Microprosthetics in dentistry This technological direction has a number of advantages over other methods. Teeth are restored
A burn to the palate is one of the most common household injuries. Most often it is due to negligence
Are you planning microimplant orthodontic treatment with the installation of braces? Perhaps you, as a potential patient, are considering microimplants
There are many misconceptions about whether children's baby teeth hurt. Alone parents
Bacterial stomatitis: before and after photos The causes of infection can be: areas of accumulation of bacteria on
How does the infection manifest itself and why is it dangerous? The most striking symptom of oral candidiasis is
Many dental clinics offer fillings using several different filling materials. Price lists
Is going to the dentist really stressful for you? Fear and anxiety, muscle and psycho-emotional tension
The most modern type of prosthetics is now considered to be dental implantation. If due to not treated in time
Pharmacological properties of the drug Mepivacaine Local anesthetic of medium duration of action of the amide group. Causes a reversible blockade