Bracket system
Teeth with braces are loose. Problem or pattern?
Sometimes, after installing braces, a person notices that his teeth have become too mobile. Many people start
Oral B brush heads
Oral B toothbrushes: review and description of brush heads Oral - B
Have you become the proud owner of such a useful device as an electric toothbrush? Then you know
The tonsil hurts on one side: how to treat it if the tonsil is swollen and inflamed |
Causes of throat swelling The choice of treatment tactics is closely related to the cause of throat swelling. She can
how to make sodium tetraborate
What is sodium tetraborate and how to make slime based on it? Lots of great easy recipes
Why is sodium tetraborate dangerous? Sodium tetraborate, which is used in the manufacture of slimes, is
Normalization of nasal breathing function in infants. New approaches
Regurgitation is the reflux of a small amount of gastric contents or gastric juice up the esophagus,
A child grinds his teeth in his sleep: is it worms? And what other reasons are there?
Teeth grinding (bruxism) is a common problem in children and a cause of concern for parents. This
Acute rheumatic fever
Enterovirus infection in children and adults: signs, treatment
How chickenpox begins and develops Chickenpox is an acute infectious disease characterized by abundant
Electrophoresis with calcium
Electrophoresis procedure. Indications and contraindications.
Electrophoresis is a type of physiotherapeutic procedure that is used to treat various diseases. During
influence of nutrition on dental health
"Forbidden." 10 foods that are enemies of tooth enamel
Doctor's consultation When it comes to the oral cavity, the expression “you are what you eat”
Face turns blue
Blue lips and bruises. How do dangerous diseases manifest themselves in children?
When there is a lack of oxygen in the tissues, the skin turns blue. While applying a tight bandage to
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