“Schiplet”, “schipet” or “pinches”: how do you spell the word?
For many, the appearance of unpleasant sensations in the body is a reason to start worrying. Many of us,
temporary dentures indications
Description, types and purpose of temporary dentures
When it comes to “traditional” prosthetics (without implants), the issue of installing temporary structures is often
Elastic acrylic: new generation removable dentures
Initially, removable soft dentures were used exclusively for temporary dental prosthetics. Patients wore them
Temporary filling hurts - Smile Line
Pain in a tooth after a temporary filling is placed - normal or pathological?
Dental treatment is a medical procedure that corrects a smile, corrects imperfections and relieves pain.
Dentistry prices for tooth extraction in Moscow and Khimki
Tuberal anesthesia is performed to block the posterior superior and alveolar nerves involved in
What to do to prevent bad breath if you eat garlic
Garlic Breath: Proven Remedies Bad breath causes anxiety and embarrassment. Because of
how quickly does the hole heal?
The appearance of a dry socket effect after tooth extraction
Usually, the healing of the hole after tooth extraction occurs painlessly and does not cause any sensations in the patient.
treatment of chronic tonsillitis
Chronic tonsillitis - treatment with folk remedies at home
The term "tonsillitis" comes from the Latin name for the tonsils or tonsils. These are special paired round-almond-shaped
Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine.jpg
Why does my neck hurt in the front under my chin and what can I do about it?
Lateral pharyngitis is one of the types of inflammation of the pharyngeal mucosa, affecting its lateral
14 aspects of coordination between the doctor and assistant at a dental appointment
Preparation for treatment Preparation for treatment is carried out by an assistant. The way he spends it will affect
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