Damon q self-ligating braces: benefits and patient reviews

Most recently, we published an article about metal braces , from which it follows that this is the best invention of mankind for correcting malocclusion and crooked teeth compared to sapphire and ceramic ones. Now let's talk about Damon Q self-ligating braces and you will understand that all the best in the mentioned text can be multiplied three to four times.

Damon Q bracket

What is a braces system?

Braces are a non-removable orthodontic structure that is attached to the teeth and is intended to correct congenital and acquired occlusion defects. The system consists of several components:

  • bracket plates fixed with an adhesive mixture on the surface of the tooth enamel;
  • a power arc that creates mechanical pressure on the teeth and forces them to gradually move in a given direction. The arch is attached to each bracket plate either using miniature locks or using ligatures (wires or rubber bands).

The process of movement of dental elements is determined by the ability of bone tissue to dissolve in the direction of the vector of movement of the dental element (resorption) and regenerate in the place from which the tooth has moved. Thus, it turns out that the dental unit, under the influence of a directed force, gradually shifts from its old place to a new one. What causes the movement? An orthodontic arch is made of a metal alloy that has shape memory. This means that the bent arc element tends to straighten to its previous position. And since it is fixed to the tooth enamel, when it straightens, it pulls the teeth along with it.


Reviews of Damon Q from patients indicate effectiveness and affordable cost.

I have naturally crooked teeth, and only as an adult did I decide to correct them with braces. The orthodontist recommended the Diamond Q system made of metal without rubber bands. I went with them for about 2 years. The before and after photos of the teeth are impressive. I am very pleased with the result.

Kristina, Kazan

I heard only positive reviews about Daimon Ku braces from friends. At the age of 19 I decided to install it myself. In a year and a half I was able to straighten my teeth and get a beautiful smile. I wore the system comfortably and quickly got used to it. The cost is also quite reasonable.

Alina, Moscow

Indications for treatment with braces, absolute and relative contraindications

Correction of occlusion is a treatment and is therefore prescribed by an orthodontist only for medical reasons. But even if they exist, not all patients can correct their bite using braces. There are a number of contraindications, which are divided into two subtypes:

  • absolute – indicate an unconditional prohibition;
  • relative - imply that if the cause of the prohibition is eliminated, correction can be carried out.

Indications for the use of bracket systems:

  • Incorrect or incomplete closure of the dentition;
  • Interdental spaces
  • Crowding of dental elements
  • Jaw injuries
  • Preparation for prosthetics in the presence of deformities after tooth extraction

Absolute contraindications:

  • Severe cardiovascular or endocrine diseases
  • Oncology
  • Tuberculosis
  • Bone and blood diseases
  • Mental instability
  • Missing teeth to support braces

Relative contraindications:

  • Periodontal disease and other periodontal diseases
  • Dental diseases
  • Alcohol addiction
  • Pregnancy
  • Any disease in the acute phase

Consequences of lack of treatment

Minor defects of the dentofacial apparatus do not have any significant significance for human health. This can only cause emotional dissatisfaction with your appearance. More serious pathologies require mandatory treatment. If the existing anomaly is not corrected, a number of serious health problems are inevitable:

  • increased abrasion of tooth enamel;
  • diseases of teeth and gums;
  • permanent injury to periodontal tissues;
  • slurred diction;
  • poor chewing of food;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • temporofacial joint deformity;
  • frequent headaches.

Experts advise: you should not put off treatment “for later”; the sooner it is started, the sooner it will end. If you are unsure whether your child has orthodontic problems, make an appointment with a dental clinic. The doctor will determine the presence of indications and advise the best way to eliminate the defect.

Product delivery

In Moscow and the Moscow region, products are delivered by KS Logistic, the price is 500 rubles. Delivery in St. Petersburg and the region costs 300 rubles, carried out by the Contact service. The cost of DHL delivery to the regions is 700 rubles.

Ask questions about payment and delivery methods to the managers of the St. Petersburg and Moscow Ormco offices by calling +7 (812) 324-74-14 and. Contact official regional dealers.

The material is for informational purposes only and is presented for informational purposes. It does not replace consultation with an orthodontist and is not a guide to correcting dental anomalies.

Features of the Damon Q bracket system

The design of the braces of the brand in question is similar to that of other vestibular metal non-ligature orthodontic systems. But it still has its own distinctive features:

  • miniaturization and roundness of all edges. This makes the product more aesthetically pleasing and less traumatic for the mucous membranes of the lips and cheeks;
  • the streamlined shape of the braces facilitates their hygienic care;
  • convenient way to open the fastening cover. This makes the dentist’s work on setting up the system more efficient;
  • reliability of the lock opening mechanism, increasing the strength of the system as a whole;
  • extra-fixation on the enamel, ensured by the optimal shape and roughness of the cushion on the base of the braces (patented Ormco technology);
  • dimensional accuracy and polished grooves of the power arc, facilitating perfect sliding.


The start of orthodontic treatment is preceded by sanitation of the patient’s oral cavity, during which the dentist determines the presence of concomitant diseases and draws up a plan for further treatment.

At the same stage, possible contraindications are identified that prevent bite correction using a brace system.

After eliminating pathologies that prevent the installation of an orthodontic structure, an x-ray is taken and impressions of the jaw are taken.

Based on them, a model of the jaw is subsequently made, which facilitates the correct selection of the power arc and comparison of the final result with the initial state.

The metal clasps of the bracket system are fixed using a light-curing compound. After this, the dentist places the power arc into the grooves intended for this and secures it with latches.

Creating a certain arch tension is the final stage of installing the bracket system, which starts the process of correcting the position of the teeth.

During orthodontic treatment, the patient must visit the dentist after a certain period of time to evaluate the result and adjust the tension of the power arc.

Design features of In Ovation braces and treatment tactics with the system.

In this publication we will talk about non-ligature braces systems.

Follow the link https://orto-info.ru/sistemyi-vyiravnivaniya-zubov/breketyi/po-raspolozheniyu/vestibulyarnyie/victory.html if you are interested in the design of Victory braces.

Bracket therapy algorithm

The treatment process consists of several successive stages:

  • anamnesis collection, visual examination, diagnostics using computer and radiographic equipment;
  • choosing a correction method and type of bracket system, developing a correction plan;
  • sanitation of the oral cavity;
  • production of braces;
  • installation of a corrective system on the patient’s teeth;
  • the treatment process itself with periodic adjustment of equipment with mandatory visits to the clinic;
  • removing braces when the desired result is achieved;
  • wearing retention devices to secure the new position of the teeth.

Important: the choice of the type of braces, the duration of wearing them and the period of use of retention devices is determined by the attending orthodontist, depending on the specific situation. The doctor's recommendations must be followed exactly. Otherwise, you should not expect any effect from correctional therapy.

About the manufacturer

Ormco is a large American corporation that has been producing orthodontic structures since the 50s of the last century.

Currently, the manufacturer's product line includes several series of bracket systems, differing in the material of manufacture, as well as design features.

When modeling a device for correcting occlusion, modern computer technologies are used to obtain a digital display of structural elements and predict the degree of their impact on the human dentition.

In addition to manufacturing braces, Ormco is actively involved in the development of the latest technologies and software in the field of dentistry, and also organizes consultations and training for orthodontists in working with structures to correct bites.

Advantages and disadvantages of Damon Q braces

The advantages of Damon Q braces have been proven by years of successful practice and millions of treated patients around the world. There are some minor disadvantages, but they are completely outweighed by the advantages of this brand.


  • high degree of effectiveness in correcting pathologies of any severity;
  • no age limit for the patient;
  • the miniature size of the locks and the platform on which they are installed;
  • the ability to minimize the number of scheduled visits to the orthodontist (every 8-10 weeks);
  • maximum physiological impact;
  • optimal treatment period.


  • visibility to prying eyes;
  • possible allergic reactions;
  • limiting the consumption of hard and sticky foods.

Hygienic care

During the course of correction, it is necessary to carefully observe oral hygiene. This is due to the fact that a large number of pathogenic microorganisms accumulate on the elements of the orthodontic structure. If they are not removed in a timely manner, the teeth may begin to decay.

Dentists advise:

  • Clean your mouth twice a day and after every meal. If it is impossible to clean your mouth, you should rinse your mouth thoroughly;
  • use special devices for cleaning: v-shaped toothbrushes, brushes for braces, dental floss, irrigator (a device that cleans teeth with a stream of water under pressure);
  • exclude seeds, nuts, dried fruits, toffees, marshmallows, candies, etc. from the diet;
  • Use hard foods exclusively in grated or finely chopped form.
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