Treatment of tooth pulpitis: all the most important information

If you suddenly have a severe toothache and the pain is throbbing, sharp, unbearable, then such symptoms may indicate tooth pulpitis. What kind of disease is pulpitis, why does it appear, how can it be cured and the tooth saved? We will answer all these questions in detail in this article. After reading the material, you will learn how tooth pulpitis occurs, what methods of its treatment are used in modern dentistry, and whether it is possible to cure tooth pulpitis at home or not.

What is it – tooth pulpitis?

Pulpitis is a dental term that refers to an inflammatory process that affects the nerve bundle inside the tooth - the pulp. Colloquially, the pulp is often called the nerve of the tooth. Strictly speaking, the pulp is not only nerves, but also small blood vessels, thanks to which a living tooth receives nutrients and necessary microelements. If the pulp is removed (and this often happens during the treatment of pulpitis), the tooth becomes dead and fragile because it does not receive the nutrition necessary for its full functioning and healthy condition.

The inflammatory process in the pulp never occurs on its own - there are always reasons that trigger it. Knowing the reasons why pulpitis appears is necessary and useful; this will make it possible to carry out effective prevention of this dental disease.

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Treatment with drugs

To provide emergency assistance, you can use medications that are available at pharmacies without a prescription.


  • - Low-toxic anti-inflammatory drugs (Voltaren, Catorol, ibuprofen, Celebrex) reduce temperature and reduce swelling;
  • — Local anesthesia in the form of sprays or gel (Dentinox, Cholisal), with strong anesthetics;
  • — Clove oil is a natural pain reliever that should be applied to the gum or dripped into the resulting cavity.

Rinsing with slightly warm water will help get rid of swelling, eliminate pain, and wash painful microorganisms out of your mouth.

Causes of pulpitis

The main reason causing the development of pulpitis is caries, the treatment of which was not carried out on time. If a person delays treatment of caries until the last minute and does not go to the dentist, his risk of encountering pulpitis is extremely high, because caries is a constantly progressive disease that destroys tooth tissue. And sooner or later the destructive process reaches the pulp. Therefore, one of the basic principles of pulpitis prevention can be formulated as follows: if you don’t want to encounter pulpitis, don’t delay caries treatment!

Treatment of pulpitis will be much more complex and expensive than treatment of caries. Moreover, when treating advanced pulpitis, it is not always possible to save a tooth. Therefore, you need to forget about the fear of dentists and always consult a doctor in a timely manner for the treatment of caries! Nowadays, there are technologies that make it possible to successfully treat caries without pain and discomfort for the patient - for example, dental treatment under sedation, treatment without drilling a tooth.

Less commonly, pulpitis and the need for its treatment may arise for the following reasons:

1. Low quality of dental treatment. If, when treating caries, the dentist incorrectly treats the carious cavity or makes other mistakes and inaccuracies, tooth pulpitis may develop under the installed permanent filling.

2. Low quality of teeth preparation for prosthetics. Before prosthetics, the teeth are ground for the future prosthesis, and if, while working with a living tooth, the dentist overheats its tissues, pulpitis may develop. This will not happen immediately, but after some time, but pulpitis under the crown is almost always a sign of poor quality work by the orthopedic doctor. To treat pulpitis, the crown will have to be removed.

If you do not want to encounter pulpitis and other complications after poor-quality dental treatment, you must remember one simple rule: for dental treatment, you should not choose a clinic at the lowest price, but find out all the available information on its equipment and the level of qualifications of the doctors working there!

3. The cause of the development of pulpitis can also be gum disease. For example, periodontal disease causes exposure of tooth roots, and at the same time, a deep periodontal pocket is formed in the area of ​​​​contact between the gum and tooth, in which pathogenic microorganisms will actively develop, causing the appearance of caries and then pulpitis. Therefore, treatment of gum inflammation also does not need to be postponed; if you see that your gums are inflamed, be sure to visit the dentist’s office!

Very rarely, pulpitis occurs due to injuries leading to tooth fracture. If the injury damaged not only the pulp, but also the root of the tooth, the only treatment that can be done is to remove the tooth.

For whatever reasons, pulpitis appears, its treatment must be carried out as urgently as possible. Timely and high-quality treatment of pulpitis makes it possible to keep the tooth alive, and, as you know, your natural teeth are better than any dentures!

Partial and complete nerve removal

Partial extraction of the pulp is also acceptable if the coronal component of the nerve is separated from the root. To prescribe surgery, there must be a large volume of intact periodontal tissue.

The procedure is performed under anesthesia for patients under 45 years of age.

In practice, pulpitis is treated surgically. The nerve is completely removed, which saves the patient from relapse and re-treatment.

Pulp removal occurs in two ways:

  • Extraction of living nerve.
  • Preliminary killing of the pulp (devitalization) with further removal.

In the first option, all work is carried out in one session. The dentist removes the affected tooth tissue, thoroughly disinfects the cavity, and then removes the inflamed nerve. At the final stage, a filling is installed.

If it is not possible to remove the living nerve from the tooth, it is treated with medical paste made from arsenic or paraformaldehyde. After 1-2 days, the pulp dies and is painlessly removed. Patients cannot always visit the doctor the next day; in this case, the dentist fixes a less concentrated composition for up to two weeks. A temporary filling is placed on top. During the next visit, the doctor treats the canals with an antiseptic and fills the tooth. Important: this method of treating pulpitis is not applicable in the presence of pus and dead tissue in the pulp.

Symptoms of tooth pulpitis

How can you determine that your tooth hurts precisely because of the development of pulpitis? This disease has its own characteristic symptoms and the first sign of the development of pulpitis may be pain that occurs when a diseased tooth comes into contact with cold/hot, sweet/sour foods. Unlike pain during caries, these sensations do not go away immediately after the irritant that caused them is eliminated: they persist for longer than 15 minutes. If you are bothered by such sensations during and after eating, you need to urgently contact your dentist for diagnosis and treatment of pulpitis.

It is important to understand that without proper treatment, pulpitis will not go away: the inflammatory process will continue to develop and this will lead to the transition of pulpitis to an acute form. In acute pulpitis, pain can occur suddenly and on its own, without external influence. Pus collects in the pulp, and if there is no natural outlet for its outflow, it begins to put pressure on the bundle of nerves, and severe pain occurs.

At first, this pain can be eliminated by taking tablets from the pharmacy, but if treatment for pulpitis is not carried out, pharmacy painkillers will no longer help. The pain will be excruciating and constant, moreover, it can spread along the nerve endings to different parts of the oral cavity. For this reason, people who go to the doctor for treatment of acute pulpitis often cannot pinpoint exactly which tooth is hurting. In acute pulpitis, swelling of the gums and increased body temperature may be observed.

Pulpitis is not only acute - it has its own fairly extensive classification into various forms, and each form of pulpitis has its own symptoms. Accurate determination of the form of pulpitis is of fundamental importance for choosing an effective method of treating it. Below we will look at all seven main forms of pulpitis and their main symptoms.

Fibrous pulpitis of the tooth

The development of a fibrous form of pulpitis may be indicated by mild, aching pain, which occurs most often when a tooth comes into contact with hot/cold food during chewing. The pain is usually localized quite clearly - in one tooth. If fibrous pulpitis is not treated in time, then as the disease develops, pain may appear on its own and not stop for 24-48 hours.

Hypertrophic form of pulpitis

With this form of pulpitis, patients who go to the doctor for treatment complain of a viscous, aching pain, which often occurs when eating. This pain causes people to avoid chewing on the side of the jaw where the painful tooth is located. Another sign of hypertrophic pulpitis may be bleeding gums that appear when brushing teeth in the area of ​​inflammation.

Gangrenous pulpitis and its symptoms

This form of pulpitis is also characterized by aching pain that occurs under the influence of chewing load on the teeth or from contact of the diseased tooth with temperature irritants. A person with the development of gangrenous pulpitis may experience the appearance of extremely unpleasant odor from the mouth, which cannot be removed by the standard procedure of brushing teeth and rinsing with balms. When, when treating gangrenous pulpitis, the dentist opens the tooth cavity, thick gray pus with a fetid odor is found in the area of ​​inflammation.

Chronic pulpitis and signs indicating its development

This form of pulpitis is insidious in that it may not show itself for a long time.
Chronic pulpitis can be detected only after diagnostic measures are carried out or when it transforms into an acute form, which has bright and pronounced symptoms. Acute pulpitis, which has not been treated, can become chronic. But you shouldn’t think that you can continue to calmly live with a bad tooth and not take any measures to treat it. Chronic pulpitis sooner or later turns into acute and then a person is simply forced to see a doctor, because the pain becomes unbearable and pills from the pharmacy cannot save it.

To choose an effective treatment method, you need to conduct a high-quality diagnosis that allows you to determine the form of pulpitis and the stage of development of inflammation.

How is therapy carried out?

The process of extracting the dental nerve may require 2-3 visits, depending on the number of roots in the tooth. The time interval between sessions is prescribed by the doctor, in accordance with the diagnosis.

Traditionally, treatment of pulpitis consists of 4 stages:

  • Application of local anesthesia. Nerve endings are very sensitive to any impact, so painkillers are indispensable.
  • If caries is present, the affected tooth tissues are first removed. Sometimes it is necessary to remove a healthy part of the tooth to gain access to the pulp.
  • Using a special tool, a pulp extractor, the dental nerve is extracted. Depending on the stage of the disease, the pulp is pre-treated with arsenic or extracted alive.
  • The dental canals are measured and thoroughly disinfected.

After treatment, the tooth is filled: first the root canals, then the upper, coronal part of the tooth. In difficult cases, for example, with chronic pulpitis, the doctor fixes filling materials only in the canals in order to track a possible relapse of the disease. If inflammation reappears, then intermediate therapy is prescribed using antibiotics.

After installation of a permanent filling, the patient may experience pain. This usually lasts no more than 2-3 days, with a reaction to cold foods and drinks. If the discomfort continues, then the inflammatory process has resumed, and you need to visit the dental office as soon as possible.

Folk remedies

You can use tinctures of medicinal herbs, alcohol infusions, soda solution, hydrogen peroxide.

  • Sage

A decoction of dry herbs is used for rinsing every 1.5-2 hours. The product will have an antiseptic effect and relieve pain.

  • willow bark

The bark infusion is filtered and diluted with water. An infusion of bay leaves and a mixture of elderberry flowers and knotweed are prepared in the same way to eliminate pain. You can eliminate pain by applying propolis to the affected area or using a tincture of propolis with calamus in alcohol.

Pomegranate peel kept in a water bath is a prophylactic against pulp suppuration.

  • Hydrogen peroxide

Peroxide diluted with water is an effective disinfectant. Used three times a day to stop the spread of infection.

  • Soda

Soda solution (a full teaspoon per glass) disinfects and reduces pain.

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