Treatment of dental pulpitis
Treatment of tooth pulpitis: all the most important information
If you suddenly have a severe toothache and the pain is throbbing, sharp, unbearable, then
Treating Trigeminal Facial Nerve Inflammation with Physiotherapy
Causes of inflammatory damage to the trigeminal nerve Factors contributing to inflammation of the trigeminal nerve are: surgical interventions on
Teeth Whitening Products
Harm to tooth enamel after eating fresh apples
Author of the article: Soldatova Lyudmila Nikolaevna Candidate of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Clinical Dentistry of the St. Petersburg Medical and Social
Ibuklin Junior: indications for the drug and methods of use
Ibuklin Junior: indications for the drug and methods of use
Ibuklin Junior is a combination drug based on paracetamol and ibuprofen. Has complex therapeutic activity.
Catarrhal gingivitis
Chronic catarrhal gingivitis case history
The most common form of gingivitis is catarrhal gingivitis, which affects the gums, causing superficial inflammation.
Gums hurt after tooth filling
After the injection my gums hurt: is this normal?
Author of the article: Soldatova Lyudmila Nikolaevna Candidate of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Clinical Dentistry of the St. Petersburg Medical and Social
Trichopolum: instructions for use
Instructions for use TRICHOPOL
Trichopolum is a widely used drug in the treatment of gynecological and skin diseases. Assigned independently
What can a dentist see on an x-ray?
X-rays and CT scans in dentistry – harmful or safe?
Hello! Today we will talk about a procedure used in dental practice, x-rays. And the most frequent
after bite correction and dental prosthetics
CEREC - a technique for raising the bite with all-ceramic crowns in one visit
S. M. Kochanov Ph.D., CEREC-trainer, dentist Today CEREC debunks the myth that an increase in
Gutta-percha in dentistry
Gutta-percha is an indispensable material in dentistry
Gutta-percha in dentistry Gutta-percha is used as a natural material in many fields. Its product application
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