Biocalcium Refers to professional products, intended for enamel restoration and mild whitening. Action of Biocalcium
Physiological causes Dental causes Paresthesia of the lips due to damage or inflammation of the trigeminal nerve Numbness due to
Treatment of dental pathologies in children is a complex process that requires extensive practical experience and knowledge.
Stages of dental development There are four conventional stages of dental development in humans. Division into such
Instructions for use Teething in a child is a natural physiological process, the beginning of which
An analogue of regular chewing gum is chewing sulfur or, in other words, resin chewing gum. In progress
A physiologically correct bite is the basis of not only a beautiful smile, but also the quality of your overall condition
11/21/2019 People who want to achieve a snow-white smile in an accessible and inexpensive way are interested in the question of whether it is possible
Everyone would like to have a beautiful smile. Sometimes, to realize this desire, the help of a specialist is needed.
Materials Indications Contraindications Manufacturing and installation Advantages and disadvantages Maintenance Service life Alternative methods