Zirconium crowns: types, pros and cons, cost
Manufacturing and fixation of a partial zirconium denture
Without exaggeration, zirconium crowns are a universal and technologically advanced orthopedic design. Strength and durability like
Brushing a child's teeth
How to properly brush the teeth of children under one year of age and older, at what age should you start?
Not all parents know how to properly brush their children’s teeth, but the quality of care
What to do after tooth extraction | Dentistry As-Stom | St. Petersburg (SPb)
From this article you will learn: Temperature after tooth extraction Why does the temperature rise after extraction
Multiple jaw cysts: Gorlin-Goltz syndrome
What is a cyst? Jaw cyst A cyst is a cavity that is lined with epithelium and filled
Is it possible to put arsenic on a tooth during pregnancy?
Treatment of pulpitis during pregnancy: how teeth are treated and whether it can be done
12/01/2019 If unexpected pulpitis occurs during gestation, there is nothing left to do but immediately go for
biomed toothpaste
Toothpaste "Biomed": composition, properties, reviews from Roskontrol experts
It’s easier to prevent than to cure. All doctors know the truism: “It’s easier to prevent a disease,
Plates for teeth
Collagen plates Farmadont I for inflammation in the oral cavity
Treatment of malocclusion is one of the most popular services in the dental department of the CELT clinic.
Dentist orthopedic dentist
Who is an orthopedic dentist: what does he specialize in and what does this specialist treat?
Masters of dental practice are divided into several specialized specializations, the most popular of which is the orthopedic dentist.
Asphyxia, lack of air
Tongue retraction: causes, symptoms, first aid, treatment and prevention
The unconscious state always contains a certain danger. A person who has lost consciousness does not feel anything,
Gel "Traumel": indications and instructions for use, where to buy, price, reviews
Gel "Traumel": indications and instructions for use, where to buy, price, reviews
"Traumel" is a medicinal product that is produced in the form of a gel and medicine. Contains
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