Ketonal injections are an effective drug for pain relief
Pain management is the most common process in all of medicine. There are many ways to remove various
stages of nerve removal
Tooth nerve removal | Dentistry As-Stom | St. Petersburg (SPb)
We identify the causes of toothache. The discomfort associated with caries or inflammation of the gums is probably familiar.
Nitrous oxide - oxygen sedation in pediatric dentistry. Technology and application experience
At the “Marina Kurchaninova Smile Dentistry Center” a new advanced dental treatment system has become available
Abutment for implants - what is it and what is it for?
From this article you will learn: what abutments are in dentistry, their options are standard
miramistin for stomatitis
What is stomatitis? Causes, symptoms, treatment of the disease
Swelling in the oral cavity, the presence of painful ulcers and white plaque, inflammation of the gums and increased
After braces, teeth have moved apart - the beauty of your smile is at risk
This is a headache and a nightmare for any orthodontist: a patient who has had his braces removed and received
Childhood caries of primary teeth: treatment without drill and drilling
From this article you will learn: features of the development of childhood caries, reasons for its appearance, photos, how to carry out
Articaine, Articaine with adrenaline, Articaine with adrenaline forte
Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics Articaine is a thiophene derivative and has a local anesthetic effect. Used for conductor
Chronic periodontitis
Features of the course of periodontitis in permanent teeth
Chronic periodontitis is one of the forms of the disease that occurs due to the fact that in the tissue
mouth guard
Types of mouth guards for bruxism and features of their use
Dental intervention aimed at eliminating pathological and abnormal conditions does not always require the patient to
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