are considered the most effective and
veneers for malocclusion
Veneers: can they correct uneven teeth?
Indications Contraindications How veneers are installed Pros and cons of veneering Veneers or braces Veneers or
Acrylic dentures
4 facts about acrylic dentures that you may not have known before
Advantages and disadvantages Types Indications Stages of treatment Care Alternative methods Advantages of the ROOTT clinic Prices
Implant installation
Details about All on 6 implantation, price and advantages of prosthetics on 6 implants
Losing teeth creates not only physiological, but also aesthetic problems. Modern dentistry allows
Removable veneers for teeth
Removable or temporary veneers on teeth: pros and cons
4 / 5 (30 votes) Recently, removable devices have been gaining popularity on the Internet.
Rox active calcium toothpaste
Toothpaste with calcium: purpose, features and rating
Types of toothpastes Properties of toothpastes Composition of toothpastes Selection of toothpaste according to the problem
prosthetic butterfly.png
What is prosthetics without turning and why is it preferable?
The prosthetic procedure is the restoration of damaged or lost teeth, which allows not only to get beautiful
What is the name of the doctor who inserts teeth and crowns?
Installing a crown on a tooth is one of the prosthetic options used when one or more
Crooked teeth: can they be corrected, photos, review of treatment methods
The child’s health is most important to us, and the desire to detect and correct problems with
grillz for teeth
Grillz - a trend in decorating teeth or a way to get a disease
Dental decoration is steadily gaining popularity. Now not only pop stars can show off shiny teeth,
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