Why do pieces of food get stuck between the teeth and what can this mean?

05.10.2021 469

Patients often turn to dentists because they are faced with the problem of black plaque on their teeth. This greatly spoils the aesthetics of a smile, brings inconvenience, and stimulates the appearance of complexes and barriers to communication.

You also need to understand that black plaque on a tooth indicates serious problems in the body that need to be eliminated as soon as possible. Sometimes it can be accompanied by pain and bad breath.

In this material we will talk about what leads to the appearance of dark plaque and what methods dentists use to deal with it.

Why plaque and stone are dangerous

The plaque that settles on the teeth is soft. It can be easily removed with any hygiene products. Within 6-12 hours it reacts with the components of saliva, becomes saturated with calcium salts and hardens. The only way to prevent this is to use mouthwash throughout the day. Once the plaque has hardened, it can no longer be removed.

Tartar gradually forms. It continues to grow as new layers of plaque easily “stick” to the rough surface. After about 6 months it becomes visually noticeable, but this is not its main danger.

The stone grows in the cervical part of the crown, gradually penetrating into the subgingival area. This leads to mechanical damage to the gums and loosening of the teeth. Microorganisms cause gum inflammation and provoke more severe oral diseases. Patients complain of bleeding and sensitivity of the gums, and bad breath. With further growth of the stone deeper into the gums, there is a risk of developing cysts on the root of the tooth.

The main reasons for the appearance of black plaque

  • Constant drinking of coffee and smoking.

    This is the most important factor in the appearance of plaque. Cigarettes and coffee contain toxic substances that have coloring properties. They quickly penetrate the plaque and paint it black. After which it is securely attached to the enamel, forming tartar.

  • Consequence of illness or use of medications.

    If you take antibiotics for a long period, plaque will definitely appear. This is especially true for people who have liver problems.

  • Professional activity.

    Black teeth may appear in those who work in chemical industrial plants. This is most often encountered by workers at metallurgical plants. Condensation with elements of heavy metals settles not only on internal organs, but also on teeth.

  • Dysbacteriosis.

    Young children are especially susceptible to this. This can happen because the intestinal microflora is not yet formed. And under no circumstances should you rush to clean plaque from your baby’s teeth. This problem will disappear on its own over time.

  • Drug use.

    Drug addiction causes complete destruction of the body. Teeth are also susceptible to the harmful effects of drugs.

Important! Manufacturers often treat apples with formaldehyde to help them last longer. And in the winter and spring seasons, when it’s not the season, we buy processed apples. And harmful substances enter the body and provoke black plaque.

Causes of congestion

  • Insufficient oral hygiene, incorrectly selected hygiene products.
  • Eating a lot of sweets, sticky foods, rich in light carbohydrates, and at the same time a small amount of solid foods, such as vegetables, in the diet.
  • Abuse of products that have a coloring effect. Tea, coffee, cola, carbonated drinks - all this leads to the fact that the plaque turns brownish and, after hardening, spoils the smile.
  • Diseases of internal organs. Patients with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and endocrine system are prone to the formation of plaque on their teeth.
  • Partial edentia, malocclusion, severe crowding of teeth.

Patients with bridge prostheses are at risk. The bridge is fixed on the supporting tooth. Food particles get trapped under the crown. In this case, cleaning plaque on teeth with conventional means is impossible. As a result, it grows, microorganisms attack the gums and supporting teeth, and it becomes mobile. If you have dentures, you should definitely visit your dentist for professional cleaning.


As mentioned above, the source of its appearance can be smoking and frequent consumption of strong tea, coffee and other coloring drinks and foods. In this case, the prevention of the appearance of such plaque will be to refuse them. After all, plaque is not only an aesthetic defect, but also a source of pathogenic bacteria, as well as a fertile environment for their reproduction.

If you still cannot give up bad habits, diversify your diet with solid foods, especially high-fiber vegetables. Chewing them promotes daily natural cleaning of the enamel. At the same time, you should not refuse regular visits to the dental office, even if, upon a superficial examination in the mirror, it seems to you that everything is fine with your teeth.

Of course, timely and proper dental care is also a means of preventing the appearance of black plaque. Thus, the use of medicated fluoride-containing toothpastes, the use of dental floss and rinses can reduce the risk of plaque significantly.

Types of plaque

  • Soft. Formed on teeth during human life. It is not noticeable on the surface of the enamel and is easily removed from it using hygiene products.
  • Solid. Once hardened, it is almost impossible to remove plaque from teeth at home.
  • Supragingival stone. Formed from hard plaque. Outwardly it looks like a small dark-colored rim in the cervical area.
  • Subgingival stone. It is formed under the gum, so it is not visually noticeable. It can only be detected using a special dental probe or an x-ray. If subgingival stone is not removed in time, gum resection may occur.

How does a dentist remove plaque?

Modern dentistry knows many methods to improve your smile. This is why most people turn to professionals for help. There are two most popular ways to get rid of black plaque in children and adults.

Jet method

This method involves the release of sodium bicarbonate under high pressure from the tip onto the tooth enamel. Under pressure, it quickly removes age spots and plaque.

Using Ultrasound

Recently, it has become popular to use ultrasound. This method is much stronger than the inkjet method. It is even capable of removing tartar. For this purpose, a special nozzle is used under the influence of vibrations of a high-frequency generator. At this time, plaque is destroyed by vibration waves. After completing the procedure, you need to remove any remaining deposits with water.

The ultrasound procedure is quite expensive, so not everyone can afford it.

Home Remedies

Home remedies for plaque removal are rather preventative. In order to maintain dental health, it is necessary to follow the rules of hygiene:

  • Brush your teeth twice a day with a toothbrush and suitable toothpaste.
  • Use toothpicks and dental floss after meals, as the brush cannot reach hard-to-reach places.
  • Use mouthwash regularly.

Small plaque can be removed using pastes containing abrasives or tooth powder. When using them you need to be careful, as you can damage not only the enamel, but also the mucous membrane of the gums. You need to be even more careful if you decide to remove plaque from your teeth with whitening agents - soda, hydrogen peroxide. Their uncontrolled use can cause problems with dental health.

Possible complications

Of course, with brown layers there is no need to talk about aesthetics. This is an important aspect, but not the main one. Deposits must be removed before they cause serious oral ailments. When the enamel turns black, an irreversible problem develops, such as gingival bleeding caused by plaque around the gums, or tartar, periodontitis or gingivitis, complete destruction of the enamel and increased sensitivity of the units. When the first signs of darkening appear, you should immediately consult a doctor. Do not ignore the disease, as it may indicate diseases of the internal organs.

In such a situation, the patient is referred for consultation to a gastroenterologist, endocrinologist or infectious disease specialist. After receiving information from specialists, the dentist develops a program to restore the color of the affected units and remove plaque between the teeth. If tuberculosis or diabetes mellitus, allergies or parasite infection, gallbladder dyskinesia or other serious ailments are diagnosed, the dentist begins work after treating them.

Types of tartar

Tartar consists of one third of organic substances (epithelial cells, microorganisms, proteins, etc.) and 2/3 of inorganic substances (mainly calcium salts).

Stones are divided into:

  1. supragingival, which, as you can guess from their designation, are located above the gum. They are easy to see with the naked eye and are dark yellow in color. Removing such deposits is quite simple.
  2. subgingival. During a routine examination, they cannot be noticed, but their presence can be assumed by the bluish tint of the gums and increased bleeding in this place. It is possible that pus may be released from the periodontal pocket.

The presence of subgingival stones is the first sign of periodontitis and the beginning of tissue destruction around the tooth. Only a dentist can detect stones located under the gum by probing the pockets. Removing subgingival stones takes a lot of time, so not every doctor will undertake such work.

Blackening of the wisdom tooth

It is not uncommon for patients to come to the clinic with a similar complaint. As a rule, “eights” erupt with problems and with severe pain, and besides, they appear already spoiled. Often, such teeth are simply removed, since they do not bear any load when chewing, and also do not affect aesthetics.

Treatment, of course, can be carried out, but it will be labor-intensive and in most cases useless. It will still need to be removed. We advise you to think carefully before starting treatment.

Irrigator device

The main device of the device is the same for different types and models and consists of:

  • Water reservoir. Some irrigators have their own reservoir, but there are also models that can be directly connected to tap water;
  • Reinforcing part. As a rule, to impart pressure to the supplied jet, a built-in electric pump or a mechanical pump button is used;
  • The nozzle is a divider. As a rule, this is a removable and replaceable element necessary for supplying a jet and performing certain tasks. Nozzles come in different types and are selected depending on the needs.

There are 6 types of attachments: standard, orthodontic, periodontal, implantation, tongue cleaner and nasal

How to floss

  • A part with a length of 20 to 30 centimeters is separated from the total skein.
  • A piece of thread is fixed between the fingers of two hands.
  • The stretched thread is inserted between the teeth and lowered with smooth movements to the gums.
  • Keeping the floss taut, make forward and backward movements.
  • Each new gap requires the use of a new section of thread.

Having examined both oral care products in detail, we can draw conclusions about whether an irrigator can replace dental floss .


Removal using laser. This method is gentle and allows you to preserve the enamel. The procedure is painless and does not harm the enamel. For example, when sandblasting your teeth, your gums may begin to bleed, but a laser will save you from this unpleasant moment.

NOTE: not every clinic provides such a service, and its cost cannot be called low. The price for laser therapy starts from 3 thousand rubles. in one session.

The photo shows laser deep cleaning of stones and plaque

Diagnosis of Priestley plaque on teeth

If darkening is detected on the enamel of a child’s teeth, you must contact a dental clinic.

The specialist will:


laser diagnostics to determine the depth and size of the lesion;

anamnesis collection.

After a conversation with the parent and child and collecting an anamnesis, the pediatric dentist will immediately prescribe treatment or conduct an additional examination. You should not neglect it - it is important for a specialist to find out why the child has black plaque on his teeth. Only after this will he be able to provide quality treatment.

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