How long does it take for the smell of cigarettes to disappear from your mouth?

Not everyone knows how long it takes for the smell of cigarettes to disappear from the mouth, so many people think that if they drink coffee after smoking or suck on a mint candy, the unpleasant smell will disappear. Most smokers do not pay much attention to this problem, as they are accustomed to the taste of tobacco in their mouth. To a greater extent, this interferes with other people, especially their relatives and colleagues with whom they are in close contact.

Why is the smell of tobacco dangerous?

Passive smoking is no less dangerous to health than active smoking. Nicotine contained in tobacco smoke is a harmful substance. This alkaloid, in addition to addiction, contributes to the development of various diseases in smokers. The most common consequences of nicotine use are:

  • Oncological diseases (throat cancer, lung cancer)
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system (tachycardia, strokes, blockage of blood vessels)
  • Aging and dry skin
  • Decreased immunity
  • Chronic diseases (bronchitis, asthma, obstructive pulmonary disease)
  • Yellowing of tooth enamel, bad breath

Even if you are not a consumer of tobacco products, you can be exposed to secondhand smoke almost anywhere. It is difficult to completely hide from him. Combustion products accumulated in an apartment contain carcinogens, harmful substances (hydrogen cyanide, tar, benzopyrene, arsenic, etc.) and a pungent odor.

Reasons for the appearance of tobacco smell in the apartment

To get rid of the unpleasant cigarette odor, you need to understand the reason for its appearance. And try to eliminate it. Fighting odor is a consequence. And the reason is the one who creates it. Start fighting the cause. The reason may be:

  • Smoking by a current resident in the apartment. It happens that only one person in a family smokes, but all the residents suffer from it. Including pets
  • Smoke enters from the entrance, through the ventilation or from a nearby window. Sometimes a small gap is enough for cigarette smoke to leak into your home. Or the apartment is on the 1st floor, and people smoking at the entrance cause the smell
  • The cigarette smell may be “inherited” from previous residents of the apartment who smoked the premises.
  • A person who quits smoking can feel the stench from the clothes (in which he smoked) for a long time, from furniture, walls, curtains, carpeting, and other objects that have absorbed nicotine and fumes.

When is nicotine eliminated from breast milk?

because, according to the results of another work done under her leadership, nicotine reaches its maximum level in breast milk 30-60 minutes after smoking 1-2 cigarettes and is eliminated from it within three hours.

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How long does it take for the tobacco smell to dissipate?

If the windows are open wide, the smell of a cigarette will be felt for about half an hour. Although a non-smoker with a good sense of smell will smell it even after a few hours. If you smoke for a long time in the same room, the smell of tobacco will disappear for several years. Things and objects retain odors in different ways. On hard surfaces (tables, cabinets, plastic products) the stench lingers less. Much longer in textiles. It is difficult to completely get rid of this smell, but there are many proven ways

Express methods

Let us first consider those cases where smoking is not regularly done indoors. And I don’t want to wait for the smell to disappear on its own.


Create a draft in the room. Open all windows and doors (outside or into the entrance). This method helps especially well in winter. Cold winter air enters the room faster, refreshing it instantly. But it is better to ventilate for a long time. It is advisable to leave the ventilated room at this time so as not to catch a cold in the draft . But we do not recommend leaving the windows open for a long time if it is cold outside. Prolonged ventilation in winter can lead to defrosting and damage to radiators.

Wet towels

Towels absorb not only moisture, but also odors. Take several large towels. Preferably terry or cotton. Wet them with tap water. In the room where people smoked, you need to hang them on doors, on chairs, and on cabinet doors. Can be spread on a table or other surface. Periodically, you can rinse the towels in water and stir again. After the procedure, towels must be washed with powder.

Natural flavors

You can kill the cigarette “spirit” with citrus fruits or coffee. Take a ripe orange. Squeeze the pulp into a glass. 100 grams of juice are mixed with 0.5 liters of water. Using a spray bottle, the solution is sprayed into the room. Orange zest can be placed around the perimeter of the room. Coffee beans are a good absorbent. Take 300 grams of coffee beans, distribute them into several containers (small vases, plates or mugs). Place around the perimeter of the room. Coffee will absorb unpleasant odors.

Perfume, air freshener

You can kill the smell of tobacco in a closed space with the help of strong air fresheners and perfumes. However, you need to remember that these are quite aggressive odors. Large sprays of these substances can negatively affect the nasal mucosa or cause allergic reactions. You can moisten cotton wool with perfume and treat all the light bulbs in the house with it. When you turn on the lights in the evening, the pleasant smell of perfume will spread throughout the apartment.

Fragrance oils and candles

The pleasant smell from aromatic candles will not only drown out traces of smoking in the air, but will also create a pleasant atmosphere. Lighted candles are placed in all corners of the apartment. Aromatic oil is dripped into saucers, which are also placed around the perimeter of the room.


You can boil cinnamon sticks in a saucepan. When boiling water, a pleasant aroma of cinnamon will spread throughout the apartment. If you have an oven, you can “bake” the cinnamon. To do this, several of its sticks are placed on a baking sheet on a piece of food foil. Turn the oven on 180 degrees. After 15-20 minutes, the oven door can be opened. The house will instantly be filled with a pleasant cinnamon smell, which will displace the tobacco “aroma”.


Sodium bicarbonate (soda) is able to absorb foreign odors, including the smell of smoked cigarettes. Pour baking soda into a small container and add 2-3 drops of essential oil on top. This mixture can be placed before smoking guests arrive and left for several hours after they leave.

Ways to get rid of ingrained odor

It is difficult to get rid of the stagnant smell of tobacco.
Dealing with the stagnant smell of tobacco in a room is a more difficult task. First you need to remove and wash everything you can. Namely: curtains, tulle, curtains, carpets, rugs, towels, potholders, covers from decorative pillows, covers from a sleeping mattress. The mattresses themselves (plus pillows) can be taken to the dry cleaner.

Remove all books from the room. Book paper absorbs odors well, including tobacco. Even in a well-treated room, books soaked in smoke for years can leave an unpleasant odor . If it’s a shame to throw away books, then lock them in a closet with tightly closed doors. Better yet, make a “library” on the balcony or in the garage (if you have one).

After this, you can begin to treat the room from tobacco smoke in various ways.


Vinegar absorbs various odors well. There is no need to use it in its pure form. When carrying out thorough wet cleaning, use a solution of water and vinegar. For 1 liter of water add 1 tablespoon of vinegar. This water is used for wet cleaning. As the water becomes contaminated, it is changed, a new solution is made, and cleaning continues. Wipe down all moisture-resistant surfaces and objects. You can wipe the ceiling if the material from which it is made allows it.

Ammonia, soda and vinegar

You can prepare a homemade chemical composition based on the same soda, vinegar and ammonia. One-fourth cup of soda and the same amount of vinegar are poured into the container. To this add half a glass of ammonia (ammonia). This mixture is diluted with 3 liters of water. All surfaces of the apartment are wiped with the solution. In essence, this is a thorough wet cleaning, only this chemical composition is used instead of water. Make sure that there are no streaks left on the surfaces being treated. What these stains consist of can later “emit” the smell of tobacco again. During such a frill, do not forget to wear gloves and a respirator. As the cleaning solution becomes contaminated, it is replaced with a new one.

Washing powder

All items that can be washed must be washed using a regular washing machine. When choosing a program, choose the most thorough mode. Use the most fragrant and flavored powder possible. In addition to it, when washing, do not forget to pour fabric softener or fabric softener into the appropriate compartment of the machine. Washed items can be dried in the same room where you are “treating” the smell of smoking. Drying washed clothes will fill the room with the aroma of powder.


Paper wallpaper, like books, absorbs harmful smoke. Wooden products (flooring, furniture, window sills, baseboards, shelves, etc.) too. The ceiling upholstery also absorbs smoke rising upward. If you have been smoking in your room or kitchen for many years, then sometimes only radical measures will help.

Carry out cosmetic repairs. First of all, you need to remove all the old wallpaper and put up new ones. Changing genders is expensive and difficult. You can limit yourself to replacing the flooring (linoleum, carpet, laminate). Replace the ceiling covering. If there is none, then the ceiling can, depending on the situation, be painted or covered with lime.

Clinical service

Expensive, but justified way. If possible, you can call the clinical service. Such companies have extensive experience in this field. Employees clearly know what to do, because they encounter this every day. They are armed with professional means for cleaning the premises from any contaminants. Including from ingrained tobacco smoke . When choosing a company, be guided by its authority in the cleaning services market and study reviews on the Internet. It's better to spend a little more but get guaranteed results. How to save money and remain dissatisfied.

Air purifier

You can use special devices. Thanks to the filters installed in them, the air in the room is purified. The air will be purified. But you need to take into account that without eliminating the objects and things that have absorbed the fumes, the smell may not go away. Cleaners, depending on the brand, are best used while the smoker is living in the apartment. So that combustion products from tobacco smog settle less on surfaces.

How can you detect nicotine in the body?

With prolonged use, this substance penetrates almost all tissues and fluids, acquiring an important, physiologically irreplaceable role in all processes. In different doses, nicotine accumulates in the lungs, skin, kidneys, brain, and so on. Thanks to this, it is not difficult to detect with a number of medical tests. The most commonly used tests are:

  • Blood. One of the most expensive, but at the same time accurate ways to register harmful compounds. Traditionally carried out in laboratory conditions.
  • Saliva. The chances of detecting nicotine in this liquid are significantly higher than with other methods. Due to this, the method is often used by insurance companies.
  • Urine. The easiest way that allows you to get results in a few minutes. Also effective for detecting the alkaloid cotinine.
  • Hair. It has a rather complex algorithm, but it allows you to detect nicotine even 2-3 months after the end of use.

A set of such examinations is most often carried out in preparation for pregnancy. Large accumulations of chemical compounds in the body of the father or mother can negatively affect the health of the baby. That is why the data obtained may become a reason for postponing the conception stage for the long term.


The cause of the unpleasant odor is a smoker.
The best way to eliminate the “aroma” of cigarettes in an apartment is to eliminate its sources. Quit smoking, motivate your loved ones to quit the bad habit, or agree not to smoke indoors. Find a compromise. Switch to an electronic vaporizer. It harms the lungs no less, but does not produce suffocating smoke. Cigarettes for the street, for the home - a vaporizer . Let this be the rule.

To protect yourself from smokers in the entrance or hallway, eliminate all cracks in the entrance door and holes in the walls (from cables and other communications brought into the room). Have a preventive conversation with your neighbor, from whose balcony the wind is blowing clouds of smoke into your window. If it doesn’t help, then it’s better to save money and install an air conditioner. To be able to close the windows tightly and not suffocate.

If you can’t eliminate the cause of the smell in the house, then you need to:

  • Regularly (preferably constantly) ventilate the room
  • Get a smoke eliminator or air purifier for tobacco smoke
  • Make cosmetic repairs to the premises using non-absorbent materials (tiles, plastic, linoleum, etc.)
  • Keep air fresheners, fragrances or absorbents on hand at all times.
  • Do wet cleaning more often using detergents


  1. Tobacco smoking: harm, ways to quit [Electronic resource] / Ovchinnikov B.V., Dyakonov I.F., Zobnev V.M., Dyakonova T.I.; under general ed. V. K. Shamrey. – St. Petersburg: SpetsLit, 2012. – 45 p.
  2. Chemistry of tobacco and shag / A. A. Shmuk, full member of the All. acad. agricultural Sciences named after V.I. Lenin. - Moscow ; Leningrad: Pishchepromizdat, 1938 (M.: 11 type. MOOMP). – 544 p.
  3. Organic chemistry: textbook. aid for students of education. institutions prof. education / L. M. Pustovalova. - Rostov n/d: Phoenix, 2005 (JSC Book). – 317 p.
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