Orthodontist: who is he, what does he do and how to become one?

The profession of an orthodontist is becoming increasingly popular, because the success of eliminating dental anomalies depends on it. Now no more than 6% of dentists do this, so there will always be a demand for good specialists. But in order to become a professional, you need to receive the appropriate education and constantly improve your skills.

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For toothaches and other problems that arise in the oral cavity, people turn to dentists. Few patients know that their doctor with a different name is treating them. After all, practical dentistry combines several areas, such as therapy, orthopedics, surgery, and orthodontics. And, if with the first specialties everything is clear by name, then the specifics of the work of an orthodontist raises questions. What does this doctor do, when should you contact him and how to get a profession?

Main directions of orthodontic treatment

The difficulty of an orthodontist’s work lies in the fact that he must carefully study the clinical picture and choose the most appropriate methods for correcting defects that will give a guaranteed result. Here are three main areas of treatment, the choice of which depends on the complexity of the pathology:

  • myotherapy is a special gymnastics for the jaw system. It is used for small patients who cannot yet have corrective devices installed, as well as for adults in order to maintain the effect achieved by treatment with braces,

    Gymnastics for the jaw is prescribed if it is too early for a child to get braces.

  • hardware methods - involve the use of removable or non-removable systems, such as orthodontic plates, braces, mouth guards, aligners and others, which need to be worn from six months to several years. During this time, the patient will have to periodically visit the specialist’s office for correction of the device,

    Braces will help correct your bite

  • surgical intervention - the need for it arises only in rare cases when the doctor has to deal with a complex and serious anomaly. In some situations, it is necessary to make an incision on the mucous membrane and artificially expand the dental arch. True, it is not the orthodontist who deals with surgery, but the maxillofacial surgeon (but in no case just a dental surgeon!) Surgical correction of the bite

As mentioned above, only a specialist can choose the appropriate method for correcting existing defects. It is also important to establish trusting contact between the specialist and the patient, because the course of treatment can take more than one year. The orthodontist must simply and clearly explain all the nuances of oral care after installing braces and explain that a large share of responsibility for the result lies on the shoulders of the patient. The same, for his part, must strictly follow all the instructions and prescriptions of the doctor if he wants to achieve maximum results.

Who is called an orthodontist and what functions does the doctor perform?

An orthodontist is a “beautiful smile” doctor. This is how one can characterize all his activities aimed at correcting congenital or acquired jaw defects and solving aesthetic problems. Injuries, incorrect (pathological) bite, abnormalities of curved teeth, displacement of dentition, facial asymmetry - this is a small list of problems with which patients turn to an orthodontist. A visit to this specialist is also necessary before the prosthetic procedure.

The main tasks of an orthodontist:

  • research into the causes that led to the formation and development of pathologies (congenital, hereditary or acquired);
  • determination and analysis of the level of complexity of the patient’s problem;
  • drawing up an adequate and effective course of treatment for the detected pathology, based on the individual characteristics of the patient and the diagnosis;
  • carrying out measures to prevent further development or recurrence of the anomaly in the patient;
  • records management;
  • if necessary, performing dental procedures: tooth extraction, pain relief;
  • providing first aid if the patient needs it.

Orthodontists are required to tell patients about the rules of oral hygiene. These specialists install braces, make impressions and determine the parameters of dentures.

Orthodontists are divided into children's and adults, because problems with jaw anomalies occur at any age. However, treatment methods for adult patients and children differ.

Brief job description

When performing his official duties, the orthodontist is obliged to rely on documents regulating his rights and obligations, and to fulfill the prescribed requirements, namely:

  • higher medical education in the field;
  • knowledge of the basics of the legislative framework, the content of regulations;
  • possession of proper tools and equipment;
  • a set of necessary theoretical knowledge and practical skills;
  • carrying out diagnostics, correction, treatment, prevention, etc.;
  • familiarity with the procedure and organization of work, understanding of the structure, awareness of the tasks of the orthodontic service;
  • planning activities, maintaining documentary reports;
  • knowledge of safety rules, labor protection standards, sanitation, fire protection;
  • compliance with internal labor regulations established by the organization’s management;
  • control, responsibility for the work of subordinate personnel.

Differences in the work of a pediatric orthodontist

As soon as the baby's first teeth appear, he can be taken to see an orthodontist if the parents are concerned about something. The period from 6 months to 1.5-2 years, while baby teeth are being cut, is considered the most successful for correcting jaw pathologies. After all, it is at this moment that the bite, and the dental system as a whole, is formed.

The sooner abnormalities are diagnosed, the easier it will be to get rid of them without using medications.

The tasks of a pediatric orthodontist include:

  • study of late eruption or loss of primary teeth and treatment of such anomalies;
  • prescribing a treatment plan and monitoring the patient’s condition at all stages;
  • installation of mouthguards or braces for adolescents with a violation of the molar bite (not earlier than 11 years).

What diseases does he deal with?

An orthodontist is able not only to prevent the development of abnormal formation of the dentition, but also to correct existing problems. There are many pathologies that are successfully treated by this doctor.

Crooked teeth

You can often see a situation where one crown is slightly rotated and overlaps with the other. Such areas are a favorite territory for bacteria that cause periodontal inflammation and caries.

Conical or awl-shaped teeth

This phenomenon is often observed when crowns are overcrowded. With their shape they resemble an awl, a cone and have a short root.


It is characterized by the appearance of areas of deformation or complete absence of enamel on the enamel , which stand out sharply by their color against the general background of the crown.

Enamel dysplasia

The most common cause of dysplasia is a genetic factor. The crowns appear on time, but are brown in color. Subsequently, active abrasion of the enamel occurs, which takes on the appearance of crumpled paper.

Dentin dysplasia

This disease is characterized by the grayish color of the teeth and the rapid destruction of their cutting part. The examination reveals a narrowing of the cervical region, shortened roots and a bulbous shape of the crown.


As a rule, it manifests itself in the anterior region and is characterized by abnormally large incisors. Deviations may exceed standard dimensions by 6 mm. Giant forms provoke displacement of adjacent crowns.


Pathology opposite to macrodentia. In this case, the crowns grow small. This entails the appearance of gaps between them, displacement and rotation around their axis.

Merged teeth

The fusion of teeth occurs at the rudiment level, so the erupted crowns have a tight connection in the dentin area.


This pathology is characterized by the complete absence of tooth buds . This phenomenon is very rare and often accompanies dysplasia. It is mainly diagnosed during the period of teeth change.


In this case, only a partial absence of permanent primordia may be observed.


The pathology is characterized by the appearance of teeth exceeding the standard number . Localized in the area of ​​the upper incisors.

Impacted teeth

Impacted crowns most often include molars, the development of which is hampered by adjacent crowns or gum tissue. If the problem is not corrected in a timely manner, it can lead to severe pain and curvature of the entire dentition.

Preserved baby teeth

Typically, the presence of milk crowns is observed in the absence of a permanent rudiment or its deep location. This phenomenon rarely causes negative consequences, and therefore treatment is carried out only for certain indications : provoked periodontal inflammation, etc.

Gap between front teeth (diastema)

Diastema appears between the incisors, located in the center most often of the upper row, less often - the lower. Diastema can cause the development of periodontitis , impaired pronunciation of certain sounds, and exposure of the neck of the crown.


Trema is the space formed between the teeth when the jaws close. Depending on the width of the trema, the treatment method is selected. But, as a rule, a bracket system is effective in this case.

Shortening of the dentition

Occurs due to the vestibular inclination of the teeth, macro or microdentia, adentia. It is manifested by twisted crowns, which are strongly rotated and have an incorrect slope.

Elongation of the dentition

This pathology is provoked by oral tilting of the teeth. It is characterized by the distant arrangement of crowns with the formation of diastemas.

Dentoalveolar shortening

Pathology refers to a vertical anomaly, the cause of which lies in the uneven development of various segments of the jaw . It is observed in the area of ​​​​canines and incisors, which are in maximum contact with each other.

Dentoalveolar elongation

The cause of this disease is carious lesions of the crowns . In this case, there is a complete disruption of contact between adjacent teeth.

Narrowing of the dentition

When narrowing, there is insufficient space for the standard number of teeth . This leads to crowding and distortion of the front row.

Expansion of the dentition

When expanded, gaps form between the crowns , which can be corrected with appropriate treatment.

High/low position of individual teeth

In some cases, there may be a single increase or decrease in some crowns. Basically, the canines have a high position and the incisors have a low position.

Distal bite (prognathic)

The most harmless pathology, manifested by the displacement of the upper row forward, overlapping the lower one.

Mesial bite (medial)

With such a bite, the crowns protrude strongly forward , which is a serious cosmetic defect. Often the pathology causes deformation of surrounding tissues.

Open bite

In this case, there is no complete connection when the jaws are closed. The problem often leads to the development of stomach diseases , since proper biting of food is impaired.


With a crossbite, the jaw is strongly pushed forward and the crowns partially overlap the lower row.

Deep (traumatic bite)

It is characterized by a vertical overlap of the anterior segment of the teeth by 3 mm. In some cases, the incisors may push against the gum tissue.

Advantages and disadvantages

The profession of an orthodontist is one of the most popular specialties in any clinic or hospital in Russia. Specialists have a high salary; in addition, monthly earnings can increase by receiving bonuses or bonuses. Additional advantages of the profession include:

  • constant availability of work, because the number of patients with jaw problems is large;
  • lack of heavy physical labor;
  • excellent students with high Unified State Exam scores get the opportunity to become applicants to higher educational institutions for free; budget places are also available in residency;
  • a large number of regular customers.

Disadvantages of orthodontists:

  • high level of responsibility;
  • nervous tension;
  • long period of training;
  • low level of wages in public medical institutions.

Where to get education

Obtaining the profession of an orthodontist is a long process. First, you need to obtain a specialized dental education at any medical higher education institution in the country. The training will last 5 years.

For successful admission, applicants must provide high results on the Unified State Exam or pass tests in the following disciplines: mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology. Some universities also require a foreign language exam. The list of subjects should be clarified at a specific educational institution.

The best universities in Russia that graduate dentists are:

  • Lomonosov Moscow State University;
  • RUDN;
  • Siberian State Medical University;
  • First Moscow State Medical. Sechenov University;
  • St. Petersburg State University;
  • KubSMU and others.

Applicants who show the best results in the exams can expect to enroll for free. However, there are not many budget places in medical universities - about 20.

After receiving a specialized dental education, the graduate must continue his residency training in the specialization of orthodontist. This takes another 4 years.

After receiving a retraining certificate, the orthodontist can begin to practice. Every 5 years, doctors in this specialty are required to take advanced training courses. The courses are conducted both part-time and remotely, so that the dentist is not distracted from his professional activities.

Where to find a job

Orthodontists are a sought-after profession in the labor market. A dentist can work in orthodontic departments located in children's and adult clinics or hospitals. Orthodontist vacancies are open in many medical centers, studios, and aesthetic medicine clinics. An experienced orthodontist with a long-term practice can open his own private office to provide dental services.

In addition, orthodontists who do not have a desire to interact with patients have the opportunity to get work in enterprises involved in the sale or manufacture of medicines, medical devices or equipment.

Requirements for the applicant

In addition to having a higher education diploma, the employer pays attention to the following professional qualities of the applicant:

  • knowledge of the principles of drug use in orthodontic treatment;
  • ability to classify dentofacial pathologies;
  • knowledge in the field of fixed and removable orthodontic appliances;
  • ability to use methods for studying and treating anomalies;
  • knowledge in the field of physiotherapy;
  • skills in working with x-rays, articulators, endomotors, and visiographs;
  • possession of a personal computer.

The orthodontist is also required to know emergency first aid techniques.

In addition to high knowledge in the professional field, the orthodontist must have suitable personal qualities. As a rule, both adults and children are a little afraid of dentists. An orthodontist, unlike his colleagues, dental therapists, has to be seen by patients much more often during the treatment period. This means that the doctor must inspire confidence and be able to win over you. Tolerance, diligence and communication skills are important qualities for a professional.

In addition, the specialist must have perfect vision and developed fine motor skills.

Important personal qualities

The most important thing here is the psychological factor. Dental correction is a long process. It takes from 6 months to 2-3 years. And most often you have to deal with children. Therefore, you need to be able to establish trusting contact with them. You can’t do this without the ability to empathize and communicate.

Stress resistance and the ability to smooth out conflict situations are also valued. And in order for the treatment results to always be positive, you need to take your work responsibly. Hard work also requires goodwill, balance and tact.

And no less significant will be the desire for self-development. A specialist must regularly improve his competence and skill level , and understand new treatment methods.


An orthodontist's salary depends on many factors. This is both a qualification level and experience in practice. The average salary in Russia is 60 thousand rubles. The minimum salary is 30 thousand per month, the maximum salary of a high-level specialist can reach up to 300 thousand rubles per month. As a rule, orthodontists in private clinics receive a higher salary rate compared to public institutions.

When hiring, many employers give orthodontists a probationary period (3 months according to labor law). The wage rate at this time is 25-30 thousand rubles per month.

Orthodontic dental assistants can count on an average salary of 25 thousand rubles.

The data is current as of October 2022 and taken from the Yandex Job service.

The problem of choosing a specialist

When choosing a dentist for the next few years, collect as much information about him as possible.

Finding an intelligent orthodontist is not easy, since there are certain features in the work of a specialist when not only the result is important, but also its qualified consolidation.

Of course, the chosen specialist must understand diagnostics and have practical skills in treatment.

Signs of professional level:

  • detailed consultation with a thorough study of bite pathology;
  • providing patient choice in determining treatment options;
  • the presence of positive results and noticeable improvement in the condition within the specified time frame;
  • receiving detailed instructions at the end of the main treatment period.

The result of treatment is straight teeth and no bite defects.

When choosing a dentist for the next few years, collect the maximum amount of information about him, primarily regarding professional achievements and experience, ask to see photographs of the teeth of patients who were treated, and only then make a final decision.

Professional growth

An orthodontist, like other representatives of medical professions, is assessed according to qualification criteria. The longer he practices, the higher his chances of receiving a salary increase and career advancement. Orthodontists who have worked for more than 3 years receive the second category, and over 7 years - the first. The highest qualification is awarded to specialists who have been working for more than 10 years. A doctor has the right to refuse to undergo advanced training tests. In this case, you won’t have to count on career growth.

In clinics and hospitals, an orthodontist with extensive work experience and high qualifications can obtain a position as head of an orthodontic or dental department. In private clinics, promotion as such is not provided. However, having gained considerable experience, a specialist can find a job in a more respectable private clinic or open his own office.

The profession of orthodontist requires extensive training. Moreover, the main role is not the theoretical basis, but practice. An orthodontist needs to constantly accumulate practical experience, increase the level of knowledge and skill. Seminars, courses and other events aimed at broadening the specialist’s horizons will help with this. Diligence, hard work, and a friendly attitude towards patients will help a novice doctor quickly build a career and earn the respect of colleagues and clients.

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