TOP 10 best whitening toothpastes: which one to buy, pros and cons, reviews

A beautiful snow-white smile is a good mood, joy and pride. Everyone wants to shine, but not everyone can boast of the impeccable condition of their teeth. Some people love coffee, some smoke cigarettes, and for others, an incorrectly selected toothpaste is unable to completely remove plaque. We don’t always have the time and finances for expensive whitening procedures, so the market offers us an excellent alternative in the form of special toothpastes.


As the name suggests, whitening toothpaste is designed to restore the enamel's snow-white appearance.

The advantages of this whitening:

  • Relatively inexpensive.
  • The process does not take much time.
  • The entire procedure takes place at home.

Previously, people used soda, peroxide, activated carbon, and lemon juice to whiten teeth. Now you can resort to more modern methods.

What are the options for whitening at home?

  • Whitening pastes.
  • Gels.
  • Lightening strips.
  • Lightening pencils.

What manufacturers use in pastes and gels:

  • Activated carbon.
  • Sea salt.
  • Calcium bicarbonate.
  • Own technologies and bleaching granules.
  • Additionally, herbal extracts are added to strengthen.

Options for choosing whitening pastes:

  • Homogeneous texture without abrasive particles.
  • The presence of abrasive particles (more severely affects the enamel).
  • Toothpastes designed for sensitive teeth.
  • Toothpastes designed specifically for smokers, tea and coffee lovers.

In order to determine the duration of teeth cleansing with such means you need:

  • Read the manufacturer's recommendations.
  • Focus on the RDA abrasiveness index, for example, for sensitive teeth it should be 25.

We present the rating of whitening toothpastes 2022. The best 16 products that were selected by our experts based on user reviews and ratings.

There are contraindications, be sure to consult your doctor!

Rating (2020)Prices, ₽A country
The Best Inexpensive Whitening Toothpastes
1. Lacalut Whitefrom 190₽Germany
2. Blend-a-med 3D White Luxe Whitening Boosterfrom 120₽Germany
3. Splat Professional Whitening Plusfrom 90₽Russia
4. Colgate Optic White Instant Whiteningfrom 160₽China
5. Natura Siberica Pearl of Siberiafrom 120₽Russia
The best whitening toothpastes in the mid-price segment
1. Biorepair Pro White, which preserves the whiteness of the enamelfrom 540₽Italy
2. Perioe Pumping Citrusfrom 420₽South Korea
3. Smoca Green for smokers, mint and eucalyptusfrom 420₽Japan
4. Marvis Whitening Mintfrom 390₽Italy
5. Lion Dentor Systema Gums Plus Whitefrom 350₽Japan
The best premium whitening toothpastes
1. Sangi Apagard Premiofrom 1100₽Japan
2. BlanX Med Extra White, intensive whiteningfrom 600₽Italy
3. Crest 3D White Brilliance Vibrant Peppermintfrom 650₽USA
4. Sunstar Ora2 Peach Leaf Mintfrom 600₽Japan
Best Whitening Dental Gels
1. ROCS Medical Mineralsfrom 310₽Russia
2. Splat Special Black Lotusfrom 200₽Russia

How effective are whitening toothpastes?

It should be noted that not all shades of teeth whiten equally well. You will be able to notice a truly noticeable visible “before and after” effect only if the enamel of your teeth initially has a yellowish tint. Teeth of gray and brownish tones will simply be impossible to whiten with toothpastes (we are talking specifically about the brown tint of the enamel, and not about the brown pigment deposit on its surface). In this case, only professional whitening, for example, using the Zoom method, can help.

If you need the most effective whitening toothpaste, reviews say that the maximum whitening effect that you can achieve using toothpastes is 2 shades on the VITA scale (Fig. 2-3). The best effect can be achieved by whitening toothpaste with carbamide peroxide, but you should not trust advertising that says that any toothpaste can whiten your teeth by 3-4 or more tones (shades). This is simply impossible.

Teeth shades according to VITA scale –

If pastes with carbamide peroxide are considered the most effective, then how effective is an abrasive whitening paste - reviews say that such pastes allow you to lighten teeth by an average of 1 tone on the VITA scale. To get a more significant result, it is advisable to combine pastes, for example, use an abrasive bleaching paste for the 1st month, and use a paste with carbamide peroxide for the next 2 months.

Tips for choosing

When choosing a whitening paste, we recommend paying attention to several important aspects:

  • Paste composition. The abrasiveness should not exceed 25, and hydrogen peroxide is not allowed in the composition.
  • Frequency of use. Not all pastes are suitable for daily use. Study the information on the packaging and compare your wishes with the capabilities of the product.
  • Consulting a specialist is a mandatory step before purchasing paste. He will identify oral problems and ways to solve them using products from product manufacturers.

Best whitening toothpaste: ranking 2022

We present the rating: The best whitening toothpaste 2022, compiled by the editor-in-chief of (a dentist with 19 years of experience). The rating is based on an analysis of the components of toothpastes, personal experience with use, publicly available data on the concentrations of active components and the abrasiveness coefficient (RDA) of each paste.

We have compiled 2 ratings separately. The first rating of whitening toothpastes is dedicated to pastes that work by chemically whitening tooth enamel (this group is the most effective, but the smallest in number). The second rating will be devoted to abrasive whitening toothpastes that work by mechanically removing contaminants from the surface of the enamel.

Preventive measures

After undergoing teeth whitening using special pastes, the following preventive measures should be observed:

  • Rinse teeth with solutions containing calcium glycerophosphate and sodium fluoride.
  • Maintain good oral hygiene every day.
  • Limit the consumption of hot and cold drinks, as well as foods with natural and synthetic dyes.
  • Before the procedure, you should undergo a complete sanitation of the oral cavity.
  • Quit the bad habit of smoking tobacco products.
  • Systematically repeat the course every quarter.

Important components of whitening toothpastes -

Whitening toothpaste (in addition to abrasive-polishing components and/or carbamide peroxide) may contain additional beneficial components that will increase its effectiveness. Some of these components help remove existing pigmentations, while others will prevent the deposition of pigments and plaque on the teeth (

  • The enzymes Bromelain and Papain are proteolytic enzymes that help loosen the already formed tightly attached microbial plaque, which certainly contributes to its removal by the abrasive components of toothpastes. This happens due to the fact that enzymes destroy the protein matrix of dental plaque (i.e., intercellular structures). Bromelain is obtained from pineapple, and papain is obtained from papaya.
  • Pyrophosphates and Polydon - these components are inhibitors of the crystallization of calcium phosphate (this is a mineral component of tartar). Thus, they prevent the formation of tartar, but do not affect existing tartar. By the way, citrates have a similar effect to pyrophosphates - these are salts of citric acid, which can also sometimes be found in toothpastes (usually sodium citrate is used for this).
  • Polyphosphates - polyphosphates include, for example, Sodium Hexametaphosphate and Trisodium Phosphate. These are excellent components that prevent pigments and plaque from sticking to the teeth and, accordingly, they help prevent the formation of tartar (but they do not affect existing plaque). Polyphosphates are found in some whitening toothpastes “President”, “Lacalut”, as well as in the “Blend-a-med Pro-EXPERT” series of toothpastes.
  • Hydroxyapatite – the deposition of a thin layer of hydroxyapatite particles on the teeth will prevent bacteria from attaching to the tooth enamel, and hence the formation of plaque.

What requirements must be met?

To achieve a quick effect and prevent damage to the enamel and oral mucosa, it is necessary to use high-quality toothpastes.

To actually whiten your teeth and not harm them, toothpastes must have certificates and meet the following list of requirements:

  • The consistency of the paste should be homogeneous and viscous

    Contain whitening and polishing components in the structure.

  • Possess high cleansing properties.
  • High deodorizing and refreshing effect.
  • Do not contain harmful components that provoke the development of allergies or the growth and reproduction of microorganisms.
  • Strictly observe the concentration of the constituent components according to the recipe.
  • The consistency of the paste should be homogeneous and viscous.
  • It is mandatory to contain antiseptic preservatives to ensure the microbiological purity of the paste.
  • Maintain the recommended pH value of no more than 10.5.

The best whitening toothpaste for smokers –

As a dentist, I can tell you about an alternative whitening option that is especially suitable for smokers, strong tea or coffee drinkers, as well as patients with rapid formation of bacterial and pigmented plaque. This method will be much more effective than using conventional abrasive whitening toothpastes - even the best ones rated above. It will work for you if you have an Oral-b electric toothbrush (or if you are ready to buy one).

The working head of an electric toothbrush is exactly like the head that a dentist uses to polish teeth. In standard mode, the nozzle makes not only more than 8,000 rotating movements per minute, but also at least 20,000 pulsating movements. The pulsations allow you to loosen plaque, which is then removed with rotational movements. Patients using Oral-B electric toothbrushes develop much less plaque or tartar on their teeth than when brushing with a regular manual toothbrush.

Electric brush Oral-B –

You will whiten your teeth much faster if you use an abrasive whitening toothpaste with an electric toothbrush. Those. you are essentially receiving a dentist's tool that the latter uses for professional oral hygiene in the dental office. But! There are several rules here. For example, if you use toothpaste with RDA 100, then you can safely use it 2 times a day for 1-2 months, using an electric brush in the standard “Daily Cleaning” mode (from 8000 to 10,000 rotational, + 20,000 pulsating movements).

If you use a more abrasive toothpaste with an RDA 120 along with an electric brush (for example, LACALUT White or PRESIDENT PROFI Smokers toothpastes), we would recommend using such toothpastes only once a day for 3-4 weeks, or 2 once a day, but not more than 2 weeks. This treatment will significantly increase the effectiveness of removing moderately pronounced pigmented plaque from teeth, but will not cope with strong pigmented plaque and densely attached mineralized plaque (small tartar).

The most effective way is

The most effective way is to use a professional teeth cleaning product that is used by a dentist during professional oral hygiene. The paste is called Detartrine Z, although there is also regular Detartrine (which is different in that it does not contain zircon granules and is therefore slightly less effective). You can buy it in online stores, sometimes you can even find it on Ozon. These are professional pastes that can not only perfectly remove pigment plaque, but also cope with even small tartar.

Polishing pastes of the “Detartrine” series (France) –

The volume of the paste is 45 g, and this amount will last you for at least a year or two, given that you won’t have to use it more than once every couple of months. Cost from 2000 to 3000 rubles. The following is very important: this professional teeth polishing paste should and can only be used at low rotation speeds of the electric toothbrush head (for example, in the “for sensitive teeth” or “polishing/whitening” modes). There are no pulsating movements in these modes. In addition, it is best to use the “Precision Clean” type of nozzles - see photo above.

Detartrine Z paste contains zircon grains, which very well remove even a pronounced layer of pigmented plaque, and even small hard dental deposits. This is an ideal option for smokers and those who drink strong tea or coffee. But if you have a very thick layer of pigmented plaque or massive tartar, then such home whitening will not help you and you will need to see a dentist in any case.

A less effective way is to use a regular whitening toothpaste with an abrasiveness of 150-200 RDA instead of this polishing paste (for example, “PRESIDENT Black” or “PRESIDENT PROFI PLUS White Plus”). This can be done no more than once a month and only at low speeds of an electric brush - either in the “For sensitive teeth” or “Polishing/whitening” mode. More information about how the procedure is carried out is in the article at the link below.

→ Removing pigmented plaque at home

Harmfulness and usefulness

Negative effects manifest themselves in:

  • Development of sensitivity of tooth enamel and gums.
  • Change in color of filling material.
  • Thinning of tooth enamel, which leads to changes in tooth structure.
  • Possibility of developing allergies or swelling of the gums.
  • In the presence of dental pathologies, their condition worsens.

The beneficial properties of such hygiene products are:

  • Restoring the natural shade of enamel.
  • Dissolving hard plaque.
  • Preventing the accumulation of soft plaque.
  • Remineralization of the outer protective shell of the crown of the teeth.
  • In additional therapeutic effects.

Causes of hypersensitivity development –

First of all, this problem is associated with the thinning of the enamel layer in the area of ​​​​the necks of the teeth, or with the exposure of the roots of the teeth and the thinning of the “cement” layer located on their surface.
As a result, a deeper layer of tooth tissue is exposed - dentin, which is located immediately under the enamel and cement. Dentin microscopically consists of dentinal tubes in which fluid circulates. If the dentin is not covered with enamel and cement on top, then thermal and other irritants can sharply increase the speed of fluid flow through the dentinal tubules, which ultimately leads to irritation of the nerve endings in the dental pulp and the occurrence of pain. The trigger for the development of pain (in the presence of dentin exposure) can be the consumption of acidic foods and drinks, the use of whitening toothpastes, etc.


Many people think that the more expensive the better. Sometimes this is not far from the truth: some components are really expensive, but very effective, and therefore are valued at the proper level. If you want to join elite foreign products and try them for yourself, Doctor Zubastik will help you make a choice, which toothpaste whitens better?

WhiteWash NANOThe complex of Enamel Repair nanoparticles provides not only effective teeth whitening, but also gentle treatment of enamel. Xylitol has an antibacterial effect. Thanks to a new technique, the paste whitens the enamel without damaging it. 2500
Diamond glow Swiss SmileA diamond smile is not an advertising ploy, but a direct indication of the composition of this paste, where the bleach is a diamond particle, which is so small that it does not damage the enamel, but carefully cleans it from plaque and stains. The safety of the composition is confirmed in the instructions, which recommend using the paste daily. 4000
Perfect White BlackThis paste does the dirty work and doesn't disdain smokers. It was developed specifically for those who have a specific plaque on their teeth from cigarettes or coffee. In the composition we find activated carbon, which spares the enamel, but does a great job of cleaning plaque and age spots. Fluoride and calcium help support the enamel during the whitening period. 800

Contraindications for teeth whitening

Lightening enamel with toothpaste or other means is not recommended for:

  • Presence of caries;
  • Enamel cracks;
  • “Sensitive teeth” syndrome;
  • Pregnancy, breastfeeding;
  • Installed bridge structures, braces, bite alignment systems.

Whitening is carried out after eliminating the listed contraindications at home - with toothpaste or at the dentist. A doctor's consultation is required before the procedure.

Home enamel lightening is aimed at returning teeth to their natural color, removing tartar deposits and darkening.

( 1 rating, average 5 out of 5 )
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