Removal of the parotid salivary gland preserving the facial nerve
Causes of salivary gland cancer and risk groups Symptoms of the disease Diagnostic methods Classification: types of cancer
Splat toothpaste: range, manufacturer, composition and beneficial properties
Features of the composition The composition of the product is divided into synthetic and natural. The first type includes the following
Why do red dots appear on the gums and palate?
The palate is one of the important elements of the oral cavity, thanks to which a person performs speech and
Xylitol for child's dental health
Xylitol (xylitol) - what is it? Benefits and harms, recommendations for use
When visiting a pediatric dentist, parents most often ask questions about how to prevent
Catalog of Nobel Biocare system abutments for dental implantation
The success of dental implantation consists of two main components - quality materials and professional work
Pain after wisdom tooth removal
How is Lincomycin used in dentistry?
Lincomycin is a broad-spectrum antibiotic. And if we take into account the diversity of microflora in the oral cavity,
wisdom tooth hurts
What to do if your wisdom tooth and nearby gums are sick?
Symptoms Causes Indications for removal When the tooth is saved When to consult a doctor Possible complications
Doctor and patient
Are you experiencing reflux of bile into the esophagus? Find out about causes and treatment
During the normal digestive process, bile is involved in the breakdown of fats, proteins and carbohydrates that accumulate
Rating of electric toothbrushes 2022 - TOP 10 best models price and quality
I’m so lazy to brush my teeth sometimes - I fiddled with the brush a couple of times and that’s it.
Toothpaste for periodontal disease and bleeding gums
From this article you will learn: the best toothpaste for bleeding gums, selection of toothpastes
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