Can pregnant women drink soda for heartburn? Pros and cons of using soda

While pregnant, women experience changes in their bodies. Sensitive and emotional expectant mothers already in the first weeks of pregnancy experience toxicosis, hormonal imbalance, and sudden mood swings. The growing fetus gradually begins to put pressure on the woman’s bladder and stomach. Heartburn and frequent urge to go to the toilet become companions for a pregnant woman.

It is believed that one of the most popular remedies for combating unpleasant symptoms is baking soda. It does not contain toxins and is always at hand. However, despite the harmlessness of the treatment method, it is worth considering whether it poses a threat to the health and life of the fetus?

A folk remedy during pregnancy is used to solve problems:

  • heartburn;
  • thrush;
  • throat diseases;
  • toothache;
  • when determining pregnancy.

Use for heartburn

Heartburn during pregnancy is common. A burning sensation and a sour taste in the mouth are familiar to many expectant mothers. A soda solution helps to quickly cope with the problem and eliminate unpleasant symptoms.

The effect of heartburn is weakened by a folk remedy that neutralizes acid, which is the source of fire in the chest. But is it safe to use the method during pregnancy? No!

Sodium bicarbonate, accumulating in the body, causes swelling and irritates the intestinal mucosa. The traditional method should be used only in rare cases.

It is important to prepare the medicinal drink correctly: add a couple of pinches of baking soda to a glass of milk. Afterwards, the resulting product should be drunk. The folk method extinguishes heartburn instantly. However, this is only apparent relief.

Does gargling with baking soda help?

To carry out the procedure, use ordinary baking soda, which is found in almost every kitchen. In terms of chemistry, it is the sodium acid salt of carbonic acid with the formula NaHCO3 (sodium bicarbonate)2.

Sodium bicarbonate, as an active ingredient, is in the register of medicines2. Indications for its use include acute infections of the upper respiratory tract and inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity2. It also describes its action and indicates how much soda is needed to gargle. However, it must nevertheless be recognized that as a means of local therapy for tonsillitis, pharyngitis and stomatitis, it is hopelessly outdated. Its mentions are rare and found in medical articles dating back to the last century. Experts who keep up with the times excluded it from their recommendations. Sodium bicarbonate is not only ineffective, but also not as safe as it might seem at first glance5.

Why shouldn't you use baking soda?

  1. Questionable effect. Statistics show that 90% of patients who turn to ENT doctors with pharyngitis independently and repeatedly gargle and, nevertheless, they had to resort to medical help5.
  2. Violation of natural defense mechanisms. The mucus produced by the glands of the pharynx performs a protective function. Microbes that get inside “get stuck” in mucus, lose their activity and partly die under the influence of biologically active substances - interferon, immunoglobulins, lysozyme and others. When rinsing, mucus is washed away, as a result of which the mucous membrane becomes dry, vulnerable and vulnerable to bacterial viruses5. From this point of view, it is probably better to use antiseptics for the procedure, which not only remove mucus, but also kill pathogenic microbes.
  3. Dryness of the pharyngeal mucosa. This is especially true for chronic pharyngitis, accompanied by thinning of the inner lining of the pharynx and decreased mucus secretion7. Sodium bicarbonate dries out the mucous membrane even more and thereby opens the entrance gates to bacteria that live in the upper respiratory tract and enter through the nose and mouth.
  4. Effect on stomach acidity. This mechanism is realized when the sodium acid salt of carbonic acid enters the stomach, which often happens in children who do not know how to gargle. By reacting with the hydrochloric acid of gastric juice, sodium bicarbonate literally immediately reduces the acidity of the stomach6. However, soon it not only recovers, but also becomes higher compared to the initial level. This is due to irritation and increased activity of acid-producing cells6. It is because of this that it is not used as an antacid, that is, a means to reduce stomach acidity6. Soda can be dangerous for people with hyperacid gastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcers, as well as for children with underdeveloped protective mechanisms of the digestive system6.
  5. During pregnancy. The specific taste of soda can provoke vomiting in pregnant women, which is associated with a physiological increase in the gag reflex. In addition, in late pregnancy, when many pregnant women suffer from heartburn, sodium carbonate entering the stomach can cause increased symptoms6.
  6. Acidosis. Of course, for the development of acidosis, that is, a violation of the acid-base state of the body, accompanied by acidification, you need to take much more soda orally than is needed for gargling. However, we cannot ignore this complication. Even a short-term shift in acid-base status in patients with renal failure can significantly worsen the condition2. In patients with heart disease, it provokes the appearance of edema and the development of heart failure2.

Self-medication is, in principle, dangerous to health, and taking into account all of the above, it is better to remove soda from the medicine cabinet and not use it even for adults. But the question deserves special attention: is it possible to gargle with soda for a child? Due to their age and lack of skills in performing the procedure, young children often swallow solutions5. They are at higher risk of developing sodium bicarbonate side effects than adults5. Special products have been created for children5 in the form of sprays with antiseptic and anti-inflammatory components - these are in the HEXORAL® line of drugs.

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Use for thrush

The appearance of thrush is an unpleasant surprise for every expectant mother. Drug treatment is contraindicated. Baking soda comes to the rescue. You won’t be able to forget about thrush with the help of a medicinal solution, but it will relieve severe itching. This method does not pose any threat to the fetus, so it can be safely used.

For douching, prepare the mixture: 1 tsp. dissolve soda in 200 ml of warm boiled water. However, it is important to consult a doctor before use.

Salt and soda - what are their benefits for the human body

Salt (sodium chloride) is used medicinally to treat many diseases. An excellent sorbent, it removes excess fluid from the body. And along with it all foreign and harmful substances: viruses, bacteria, etc. There is a method for treating many inflammatory diseases with salt dressings.

Soda (sodium carbonate) is also actively used in folk medicine. It dries out inflamed areas of the skin and mucous membranes, and relieves swelling.

Sodium carbonate and chloride have a positive effect in the treatment of throat inflammations of various natures, including in pregnant women.

Use for throat diseases

During pregnancy, the expectant mother's immunity decreases. Therefore, there is a risk of influenza, ARVI, and colds. Most medications are prohibited. An excellent option for treating the disease is a soda solution. This method is extremely beneficial, so it can be safely used.

To prepare a medicinal solution, add 1-2 tsp to 250 ml of warm boiled water. baking soda. The resulting product can be used to rinse the mouth for sore throat, laryngitis, pharyngitis, and stomatitis.

It is important to consult a doctor before starting treatment.

General principles of rinsing

Its undoubted advantage is the lack of systemic action. The components of the solutions are practically not absorbed, do not penetrate into the general bloodstream, and do not affect the functioning of the organs and systems of the body3,4. This allows the procedure to be used not only in the treatment of adults, but also in children and pregnant women3.

The generally accepted local procedure has a versatile effect.

  1. Mechanical cleansing of the mucous membrane. More precisely, its disposal of pathogenic microorganisms, mucus and pus, which contains pathogens and toxins formed as a result of their vital activity 3.4. By the way, this basically limits the effect when gargling with soda for a child or adult.
  2. Antiseptic effect. Pharmaceutical preparations contain components that have a detrimental effect on most bacteria, viruses and fungi, which most often cause diseases of the pharynx and oral cavity4,5.
  3. Creating conditions unfavorable for the proliferation of microbes. The normal acidity of human body tissues ranges from pH 7.32 to 7.45, which corresponds to an alkaline environment. Inflammation, especially purulent inflammation, is accompanied by acidification of tissues and a decrease in pH to 6.5-5.39, which contributes to the further development of infection1. Many rinses alkalize the environment and create conditions unfavorable for the development of viruses and bacteria1, but the majority of drugs inhibit the growth of bacteria due to the action of their antiseptic component3.4.
  4. Pain relief. Of course, when gargling with baking soda, you can’t really count on relieving a sore throat. But the use of pharmaceutical preparations specially designed for this purpose, containing local anesthetics, can significantly alleviate suffering3,4.
  5. Reducing signs of inflammation. The action of the medicine leads to a decrease in swelling, pain and redness of the inflamed mucous membrane. At the same time, discomfort in the oral cavity, sore throat and cough caused by irritation of the receptors of the upper respiratory tract are reduced.
  6. Thinning mucus and making it easier to expectorate4. Some solutions dilute sputum by shifting the pH of mucus to the alkaline side, others contain special components that reduce the viscosity of mucus and thereby facilitate its removal4.5.

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Use for toothache

Often pregnant women face the problem of a toothache. The first thing you should do is make an appointment with the dentist. However, not every expectant mother has this opportunity. A folk remedy will help get rid of discomfort.

To solve the problem, you should prepare a solution: 1 tbsp. add 2 tsp warm boiled water. soda Rinse your mouth thoroughly with the resulting solution until the unpleasant symptoms disappear.

To reduce the risk of toothache, it is important for a woman to carefully monitor oral hygiene. However, toothache does not harm either the expectant mother or the child, but it negatively affects the emotional state of the pregnant woman.

Sore throat in the first trimester of pregnancy


Sore throat is a dangerous disease, especially for children and pregnant women in the first months. It is easier to prevent a disease than to cure it. Preventive effects and strengthening the immune system are the first important steps that need to be implemented. A sore throat in the first trimester of pregnancy can cause the loss of a child, so it is necessary to take all measures that will help the body protect itself from the virus.

How to avoid a sore throat:

  • do not talk to patients; in addition, it is necessary to use individual personal hygiene products
  • wash your hands with an antibacterial agent
  • during an attack of the population by the flu, you need to lubricate your nose , and before going to bed, gargle with herbal infusions that can be used
  • take vitamin complexes and take multivitamins for a month, intended for pregnant women
  • ventilate the room often
  • disinfect the air in your home using aromatic eucalyptus oils
  • use a humidifier when heating with artificial radiators

Consequences of sore throat in the first trimester of pregnancy

Improper treatment contributes to the rapid spread of infection throughout the body. For a woman in this position, it is dangerous because it causes the loss of a child. The impact of infection on the development of the fetus is manifested by certain complications, for example: bleeding from the uterus , oxygen starvation, infection of the placenta.

The most dangerous disease is in the first three months of pregnancy , when the main process of formation of the baby’s body takes place. After the period when all the child’s organs have formed, the infection can no longer cause gross malformations in development and cause premature birth .

How to cure a sore throat during pregnancy

Eliminating a sore throat in an expectant mother is a rather complicated process, since it eliminates the use of chemical medications. Initially, you need to contact a specialist who will help you be treated in the most gentle way. It is possible to gargle, which will help eliminate redness of the throat and unpleasant pain. Washing alone is not enough; it is necessary to carry out antibiotic therapy

If it is not possible to visit a specialist, you must do the following:

  • provide bed rest
  • eat foods rich in minerals and vitamins
  • drink a lot of liquids - compotes, fruit drinks, juices
  • lower fever without medication
  • gargle with herbal infusions

During pregnancy , it is unacceptable to use Aspirin, Yox, as well as Stopangin, tinctures of calendula and propolis for rinsing. Lozenges for sore throat have no effect and are practically contraindicated for use during pregnancy .

Safe medications include:

  • chamomile, which has an anti-inflammatory effect
  • miramistin, which does not pass through the placenta to the baby. Gargling for sore throat can be done with this drug.
  • a good treatment is tea tree oil, which helps relieve sore throat

In some cases, you can use traditional medicine, but only as directed by a specialist and with his permission. The main thing when treating a sore throat is to follow the doctor’s and be under his constant supervision.

Published in Pregnancy and pregnancy management Premium Clinic

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