Experts reveal which toothpaste should not be used to brush your teeth

Author of the article:

Soldatova Lyudmila Nikolaevna

Candidate of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Clinical Dentistry of the St. Petersburg Medical and Social Institute, Chief Physician of the Alfa-Dent Dental Clinic, St. Petersburg

Gums are the mucous membrane of the oral cavity, the main purpose of which is to protect the teeth, and in particular, their roots and necks from various infections and bacteria. In the process of life, human gums are exposed to various damages and diseases. Why is this happening?

Causes of oral diseases

Diseases of the oral mucosa can be caused by:

  • improper oral care: over time, plaque appears on the teeth, due to which bacteria begin to multiply on them, which ultimately leads to the formation of tartar and, as a result, inflammatory gum diseases;
  • weak immunity: a weakened immune system is unable to prevent the proliferation of bacteria;
  • viruses: an organism weakened by infection is more susceptible to the effects of pathogenic bacteria;
  • decreased salivation: people who do not produce enough saliva are more susceptible to gum disease, since it is saliva that effectively cleans teeth of bacterial plaque;
  • Vitamin deficiency: If a person does not take enough vitamins from food, this can ultimately lead to the development of certain oral diseases;
  • smoking: people who smoke cigarettes develop inflammatory gum diseases more often than those who do not have this bad habit;
  • hormonal changes: gum disease is quite often diagnosed in pregnant women and in those who take hormonal medications for any reason;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • crowns and fillings that are placed incorrectly and injure the gums;
  • diabetes;
  • diseases of the heart, blood vessels and gastrointestinal tract.

The best toothpastes for periodontal disease

Gum disease and periodontitis are considered common causes of tooth loss in adulthood. Compliance with good oral hygiene plays a key role in their prevention and treatment. Toothpastes with ingredients that relieve the symptoms of gingivitis and prevent its recurrence can help.

The best toothpastes for periodontal disease:

Pomorin Antiparodontosis

Strengthening toothpaste is intended for people with periodontitis, exposed tooth necks and bleeding gums. Effectively protects and strengthens teeth by removing dirt, plaque and bacteria. The composition includes minerals, enzymes, various bioactive components and micro-algae. The paste protects against caries and helps reduce swelling and symptoms of gingivitis. A regenerating product that quickly and strongly strengthens gums and teeth. Removes pigmentation, tartar and gently cleanses. Thanks to regular use, you can notice a significant improvement in the condition of the oral cavity and the retreat of caries.

Actionhygiene, restoration, toning
Volume, ml100
Classificationmass market
Manufacturer countryBulgaria


  • composition with unique components;
  • cleans well;
  • treats periodontal disease;
  • minimum consumption;
  • foams well.


  • taste is not for everyone;
  • relatively expensive.

Review: “The gums began to bleed severely, and after treatment the dentist advised me to buy pomorin paste. A very good product for oral hygiene. Cleans perfectly, low consumption. It is good for the gums and does not irritate them. Personally, the salty taste bothers me a little, but you can get used to it. The price and quality of the pasta are excellent.”

Asepta Parodontal Active

Toothpaste provides effective teeth cleaning and significantly improves long-term gum health. Reduces swelling and bleeding associated with gingivitis. The active ingredients are extracts of St. John's wort, sage and calendula. The drug has antibacterial properties, helps strengthen and protect teeth and gums. In addition, it has a whitening effect, removes plaque, tartar and other discolorations, and modulates and activates the dental strengthening system. The product is recommended for use by people suffering from bleeding gums.

Actiontherapeutic and prophylactic, cleansing
Volume, ml75
Manufacturer countryRussia


  • blocks sensitivity;
  • relieves inflammation;
  • cleans well;
  • eliminates bleeding;
  • pleasant taste.


  • foams slightly;
  • does not freshen breath well.

Review: “Toothpaste for periodontal disease, which not only cleans teeth well, but also soothes the oral cavity. The taste is herbal, this is not a problem for me, it foams well, cleans teeth perfectly and treats all inflammations of the gums and mouth. The taste is delicate, not like most pastes that feel burning in the mouth. I will buy and continue to use.”

Biorepair Paradontgel Plus

This is a toothpaste based on active microparticles of biomimetic hydroxyapatite microRepair, which in structure resemble the particles present on the surface of teeth. They are able to penetrate microdamages in teeth, restore enamel and close exposed dentinal tubules. Designed for daily protection against gingivitis. Thanks to the content of hyaluronic acid, it supports tissue healing, moisturizing and protecting the oral mucosa. The paste contains lactoferrin, which prevents the growth of bacteria.

Volume, ml75
Manufacturer countryItaly


  • commercial availability;
  • effective result;
  • soft taste;
  • eliminates bleeding;
  • is used sparingly;
  • blocks sensitivity.


  • Expensive;
  • individual intolerance

Review: “Toothpaste for periodontal disease was tested on my sensitive teeth, and I bought it for the whole family. Huge difference after 8 days of using the product, I recommend it! Fluoride-free paste, pleasant taste and very good preventive effect.”

How gum disease manifests itself

The insidiousness of oral diseases is manifested in the fact that at the initial stage they are practically asymptomatic, and pronounced signs appear only after the disease enters the active phase.

What you should pay attention to in order not to miss the onset of the disease:

  • redness of the gums;
  • bleeding, which can occur both during brushing your teeth and while chewing solid food or during microtrauma, for example, from a fish bone;
  • swelling: manifests itself already during the development of the disease;
  • bad breath: in some cases this sign indicates the development of the disease, and in others it may be the only sign of gum disease.

Rating of toothpastes for bleeding gums

Many people struggle with the problem of sore, swollen and bleeding gums. This should not be underestimated because such symptoms can cause oral inflammation as well as periodontal disease. Any gum problems should be treated. It is best to prevent this type of ailment by practicing good oral hygiene and eating a healthy diet.

The TOP best toothpastes for bleeding gums include:

Forest balm

Preventative toothpaste against gum disease is ideal for gingivitis and can be used as an effective antibacterial defense. Thanks to antiseptic substances, it inhibits the growth of bacteria that cause periodontal disease and prevents tooth decay. Contains a decoction of medicinal herbs with oak bark extract and a complex of coniferous plants. The product has a pine smell and taste, gently cleanses the enamel without scratching it, effectively removes plaque and accelerates the regeneration of irritated gums. Designed for people who struggle with irritated and bleeding gums.

Actionhygiene, caries prevention
Volume, ml75
Manufacturer countryRussia


  • affordable price;
  • therapeutic effect;
  • eliminates bleeding;
  • strengthens gums;
  • natural composition.


  • specific taste;
  • not very refreshing.

Review: “I started using the paste when my gums began to bleed, and I still use it as a preventive measure. I'm used to the taste, it foams normally and is refreshing. The main thing is that the gums are now healthy and strengthened. The cheap price, efficiency and economical consumption are the main attractions.”

Sensodyne Gum Health

Toothpaste for bleeding gums is intended for people with hypersensitive teeth. The product creates a protective layer on vulnerable areas, effectively relieving the problem of hypersensitivity. Detects and removes plaque bacteria to reduce gum problems. Contains active components that protect against caries, have anti-inflammatory properties, revitalize and regenerate gum tissue, bring comfort and relief. Recommended by dentists for the prevention of gum and periodontal diseases (including bleeding, gingivitis, periodontal disease).

Actionhygiene, strengthening gums and enamel
Volume, ml75
Classificationmass market
Manufacturer countrySlovakia


  • pleasant mint taste;
  • minimum consumption;
  • cleans plaque well;
  • Smoothness on teeth remains for a long time;
  • blocks sensitivity.


  • does not foam well;
  • refreshes for a short time.

Review: “I recently experienced pain in my teeth when I drank cold or hot, or ate sweets. I saw Sensodyne paste in an advertisement and decided to try it. To be honest, I didn’t expect much effect, but the paste really works. After about two weeks of use, I noticed that the sensitivity went away and the bleeding of the gums decreased. Anyone who suffers from the same problem as me, try it, maybe it will work for you too.”

SPLAT Professional Medicinal herbs

This professional product protects teeth and gums from inflammation, makes your breath fresh, and your smile radiant and healthy. The texture of the gel is green thanks to natural plant extracts: sage, chamomile and hawthorn. The product cares for the mucous membranes and protects them from the effects of bacteria. Calcium mineralizes enamel, increases its density and strengthens it. On the other hand, fluoride ions remove plaque from teeth, leaving the surface smooth. Geranium essential oils eliminate unpleasant odors. The product has an antibacterial effect and helps maintain healthy microflora in the mouth.

Volume, ml40, 100
Classificationmiddle market
Manufacturer countryRussia


  • low price;
  • comfortable tube;
  • minimum consumption;
  • foams well;
  • eliminates bleeding gums.


  • weakly freshens breath;
  • specific taste.

Review: “The paste was recommended by the dentist, and this is one of my favorite toothpastes - gels for cleaning teeth and gums. Perfect quality product. Takes care of oral hygiene, treats gums and cleans teeth well. I am very pleased that the product is from a domestic manufacturer and at an affordable price.”

Treatment of gum diseases

If you find yourself with at least one of these signs, it is better not to hesitate, but to immediately seek qualified help from a dental clinic. As a rule, after diagnosing any gum disease, the doctor prescribes comprehensive treatment. It involves the use of special balms, gels, ointments and rinses, sometimes taking antibiotics, and in the most serious cases, surgery.


Many dentists recommend that their patients who have gum problems use special ointments after brushing their teeth. At the initial stage of inflammatory diseases of the mucous membrane, this is one of the most effective remedies.

All ointments for gums have a complex effect, eliminating several symptoms at once.

Ointments help:

  • relieve inflammation of the oral mucosa;
  • reduce itching;
  • anesthetize;
  • kill bacteria;
  • reduce bleeding.

The advantage of ointments is that they quickly penetrate the mucosal tissue and begin their therapeutic effect. In addition, they can be purchased in pharmacies without a prescription and used independently at home. Moreover, the ointments are suitable for almost all patients and do not cause side effects.

The only drawback of these drugs is that they do not adhere well to the mucous membrane, and as a result are easily swallowed or spit out.

A qualified dentist will help you choose a specific ointment, depending on the symptoms of mucosal inflammation and the severity of the disease.

Today you can buy ointments for gums in pharmacies. Typically, they should be used two to three times a day for two weeks. To do this, apply a small amount of ointment to a cotton pad and apply it to the inflamed area of ​​the gum. If after half a month there are no visible improvements, you should visit a dental clinic.

Balms for teeth and gums: rules of use

The modern drug market offers various balms that differ from each other in composition and cost.

Most balms contain various antiseptic and anti-inflammatory components, extracts of medicinal herbs.

Doctors usually prescribe the use of gum balms to those patients diagnosed with gingivitis, periodontitis or stomatitis, both acute and chronic. And also for trophic ulcers.

Modern balms can be used both as a medicinal and as a prophylactic agent. In both cases, dentists recommend a ten-day course. Apply the balm to the gums in the morning and evening.

Thanks to the use of balms, you can provide reliable protection to your gums and teeth, reduce their sensitivity and get rid of bleeding.

How to use gum balms correctly:

  • clean the oral cavity and remove soft plaque and deposits on the teeth;
  • Before using the drug, rinse your mouth thoroughly;
  • thoroughly dry the mucous membrane using gauze or a cotton swab;
  • apply balm to gums;
  • wait at least half an hour before eating or drinking.

As a rule, the vast majority of patients tolerate gum balms well. Allergic reactions are possible only in very rare cases, if a person has an individual intolerance to one of the components of the drug.

Asepta gum balm

Asepta antimicrobial gum balm, which recently appeared on the market, has already earned high praise from both dentists and patients.

Due to the fact that it contains metronidazole and chlorhexidine, the drug perfectly fights against anaerobic bacteria, lipophilic viruses and pathogens, and menthol and mint oils generally have a bactericidal effect. Thus, the peculiarity of the Asepta balm is that it not only eliminates symptoms, but also fights the diseases themselves.

Many dentists, speaking about the drug "Asepta", pay attention to its adhesive base. Thanks to it, the balm applied to the oral mucosa remains on it for at least an hour, and all this time it acts on the inflamed area.

The balm can be used for both medicinal and preventive purposes, as it can prevent the development of various inflammatory diseases. For prevention, it is recommended to use Asepta 2-3 times a year in ten-day courses.

The product is not recommended for pregnant and lactating women, as well as for those who have an individual intolerance to the drug.

The best pastes to strengthen gums

The gums are the part of the jaw that holds the teeth together and allows them to grow and nourish. The condition of the gums and teeth is an inseparable concept; if one part suffers, this is reflected in the second. For this reason, it is important to take care of healthy gums by practicing good oral hygiene. Medicines and toothpastes for gum health available on the pharmaceutical market are designed to help in this process, which can be successfully used daily at home.

The best toothpastes for strengthening teeth and gums:

Levrana Strengthening gums

This natural toothpaste does not contain fluoride, provides effective oral care for problems with bleeding gums, preventing the development of periodontitis. Natural cleaning ingredients promote effective and gentle removal of plaque. The paste is rich in sea buckthorn plant extract, strengthens the gums, and treats inflammation of the mucous membrane. Chamomile oil strengthens blood vessels and periodontal tissues, reduces bleeding gums. Aloe vera juice – relieves and prevents recurrence of inflammation, soothes toothache.

Actionhygiene, gum strengthening
Volume, ml75
Manufacturer countryRussia


  • the mint taste is not pronounced;
  • fresh aroma;
  • good composition;
  • healing effect;
  • jelly-like consistency;
  • It is used sparingly.


  • foams slightly;
  • individual intolerance.

Review: “The only medicinal toothpaste for gums that I chose among many others with a natural composition. Pleasant consistency, doesn’t foam much, but I’m used to it, gives a delicate refreshing aroma. The gums are strengthened, and slight bleeding has disappeared. I highly recommend!”

Forest balm Self-healing

Protective toothpaste for strengthening gums provides complete oral care thanks to a high concentration of biologically active components. Antiseptic and fir extract protects the user from the growth of bacteria in the mouth, which provoke a wide variety of diseases. The product contains a special formula created for the daily prevention and treatment of inflammation, bleeding gums and periodontitis. Effectively cleanses, strengthens gums and teeth, protects from damage. Aloe vera juice soothes gums and relieves pain in sensitive teeth.

Actionrestoration, cleansing
Volume, ml75
Classificationmass market
Manufacturer countryRussia


  • has a healing effect;
  • reduces tooth sensitivity;
  • cleans well;
  • delicate consistency;
  • pleasant taste.


  • foams a lot;
  • ugly color;
  • slightly refreshing.

Review: “I started using this paste during pregnancy, when my gums began to bleed slightly, I liked it and now I will use it constantly. It is gentle on the gums and effective. A small amount is enough for intensive teeth cleaning. The paste protects teeth from caries, tastes good, and is inexpensive.”

Perioe Bamboo Salt

Toothpaste for gums contains pearl extract and bamboo salt. Prevents and reduces the symptoms of sensitive teeth, makes teeth white and strong. Thanks to delicate cleaning particles, it keeps the mouth clean and fresh, protects against the formation of caries and gum disease. Helps eliminate unpleasant odors, improves aesthetic appearance, preventing erosion of tooth enamel. Hydroxyapatite fills microcracks on the surface of teeth, eliminates pain, and supports the natural healing process of damaged tissue.

Actionhygiene, whitening, strengthening
Volume, ml120
Manufacturer countryKorea


  • foams well;
  • improves gum condition;
  • is used sparingly;
  • good quality;
  • eliminates bleeding.


  • salty taste;
  • not sold everywhere.

Review: “The paste does its job perfectly. Ideal for sensitive teeth. It turned out to be very effective for me, it helped eliminate bleeding gums. Optimal packaging volume at a reasonable price, I recommend it.”

ROCS Bionics

This paste is recommended to be used to strengthen teeth and gums, as well as get rid of sensitivity, gingivitis and bleeding. The product contains active components with pronounced healing and anti-inflammatory properties. It soothes redness that occurs when teeth or gums become inflamed. High concentration of plant extracts eliminates pathogenic bacteria. Mineral salts, in combination with calcium glycerophosphate, protect teeth from caries, relieve hypersensitivity and activate metabolic processes in the periodontium.

Volume, ml60
Manufacturer countryRussia


  • carries out remineralization of teeth;
  • eliminates bleeding;
  • plant composition;
  • can be used for children;
  • It is used sparingly.


  • specific taste;
  • slightly refreshing.

Review: “Very good herbal paste. Works great with a sonic toothbrush, but the specific taste takes some getting used to. After using it, the bleeding went away.”

Prevention of inflammatory diseases of the oral mucosa

To protect yourself from the occurrence of inflammatory gum diseases, first of all you need to pay due attention to hygiene procedures. Brush your teeth regularly, using the right toothbrush, and remove food residues with toothpicks and dental floss after each snack.

In addition, you need to pay special attention to the foods you eat. So, the following are good for gums:

  • raw fruits and vegetables;
  • foods high in vitamin C;
  • dairy products and greens, which contain vitamin K, which helps increase the tone of the vascular wall in the gums and reduce their bleeding;
  • hard cheeses: due to the calcium content, regular consumption of cheeses strengthens gums and teeth;
  • red wine: tannins and antioxidants present in it have a healing effect;
  • fish and various seafood: the phosphorus contained in them perfectly strengthens the gums;
  • garlic and onions: zinc, which is present in them in large quantities, prevents the occurrence of inflammatory processes on the gums.

Do not forget that prevention of diseases will prevent their occurrence.

Rules for choosing the best toothpaste for gum health

When choosing toothpaste for gums, special attention should be paid to its composition:

  • Chlorhexidine is a desirable component. This ingredient fights unpleasant symptoms and prevents their occurrence in the future. Pastes with this substance are effective because they prevent the deposition of plaque and have anti-inflammatory properties. As a result, they can be used to treat gingivitis and even late stages of periodontal disease. Chlorhexidine reduces the number of bacteria in saliva by up to 95% and also prevents their growth on the surface of the enamel. The product has a long duration of action. The gums are still protected after brushing your teeth.
  • Pastes containing amine fluoride and stannous fluoride are equally effective. They target the cause of gingivitis, not just the symptoms. This guarantees an immediate anti-caries and antibacterial effect.
  • Herbal pastes containing extracts of sage or chamomile have proven themselves on the positive side. They are suitable for the treatment of gingivitis, which is manifested by bleeding.

Currently, the compositions of toothpastes are selected in such a way as to provide comprehensive oral care in terms of strengthening enamel, removing deposits and freshening breath. However, there are many ways to achieve the goal; the market offers both whitening toothpastes with hydroxyapatite and natural formulations with antibacterial, soothing and brightening properties. The different consistencies, gels, creams with polishing particles, variety of flavors and richness of ingredients ensure that there is something for everyone. The rating includes worthy compounds for any purpose that involves treatment or prevention of gums.

Clinical researches

Repeated clinical studies have proven that the use of ASEPTA adhesive gum balm for a week can reduce gum bleeding by 51% and reduce inflammation by 50%.


  1. The use of adhesive balm "Asepta®" in the treatment of inflammatory periodontal diseases L.Yu. OREKHOVA*, Dr. med. Sciences, Professor, Head of Department V.V. CHPP**, Dr. med. Sciences, Professor, Head of Department S.B. ULITOVSKY*, Dr. med. Sciences, Professor A.A. LEONTIEV*, dentist A.A. DOMORAD**, O.M. YAKOVLEV** SPbSMU named after. acad. I.P. Pavlova, St. Petersburg - *Department of Therapeutic Dentistry, **Department of Microbiology
  2. The effectiveness of the use of Asept “adhesive balm” and Asept “gel with propolis” in the treatment of chronic generalized periodontitis and gingivitis in the acute stage (Municipal Dental Clinic No. 4, Bryansk, Kaminskaya T. M. Head of the therapeutic department Kaminskaya Tatyana Mikhailovna MUZ City Dental Clinic No. 4, Bryansk
  3. Report on clinical trials of anti-inflammatory balm for gums "Asepta" adhesive, St. Petersburg State Medical University, 2007
  4. Report on determining/confirming the preventive properties of commercially produced personal oral hygiene products: Asepta toothpaste used in combination with Asepta mouthwash and Asepta gum balm Head. Department of PFS Doctor of Medical Sciences Professor S.B. Ulitovsky St. Petersburg State Medical University named after Academician I.P. Pavlova. Faculty of Dentistry. Department of Preventive Dentistry.

How to strengthen teeth and gums with folk remedies

Due to inflammation, gum disease and other problems in the oral cavity, the connection between the teeth and the periodontium can be disrupted, as a result of which the teeth begin to become loose and their roots are exposed. To prevent them from becoming exposed, loosening or falling out, weakened gums need to be strengthened. Traditional recipes can help with this.

There are many popular recipes for improving the condition of teeth and gums, but choosing the most suitable treatment options is necessary only after visiting a dentist and making an accurate diagnosis. The most popular recipes are:

  1. Rinse with saline solution. You need to dissolve a tablespoon of sea salt in a glass of water and rinse your mouth for several minutes. A solution of sea salt perfectly cleans teeth from plaque and has an antiseptic effect.
  2. Applying grated potatoes or a piece of fresh aloe to problem areas of the gums effectively relieves inflammation.
  3. Rinse with pharmaceutical preparations. Rinsing with alcohol tincture of propolis diluted with water is very useful. Propolis is considered healing, as it contains a whole complex of useful substances and has a general strengthening effect.
  4. A paste made from a mixture of hydrogen peroxide, salt and lemon juice when applied to the gums reduces inflammation.
  5. If there is no bleeding in the mouth and severe inflammation, you can massage the gums using clean fingertips. This strengthens and improves blood supply to the gums.
  6. Gargling with herbal decoctions is a very effective way to strengthen teeth and gums. Decoctions of sage, oak bark, and chamomile have a strong anti-inflammatory effect, cleanse and provide the oral cavity with essential microelements. Essential oils of eucalyptus, tea tree, and mint work in the same way. The required number of drops must be dissolved in boiled water and used as herbal decoctions.

It must be remembered that to achieve a noticeable effect you need to be patient. Any of the remedies should be used regularly and for a sufficiently long time. Single procedures do not bring the expected results.

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