Which inexpensive and good irrigator to buy: rating, reviews, five best models

In our country, oral irrigators are just beginning to gain popularity. Although this medical equipment is present in abundance on pharmacy shelves, buyers are in no hurry to buy it, since they simply do not know about its purpose. Our people learn about these devices only after problems with gums or teeth appear.

An irrigator is a device that is necessary for everyone who cares about their health. It takes oral care to a whole new level. Without a hint of guile, we can say that this care is practically in no way inferior in effectiveness to professional teeth cleaning performed in a dental clinic. Reviews from real people confirm this.

My gums were constantly inflamed. Because of this, he became a frequent visitor to dental offices. After another visit to the dentist, the doctor advised me to buy an Aquajet LD-A7. I obeyed and have never regretted it. After just two months, the dentist noted a significant improvement in the condition of the gums . Now the gums do not become inflamed or bleed.

Damir, Kazan

The stores sell devices from a variety of manufacturers. The variety of models is amazing. However, at the moment the most popular irrigator is the Aquajet ld a7 model. Reviews about this model are purely positive.

  • 2 Advantages of the irrigator
  • 3 Disadvantages
  • 4 Types of irrigators
  • 5 Who needs an irrigator?
  • 6 Who should not use a waterpik?
  • 7 Model Aquajet LD-A 7

Advantages of the irrigator

Compared to traditional teeth cleaning systems, Aquajet LD-A7 has the following advantages:

  • Possibility of professional oral cleaning at home.
  • Reliable protection of gums from possible inflammatory processes.
  • The ability to clean implants, braces, dentures and the surface of the tongue from microbial film.
  • Increasing blood microcirculation in soft tissues due to the massage effect of a water jet.
  • Improving the functioning of the salivary glands.

Types of irrigators

In stores today you can find the following types of devices: road, connected to the water supply system and stationary .

  1. Travel or portable. This device is small in size and light in weight. It uses ordinary batteries as power sources. For the small size and size of this type of device, it pays with power. The road irrigator has a very small one. However, this is quite enough for brushing your teeth on the road or at the dacha.
  2. Connectable. The device has the simplest design. It does not require electricity, since the required pressure in the device is created by the pressure in the water supply. This device is connected to a regular water tap.
  3. Stationary. To operate such a device, an electrical network is required. The device is simple and easy to use, and also demonstrates maximum efficiency. It takes up quite a lot of space, so it can only be used at home or in a dental office.

Irrigators may also differ in the volume of liquid containers . Containers for stationary devices have the largest volume. The smallest is for a portable irrigator.

Different models of irrigators have different numbers of adjustments. Expensive models can have up to 10 adjustments. Cheap irrigators have no more than 2 operating modes.

Finally, irrigators differ in the number of attachments included. Naturally, advanced devices have much more of them. All attachments have the same dimensions and differ little from each other in appearance, which is why manufacturers mark them with color.

Who needs an irrigator?

This device is useful in the following cases:

  • The human dentition has a special structure. For example, teeth are crowded. That is, normal teeth cleaning cannot be done using ordinary means, but an irrigator is quite capable of doing this.
  • For the purpose of prevention and treatment of inflammatory gum diseases. Signs of inflammation begin to subside within 2 days after starting to use the irrigator.
  • The patient has bad breath.

Bad breath began to haunt me several years ago. I treated all my teeth and had regular professional cleanings at the clinic, but the smell returned over and over again. After another examination, the dentist said that the smell was due to crowded teeth. The brush cannot clean the interdental spaces and the bacteria multiplying there cause an unpleasant odor. The doctor advised me to buy Aquajet LD-A7. After purchasing the device and starting to use it, the unpleasant odor no longer returns.

Dina, Novosibirsk

  • Desire to improve oral hygiene.
  • Availability of braces, crowns, orthoses and implants. On sale you can find devices that were specifically designed for caring for braces and implants. They allow you to fully fight microorganisms. However, ordinary irrigators have special attachments that allow you to take good care of braces.
  • Diabetes. With this disease, the irrigator allows you to avoid inflammation of the gums due to infection of poorly healing wounds.
  • Pregnancy.


Irrigators were created with the expectation that these devices would be suitable for the vast majority of people . In terms of functionality, there are no complaints. But the acoustic comfort of these devices is low. Engineers were never able to get rid of the compressor noise during operation. Actually, this is the only drawback of these devices.

It is also useful for buyers of an irrigator to know that the device cannot eliminate the use of a toothbrush and sanitary floss. The latter can be used several times a day, but the irrigator can be used only a few times a week. Daily use may harm your gums.

In addition, the irrigator cannot be used in the following cases:

  • The patient recently underwent dental surgery.
  • The patient has an exacerbation of periodontal disease.

Why do you need an irrigator?

This device is a special system that allows water to be supplied to the teeth under high pressure. This effect allows you to quickly and effectively clean your teeth and remove dirt from even the most inaccessible places. As a result, brushing your teeth becomes on average 70% more effective.

The device consists of the following elements:

  • Compressor. This is the main element of the irrigator.
  • Container for water or antiseptic.
  • Handles with replaceable attachments.

Before use, the owner of the device must fill the water container. It is not recommended to run the irrigator without liquid. A single dry run is allowed at the time of purchase to test functionality.

If the device is filled, liquid from the container begins to flow to the nozzle immediately after turning on the device. This creates pressure, which is sufficient to effectively remove plaque and stimulate blood circulation in the gums.

Description of Aquajet models

Description of the Aquajet models: Aquajet LD A7 and Aquajet LD A8 differ only in appearance

The irrigators described below are almost identical and very similar in parameters. There are differences only in some nuances and appearance of the models.

Aquajet LD A7

Just like in other Aquajet models, in the kit of this irrigator you can find replaceable individual nozzles of different colors. This makes it easier for different people to use the device. The LD A7 model uses attachments of the LD-SA01 type.

The device also has:

  • a transparent plastic container filled with water, antibacterial or medicinal composition;
  • mode selector;
  • a switch that allows for smooth adjustment of water pressure;
  • a special department where nozzles are stored.

Among the technical parameters of the Aquajet LD A7 irrigation device, one can highlight low power consumption, which does not exceed forty watts. The maximum water pressure in it reaches 800 kilopascals, and the minimum is 300 kilopascals.

Main parts of Aquajet LD A7

Main parts of Aquajet LD A7:

  1. Container with lid.
  2. Device body.
  3. Jet pressure regulator.
  4. Nozzle.
  5. Compartment for attachments.
  6. Mode selector.
  7. Irrigator handle.
  8. On/Off button.
  9. A tube.

The manufacturer recommends not to use the device continuously for more than ten minutes. The irrigator cannot be filled with alcohol-containing compounds, solutions with oils and other liquids not intended for use in Aquajet.

Did you know that people who do not practice recommended oral hygiene practices are at increased risk of developing bacteremic disease. Bacteremia is one of the most dangerous infectious diseases in which microbes enter the blood. This condition is considered one of the stages of sepsis. To avoid the penetration of toxic microorganisms into the circulatory system, it is necessary to regularly and thoroughly clean the oral cavity. Irrigators are best suited for this purpose (in fact, they are created for this purpose), significantly improving the condition of tissues, neutralizing bacteria and preventing the appearance of new microorganisms, and thereby reducing the risk of bacteremia.

Video: review of the LD A7 model

Reviews about LD A7

Despite the minor disadvantages, I really like the Aquajet A7 irrigator. Replaces toothpicks and dental floss. I love him very much and don’t know how I managed without him before.



The irrigator is recognized by dentists all over the world as the most effective device for daily cleaning of the oral cavity. Everyone needs an irrigator! Not only for people who have braces, crowns, or if there is a problem with gum sensitivity. The irrigator also cleanses the tongue and gums by massaging them at the same time, thereby improving blood circulation.



This is already the second irrigator of this model. The first one served for several years. Then he was given an expensive irrigator of a different brand, which was completely unsatisfactory due to the low water pressure, although it also had an electric brush with different attachments. As a result, I bought this model again. And again very satisfied.

By Antoninoa


Poor build quality and materials. Very noisy. A short cord from the device to the nozzle. The nozzles fly out at maximum pressure, but are inserted very tightly. I have long wanted to buy an irrigator, but unexpectedly my wife made a gift... This particular model... It copes with its immediate functions, but for me personally the pressure is not enough at maximum. It rumbles disgustingly, hung it on the wall - it also resonates! I have a baby at home, so I try to use it while he is awake, otherwise he wakes up. At the highest power, the nozzle constantly flies out spontaneously, although it is inserted and pulled out with significant effort. The wire from the device to the nozzle is short and causes additional inconvenience. In general, it’s a cheap Chinese place where they save on everything. I will not recommend anyone to buy!



Aquajet LD A8

This model uses increased power when supplying a jet of water, which allows for even better cleaning of the space between the teeth and the oral cavity. Containers for attachments and liquids can be washed in the dishwasher. The special design of the device does not allow moisture and dirt to accumulate on it.

Complete set of irrigator Aquajet LD A8:

  • main (compressor) part,
  • Plastic container,
  • four nozzles type LD-SA01 and one nozzle LD-SA02,
  • socket for attaching the device to a vertical surface,
  • User's Manual,
  • warranty obligations,
  • packaging box.

Main parts of Aquajet LD A8

Main parts of Aquajet LD A8:

  1. Lid.
  2. Water container.
  3. Device body.
  4. Jet pressure regulator.
  5. Nozzle.
  6. Compartment for attachments.
  7. “On/Off” button.
  8. Water supply switch.
  9. Irrigator handle.
  10. A tube.

The LD A8 uses a special switch coating, just like other models, the kit includes individual tips in various colors.

It is interesting that the human oral cavity is simply teeming with a variety of bacteria, fungi, viruses and protozoan microorganisms. Many colonies of these representatives of flora and fauna, invisible to the naked eye, are necessary and beneficial for our body, but no less are harmful and even very dangerous. According to some estimates, the number of the latter fluctuates around seven hundred species. The reason for the appearance of most microorganisms is banal - it's food. Irrigators very carefully remove food debris, almost perfectly cleaning the oral cavity, thereby preventing the appearance and development of harmful microbes.

Video: review of the LD A8 model

Reviews about LD A8

The Aquajet LD A8 irrigator was recommended to me by my dentist, since the toothbrush cannot cope with my plaque, and it spoils my occlusion and manifests itself in the form of troubles, ranging from tartar to caries. As a result, after a couple of years of using the irrigator, I can say that there are results, since the teeth are much cleaner, there is less plaque, which I was never able to get rid of using traditional means, and a more comfortable procedure for getting rid of food debris between the teeth.



Since I got very used to the irrigator (you use it for a week and you become dependent), it was decided to buy a new one. And here comes the joy - a brand new LD-A8, which has good reviews. I unpack, read the instructions, do everything as written. I turn it on and what do I hear? – I hear that the compressor speed is somewhat low. I think maybe it’s just me? But when I start to clean my teeth with it, I understand that the pressure is very weak, and what is written in the characteristics (Quote: “Max. Jet pressure: 810 kPa”) is complete nonsense. This was followed by the next disappointment, namely, the water tank, it was very, very small. I wrote the word twice, not with ease. During one brushing of your teeth, you have to fill the container with water twice. Overall, I'm not happy with the purchase. I will look for another irrigator, or modify this one.



I've been using the irrigator for a little over a week. And we use it together with my wife. It works in position 2, the power of the jet is quite sufficient for us, sometimes the jet tingles the tongue in a not entirely pleasant way. Conveniently stands on the cabinet next to the sink.

Minina Nata


Advantages and disadvantages of Akvajet irrigators, indications and contraindications

Using a directed stream of water, the irrigator very efficiently removes food debris from the oral cavity, copes with soft plaque and provides hydromassage to the gums. The latter can significantly improve their blood circulation.

The device can be used by almost all people. Regular treatment of the oral cavity with an irrigator gives positive changes in the condition of teeth and gums.

Oral irrigation using Aquajet devices is approved and recommended by a large number of dentists. The devices are suitable for the prevention and treatment of the following problems:

  • periodontal diseases,
  • inflammation of the gums,
  • hardened plaque on teeth (tartar),
  • problems with bite,
  • bleeding gums.

The advantages and disadvantages of Aquajet irrigators, indications and contraindications will be best described by a dentist

In addition, Aquajet can be used for massaging and douching (irrigation of the oral cavity), as well as as part of care procedures for such dental products as:

  • removable and fixed dentures,
  • implants,
  • crowns made of various materials,
  • braces systems.

The device carefully treats the spaces between the teeth by delivering a powerful pulsating jet of water or special solutions. By massaging the gums and oral cavity, the irrigator helps improve blood circulation and prevent bleeding.

Aquajet is recommended for use by children. However, the use of the device is permissible only under the supervision of adults who have read the instructions for its use. Using an irrigator can reduce the occurrence of many dental diseases in children and makes it easier to care for teeth and the oral cavity. If you have braces, using Aquajet significantly reduces hygiene time. Children can start using the device as soon as they start using a toothbrush on their own. Parents need to remember that although proper use of the irrigator cannot cause injury to the teeth or oral cavity, they should seek advice from a pediatric dentist before using the device.

The device is contraindicated for use by people with acute periodontal inflammation and ulcerative formations in the oral cavity, as well as those who have previously treated their teeth with antibiotics.

It is very convenient to treat teeth with installed braces with an irrigator

Many studies have been conducted to study the role of irrigators in the treatment and prevention of inflammation of the supporting apparatus of the teeth. The result of extensive work is the fact that the constant use of such devices to combat microorganisms that cause periodontitis can reduce the incidence and severity of this disease. The subjects who regularly used irrigation were completely able to get rid of pathogenic bacteria that usually cluster in periodontal pockets.

Precautionary measures

The use of electrical devices, which, of course, includes irrigators, requires compliance with certain safety measures:

  • After a therapeutic session or prophylaxis, you should always turn off the device.
  • If the device is not used for a long time, you need to remove the plug from the socket.
  • Do not handle the plug or power cord with wet hands, do not allow water to come into contact with the irrigator, and do not use the device when swimming.
  • Immediately turn off the device and unplug it if it gets wet or falls into water.
  • The cable for connecting to the network must be intact; do not use the device with a damaged cable.
  • Avoid contact of the irrigator and power cable with hot objects.
  • The device should not be left switched on unattended.
  • It is permissible to use only complete accessories; the use of non-recommended parts and components is not allowed.
  • Do not repair the device yourself; there are specialized service centers for this.
( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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