How and how to remove the smell of cigarettes in an apartment, car, hands and mouth

Unpleasant odor in the room, from clothes, from the body and from the mouth is one of the many reasons why smokers quit their habit. A tobacco addict's sense of smell becomes dull after a long period of experience. Unpleasant amber disturbs mainly loved ones, others, partners and family members. In order not to create discomfort for anyone, you can get rid of the strong aroma using a lot of improvised or special means.

How to remove bad breath

A smoker's breath begins to stink due to the presence of tar, nicotine and other dangerous substances. Those who have a bad habit often suffer from gastrointestinal problems and diseases of the oral cavity and teeth, which also does not improve the situation.

This is interesting: regular smoking affects the pH and composition of saliva. The latter becomes yellow and loses a number of properties, beginning to perform worse functions. Having solved the problem with bad odor, you will be able to get rid of this scourge.

Personal oral hygiene plays an equally important role in this situation:

  • It is recommended to choose a medium-hard toothbrush. A soft one will not fully cope with the task.
  • The presence of a rubberized relief pattern on the reverse side is useful for cleaning the tongue.
  • You need to change your dental care tools at least once every 2 months.
  • Three times a week, instead of a simple paste, use a medicinal herbal paste that cares for gums and enamel.

The main condition for proper brushing of teeth: you need to do this for at least 2 minutes - morning and evening. Additional use of mouthwash will improve the situation.

Tip: If you brush your teeth immediately after smoking, you can reduce the stink a little.

Chewing gum

Preference should be given to fruit chewing gums without sugar, which creates an ideal environment for the proliferation of pathogenic microflora. The common myth that mint gum is supposed to help is actually wrong. They do not interrupt the smell of nicotine.


This product is sold in every pharmacy, and also in some supermarkets. Created to get rid of fumes, but also helps to cope with tobacco smears.

Refreshing sprays

These products are suitable, but not menthol ones. You need special ones from cigarettes or fruit ones. Use according to the instructions on the package.


A slice of lemon, orange or any other citrus fruit will help hide the tobacco amber. Apples and carrots also do a good job with this task.

Coffee or strong black tea

Such drinks tend to replace aromas, and in combination with the stench of cigarettes, the latter will be lost against the background of strong Arabica or Earl Gray. If you need an emergency solution to the problem, you can chew a coffee bean or tea leaves.


This product, especially with the addition of salt, has its own persistent aroma that can overpower any other. But you will have to eat at least two handfuls of roasted sunflower seeds.

Spices and seasonings

Ginger, cumin, cloves, cumin and other plants that are used as seasonings for food have a tart, but more pleasant aroma than tobacco. It is enough to chew just a little to get a positive effect. Although the taste leaves much to be desired. Alternatively, you can carry candied ginger, which is nicer than the fresh original but just as effective.

Tip: cough drops also have a strong smell, but it is unstable and cannot overcome the stench of tobacco.


Drinking a glass of milk is enough to alleviate bad breath from cigarettes, but such a small dose will not completely remove it.


Any alcohol-containing drink will eliminate the stench, but whiskey, red wine and cognac work best.

How to remove cigarette smell from hands

Yellow spots on the fingers and a trail of nicotine always haunt smokers. And soap doesn't help. Intuitively, you might guess that you need a substance with a stronger odor, but it’s not that simple. A pleasant aroma should be brighter, but also more stable on the skin.

Wash your hands with soap

Even thoroughly washed hands with soap will not get rid of the stench. For these purposes, you need to use special scented products, for example, Camay. Dust or laundry soap is suitable as an alternative, but the latter greatly dries out the skin of your hands.

Wet wipes

Scented or antibacterial wipes will temporarily hide the unpleasant odor on the skin, but will not completely remove it.

Antiseptic gel

Before your next smoking session, it will rid your hands of the smell of nicotine. With regular use it will help you forget about this problem, but it dries out the skin greatly. You will need moisturizer.


Natural aromatic oils, which are found in the shell of citrus fruits, have a very persistent and pungent, but pleasant aroma. You can simply peel the juicy product or pass its slightly crumpled skin over your hands.

Simply rubbing your hand with a slice, squeezing out the juice in the process, will also remove traces of nicotine. In addition, citrus fruits do not dry out the skin.


Apple or wine vinegar perfectly removes tobacco odor from the skin, further disinfecting it, but at the same time greatly drying it out.

Using the mouthpiece

If you don’t hold a cigarette directly with your fingers, but take a special device that is sold in tobacco or souvenir shops, your hands won’t stink so much.


For women, cosmetologists recommend evening treatments with special baths with glycerin and essential oils. This will not only improve the condition of the skin, but also rid your hands of foreign odors.


Ginger root is another proven fighter against bad breath. Cut the ginger into thin slices, put it in a jar with a tight-fitting lid and always keep it with you, chewing one slice after each smoke break. However, remember that ginger, like other spicy plants, can only be consumed in the absence of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

How to remove the smell of cigarettes in an apartment

In the place where a smoker lives, the amber can tell about his addiction, even if the person there does not resort to his bad habit very often. Ventilation in this case does not help, as things, carpets, textiles, etc. begin to stink.

We need to take action on a larger scale:

  1. First of all, you need to regularly wash curtains and bedspreads with scented conditioner. If the things in the closet also smell, you will have to pay attention to them too. It is better to dry clean pillows and blankets.
  2. Carpets and rugs need to be treated with a washing vacuum cleaner. If this is not available, carry out wet cleaning with a special product. The products will be an excellent assistant in the fight against odors. Use according to the instructions on the package.
  3. General wet cleaning, especially in hard-to-reach places where dust accumulates, is performed only with warm water. To enhance the effect, add a little vinegar to the bowl of liquid.
  4. It happens that when moving to a new home, it turns out that the previous owner abused nicotine in the room, and even the wallpaper smelled. The only way to save the situation is only cosmetic repairs.

Cleaning up this way is very difficult all the time. To prevent the smell from becoming ingrained in the future, it is better to go out and smoke in one place. For example, on the balcony. To freshen up a room before guests visit, use the following tricks.

Artificial smells

Automatic air fresheners are expensive, but they are worth it if there is a smoker in the family who resorts to his addiction indoors. Small portions of a pleasant smell are distributed by a special built-in fan throughout the room, thereby eliminating the stench.


Citrus fruits with a sharp aroma last a long time and permeate the entire room. Therefore, a plate of chopped fruit will do an excellent job of ridding the air of cigarette smell.

Aroma oils

Oils, candles and smoldering sticks will also cope with the problem. But incense and other aromatic things tend to influence the body. You should study the instructions for a specific scent and follow the recommendations exactly. Moreover, often using such devices in a confined space is harmful. It is necessary to ventilate the room well after the amber disappears or before the aromatherapy procedure.

You can place small bowls with plain or sea salt and drop essential oil into it. Pine needles, eucalyptus and citrus fruits are best suited.


Before the arrival of a sudden guest, you can quickly mask the smell with your favorite perfume, but constantly practicing this method turns out to be too expensive.

Important: it is recommended to spray not the air, but things. For example, a switched off light bulb. When heated, the aroma will spread throughout the room.

Vinegar, shampoo and soap shavings

When wet cleaning with warm water, you need to use table vinegar, which does an excellent job of removing foreign odors. Once diluted, it loses its unpleasant aroma. Laundry soap shavings perform the same function.

Hair shampoo will mask the stink of cigarettes. Surfaces washed with it will not smell for long.

Rice and soda

Absorbs any aromas. Soda or rice can be placed in small containers around the apartment and there will never be a persistent stench from anything in the rooms.


It is used for wet cleaning, but leaves behind a sharp and unpleasant chemical smell.

Wet terry towels

If you hang them around the rooms, they will absorb all the odors. But after the products dry, you will have to wash them with a scented conditioner.

Technical indoor air purification

There are a number of devices whose functions include cleaning the air from unpleasant odors.


The device makes the molecules of foreign substances heavy, which causes them to settle on surfaces. A person does not inhale them, and therefore does not smell them. The ionizer quickly eliminates any odors that are harmful to the respiratory system.

Air conditioner

Modern models have an air purification function, which solves the problem with odors.


Increases moisture concentration, and when using special flavors, masks any stench. It works slowly, but completely purifies the air within a day, even without auxiliary substances.


Ventilation will forcefully remove all foreign impurities, improving the circulation of oxygen in a closed room. If you smoke near such a hood, blowing smoke in its direction, the apartment will not stink.

Strong tea

Strongly brewed black and green tea moisturizes the oral cavity well, solving the problem of dry mouth. In addition, by swallowing the liquid, you also wash away carcinogenic tobacco particles.

Mineral water has the same effect, but in no case sweet carbonated drinks - the latter only accelerate the growth of bacteria.

How to eliminate tobacco smell in a car

If you smoke regularly, a tobacco stench will appear in the car interior over time, which will not disappear. Wet cleaning and a vacuum cleaner do not solve the problem, and artificial fragrances, colloquially “stinkers,” temporarily mask the stench. But there are several methods that will help you cope with the task.

Tip: you need to regularly clean out the ashtray in your car so that the unpleasant aroma from cigarette butts does not spread throughout the cabin.

Acetic acid

Pour a little substance into a bowl and put it in the car overnight. The vinegar adsorbs, and in the morning the smell will no longer be there. If it still remains, you need to repeat the procedure during the next downtime period.


A large fruit of the green variety is left in the cabin, after cutting out the core. After a few days, the apple will dry out completely. If necessary, it is replaced. All smells will disappear, even gasoline.

Activated carbon

Small containers of this product should be left in the car overnight. Such familiar tablets help even with the old and stale smell of cigarettes.

Freshly ground coffee

Coarsely ground Arabica beans eliminate the smell of cigarette smoke in closed spaces. In the car, the product can be placed in bowls or small canvas bags. After a few days, nothing will remind you of the stench.


A container of ammonia that sits overnight in the car will get rid of all unpleasant odors and mold growth.


Separate the pods and place the contents of each half into homemade cotton balls. They need to be hidden throughout the cabin. Over the course of a week, the stench transforms into an unobtrusive aroma of spice.

Benefits of Bay Leaf

It is recommended to place a small amount of bay leaves in an ashtray. As a result, when the plant residues burn, a pleasant aroma of essential oil is formed.

  • Some housewives prefer to set fire to bay leaves in the room where the smoker is located.
  • At the moment of combustion, the smell can get rid of toxic impurities.
  • After this, the room must be ventilated for two hours.
  • During this time, the space will be cleared of caustic components.

How to refresh clothes

All of a smoker's belongings also emit cigarette smoke, especially those that he wears daily. There are several ways to refresh a wardrobe item.


It helps if the smell is not too strong. You need to hang the product in the fresh air, preferably in the sun.

Important: you should be careful with synthetic items that can fade or become deformed when exposed to ultraviolet radiation.


If regular wet cleaning does not solve the problem and the unpleasant odor remains on the item, you need to repeat the procedure, but adding Calgon to the washing powder. It softens the water and removes all extraneous odors.


Steam treatment during ironing or using a special device will refresh the item of clothing, depriving it of any odors. The main thing is not to use tap water, but distilled water. At the same time, get rid of creases on the sleeves.

Vacuum cleaner

It will help if the smell remains from small particles of tobacco that are lost in the folds of clothing. You need to vacuum at minimum power, making sure that the item is not pulled into the device, otherwise it can be irrevocably damaged.

Peppermint in bags

Just put it in your pockets and place it between your things in the closet. The aroma will “stick” firmly to the textiles.

Tobacco spray

Does the job perfectly. Use according to the instructions on the package.


You should lay the item out on a horizontal plane and light smoldering incense sticks nearby. The stench from cigarettes will be replaced by the pleasant, favorite smell of incense.

Important: you need to make sure that no one knocks over the hot ashes and gets them on the fabric.

Is it possible to ventilate with the windows closed?

Let's ask ourselves a question - what is ventilation? When we open the windows, the air exchange process starts: “old” air is forced out into the hood, and fresh air from the street takes its place. If there was an alternative way to “deliver” street air into the apartment, then the windows could always be kept closed.

Such a solution could be the installation of full-fledged supply and exhaust ventilation . This is a system consisting of air ducts, a forced air supply unit and auxiliary components - filters, control unit, heater and others. As a rule, equipment of this kind takes up a lot of space (usually mounted on the balcony).

Another nuance is that installing air ducts in each room of the apartment requires significant labor costs. Communications are pulled along the ceiling, and after installation they need to be masked - covered with a false ceiling. But the most important thing is the cost of such ventilation. Together with installation, it ranges from 200 thousand rubles and above.

Time frame for odor dissipation

The trail of tobacco aroma sticks to many things, trails behind the smoker or even hovers with people nearby. It takes time for it to disappear naturally without auxiliary procedures.

From clothes

It depends on where the wardrobe item is located:

  • behind cabinet doors - it can stay for several days;
  • in open space - up to 5 hours (it is important to consider the material);
  • outdoors - from 30 to 120 minutes.

If you are wondering how long a smoker’s clothes will stink on him, then there is no definite answer. Associated factors play a significant role: frequency of smoking, whether a person is on the street or in a room, etc. The smell risks remaining on the item until the next wash.

From the car

A small enclosed space where people smoke regularly will absorb the stench from the upholstery and things that are kept there all the time. To get rid of it, you will have to try. At speed and with the windows open, the fresh smell of cigarette smoke will quickly dissipate.

From hand

If you do not wash your hands, then after a few hours they will stop smelling, but provided that during this time there is no additional contact with tobacco products or cigarette smoke.

From the mouth

If you do not smoke often, then after 2 hours the bad aroma on your breath will disappear. During this period, the body independently gets rid of the consequences of the addiction. But it will disappear completely only for a beginner or someone trying a cigarette for the first time. The amber from an experienced nicotine addict can be smelled by people with asthma or a hypersensitive sense of smell.

From the apartment

In a room that is not ventilated, the smell will not disappear even after a week. If you open the windows wide open, do a wet cleaning and clean the furniture, not a trace will remain of it. Under normal conditions, with the window open but the door closed and a large amount of tissue present, it lasts up to a day.

It is worth understanding that the smell of cigarettes does not disappear on its own. It either washes off, washes off, or disappears. But if you make every effort, a thing spoiled by tobacco aroma will be fresh again, and the hands and breath of the smoker will not give away its owner.

Ammonia or ammonia with water

Many odors penetrate walls, ceilings and floors and remain there for weeks. If none of the other milder methods work, try a more drastic method - a mixture of ammonia and water to really kill that annoying smell of tobacco smoke. As with vinegar, there are several different ways to use ammonia and ammonia:


. Mix one cup of ammonia with four liters of warm water and use this mixture to remove stubborn odors from hard surfaces.


. Add two cups of ammonia to four liters of water, bring to a boil and let the product disperse into the air.


. Place small bowls of ammonia in the problem room for a day to absorb tobacco odors.

How to get rid of ammonia and vinegar smell

Both vinegar and ammonia can leave behind a distinctive, pungent odor—like cat litter. It will go away on its own after a while, but if it really bothers you, use baking soda on surfaces that have been cleaned with ammonia or vinegar (do this the day after applying the main substance). You can also leave the baking soda in a bowl or open box to absorb the smell of the chemical.

Security measures

When using strong chemicals such as ammonia, be sure to wear nitrile gloves and work in well-ventilated areas. Open windows, use a fan, or wear a mask that will filter out dangerous fumes. Ammonia can cause skin irritation, and exposure to large amounts of chemical vapors can irritate the eyes, nose, throat and lungs. Be careful.

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