List of the best ROKS whitening toothpastes and important rules for their use

Today, is a very popular procedure all over the world , which not everyone can afford due to its high cost.
People are looking for cheaper and more accessible methods, such as whitening toothpastes.

Among the huge selection of such toothpastes, a special niche is occupied by the famous ROCS brand of toothpastes from the DRC company.

This type of whitening paste is produced using a special technology and has occupied a leading position in the market since 2007 .

Features of ROX whitening toothpaste

The abbreviation in the name of the toothpastes ROCS (ROCS) translates as: “remineralizing systems for the oral cavity.”

Note! The special technology of the whitening effect of toothpastes is based on the process of remineralization - restoration of the layer of tooth enamel by saturating it with minerals.

The manufacturer also took into account the age of the person, developing whitening products separately for children and the elderly.

Their composition is unique, consisting entirely of natural plant extracts and a complex of minerals .

It does not contain strong antiseptics or hazardous substances that irritate tooth enamel, so it is ideal for people with hypersensitive teeth.

Types of oxygen bleaching

Today there are many methods that are based on the oxidation of pigments. The principle of their operation is approximately the same: a special gel based on hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide is applied to the teeth and activated in various ways. This could be a laser, a cold LED lamp, or photobleaching. With chemical whitening, the gel is left for some time, it begins to release oxygen on its own.

Home options for the procedure are also possible. For this purpose, the dentist individually makes special mouth guards. Next, the patient pours the gel into them every evening, puts the trays on the teeth and keeps them on all night. Gel for home use has a reduced content of active substance.

Paste composition

  • Bromelain. An enzyme obtained from tropical plants of the Bromeliaceae family, most often from the genus Pineapple. The main task of this component is to break down the protein compounds that make up dental plaque. The enzyme has a gentle cleansing effect and remains on the teeth for a long time, preventing the appearance of new plaque.
  • Xylitol. Its action is aimed at preventing the occurrence of caries . Xylitol crystals help calcium penetrate into tooth enamel and destroy pathogenic microflora in the oral cavity. Clinical studies have proven that the action of xylitol blocks the removal of minerals from tooth enamel, which leads to their accumulation. The color of tooth enamel is restored naturally and is preserved for a long time.
  • A mineral complex of magnesium, calcium, and phosphorus is part of the natural composition of tooth enamel. The lack of these components affects oral health. Tooth enamel becomes sensitive to aggressive environments: acids, hot and cold foods. The mineral composition prevents tooth decay, restores the natural alkaline balance of the oral cavity and increases the resistance of tooth enamel to the aggressive effects of acids.

Keep in mind! ROCS whitening paste gently cleanses and is suitable for people with highly abrasive enamel.

The product contains mechanical cleaning particles made from low-abrasive materials.

The index of abrasive substances varies by age: for children -19, for teenagers - 45, for adults -59 units.

Other whitening techniques using restorations

  • Veneers
    are overlays made of ceramic, porcelain or composite materials up to 1.5 millimeters thick that replace the outer layer of teeth. Unlike lumineers, they allow you to change the shape of your teeth, hide chipped enamel and even correct minor bite defects, but require preliminary grinding of the enamel.
  • Ultraneers
    are medium-thick plates (thinner than veneers, but thicker than lumineers) up to 0.5 millimeters. Used to restore aesthetics and correct enamel defects. Unlike lumineers, which are placed on at least 8 teeth in a row, they are suitable for local elimination of defects.
  • Componeers
    are a new class of plates that are made from a nanohybrid composite. This restoration method provides high aesthetics and durability, but also requires preliminary grinding of the enamel.

Advantages and disadvantages

Among the main positive aspects of the ROKS dental product are:

  • gentle cleaning based on low-abrasive components;
  • does not contain fluorine;
  • whitening by 3-4 tones with prolonged use;
  • completely natural composition of plant extracts and minerals;
  • duration of effect. Lasts up to 6-7 months with regular oral hygiene;
  • saturates tooth enamel with minerals, blocks the excretion of calcium, which prevents the formation of tartar and caries;
  • effectiveness even with progressive development of caries;
  • kills microorganisms and bacteria, clearing protein plaque;
  • freshens breath;
  • economical: a small amount of product is enough to achieve a one-time effect;
  • safety for children. The manufacturer has specially developed whitening pastes for children of different ages and adolescents.

Stay up to date! Having a huge number of advantages, the ROKS line of whitening products has some minor disadvantages:

  • high cost compared to other analogues;
  • absence of sweeteners, flavors and fragrances. This makes the product highly specialized for whitening, and not for daily teeth cleaning;
  • the absence of abrasive materials requires the use of toothbrushes with hard bristles to achieve the desired result;
  • does not replace whitening in a dental clinic.


Whitening pastes that produce a chemical effect can prevent the formation of tartar. Their constant use is possible only if the composition of such products is not highly abrasive. This category of pastes removes plaque, returning the enamel to its natural shade. Using such compositions, you can achieve lightening of teeth by one or two shades.

There are also pastes that are more powerful in their impact. They are able to lighten tooth enamel by 2-4 tones. These products contain carbamide peroxide. It affects the enamel, changing its natural shade. But it is worth keeping in mind that frequent use of this composition may damage the surface layer of the teeth. In addition, such pastes can cause burns and irritation of the mucous membrane. This type of paste should be used only under the supervision of a dentist, and even then not all the time.

There are highly abrasive compounds. They perform intensive mechanical cleansing of the enamel, returning it to its natural shade. These pastes lighten teeth by 1-2 shades. But they are not recommended for constant use, as they often cause damage to the enamel layer. As a result, teeth become hypersensitive. Abrasive pastes are used in a course that lasts no more than two to four weeks. After this period, a break is taken for the same amount of time, during which the patient must switch to products intended for teeth with high sensitivity, or to remineralizing compounds.

There are also combined pastes. They are able to whiten and restore teeth to their natural shade. The effect of using such compositions directly depends on the type of paste and its components. If the product contains abrasives, as well as chemical elements that prevent the formation of tartar, it will lighten the teeth by 1 or 2 tones. Moreover, the result will be obtained much faster than when using conventional formulations. A paste that includes both peroxides and abrasives will lighten the enamel by 2-4 tones. You can also use it for no more than two to four weeks, taking a break after this course.


  1. Intolerance to components. The instructions indicate a contraindication for people sensitive to the components of the drug. If you are hypersensitive to the bromelain enzyme, allergic reactions and nausea may occur.
  2. Pregnancy and lactation period. During pregnancy and lactation, the baby receives all substances directly from the mother. The composition of this series is completely natural, but plant extracts can cause allergic reactions in the expectant mother and newborn.
  3. Very thin tooth enamel with many chips and cracks. Such teeth must first be treated in a clinic. Of course, the manufacturer promises that the product heals small cracks and restores even thin enamel, but in advanced cases it is better to entrust the restoration to a specialist.
  4. Wearing braces. Whitening becomes meaningless; a large area of ​​tooth enamel is located under arches and locks. If you whiten your teeth while wearing braces, after they are removed, the color of the enamel will be uneven and professional whitening will be required.

General rules of use

  • Visit your dentist first. Remove tartar, cure individual problems, carry out professional cleaning of tooth enamel. This is important because the drug whitens all areas of tooth enamel, including tartar.
  • Use a brush with medium-hard bristles or stiff bristles. The ROKS product does not have strong abrasives and is soft in structure. For better cleaning, use brushes with stiff bristles.
  • Do not abuse coffee, strong tea and smoking cigarettes. Failure to follow a diet reduces the effectiveness of whitening. If you can’t give up the habit completely, then you need to at least reduce the frequency of use so that the result is impressive.
  • Regular oral hygiene. Brushing your teeth 2 times a day for at least 2 minutes, morning and evening, as well as after strong tea or coffee, helps achieve the desired effect.

Teeth whitening prices

Teeth whitening
Services listPrice
Removing dental plaque with “DetartrineZ” paste (paste with abrasive zircon crystals, 1 tooth)250
Ultrasonic removal of supragingival and subgingival dental plaque in the area of ​​the 1st tooth200
Removing soft plaque using the “Air-flow” method (1 tooth)300
Deep fluoridation of tooth enamel150
Remineralization of enamel “APADENTPRO” (1 tooth)250
Clinical whitening “OpalescenceBoost” 40% (2nd jaw in the smile line)18 500
Professional clinical whitening “Amazing-White” (USA, 45 min, 2 jaws in the smile line)17 500
Home whitening “Opalescense”9 500
Intra-canal whitening of the 1st tooth2 500
Making individual trays for home whitening (from one jaw)6 000
“Skyce” fixation (1 tooth)4 500
Professional clinical whitening “ZOOM-4 WHITESPEED” (2 jaws in the smile line)30 000

List of ROX whitening toothpastes

Rox whitening "White Verse"

Gives whiteness and shine to teeth, reduces bleeding gums.

Apply with streaking movements to the front teeth, then clean the chewing teeth with circular movements, grabbing the gums.

The average price is 269 rubles.

Rox - sensational whitening

Narrow-profile product.

Effective whitening is carried out due to microgranules that provide multi-stage protection, grinding teeth and penetrating into hard-to-reach places.

Cost: 899 rubles.

Rox anti-tobacco

It is worth noting! For daily oral hygiene of smokers. The composition includes vitamin E, which acts as a natural antioxidant.

The substance polyvinylpyrrolidone has an antiseptic effect,

The main purpose of this product is to lighten the enamel, reduce dry mouth and give fresh breath.

Baobab extract, also included in the composition, copes well with this.

The enzyme bromelain and silicon dioxide, included in most ROKS pastes, have a cleansing and whitening effect and remove nicotine plaque.

“Anti-tobacco” is also suitable for people who consume highly staining products: coffee, strong tea, wine.

Apply the toothpaste in a small amount onto the bristles of a medium-hard toothbrush and brush your teeth with gentle movements for 2-3 minutes.

The average cost in Russia is 265 rubles.

"Rox Bionics"

Designed for daily care of sensitive teeth .

The components of the composition strengthen tooth enamel and heal problematic gums.

Stay up to date! The product has an olive color due to the plant extracts included in the composition: kelp, eucalyptus, and clove, which contain iodine, eugenol and eucalyptol.

These substances strengthen the gums and reduce their bleeding from the first days of use .

The paste contains the compound glycerophosphate, which protects tooth enamel from destruction.

Directions for use: Apply the mixture to the bristles of a toothbrush and gently cleanse your teeth in a circular motion, grabbing the gums.

Average price - 240 rubles

Series "Baby"

Released by the manufacturer specifically for children .

The peculiarity of the paste is the safety of the composition in case of accidental ingestion , gentle care and a variety of tastes.

Each child will choose a product to their liking.

The series' arsenal includes the following types:

  • from 0 to 3 years - “Linden aroma”, “Fragrant chamomile”;
  • from 3-7 years “Fruit cone”, “Barberry”, “Berry fantasy”, “With the scent of roses”, Bubble gum”.

The category of pastes from 0 to 3 years contains double the amount of xylitol (a natural sugar substitute), which provides reliable protection against caries.

Chamomile extract has an anti-inflammatory effect and reduces inflammation and pain during teething, and prevents the development of oral candidiasis.

The drug has a soft consistency, the taste is close to milk.

Suitable even for children suffering from allergic reactions.

The 3-7 year category has a richer range of flavors and reliably protects baby teeth from caries .

For your information! Mineral low-abrasive components are added here to gently cleanse and brighten tooth enamel.

The patented Mineralin complex includes a high content of 50% calcium hydroxyapatite suspension, which forms a protective antibacterial layer for tooth enamel.

Products in this category have a prebiotic effect, normalizing the microbial composition of the oral cavity .

to use the Baby series pastes under the supervision of an adult .

For infants, the following method of use is recommended: the mother puts the baby on her lap, puts a special silicone brush on her finger and lets the baby get used to it a little, suck, chew.

Afterwards, moisten the brush and squeeze out a small ball of paste, the size of a pea.

Clean the incisors and first teeth with vertical movements away from the gums. Chewing teeth are cleaned in a circular motion

The cost of the paste is 231 rubles.

Rox - active calcium

A separate type of paste created for the prevention and treatment of caries . Has a multi-mineral composition.

Incoming elements - magnesium, calcium, silicon and phosphorus strengthen tooth enamel . Calcium is contained in an easily accessible form.

The paste can be used during the treatment of caries. The composition acts sparingly, without causing destruction of the filled tooth.

The average price in Russia is 252 rubles.

Rox uno calcium

Combines the positive qualities of the “Active Calcium” and “Sensational Whitening” pastes.

Important! Its action is aimed at actively strengthening tooth enamel and imparting radiance and whiteness. It has a pleasant aroma, there are pastes with tangerine and mint flavors.

Compared to other pastes in this line, it is cheaper.

Cost - 210 rubles.

Causes of yellow tint in teeth

  • Healthy teeth in most cases have a yellowish tint due to dentin, which is visible through the almost transparent layer of enamel.
  • Teeth become yellower due to deposits that bacteria leave on them. If you eat a lot of sweets and don’t brush your teeth well, you create an excellent nutrient environment in which microbes quickly develop, and they leave plaque on the enamel.
  • Color pigments in food, as mentioned above, the way we eat greatly affects the color of our teeth. The most popular products that stain enamel are coffee and black tea.
  • ·Bad habits also contribute to weakened dental health, and resins are deposited on the surface of the enamel, adding a yellow, brown or even black tint to it.
  • Taking antibiotics and other medications can affect the color of your teeth.

Oxygen teeth whitening will correct yellow discoloration in most of these cases. But remember, if your teeth are not yellow, but gray, or the yellowing is caused by illness and medication, the procedure will most likely not give the desired effect. In this case, the dentist will offer you a more effective solution.


Below are some customer reviews. You can leave a comment about your personal experience of use after the article, it will be very useful to our readers.

Maria, mother of 2 sons.

At school, my eldest son developed dental problems - caries. Our dentist advised us to try the ROKS “Active Calcium” series of pastes, since our son is now 11 years old and we have outgrown children’s pastes. Two months later, our doctor was pleased - not a single new hole appeared. Yes, and the taste is pleasant.


I bought “Anti-tobacco” at the ROKS store. I was interested in an advertisement for the product. I have been smoking for a long time, and I constantly have problems with teeth whitening and eliminating the unpleasant odor after smoking and dry mouth. I didn’t expect the product’s advertising to be so believable. Over the last six months of use, my teeth have become whiter and less sensitive. And the breath is fresher. I'm not happy with the price, but you can pay for the quality.

Olga Vyacheslavovna, dentist at the Novostom clinic.

I have known the ROKS company for a long time and recommend its pastes to my patients. I especially highlight ROKS “Uno-calcium”, “Anti-tobacco” and “Sensational whitening”. Of course, whitening pastes cannot replace in-clinic whitening. I recommend using the selected paste after treatment for daily oral hygiene.

Oksana, Artem's mother.

My son is only 9 months old. The teeth are being cut with might and main, there are already 3 baby teeth. A month ago I bought a silicone brush for my baby at the pharmacy. The pharmacist advised me to buy ROKS “Babi” paste from 0-3 for the brush. I chose the chamomile flavor. I tried it before using it - the taste is pleasant, similar to a mixture or porridge. I was pleased that it was safe to swallow. When the child got used to the brush, I tried it and washed the teeth with gauze soaked in water after brushing. The baby was not capricious, he liked the taste. Now we just use it.

For a snow-white smile

Rox whitening toothpaste is very popular among consumers. Reviews from dental specialists confirm that it: - delicately whitens enamel; - prevents the formation of tartar; — strengthens teeth and prevents the development of caries; - promotes long-lasting cleanliness of teeth; - gives freshness to breath; - eliminates bleeding gums; — normalizes the composition of microflora.

Dentists also recommend using ROCS for oxygen bleaching in parallel with the use of delicate whitening paste. This product can deeply whiten tooth enamel, eliminate inflammatory processes in the gums and unpleasant odors from the oral cavity. This effect of the Rox paste becomes possible thanks to the active oxygen contained in its composition.

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