Dental treatment according to the lunar calendar - favorable lunar days

Author: Brodsky Sergey Evgenievich Deputy Chief Physician, Candidate of Medical Sciences in the specialties: dentistry and medical microbiology Dental treatment is not the most pleasant procedure, which most half of the population is afraid of. Therefore, patients often resort to the lunar calendar when choosing a date for dental procedures to minimize the risk of complications and reduce pain during the procedure. Astrologers believe that the success of most medical procedures depends on the changing phases of the moon.

Why do you need to treat your teeth according to the lunar calendar?

The Moon, changing its position in the sky, influences the water in the seas and oceans, causing ebbs and flows, and other processes occurring on Earth. Lunar phases are taken into account when carrying out agricultural work and fishing, so humanity has long been forecasting the activity of the Earth’s satellite - the lunar calendar.

The Moon also affects all processes of the human body. First of all, it affects biological fluids - blood and lymph, in particular the degree of filling of organs. Therefore, the lunar calendar is taken into account when treating and removing teeth.

Unfavorable days for dental treatment

1-2 lunar days are the best for going to a consultation, because During this period, the moon favors planning.

The 7th and 22nd days of the lunar cycle are the most unfavorable for treatment. On this day, the moon gives a lot of energy to everything related to speech, and astrologers advise not to interfere with this process.

The 9th, 15th, 19th and 29th days are generally unfavorable, so they are also advised to be avoided. On these lunar days, the flow of its energy is very high, which, according to astrologers, can confuse and interfere with the doctor’s concentration.

Tips before wisdom tooth removal

  1. It is better to remove wisdom teeth in the morning. The body is full of vital energy in the morning and easily experiences stress. After the removal of the eighth teeth (wisdom teeth), pain may appear, which will go away after a few hours. If the operation takes place in the morning, then by the evening the pain will completely disappear. In the morning, not only you are full of strength and energy, but so is your doctor.
  2. Eat before wisdom tooth removal (if you are not planning on sedation or general anesthesia). A well-fed person can tolerate stressful situations much easier. After eating, the body releases hormones that help you relax. Concentration decreases a little and you don’t really think about the procedures performed by the dental surgeon. More busy digesting food. A well-fed person's blood clots better than a hungry person's. This can greatly help to avoid unpleasant complications in the postoperative period.
  3. It is strictly forbidden to drink alcohol before and after wisdom teeth removal. Alcohol can greatly change the properties of the blood, which in turn can lead to significant swelling or prolonged bleeding with a risk to life. A person in a state of alcoholic intoxication is not attentive and cannot soberly assess the situation and make decisions. Plus, I’m not able to accurately remember the doctor’s recommendations; all this will lead to unpleasant complications.

What to take before wisdom tooth removal?

  1. Before the operation, the doctor will definitely inform you about all the medications that need to be taken before the operation. If you are very worried, you can use mild sedatives - valerian tincture, motherwort tincture, etc. Or the same drugs only in tablet form, for example Tenoten. It is better to entrust the choice to your treating dentist-surgeon about all additional medications, if any are needed.
  2. A good mood is the key to successful treatment. Remember that a good positive attitude will shorten the recovery period and help you overcome surgical procedures more easily.

Lunar calendar for dental treatment - February 2022

Good for consultation - 2 ppm.from 09:33 Very successful - 3 l.d.until 09:47 Very successful - 3 l.d.until 09:57 Very successful - 4 l.d.until 10:06 Very successful - 5 l.d.until 10:15 Very successful - 6 l.d.
from 09:47 Very successful - 4 l.d.from 09:57 Very successful - 5 l.d.from 10:06 Very successful - 6 l.d.from 10:15 Very unsuccessful - 7 l.d.
until 10:24 Very unsuccessful - 7 l.d.until 10:35 Favorable - 8 l.d.until 10:49 Unfavorable - 9 l.d.until 11:08 Favorable - 10 l.d.until 11:35 Favorable - 11 l.d.until 12:14 Favorable - 12 l.d.until 13:08 Very successful - 13 l.d.
from 10:24 Favorable - 8 l.d.from 10:35 Unfavorable - 9 l.d.from 10:49 Favorable - 10 l.d.from 11:08 Favorable - 11 l.d.from 11:35 Favorable - 12 l.d.from 12:14 Very successful - 13 l.d.from 13:08 Favorable - 14 l.d.
until 14:16 Favorable - 14 l.d.until 15:34 Unfavorable - 15 l.d.until 16:55 Favorable - 16 l.d.until 18:18 Favorable - 17 l.d.until 19:41 Favorable - 18 l.d.Unfavorable - 19 l.d.Favorable - 20 l.d.
from 14:16 Unfavorable - 15 l.d.from 15:34 Favorable - 16 l.d.from 16:55 Favorable - 17 l.d.from 18:18 Favorable - 18 l.d.from 19:41 Unfavorable - 19 l.d.
Favorable - 21 l.d.Very unsuccessful - 22 l.d.Favorable - 23 l.d.Very successful - 24 l.d.Favorable - 25 l.d.Favorable - 26 l.d.Favorable - 27 l.d.
Very successful - 28 l.d.

Moon phases in September 2022

Now, more and more people are convinced from their own experience that the influence of the phase of the moon on how dental treatment proceeds cannot be denied in any case. It doesn’t matter what you plan to do - remove a tooth, put a filling, make prosthetics, clean plaque or remove tartar, in any case, it is better to choose a day for these manipulations that is favorable according to the Lunar calendar. It doesn’t matter what you plan to do - remove a tooth, put a filling, make prosthetics, clean plaque or remove tartar, in any case, it is better to choose a day for these manipulations that is favorable according to the Lunar calendar. This is an extremely bad time for dental treatment. But treatment carried out on the Waning Moon will be easy and successful. But even on the Waxing Moon you can choose favorable dates. Astrologers consider the 24th lunar day to be especially favorable. Moon phase. There are several of them:

  • new moon
  • new moon
  • first quarter
  • waxing moon
  • full moon
  • waning moon
  • last quarter
  • old moon

, favorable days for dental treatment in September 2022 for women were calculated .

Lunar calendar for dental treatment - January 2022

Very successful - 28 l.d.Unfavorable - 29 l.d.
until 10:35 Successful for consultation - 1 pp.until 11:17 Successful for consultation - 2 pp.until 11:45 Very successful - 3 l.d.until 12:04 Very successful - 4 l.d.until 12:19 Very successful - 5 l.d.until 12:30 Very successful - 6 l.d.until 12:41 Very unsuccessful - 7 l.d.
from 10:35 Successful for consultation - 2 pp.from 11:17 Very successful - 3 l.d.from 11:45 Very successful - 4 l.d.from 12:04 Very successful - 5 l.d.from 12:19 Very successful - 6 l.d.from 12:30 Very unsuccessful - 7 l.d.from 12:41 Favorable - 8 l.d.
until 12:52 Favorable - 8 l.d.until 13:04 Unfavorable - 9 l.d.until 13:18 Favorable - 10 l.d.until 13:36 Favorable - 11 l.d.until 14:01 Favorable - 12 l.d.until 14:34 Very successful - 13 l.d.until 15:20 Favorable - 14 l.d.
from 12:52 Unfavorable - 9 l.d.from 13:04 Favorable - 10 l.d.from 13:18 Favorable - 11 l.d.from 13:36 Favorable - 12 l.d.from 14:01 Very successful - 13 l.d.from 14:34 Favorable - 14 l.d.from 15:20 Unfavorable - 15 l.d.
until 16:18 Unfavorable - 15 l.d.until 17:28 Favorable - 16 l.d.until 18:43 Favorable - 17 l.d.Favorable - 18 l.d.Unfavorable - 19 l.d.Favorable - 20 l.d.Favorable - 21 l.d.
from 16:18 Favorable - 16 l.d.from 17:28 Favorable - 17 l.d.from 18:43 Favorable - 18 l.d.
Very unsuccessful - 22 l.d.Favorable - 23 l.d.Very successful - 24 l.d.Favorable - 25 l.d.Favorable - 26 l.d.Favorable - 27 l.d.Very successful - 28 l.d.
until 09:09 Very successful - 28 l.d.
from 09:09 Unfavorable - 29 l.d.

Influence of the Zodiac sign in September 2022

It turns out that it is not enough to know on which days the Moon is waning, or on which days the New Moon falls. For successful and high-quality dental treatment, it is also important which zodiac constellation our satellite will be in on the right day. For example, the constellations Aries, Capricorn and Gemini are considered unfavorable for performing manipulations in the oral cavity. But dental treatment carried out on those days when the Moon is in the constellations of Aquarius, Libra, Scorpio or Cancer, on the contrary, will be successful and less painful. Scientists have still not been able to explain the principles of such an effect, but there is no doubt that they exist. Therefore, we should do everything in our power to make life easier for ourselves and our teeth, checking our plans with the Lunar calendar.

Lunar calendar for dental treatment - December 2022

Favorable - 27 l.d.Very successful - 28 l.d.Unfavorable - 29 l.d.until 10:45 Favorable - 29 and 30 l.d.until 10:48 Successful for consultation - 1 pp.
from 10:45 Successful for consultation - 1 pp.from 10:48 Good for consultation - 2 pp.
until 11:59 Successful for consultation - 2 pp.until 12:49 Very successful - 3 l.d.until 13:22 Very successful - 4 l.d.until 13:44 Very successful - 5 l.d.until 14:00 Very successful - 6 l.d.until 14:12 Very unsuccessful - 7 l.d.until 14:23 Favorable - 8 l.d.
from 11:59 Very successful - 3 pp.from 12:49 Very successful - 4 l.d.from 13:22 Very successful - 5 l.d.from 13:44 Very successful - 6 l.d.from 14:00 Very unlucky - 7 l.d.from 14:12 Favorable - 8 l.d.from 14:23 Unfavorable - 9 l.d.
until 14:34 Unfavorable - 9 l.d.until 14:45 Favorable - 10 l.d.until 14:57 Favorable - 11 l.d.until 15:12 Favorable - 12 l.d.until 15:32 Very successful - 13 l.d.until 15:59 Favorable - 14 l.d.until 16:36 Unfavorable - 15 l.d.
from 14:34 Favorable - 10 l.d.from 14:45 Favorable - 11 l.d.from 14:57 Favorable - 12 l.d.from 15:12 Very successful - 13 l.d.from 15:32 Favorable - 14 l.d.from 15:59 Unfavorable - 15 l.d.from 16:36 Favorable - 16 l.d.
until 17:26 Favorable - 16 l.d.until 18:28 Favorable - 17 l.d.until 19:38 Favorable - 18 l.d.Unfavorable - 19 l.d.Favorable - 20 l.d.Favorable - 21 l.d.Very unsuccessful - 22 l.d.
from 17:26 Favorable - 17 l.d.from 18:28 Favorable - 18 l.d.from 19:38 Unfavorable - 19 l.d.
Favorable - 23 l.d.Very successful - 24 l.d.Favorable - 25 l.d.Favorable - 26 l.d.Favorable - 27 l.d.

Tips during wisdom tooth extraction

  1. Anesthesia or pain relief Local anesthesia is almost universally used in dentistry. All modern anesthetic drugs are non-toxic and hypoallergenic, provided they are selected correctly. Anesthetics used in private dental clinics are absolutely safe. Modern anesthetics can provide complete absence of sensation in the oral cavity for a long time, up to 5 hours. Thereby making the patient’s stay in dentistry comfortable. As an example, many patients fall asleep during dental appointments thanks to good anesthesia. “Anesthesia doesn’t take me away” - every dentist has heard this. The anesthetic affects all people the same. If the anesthesia has no effect (does not take effect) on you, then the doctor does not have the proper skills in administering anesthesia. It is not possible to become infected with infectious diseases during the administration of anesthesia. In private dental clinics, a special carpule syringe system is used, which completely eliminates contact of the solution and needle with the environment and even with the syringe itself. Anesthetics, if chosen correctly, do not affect the fetus during pregnancy and do not affect the composition of breast milk in nursing mothers. The quality of anesthesia can be affected by long-term use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs with a pronounced analgesic effect (painkillers), narcotics. Anesthetics are not addictive.

Lunar calendar for dental treatment - October 2022

Favorable -25 l.d.Favorable -26 l.d.Favorable -27 l.d.
Very successful - 28 l.d.Unfavorable - 29 l.d.until 14:06 Favorable - 30 l.d.Good for consultation - 2 ppm.from 09:11 Very successful - 3 l.d.until 10:41 Very successful - 3 pp.until 12:22 Very successful - 4 l.d.
from 14:06 Successful for consultation - 1 pp.from 10:41 Very successful - 4 l.d.from 12:22 Very successful - 5 l.d.
until 13:50 Very successful - 5 l.d.until 15:00 Very successful - 6 l.d.until 15:49 Very unsuccessful - 7 l.d.until 16:21 Favorable - 8 l.d.until 16:42 Unfavorable - 9 l.d.until 16:56 Favorable - 10 l.d.until 17:07 Favorable - 11 l.d.
from 13:50 Very successful - 6 l.d.from 15:00 Very unlucky - 7 l.d.from 15:49 Favorable - 8 l.d.from 16:21 Unfavorable - 9 l.d.from 16:42 Favorable - 10 l.d.from 16:56 Favorable - 11 l.d.from 17:07 Favorable - 12 l.d.
until 17:16 Favorable - 12 l.d.until 17:25 Very successful - 13 l.d.until 17:33 Favorable - 14 l.d.until 17:43 Unfavorable - 15 l.d.until 17:55 Favorable - 16 l.d.until 18:10 Favorable - 17 l.d.until 18:32 Favorable - 18 l.d.
from 17:16 Very successful - 13 l.d.from 17:25 Favorable - 14 l.d.from 17:33 Unfavorable - 15 l.d.from 17:43 Favorable - 16 l.d.from 17:55 Favorable - 17 l.d.from 18:10 Favorable - 18 l.d.from 18:32 Unfavorable - 19 l.d.
until 19:03 Unfavorable - 19 l.d.until 19:47 Favorable - 20 l.d.until 20:45 Favorable - 21 21:55 Very unsuccessful - 22 l.d.until 23:14 Favorable - 23 l.d.Very successful - 24 l.d.until 00:38 Very successful - 24 l.d.
from 19:03 Favorable - 20 l.d.from 19:47 Favorable - 21 l.d.from 20:45 Very unsuccessful - 22 l.d.from 21:55 Favorable - 23 l.d.from 23:14 Very successful - 24 l.d.from 00:38 Favorable - 25 l.d.

What is the best time to go to the doctor?

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The information in this section cannot be used for self-diagnosis and self-treatment. In case of pain or other exacerbation of the disease, diagnostic tests should be prescribed only by the attending physician. To make a diagnosis and properly prescribe treatment, you should contact your doctor.

Does the timing of a doctor's visit affect the quality of medical care? Scientists think so. In a recent study published in JAMA Network Open Trusted Source, researchers examined how frequently cancer screening was prescribed based on the time of day the patient visited the doctor. The study examined data from 50,000 patients who visited their doctor complaining of symptoms similar to the development of colorectal or breast cancer.

The researchers found that the closer it was to the evening, the less likely doctors were to order appropriate tests.

"We found that if you went to see your doctor in the morning or afternoon, especially at the beginning of your shift, you were more likely to be sent for cancer screening than if you saw your doctor later in the day," said Dr. Mitesh Patel, an assistant professor of medicine and health management at the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania, is a co-author of the study.

However, it's not just about doctors. After visiting the doctor, patients were followed up for a year - and the researchers found that those who visited the doctor in the afternoon were less likely to visit the same doctor again a year later.

So, those who visited their doctors in the morning were more likely to be screened a year later than those who visited in the afternoon. An 8 a.m. doctor's visit was associated with the highest rate of screening tests ordered, at 64 percent. That figure dropped to 49 percent by 11 a.m.

At midday, those numbers rose to 56 percent, which Patel attributes to the start of a new shift. The minimum – 48 percent – ​​was reached in the afternoon.

It should be noted that this trend is typical not only for screening of these types of cancer, but also for different types of medical care in general. The later you see a doctor, the more likely the quality of medical care will deteriorate.

You don't need to be a visionary to understand that the main reason is the fatigue of doctors. Here you can add unscheduled visits that throw off the rhythm. But patients also play a significant role - they are also tired after a working day, are in a hurry to return home to their family and prefer to postpone a serious conversation until later or limit themselves to providing fragmentary information.

Patel encourages patients not to immediately reschedule their doctor's appointments for the early morning, but to approach the appointment responsibly and prepare properly to make the most of the appointment.

Source: Health Line, 05/15/2019


The information in this section cannot be used for self-diagnosis and self-treatment. In case of pain or other exacerbation of the disease, diagnostic tests should be prescribed only by the attending physician. To make a diagnosis and properly prescribe treatment, you should contact your doctor.

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