Composites: varieties in composition, appearance and properties
The issue of high-quality composite materials used for dental restoration has always been acute. To dental composites
Ulcers on a child's tongue
Ulcers on a child’s tongue – causes and various treatment methods
Every caring mother can share her experience of worrying about children’s illnesses, especially if
Dental bridge on implants
How possible is it to fix a bridge (bridge) to an implant and your tooth?
A bridge on implants is a reasonable prosthetic option for the loss of 3 teeth or more.
MRI and dental implantation
Is it possible to do an MRI with implants and metal crowns?
Why are things made of metals removed before an MRI? Features of titanium implants Crowns and pins Conclusions
Prevention of dental caries
Why caries forms and how to prevent its formation
Author of the article: Soldatova Lyudmila Nikolaevna Candidate of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Clinical Dentistry of the St. Petersburg Medical and Social
A child has a lump on his gum above a baby tooth: what to do?
From this article you will learn: what to do if a child has an abscess on his gum, you need
Rating of Moscow dental clinics for dental prosthetics
Chief editor of the site: Snitkovsky Arkady Aleksandrovich Chief physician of the professorial dentistry “22 Century”, doctor -
Photo of a dental laser
Cosmetic gum surgery. Features and benefits of the procedure
HomePeriodontologyTreatment of periodontal disease with SIEMENS laser The main reason for patients visiting the dental clinic is severe pain
An alternative to dental implantation. How to replace a dental implant?
What is dental implantation? When is an alternative needed? How can implants be replaced? For chewing teeth
bridge crowns
Temporary crowns as a stage of dental prosthetics with ceramic structures
In situations where a tooth breaks, is severely worn out, or is seriously affected by caries, it
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